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Map Development: The Scourging of Azeroth

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Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
The Scourging of Azeroth: Map Development


Conquest RTS/RP Style**
12 Players
Overall Progress: ||||||||||||||||||||


Project Leader, Designer, Storywriter, Tester


Trigger Editor

I am looking for team members! Trigger Editors, Terrainers, Testers, Model Artists, Icon Artists, etc! If interested, let me know in this thread: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/project-recruitment-256/scourging-azeroth-recruitment-253705-new/


Have you ever wanted to conquer the world of Azeroth with legions of troops at your command? Well, my friend, you are in the right place! Scourging of Azeroth is a Conquest style RTS map that takes place in the Warcraft universe shortly after the events of the Frozen throne campaign. Every player's goal is to conquer the world of Azeroth with numerous tools at their disposal. With 24 races to choose from, a player can raise an army, establish alliances, destroy an enemy's economy, etc., in order to conquer Azeroth. All of these various ways to conquer an enemy is the key factor that defines Scourging of Azeroth; the game is unpredictable.
Go forth with your might, wits, and valor to conquer the world!​

Map Details


7.33 MB


480x480 (super-epic)

Latest Update

Project Information

Click on an icon to be redirected to it's Race Profile Page! (most are still being worked on...so please be patient if the link is not available!)*

*Race Profile Pages available: Silver Hand, Forsaken, Gurubashi Tribe, Night Elves, Burning Legion, & Naga

What Information Can Be Found in a Race Profile Page?*​
  • Masteries! These are ways to specialize your race to set yourself apart from your allies and ahead of your enemies!
  • Race-Specific Events! These are ways for you to explore the lore of a race while advancing yourself in the meantime.
  • Heroes! Who doesn't wanna know which heroes of legend will lead their armies in battle?

Income System
One of the most valued minerals in Azeroth, Gold is used to pay the soldiers of armies, fund construction projects, etc. Gold is obtained by maintaining a healthy empire through the control of Capitals, Special Sites, and Marketplaces.
  • Capitals: There are a total of 24 capitals in the map (one for each race). They are invulnerable and for good reason; they contain the most gold! A player can use workers to harvest gold from the capital and return it to the closest town hall.
  • Gold Mines: There are gold mines spread out across world of Azeroth. Every region has between 2-4 gold mines. They are very important because since they can be harvested by workers, they are the wealth landmarks of the region. Controlling these is crucial to maintaining a healthy and powerful empire.
  • Marketplaces: Built by the workers of every race, Marketplaces allow a player to control his/her gold influx without engaging in military action. If a player builds the maximum 15 number of marketplaces, he or she can gain 75g/60sec through the marketplaces, which can fund a reasonably sized army.
  • Creeps: There are countless creeps throughout the world of Azeroth. With each kill of a creep, loot is dropped. The loot dropped will slightly vary depending on the potential danger the creep poses.

This is a resource that is plentiful around the world of Azeroth. Whether one is in the icy reaces of Icecrown Citadel or the watery depths of the Maelstrom, every race is able to find some sort of resource that can be used to construct buildings. As a result of its bountiful nature, lumber is needed in high quantities to construct structures, especially towers and walls.

Play Options

  1. Classic: All rules are set to their classic standards and everyone fight's to conquer the world!
  2. FFA: Every man for himself! No alliances, only enemies! Will you be the last standing?
More to come!!!

Description & List of Masteries:

A Mastery is merely an upgrade that a player has the option of researching. However, unlike most upgrades which only affect a few units or so, a Mastery can have drastic changes upon the race. Some Masteries allow new alliances to be created, new units to become available, and/or new abilities and spells. Each player will have 3-4 Masteries as options to choose. However, only one can be researched. Once researched, the others will dissapear. Here is a list of the races' Masteries (thus far):

Call of the Spirits: Due to Thrall's shamantistic background, he has prompted the exploration of the orcs' shamanistic past. This has resulted in a revolution and enlightenment within the Orcish Horde. New units, abilities, and upgrades will be available.
Crazy Little Green Folk: The Orcs and Goblins used to be allies during the Second War. Yet, with the Horde's defeat, their alliance became mute. Yet, this bond has been renewed. New units, heroes, and upgrades will be available.
Unleash the Beast: In the past, the Orcs used to have extremely powerful bonds with the beasts of Draenor, almost similar to that of a druid. Yet with the demonic corruption, much of this was lost, until now. A bond has been made with the creatures of Azeroth, leading to new units and a new hero.

Recognition of An'she: The moon goddess, Mu'sha, was always given her due respects by druids, such as the Night Elves and Tauren. However, speculation began which suggested that a crucial part, the sun goddess An'she, was being forgotten which caused imbalance. Since the Tauren strive for balance, they pursued this new philosophy of harnessing the energy and power of the Sun's light. As a result, the Sunwalkers have emerged. New units, heroes, and upgrades will be available

Scourge (Lich King):
Beasts of the Frozen North: Seeking to bring all forces under his control, the Lich King has set his sights upon the very essence of Northrend, of which he has succeeded. New units and a passive ability applied to all units is available upon research.
Corruption of Blood: Following the defeat of Illidan, Lady Vashj, and Kael'thas' invasion in Northrend, a large part of their surviving forces were scattered. Among them were Blood Elves. The Lich King has sought them out and brought them under his unholy and icy fist, creating the faction within the Scourge known as the San'layn. New units and a hero will be available.
More Masteries to come for Scourge

Drakkari Empire:

Iron Empire/Nerubians:

Burning Legion:




Blood Elves:

Dwarven and Gnomish Ingenuity: Having combined the natural engineering prowess and resource capabilities of the Dwarves and the ingenius inventive nature of the Gnomes, new mechanical constructs have come into being. New units and a new tower will become available.

Deathwing & Twilight Dragonflight:

C'thun & Silithid:

Gurubashi Empire:

Ragnaros & Dark Iron Dwarves:


Sneak Peek of Special Events In-Game:


1) If a bloodpact from Azgalor is accepted, the orcs will become Fel Orcs in the ruined world of Outland along with Azgalor.
2) If the Orcs travel to a certain place in Nagrand, they will gain a new hero and Mag'har units.

Blood Elves:
1) If the Burning Legion's defeat come at the hands of the Blood Elves, they can research an upgrade that increases the health, mana, health regeneration, mana regeneration, and attack speed of all Blood Elf units.
2) If the Illidari is defeated (before the Legion is defeated), then the Blood Elves have the potential to gain access to certain aspects of the Legion (no Sargeras but can summon Kil'Jaeden, control of Legion's starting point transferred, inability to train certain Legion units, etc)

Burning Legion:
1) If the Illidari is defeated, several items that once belonged to servitors of the Legion are regained. In addition, a small force of demons defect from the Illidari and rejoin the Legion.
2) If the World Tree is captured, unfathomable power is granted to the Legion..... (additional set of melee/ranged upgrades, Sargeras gains new ability, etc)

1) If Cairne Bloodhoof and his fellow Tauren manage to fight through the Centaurs, Thunder Bluff will be available to the Tauren.
2) If Cairne dies in battle (in any way), Baine Bloodhoof will take his father's place as Chieftan of the Tauren tribes.
3) If Cairne or Baine travels to Northrend, Taunka will become trainable.

Lich King:
1) As long as the Lich King controls Utgarde Keep, Ymirjar & Val'kyr (undead melee/spellcaster Vrykul) are able to be trained
2) As long as the Lich King controls Zul'Drak, Blightblood Trolls & Blight Trolls (undead melee/ranged trolls) are able to be trained
3) As long as the Lich King controls Wyrmrest Temple, Magma Wyrms & Ember Wyrms (undead dragons) are able to be trained
4) If the Silver Hand or Stormwind defeats the Lich King, then a building will spawn at the throne inside Icecrown Citadel called Bolvar Fordragon, Jailor of the Damned. This building creates a debuff that affects all units controlled by the Scourge (decreased movement speed, attack speed, damage dealt, etc). However, if Kel'Thuzad reaches level 12, he can destroy the building, freeing the Scourge of Bolvar's control, and transforming Kel'Thuzad into a being of great power

Deathwing& Twilight Dragonflight:
1) If Deathwing travels to a certain spot in Blackrock spire, his son, Nefarian, will join Deathwing's cause. In addition, his most famous experiment, known as the Chromatic Dragonflight, will join the ranks of Deathwing.
2) If Deathwing travels to a specific spot in Dustwallow Marsh, Onyxia, his daughter, will aid Deathwing in his campaign against Azeroth. In addition, Black Dragons will become trainable.

1) If Magni Bronzebeard travels to a specific location in Northrend, the Frostborn Dwarves and his long lost brother, Muradin (now under the name of Yorg Stormheart), will join Ironforge.

That is all the sneak peek for now. I will post more as time goes on :ogre_haosis:

Alliance Interaction Web
This interaction web shows the alliances available to each faction at the start of the game. Masteries, events, etc, can change this.


Units*: ||||||||||||||||||||
Silverhand: ||||||||||
Forsaken: ||||||||||
Naga: ||||||||||
Night Elves: ||||||||||
Orcs: ||||||||||
Tauren: ||||||||||
Scourge: ||||||||||
Burning Legion: ||||||||||
Deathwing: ||||||||||
Ragnaros: ||||||||||
Gurubashi Empire: ||||||||||
Stormwind: ||||||||||
Ironforge: ||||||||||
Murozond: ||||||||||
C'thun: |||||||||
Titans: ||||||||||
Gilneas: |||||||||
Amani Empire: ||||||||||
Drakkari Empire: ||||||||||
Iron Empire/Nerubians: ||||||||||
Satyrs: ||||||||||
Kvaldir: ||||||||||
Illidari: ||||||||||
Blood Elves: |||||||||

Terrain: ||||||||||||||||||||
Eastern Kingdoms: ||||||||||
Kalimdor: ||||||||||
Northrend: |||||||||||
Outland: ||||||||||
Misceallaneous: ||||||||||

Triggers: ||||||||||||||||||||

[Overall:] ||||||||||||||||||||
*Most of work is being done in this category at this moment


Eversong Woods: The beautiful land of the High Elves...but every beauty has its scars

Western Plaguelands: A land plagued with death and war

Scarlet Enclave (Eastern Plaguelands): It seems the forces of Acherus: The Ebon Hold have just swept through the Scarlet Crusaders' fortres

Zul'Gurub: The homeland of the Gurubashi jungle trolls. Terrain done by Amargaard


Hey everyone! So this little section is essentially where I will place ideas that are circulating through my head that I would like to have implement in the game but are not ready to be implemented (no guarantee they will be!)
Give me feedback on what you think of them!​

Zandalari Trolls
Therazane & Deepholm Elementals
Al'Akir & Skywall Elementals
Neptulon & Abyssal Maw Elementals
Centaur Tribes

Economics: I would like to implement a system that will allow players to engage in local, regional, and global economies. One can use this to boost their economy to gain additional income/resources, or even serve as a detriment to an enemy's economy so they may be vulnerable to attack. Yet, by participating in different economies, one can also have the opportunity to buy out or sell certain properties, units, etc. The goal of this is to involve players in ways that do not involve militaristic action.

Random Events: Essentially a system that forces a player to manage his/her empire and not go on a rampant killing spree. These completely randomized events can include a group of bandits attacking towns, a famine that reduces the max food of a player for a certain amount of time, or even the discovery of treasure by an unassuming farmer. This is meant to shake up the game with a lil dice.

Silver Hand Morality: This would be a system that allows the Silver Hand to choose their destiny in a unique way. Every 5 minutes or so, they would be presented with a situation where 4-5 choices are available. Choose wisely! Because the options can cause one to become more corrupt (which would open up opportunities to be allied with the Scourge or transform into the Scarlet Crusade.)

AI Races: I'm sure you noticed that with 24 races and 12 players, there will be 12 unused races...this system will solve that! All unused races will be controlled via triggers (AI) to build armies, expand, attack enemy bases, etc. With this in place, a player who is surrounded by unused races will not feel alone, but will experience the impression that he is playing against more than just 12 humans!

Quests: This will allow your heroes to engage in activities that differ from fighting enemy armies. When a quest is completed, countless rewards may be at your disposable: resources, items, units, and more!

I will update this Map Development post as I update the map further.
Pictures will also be posted as time goes on for additional preview details.

If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to post them! In addition, I am always looking for people interested in aiding the development process. So if you'd like to be a tester, modeler, storyline/idea developer, etc, please leave a post of your interest!

Thanks a lot!:infl_thumbs_up:

Map Testing

If you are to download the map below, please only play it by yourself or with people whom I approve. I'd like to keep the map as private as possible before the final version is released. In addition, let me know what problems you run into! There will be plenty of bugs/problems, so tell me and I can respond/fix it! As of now, the color green (Gurubashi Tribe) is the best choice for testing as it is the best representation of the direction I am going with the other factions. Also do not fret on map filesize, I will make it sure it doesn't go above 8.0MB, and when everything is said and done, it will have a reasonable filesize. Enjoy :)

As of 4/16/2013:
  • Gurubashi Tribe is playable as green
  • The mastery 'Sacrifices to the Soulflayer' has been added to the Gurubashi Tribe
  • Frostwing Brood added to Gurubashi Tribe

**I felt I should add this, haha. My project is heavily inspired by games such as Azeroth Wars and Dark Ages of Warcraft. However, I love the Warcraft Universe as a whole, so I just use my imagination and change things as I see fit.


  • SoA ZulGurub.w3x
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Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
@Skycraft: Thank you! :)

@Yankee: Do you mean the first or second picture? The first one is just a picture of all of the races so far. The second one is Outland. So which do you think I should remake?

@Nightblade: Sure! I will add some descriptions right now.

@MrStormyZ: Eh, kind of. It is similar to Azeroth Wars or Dark Ages of Warcraft, if you have ever played it. But I think it will definitely stand apart from those
Looks nice (as I told you in chat), but the terrain could use some work. I'm a bit disappointed with the tile you chose for Lordaeron. I know that there's a limit on the amount of tiles you can use per map, but even grass would be better than the red dirt you're using right now.

If you ever need inspiration for the terrain, check out Azeroth Wars (if you haven't already).
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
looks cool, but imo you should take into consideration on redesigning the teams. there a lot and the dark green/pink choices dont look very balanced, it would be hard to compare ironforge or stormwind to deathwing and his forces

oh and, you need to SERIOUSLY work on the terrain, it is very bland right now. i reccomend getting a terrainer for your team
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Looks nice (as I told you in chat), but the terrain could use some work. I'm a bit disappointed with the tile you chose for Lordaeron. I know that there's a limit on the amount of tiles you can use per map, but even grass would be better than the red dirt you're using right now.

If you ever need inspiration for the terrain, check out Azeroth Wars (if you haven't already).

Thanks for the feedback!
But the terrain..are you talking about the red stuff on the edges of the cliffs?

EDIT: Oooh, wait, Lordaeron. That is blight :)
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Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
looks cool, but imo you should take into consideration on redesigning the teams. there a lot and the dark green/pink choices dont look very balanced, it would be hard to compare ironforge or stormwind to deathwing and his forces

oh and, you need to SERIOUSLY work on the terrain, it is very bland right now. i reccomend getting a terrainer for your team

Okay, I will definitely take the terrain into consideration. I am sure that will impress people if it is really good. So I will work on that.

In terms of the balancing, it will be balanced, no worries about that. In the end, strategy will be the key factor in winning the game.
EDIT: Oooh, wait, Lordaeron. That is blight :)

Yes, I realize that's what you intend it to be, but it just doesn't look good.

The terrain plays a huge part in people's first impressions of your map. When the map loads and they see excellent terrain, I imagine the players will suspect the gameplay to be just as good, or close. As takakenji said, look for an experienced terrainer to help you out.
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Yes, I realize that's what you intend it to be, but it just doesn't look good.

The terrain plays a huge part in people's first impressions of your map. When the map loads and they see excellent terrain, I imagine the players will suspect the gameplay to be just as good, or close. As takakenji said, look for an experienced terrainer to help you out.

Okay, understood. Well, I will be sure to improve the terrain vastly, incase I do not find an experienced terrainer.
Also, I just read over the "Corresponding Races & Players/Colors" section of the original post and noticed that you said one of the players will play "Deathwing and the Twilight Dragonflight." If your map will be based in the Frozen Throne then the Twilight Dragonflight will not be in existance yet. You could always switch to the Black Dragonflight, an easy change.

If you really want to involve the Twilight Dragonflight (and they're awesome, so who wouldn't?) you could add them in some form as a special event.
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
True, the Twilight Dragonflight did not come into being until before the WotLK (chronologically). However, since the lore in this game takes place after The Frozen Throne, I think it could be possible for the Twilight Dragonflight to have been created.
Yet, I do see your point. I may make it a Mastery where the Twilight Dragonflight become available...thanks! :)

Also, I am going to add a description of what Masteries are and the ones created so far.
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008

A Progress record has been implemented in the original post. That way you can see how the map is doing and where I am currently working
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Yes there will be. They can be implemented if the Silverhand chooses "A New Dawn" as their Mastery. If you look under the hidden tab "Description/List of Masteries", you would see what I am talking about :)

I am looking for a good terrainer for this map!!!
If you are interested, please leave a post!
Level 5
Feb 1, 2011
im working on terraining 2 projects already, if you dont mind not having undivided attention givin to this maps terrain alone(it doesnt mean the terrain wont be good, it will, it just means it'll take longer) i could terrain for you.
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Sure! There are several positions if youd like...:
Tester (helps test the map for bugs, balancing issues, etc)
Lore Creator (aids me in creating ideas for spells, events, masteries, etc, that will contribute to the lore of the map which in turn helps create fantastic gameplay)
Map Developer (aids in the regular execution of the map in terms of creating the units, placing them, etc, etc)

Those are some I could think of off the top of my head. Is there any other way (if these dont help) youd like to assist?
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Fantastic! I will let you know when we will start some testing :)

EDIT: Oh, also Miss_Foxy....you could also be an 'Advertiser'. What I mean by this is you help advertise the development of the map by recommending people check it out, talking about it in chat, etc, etc. Lil stuff like that :)
Level 5
Oct 14, 2010
I kinda think you should meld the Burning Legion races. Give three people the choice to be of those races that DG or Pink can be. Some are needed though, so it might be a good idea to simply give DG and Pink Ironforge and Stormwind and let the other pick from the ones left. For the avatar of Saergaes, if the races get merged, perhaps you can make an event near the end of it's techtrees [ could require a mastery ] that requires Azgalor to sacrifice himself to become the body of Saergaes upon Azeroth. The mastery could give massive stat bonuses to units, and transform lesser demons into towering beasts from hell itself. It'd obviously be pretty far endgame.
Mind if I suggest some spells for Azgalor, eitherway?

| Redemption |
Azgalor is bent upon restoring his pride from earlier losses. For every health point he loses, his abbilities cost less mana.

I imagine that Azgalor would be a strong tank with large mana cost abbilities. Taunts, heals, AoE attacks.

| Arc of Lost Brothers |

Azgalor renders the powers of demons into his swing, dealing high damage in an cone and restoring his own health based on damage done. If he is under 10% / 15 % / 20% / 30% / 50% / and so on] life, he deals more damage.\

I imagine that this would be a semi-spammable attack that restores some health to him and deals extra damage when at low health.

| Mongrel! |

Azgalor lets out a cry against the foolish lesser races, taunting nearbye enemies and causing nearbye allies to gain a stunning attack for .5 seconds.

A taunt, making him tankier. Can be used with Arc of Lost Brothers to deal a huge damage wave to the enemys caught flat footed within the cone. With Redemption, this can be used to let you chain up to get more life.

| Power over thou Unholyness |

Azgalor summons a lesser demon mocking Arthas. It is a dark, shadowy figure that looks like a deathknight. The Mock Arthas deals low damage but attacks fast and has three spammable abbilities that can be combo'd together easily. Slab, Slaush, and Rend. Rend slows enemys, Slash deals damage in a cone, and Stab pushes him and the target forward. Slash can affect enemys that move within the slash more then once. All Mock Arthas attacks restore 115% of the damage tooken by the enemy to Azgalor as health. If Azgalor activates this while the Mock Arthas is still alive, he will devour it, giving a large buff to his allies and giving him the buff "Death and Demon", causing his attacks to deal a burning DoT that gives him life whenever it deals damage, and a chilling effect that causes other demons to penetrate armor and deal more damage to that target.
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Hmmm....I see what you mean. Yeah..I definitely might consider this.
I have been thinking and I think my idea for Azgalor might be too much of a stretch lore-wise. Although it may be cool...I am not sure if it would work out properly.

On that note, I will probably merge the Burning Legion as you suggested. In this way, it will free up another slot that will function the same as pink & dark green. This was also needed for some other cool events I was thinking of....

Thanks a lot!
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Hmmm...i thought it was 4mb also. But even if it is 8mb, i think he said that because as map filesize approaches 4mb for a 12 player map that will include many units, lag can become an issue
Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
Hmmm...i thought it was 4mb also. But even if it is 8mb, i think he said that because as map filesize approaches 4mb for a 12 player map that will include many units, lag can become an issue

My map was just under 8mb, no lag. Just when there were 200 units on the battle field, but i fixed that. But now a friend of mine shorten the music to 500kb which use to be 2mb. Which was awesome!
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Haha, yeahhh, that definitely would help a lot!
Well I suppose once testing begins, I will see how lag works out. I figure if my computer can handle it, most people should be able to handle it.
But 200 units is not a lot of units for my map by the way. There are 12 players and I'd guess that every player starts out with atleast 20 units. So that is 240 units on the map right from the start.
But like I said, I will have to figure that out once the testing sequence begins.
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
The completion of the units is moving along steadily. The Silver Hand, Forsaken, and Naga are completed for the most part. Next on my list is the Orcs. After that, probably the Tauren.

Anyone have constructive criticism, suggestions, questions, etc etc?
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Thanks! And here are some updates :)

Silver Hand, Forsaken, Naga, and Orcs have been completed for the most part. They are currently under testing phase.
~Income Triggers for Naga completed
~Unit/building costs for Forsaken, Naga, & Silver Hand fixed
~Mastery triggers for Naga/Orcs partially completed
~Tidal Wave for Tidal Elites nerfed
~Upgrades for Orcs fixed
~Upgrades for Naga revamped
~Shipyards for Silver Hand, Forsaken, Naga & Orcs added
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Well the Goblin Mastery for the Orcs has been completed. So there is one special feature :)
The same goes for the Naga's Abyss Mastery.

And I am not sure at this point. I have not developed Outland as much. The terrain is there and everything, but no mechanics has been implemented there at this time.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Like, a little building on the side of the map with multiple mastery researches to choose from, with some advantages and disadvantages.
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
Oh, yes. I guess it is similar to that :eekani:
I am going to have to check out how their Mastery looks like to be sure mine isnt just like theirs. I want differences xD
Level 12
Dec 13, 2008
The Orc's Mastery (Crazy Little Green Folk) and Silver Hand's Mastery (Light's Vengeance) are included in the photo attachments. They are the last 2
And dont forget, there is a list of the Masteries and their descriptions in the original post! :)
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