The Forsaken
"We are free of the Lich King...forever!"
Led by the undead Sylvanas Windrunner, the Forsaken is a collection of undead who were freed from the Lich King when he was under siege by the Eye of Sargeras used by Illidan. Since they will never be able to regain living form, their ultimate goal is to topple the Scourge. But past will often tell that there is more than meets the eye.
Will you fulfill your duty and serve the Banshee Queen?
"We will find our own path in this world...and slaughter anyone who stands in our way!"
Once the Ranger-General of Silvermoon, Sylvanas is now the leader of the Forsaken. With her military genius and ruthlessness, she is an enemy to be feared...and a leader to be respected. She will crush all those in her path and do what is necessary to accomplish her goals.
"Join me, or die"
A dreadlord of the Burning Legion, he was enslaved by Sylvanas when he and his fellow bretheren were defeated by the Forsaken. Now he serves his Banshee Queen with the upmost loyalty...
"Now, all can see this is the hour of the Forsaken"
One of the most brilliant apothecaries, Putress has worked on many of the most horrific projects of the Forsaken. Poisons, diseases, among other things, are his specialties. Power is what he seeks, and destruction is what he leaves in his wake.
The Forgotten Shadow: The true philosophy of the Dark Lady and the Forsaken, it has finally taken hold of all Forsaken. They now practice it diligently and wish to carry out the Dark Lady's will. New units, upgrades, and abilities will be available.
Echoes of Lordaeron: When Arthas returned to his father's kingdom of Lordaeron, he killed and tortured countless souls with his betrayal. Now they wait in sorrow in the depths of the broken down Undercity. Yet, Sylvanas has taken advantage of this and commands them. New units are available while a passive ability is applied to original units. Also, a ranged attack is applied to all buildings.
Plague of Unbridled Vengeance: For years the Forsaken have been attempting to perfect a plague that would not raise the dead into undeath, but rather eradicated all forms of life, both dead and living. They have finally succeeded. With the creation of this new deadly plague, new siege units, upgrades, and a new alliance will be available. However, Sylvanas will be lost.
***More to come!!