Map Development: The Scourging of Azeroth

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Level 2
Jun 12, 2011
Lol, thanks for considering it, a possible way to connect it is that once allied either Cairne or Baine gets Cenarius' horn from the night elves (Soz I cant remember what happened to the horn) and the Taurens have to reach the highest point in Azeroth, Storm Peaks, and be there at night, they then use the horn to called for Elune and then they are giving the buff or are given tauren druids to recruit. (or night elf ones.)
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
@Takakenjii: Okay, I will take that into consideration, thanks!!
@Da Troll: Could you give me an example? Like point out the picture/s and the sharp parts? Thanks :)
@dwarf guardian: oh interesting....i like that idea. having to travel some place far to gain the reward...ill keep thinking like this. i like the concept behind it =)

Hey guys, I saw last night that I had the Fel Orc Death Knight unit, and I remember reading that they came into being when the horde had killed sufficient numbers of alliance cavalry and used their corpses (along with warlock souls) to create the death knights. I was thinking of making some requirement where the Illidari have to kill 10 of any cavalry unit (can be Argent Dawn Knights, Stormwind Cavalrymen, Orcish Riders, Night Elf Huntresses, etc.). Once that is done, then they can train Fel Orc Death Knights. What do you guys think?
Level 2
Jun 12, 2011
Another Suggestion, dont know if this has been mentioned before, but the blood elves are only blood elves because of their lost power source, the sunwell, it had to be destroyed because the ressurrection of Kel'Thuzard tainted it, the sunwells power is now being stored in Anveena Teague. If you reach her, who is standing next to the original sunwell, she will agree to give the powers back to the sunwell, sacrificing herself, to create the High Elves Return Mastery, where if researched, will make all units have an increased mana regeneration and the new protectorate of the sunwell Hauldron Brightwing the Ranger General, a usuable Hero.

Hope this is useful because I realised there were no blood elf masteries :p
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
@Deolrin: Youre right actually...I should probably rename them as Illidari Death Knights or something. I got the idea from the WC2 death knights: which means that they actually aren't fel orcs but humans with necromancer/warlock souls....which seems to me to mean that 'Illidari Death Knight' > 'Fel Orc Death Knight' :) solely a name change tho, not really a mechanic change
@dwarf guardian: Ohh, I see what you mean. Yet, I was considering something for the Blood Elves along those lines. I was considering it to be an event rather than a Mastery....but I was thinking of having the Sunwell provide 2 different events (1 event related to using the Sunwell to summon Kil'Jaeden and become Fel-Elves and the other to restore the Sunwell and return to High-Elf days)
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
Well restoring the sunwell doesn't mean blood elves become high elves, they already have too much corruption, there is no going back I don't think, just like green orcs can't become brown orcs, and fel orcs cannot become green orcs again (Grommash was only a Chaos orc for a short period of time which is why he could return!). But I definatly agree it should grant a really nice global hp/mana regen thing but Halduron should already be a hero, so maybe it can grant somebody else?

Also are you going to make it so Teron can be rezed from the dead after killing his death knights like in that wow quest?
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
True true. They would just stay blood elves but gain some percs (such as the global buff that you stated). I do not know much about Halduron, I will have to look into him.

Possibly! Should that be for the first time he would become a hero, or after he is killed that is an option to bring him back? I am thinking the ladder.
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
Well Halduron is like the Sylvanas of Azeroth Wars, he is the leader of all the Rangers, he was appointed by Lor'Themar (cause their all friends!) so I'm thinking he should stay that way. TBH I am really not sure what hero the elves would get :eek:, but perhaps the Sunwell isn't a mastery, but Belves can get it anyway for that buff...? Or if is a mastery maybe give the them the Blood Knight hero leader because she becomes the new "Guardian" of the Sun Well, that or the Belf leader of the Scryers. Also perhaps 3 of the masterys for belves could be, a) go wretched, b) go fel bloods, and c) sunwell or something else?
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Oh yeah, I dont think that Halduron would be a starting hero for the Blood Elves, considering they start in Outland and Halduron is not in Outland with Kael'thas.
As of right now, the Blood Elves would start with the heroes Kael'thas and Pathaleon. What I probably would do is that there would be 3 different Masteries that would grant something (buffs, units, whatever) and allow the respective event to occur. For example, they could go like this:
Arcanic Depravity: The Blood Elves take another step down the road of their arcane addiction. As a result, their manaforges become more powerful to harness more arcane energy as well as their attack speed and movement speed is increased so they can more easily satisfy their addiction. (also allows them to engage in the event to become Wretched).
Addiction in New Form: As of recently, the blood elves have been attempting to satisfy their arcane addiction. In their search, they came across a corrupted version of arcane energy that satisfies their hunger...fel energy. Their mana pool and regeneration increases as well as gain a building that produces demons to be harvested. (also allows them to call upon Kil'Jaeden to become Felbloods)
(something for sunwell stuff along similar format)

kinda like that, ya know?
Level 2
Apr 21, 2012
Do you plan on doing anything with the Sha'tar and Halaa, or are they simply going to be a bunch of creeps for Blood Elves and Illidari to deal with?
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
As of right now, nothing is planned for the Sha'tar and Halaa, so they will just contain creeps. However, I would like to implement something, so possibly at the end of v1.0 - beta testing or v2.0 i will implement some cool feature
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Hey all, Ive had an extremely busy past few weeks. Exams, midterms, projects, quizzes, etc. However, I might be able to get some work done this weekend. If not, I probably won't be able to get much done until summer rolls around. But before all this craziness started, I was working on northern Eastern Kingdoms. Ill have to take a pic of the area so you guys can get a glimpse of what's going on up in that region!
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Hey everyone, sorry for not getting those pictures up. The past few weeks really ate up my time as a result of dead week, finals, work, studying, etc. Yet, now I have the summer ahead of me!!
The only blockade now is that my computer is in the tech store getting fixed, it had a trojan horse :/ but I will pick it up tomorrow morning. So, I'll to get work on the map tomorrow or the day after! I am going to look around the site right now and see what other icons/models i can potentially use for the map to brainstorm right now since I can't physically work on it. Ill post some pictures in the next 2-3 days of the progress! =D
Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
Hey everyone, sorry for not getting those pictures up. The past few weeks really ate up my time as a result of dead week, finals, work, studying, etc. Yet, now I have the summer ahead of me!!
The only blockade now is that my computer is in the tech store getting fixed, it had a trojan horse :/ but I will pick it up tomorrow morning. So, I'll to get work on the map tomorrow or the day after! I am going to look around the site right now and see what other icons/models i can potentially use for the map to brainstorm right now since I can't physically work on it. Ill post some pictures in the next 2-3 days of the progress! =D

Okay :)
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Okay guys...finally! Here are some pictures of places I have been working on...mostly the northern half of the Eastern Kingdoms. enjoy!


  • Eastern Plaguelands.jpg
    Eastern Plaguelands.jpg
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  • Eversong Forest.jpg
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  • Ghostlands.jpg
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  • Lots of Places.jpg
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  • Silverpine Forest.jpg
    Silverpine Forest.jpg
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  • Western Plaguelands.jpg
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  • Tirisfal Glades.jpg
    Tirisfal Glades.jpg
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Level 2
Apr 21, 2012
You should add in some sort of 'mode select' at the start, where they can choose to follow those ally paths / no allies for anyone / anybody can ally anybody.
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Oh, so like having a 'free-for-all' option?
I was considering something like that. I was considering (in a future version) have multiple modes for the host to choose (as you said). Except there would be more modes. So for example, maybe it would be ''Legion Invasion" where all of the legion races are controlled by players and all the ''good races'' are controlled by the others, and they have to survive for a certain number of rounds, or kick the Legion back into the Nether..something like that, you know?
But yes, that 'mode select' is a good idea. It keeps the game fresh and exciting for new players and veterans alike! I will implement that in a later version...maybe v2.0! (Im still working on v1.0, haha!)
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Here's two more pictures! Hillsbrad Foothills and Hinterlands (perhaps Arathi Highlands as well) will be done by tonight. Which means that northern Eastern Kingdoms will be complete (at least for now. it'd be playable)


  • Hillsbrad Foothills.jpg
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  • Hinterlands.jpg
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Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Hey guys, so today I am going to finish up northern Eastern Kingdoms. By this, I mean I am going to attempt to restore it to the state it was before the terrain upgrade (but this time retaining the terrain upgrade, obviously). This means that northern EK will be able to be tested!
Ill let you guys know how it goes and hopefully Ill get it done by the end of today =)
Level 9
Dec 21, 2011
Blood Elves Mastery (do you need one o_O)

(Credit: Paladon)

Icy Essence

Blood Elves' thirst for magic rises when Illidan was struck down by Arthas (lol, Sprite, obey your thirst!), they followed a unique scent of magic across Notherend, not knowing it was part of Lich King's essence. Higher Mana Cap/Regen, new units, hero.

(Credit: 4eNNightmare)

Dalaran's Forgotten Magics

Dalaran contains heavy amounts of magics, but the scourge must left a blind eye. In the depths of the Ruins the magics turned into beautiful sapphires, rubies and diamonds but behind its wonderful appearance is the ghosts of Dalaran (on the campaign, you freed them right? But only optional. This what think will happen if you did not free them.). Gives magics higher power, Dalaran's Hidden Power passive activated.

(Credit: Peekay)

Unholy Alliance
After several years at Outland, Kael's loyalty to Illidan began to dim, and he and very few of his forces join, the Burning Legion. He and his forces become loyal to the one, Kil'daejen. New heroes, all blood elf will have a shade of red on their skin. Passive 'Unholy Pact'. Higher Health, lesser mana.

And how about Scourge?
(Credit: MC!)

Tainted Crown

Arthas now with one with the Lich King, is a new crown. His Crown was Tainted with bloods of many, so many even Arthas (should I call him that? Or Lich King is better?) can summon the souls that Frostmourne claimed. You can summon temporarily : Muradin Bronzebeard (undead style), Antonidas (ghost style) Sapphiron (normal). New units trainable, Tainted Blood is passive. HP is lower but SP is higher.

So. Good luck!

-Da Fist-
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Wow o.o those are very cool! My favorite is the "Dalaran's Forgotten Magics" because it is very unique...I will definitely implement a few (if not all) of these. Thank you! I will be sure to give you credit when the time comes for me to put them in :) (altho i may change a few so that they are aligned with the lore/story better....but these are great!!)
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Grrr, well I didn't get as much done as anticipated. Im finishing up Hillsbrad Foothills right now..will definitely be done with today, but Im hoping within 2 hours. Here's 2 regions that are essentially completed!


  • Arathi Highlands.jpg
    Arathi Highlands.jpg
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  • Hinterlands.jpg
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Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
Kalimdor is smaller because Silver hasn't yet remade it to be the same size as the east (East was once very tiny as well :p)

I like the terrain, it's a unique style and has some very nice features, but I also suggest making it look more realistic, by adding trees all over regions, not just near mountains (cause that looks weird xP) and maybe some shrubs and stuff. Keep up the good work :p !

OH also if you need any help with anything just gimme a wave!
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
@Sky Green: Levdragon is correct on the reason Kali is small at the moment. And yes, much of that free space will be used up! The only open ocean will be mostly between continents and some room on either sides
@Levdragon: Thank you, and yes, I agree! I am going to touch em up a bit more tomorrow and the day after. Ill upload some new pics in 2-3 days
@Aztec: haha xD ur time to fix it up is coming :p

EDIT: In the next few days, I will also update the main front page so that it is aesthetically more pleasing. This way it will be easier to navigate/understand/enjoy!

EDIT2: In addition, I am going to have all the mini-World Trees (such as Seradane) as special income sites. However, perhaps in v2.0 or some sub v1 (such as 1.4, 1.5, etc), I am considering implementing them as portals into the Emerald Dream! :)
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Level 12
Dec 13, 2008

The Silver Hand
"By The Light...I shall purge this world!"
Updated: 12/8/2012

The Silver Hand was an order of Paladins established in the wake of the First War between the Orcs and Humans. Embracing the ways of war and the Holy Light, the Paladins have sought to use their skills to both heal and defend. Unfortunately, the betrayal of Arthas nearly brought this order to utter destruction. However, Tirion Fordring has risen up to lead the Paladins. His hope is that they will one day regain their former glory and defend Azeroth as they are meant.
Will you fight alongside Tirion with the Holy Light as your weapon? Only time will tell...

Tirion Fordring
"Put your faith in the Light, and all is possible"
A man renowned for his great honor, Tirion was exiled from the Silver Hand as a result of his interactions with an orc, Eitrigg.Yet, times have changed, and even though he was stripped of his status, the Holy Light remains with him. He will do what he must do in order to uphold what is holy and just.​

Lord Reveles
"The Scourge took my family...I will not allow them to take my world."
A custom hero I created as a tribute to the game, Lord Reveles was once a noble who owned a large estate in what is now the Eastern Plaguelands. When the Scourge came through, his entire family were turned into the undead. In these dark times, Reveles turned to the Light to find the answers...and his call was recognized. Now he fights alongside Tirion to end the unholy and bring about an age of Light.​

Light's Vengeance: Once researched, the Silver Hand will become the Argent Crusade by merging with the Death Knights of Archerus. New units, such as Death Knights, will become available. Also, new heroes, upgrades, spells, and abilities will also be available. However, this can only become researched after Archerus: The Ebon Hold is conquered by the Silver Hand.
A New Dawn: The Silver Hand is finely attuned to the Holy Light. Upon further meditation and self soul-searching, the Silver Hand has been contacted by other races who are quite familiar with the Holy Light. Some of these races include the Draenei and Naaru. In addition to these new units and heroes, all pre-existing Silverhand units will be transformed due to their enlightenment.
The Other Side of the Light: Possible the greatest enemy of the Silverhand, the Lich King will stop at nothing to bring this order of Holy Light wielders under his will. He has succeeded. You now serve the Lich King with all of your units being transformed into undead variants. This comes with new units, abilities, spells, and heroes.

Race-Specific Events
1) If the Silver Hand defeats Darion Mograine and his minions, the order will be transformed into the Argent Dawn and Tirion Fordring will join your ranks. In addition, a new Mastery is unlocked.

***More to come!
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Level 9
Dec 21, 2011
Hoho! Heroes!? Blood Elf Da Fist's Hero Suggestioooooooooooon(okay. too much o's. Heh. ._.)
Appearance of Blood Elves after the research of Unholy Alliance

[Okay. This is the one that will be available as a hero. Since Kael betrayed the Blood Elves.
I will do the Actipastimate skill type [ 2 active, 1 Passive, 1 Ultimate ]
(Credit : dizzt)
(Credit : armel)
"As Regent lord of Quel'thalas, I will defend my people against any who will do us harm."

(Credit : ? [no user name] )
Swiftness of the Elf
Elves are quite known for their fast movement. Lor'themar can handle a bow very elegant and powerfully even moving just as fast with it's bow.
Gives [3/4/5]% AS and [10/12.5/15]% MS [10/15/20] seconds. Passive.

(Credit : Deathclaw24)
Arrow Barrage
Lor'themar knocks up his quiver and sets 10 arrows to his bow. With deadly precision he will knockback and stun his target.
Sets out 10 Arrows in different directions. Knockbacks the first enemy it will set contact to [100/200/300] units.

(Credit : ? [none again.])

*****COMING SOON******

Da Fist~
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
@Da Fist: Oh yes, I know plenty about the Felblood Elves :) they will make an appearance in SoA!
and i was considering putting Lor'themar Theron in the game, but Im not 100% sure how to implement him yet

@Everyone!!: So I am updating the main page, as you will see if you go to it. I am creating pages for each of the races (as you see above for the silver hand) that can be accessed by clicking on their respective icon! So enjoy the main page as it's updated and all the info you will find there :)
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008

The Forsaken
"We are free of the Lich King...forever!"

Led by the undead Sylvanas Windrunner, the Forsaken is a collection of undead who were freed from the Lich King when he was under siege by the Eye of Sargeras used by Illidan. Since they will never be able to regain living form, their ultimate goal is to topple the Scourge. But past will often tell that there is more than meets the eye.
Will you fulfill your duty and serve the Banshee Queen?

"We will find our own path in this world...and slaughter anyone who stands in our way!"
Once the Ranger-General of Silvermoon, Sylvanas is now the leader of the Forsaken. With her military genius and ruthlessness, she is an enemy to be feared...and a leader to be respected. She will crush all those in her path and do what is necessary to accomplish her goals.​
"Join me, or die"
A dreadlord of the Burning Legion, he was enslaved by Sylvanas when he and his fellow bretheren were defeated by the Forsaken. Now he serves his Banshee Queen with the upmost loyalty...​
"Now, all can see this is the hour of the Forsaken"
One of the most brilliant apothecaries, Putress has worked on many of the most horrific projects of the Forsaken. Poisons, diseases, among other things, are his specialties. Power is what he seeks, and destruction is what he leaves in his wake.​

The Forgotten Shadow: The true philosophy of the Dark Lady and the Forsaken, it has finally taken hold of all Forsaken. They now practice it diligently and wish to carry out the Dark Lady's will. New units, upgrades, and abilities will be available.
Echoes of Lordaeron: When Arthas returned to his father's kingdom of Lordaeron, he killed and tortured countless souls with his betrayal. Now they wait in sorrow in the depths of the broken down Undercity. Yet, Sylvanas has taken advantage of this and commands them. New units are available while a passive ability is applied to original units. Also, a ranged attack is applied to all buildings.
Plague of Unbridled Vengeance: For years the Forsaken have been attempting to perfect a plague that would not raise the dead into undeath, but rather eradicated all forms of life, both dead and living. They have finally succeeded. With the creation of this new deadly plague, new siege units, upgrades, and a new alliance will be available. However, Sylvanas will be lost.

***More to come!!
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
@Asomath: Thank you, I greatly appreciate that :)

I am going to update Silver Hand and Forsaken race pages, as well as possibly add a new one today!
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
@Amargaard: Thank you very much :) although i do see what you are saying about the mapsize. When it is all done, I will optimize the map and that shuld cut down the filesize by roughly 50%, from what some people have told me

I have 2 interesting race profile pages coming up shortly...gotta make a few calls first and then i'll start to work on it :)
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Level 12
Dec 13, 2008

The Naga
"We are the tides of doom..."

The Naga are the descendents of the once proud Highborne Night Elves that were mutated following the destruction of the first Well of Eternity. For 10,000 years they have remained hidden...boding their time...preparing for the assault upon the world that forsake them. Only recently have they made their appearance...while their leader remains hidden in shadow and mystery.

Queen Azshara
"There has only ever been, only ever will Azshara"
The Queen of the Naga was once known by many names...Light of Lights, Glory of our People, Flower of Life, etc. However, now she is known as one of the most detrimental beings to the welfare of Azeroth. Thought by the Night Elves to be deceased, she lies waiting in the murky depths of the ocean waiting for her perfect opportunity.​
Lady Naz'jar
"I serve my Queen...who is our Vision of Perfection"
Since the departure of Lady Vashj, this Sea Witch has risen in the ranks and attained high status in the eyes of Queen Azshara. She leads her fellow Naga into battle with the mysticism of magic, power of the ocean, and blessing of her queen, as her weapons.​

Master of the Abyss: Having been under the sea for thousands of years and with her obsessive desire to control the oceans, Queen Azshara has made it one of her top priorities to control the behemoths which dwell deep in the abyss. Her goal has been accomplished. New units and upgrades will be available.
Slaves to the Interlopers: Perhaps the greatest threat to the Naga's quest for ocean dominance is Neptulon and his water elemental armies. However, with the aid of your master, now they have been enslaved in elemental shackles. New units, upgrades, and abilities will be available.
More Masteries to come for Naga

Race-Specific Events
1) If allied with any of these 3: Yogg-Saron, Deathwing, Ragnaros, or C'thun, an Elemental War will break out in Azeroth. Elementals under the control of the respective races will spawn all over Azeroth. In addition, powerful elementals of varying degree & new abilities will be available to be trained.

***More to come!!!
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Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Hey guys, some good news! The map has finally advanced out of the 'red-zone' (65% or less completion) by being 70% completed! Woohoo!

In addition, a new map version has been uploaded with the Silver Hand being playable! So test them out and let me know what's wrong (I know a lot is wrong with the map, in terms of unfinished material, but tell me anyways. Don't assume I know it. That way if there is something important that I can address right away...I'll do it!)

Finally, the front thread page has been revamped quite majorly in the past few days...check it out if you have not!
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Haha, of course! It works great for my map. And yes there are Jungle Trolls! Gurubashi and Amani :p
and what do you mean by ive picked a lot of the races u have/had?
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
The Burning Legion
"Responsible for the genocide of thousands of races across the universe, totaling in billions, if not trillions, of lives."

The most well known and feared threat to the safety of Azeroth, the Burning Legion exists to undo the Titan's work across the universe. Born when they were betrayed by their finest warrior, Sargeras, the Legion is a war engine of death and destruction. None can withstand the might of the Legion...
Will you join?

"I sought to carry out the Titan's my goal is to blind them...permanently"
The Champion of the Pantheon, Sargeras destroyed and imprisoned demons for countless millenia. Yet, his understanding of evil transformed and he turned around and set free the demons, intent on undoing what the Titan's had wrought. Now he moves across the Nether destroying all those who oppose him.​
"Fail me, and suffer for eternity"
The right-hand-man of Sargeras, this Eredar lord is the shrewdest of them all. While the deceased Archimonde was the muscle of the Legion, Kil'Jaeden is the mind. He isn't deemed "The Deceiver" for nothing...​
"This time there will be no escape!"
After the defeat of Mannoroth at the hands of Grom Hellscream, Azgalor became the Supreme Lord of the Annihilan. Although his brains are not his most renowned attribute, his brutality and eagerness for bloodshed is legendary amongst demons.​

***More to come!!!
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
@ImperialShadow: Yes, a map is ready :) it has gone through 3 updates in the past 3 days, so be sure to check out the Update Log and let me know if there are any problems you run across, haha!
....such as that! That is odd...I will go check it out right now
EDIT: you must have the version from 8/1/2012 or 8/2/2012. The most recent version should not have Silver Hand controlling the trolls
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
At this point in time, not yet :/ it will get implemented eventually tho! I am working on Dun Morogh/Loch Modan today...which means that by the end of this week I hope to have all of EK terrain finished. With that, I think I will put Kalimdor on pause and work on the races of Northrend, EK, and Outland! (that way once I do work on Kali terrain, people can test the units...2 things getting worked on at once!)
But I understand your interest in seeing is one of my favorite Masteries because it creates such a drastic shift in the race =)
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Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Thank you! And yes, the terrain does need to be worked on. Right now, most of it is just the basic skeleton (essentially, what is needed for gameplay). But this is not an RPG (Role-Playing Game)...this is an RTS (Real-Time Strategy). Conquest style is another way of saying RTS (since you are to conquer the whole world)
and thanks for the rep :)
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