I have finished making my last map The Lost Islands, and i think i couldve done better. But it was pretty good for a first try and for a game that big and complex. I posted it on Moddb.com if u would like to check it out more.
So now ive decided to make something a bit smaller but still just as fun so i can improve and make better maps. My next idea is for some sort of Tribal Wars map. I have found several models for the different races (each race will be unique and custom made) and the map template since im not too good at makin maps myself.
The 4 races of Warcraft are very well known and each have their own goals in the world. But what about the "lesser" races in Azeroth? Though they may not launch large scale wars against each other they still battle for survival. You will take control of a leader from one of the lesser races and start your civilization somewhere in a remote region. But there will be other races trying to survive and make their homes here. Will you make allies and form your own grand alliance like the horde or the alliance? Or will you wipe them out of existence, that is up to you. All players start n the same location and must venture out into the world and find a safe location to start building up your tribe. There will be two versions of the game that just have one or two slight differences. One version will have a respawn point so that your hero's revive after death and the game doesnt have to end, the other will give u a spirit that cannot attack and is invincible and can only build ur tribal hut then will die right after and spawn your hero there, once your hero dies and your tribe dies your out of the game. Im doing this because i know some ppl prefer one and others like the other type.
RACES**** this is just a couple races out of the top of my head that i know i can make, but there might b one or two that might not be added or there might b new ones that arent mentioned.
The Dark Ones- these dark humanoid creatures are the most terrifying race and are said to be the Lich King's first army of undead but escaped and started there own civilization.
Murlocs- these fish creatures are very territorial and make their homes in the water, but hunt on land.
Pandaren- these furbolg like people are normally very peaceful but will defend their homes if threatened.
Selither- these reptillian hunters are masters of stealth and dont usually build grand cities but travel in packs and set up defenses and small camps.But will you be the founder of their first city or will you continue their traditions.
Trolls- the trolls are found all over Azeroth and can survive in just about any condition. But a new breed of trolls has come to this remote region .They are more savage and animal like but are still very smart and will do anything to survive.
The unknown- these bizzare and unusual creatures look as if they do not belong in reality. And in fact they come from a whole new realm that was destroyed by the Burning Legion.
there will be more comming soon but this is all that i can think of at the moment
So now ive decided to make something a bit smaller but still just as fun so i can improve and make better maps. My next idea is for some sort of Tribal Wars map. I have found several models for the different races (each race will be unique and custom made) and the map template since im not too good at makin maps myself.
The 4 races of Warcraft are very well known and each have their own goals in the world. But what about the "lesser" races in Azeroth? Though they may not launch large scale wars against each other they still battle for survival. You will take control of a leader from one of the lesser races and start your civilization somewhere in a remote region. But there will be other races trying to survive and make their homes here. Will you make allies and form your own grand alliance like the horde or the alliance? Or will you wipe them out of existence, that is up to you. All players start n the same location and must venture out into the world and find a safe location to start building up your tribe. There will be two versions of the game that just have one or two slight differences. One version will have a respawn point so that your hero's revive after death and the game doesnt have to end, the other will give u a spirit that cannot attack and is invincible and can only build ur tribal hut then will die right after and spawn your hero there, once your hero dies and your tribe dies your out of the game. Im doing this because i know some ppl prefer one and others like the other type.
RACES**** this is just a couple races out of the top of my head that i know i can make, but there might b one or two that might not be added or there might b new ones that arent mentioned.
The Dark Ones- these dark humanoid creatures are the most terrifying race and are said to be the Lich King's first army of undead but escaped and started there own civilization.
Murlocs- these fish creatures are very territorial and make their homes in the water, but hunt on land.
Pandaren- these furbolg like people are normally very peaceful but will defend their homes if threatened.
Selither- these reptillian hunters are masters of stealth and dont usually build grand cities but travel in packs and set up defenses and small camps.But will you be the founder of their first city or will you continue their traditions.
Trolls- the trolls are found all over Azeroth and can survive in just about any condition. But a new breed of trolls has come to this remote region .They are more savage and animal like but are still very smart and will do anything to survive.
The unknown- these bizzare and unusual creatures look as if they do not belong in reality. And in fact they come from a whole new realm that was destroyed by the Burning Legion.
there will be more comming soon but this is all that i can think of at the moment