Tribal Wars!

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Level 4
Aug 7, 2007
Tribal Wars! (new release v.0.4)

Tribal Wars v0.4

Hello all. I'd like to introduce my current project, Tribal Wars! It's a footie-wars style map, with (at completion) -every- race imaginable in the Warcraft universe. At the time of this post, I'm at 25 races and still going strong. It supports up to 12 players with basic AI already in-game. They will mobilize their forces and take vengeance against those that attack them. I'm not ashamed to admit I've been slain by AI pandas. :emote_bored:

You start off with 3 buildings that produce your troops. Each can be upgraded to produce one of 3 unit types (heavy melee, ranged, specialty). After upgrading a building, you can then research upgrades that affect the units that building produces. You can re-upgrade at any time to switch units (for example, heavy melee producer into a ranged producer.)

-25 playable races, including Pandaren, Murloc, Tauren, Blood Elves, Eredar, and many more.

-Aesthetically, each race has a unique Headquarters (including the attack the HQ uses as of v0.1), Hero rune, and base terrain.

-One Hero and four unit types per race. The starting melee unit, a heavier melee unit, a ranged unit, and a specialty unit unique to each race. The special unit could be a caster, an air unit, a siege unit, etc.

-AI support for computer players, and Team play supported using normal team settings.

Known issues
-None at the moment! :D

Update changes (v.0.2)
-Major bug fix: Empty player slots will not spawn selectors at the map start. You can play a 2, 4, 7, etc. player game without problem.
-New feature: Runes! Upon a Hero dying, he will drop a rune unique to his race. The rune can be picked up by any other Hero, and can cause a wide array of effects.
-New AI improvements: AI players will now retreat when low on health, recover, and return when they are in better shape. They also know how to use the runes implemented in this version.
-More various bug squishes.

I'd like some feedback and testing done on this map. Criticism and ideas are welcome as well. Enjoy!

Screenshot Descriptions:
SS#1: A large fight between Gnolls and Centaurs, there are more races somewhere in there but I can't recall which. Hogger is nowhere to be seen at the moment. Yes, Hogger. One of many familiar surnames of the Gnoll Hero.
SS#2: A bit too much insanity I created in one map by letting AI's go at it without much interference from me. It resulted in my goblins warring on a tribe of elementals, and the minimap will show you two other fights of the same proportion with other tribes.


  • New.jpg
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  • Gobb.jpg
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  • Tribal Wars v.0.4(BnetReady).w3x
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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
You really need to improve the terrain. Also units should not be able to go inside each other.
Level 4
Aug 7, 2007
They have a small collision size, reduced when in earlier tests the entrances to bases got clumped together. I'll try to go to a happy medium, in between the first and second collision sizes. What suggestions do you have for terrain? I originally had an idea of changing the terrain of the base and adding in doodads for each race, however I couldn't find a method of doing it in any triggers.
Level 4
Aug 7, 2007
Hmm... I wasn't aware of the 4mb size limit. I've looked over the import list, and it seems the only way to reduce filesize is to start cropping races that use up the most space. If this is the case, Pandaren :( will have to be the first to leave.

Are there any tips/tricks for reducing filesize on maps? Some sort of hidden compression perhaps?
Level 4
Aug 7, 2007
Trouble is, they have hero glows on the Wc3 versions. I edited and removed the hero glow from the pandaren earth/storm/fire models and also added in a death and decay animation, as the hero versions did not.

I've thought of a few models I can crop in favor of in-game ones, but I don't see a way around the Pandaren. They consume 769 KB alone. I'll try to do all my crops and get the filesize reduced, then upload a new version.

EDIT: 3977KB without cutting Pandas! *self high-five* Let me do some finishing touches and I'll upload this latest version.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
769, whoa. Just find smaller models. How can you get the model that big by just by removing glows?
Level 4
Aug 7, 2007
That was for the entire Pandaren race. Each fire/earth/storm edited model was about 160KB, then the Geomancer that i downloaded was around the same.

I'm leaving for the weekend, but when I return I will check into those optimization programs and see if there's anything I can use. There are still a few more races I'd like to add, which may or may not need new models. I haven't looked into their options quite yet.
Level 4
Aug 7, 2007
Well... doubt anyone'll notice but another version's up. I'm not going to double post again if no one is interested.

Update changes (v.0.1)
-Added in the model credits to the map intro.
-Overall map size has increased, bases now less cluttered. Ogres still complain it's too small.
-Some placeholder abilities removed. Furbolgs still wonder if they themselves are placeholders.
-Bases have more health and their own attack.
-Stealth units have been introduced. Check out the Murloc Nightcrawler or Draenei Harbinger to try them out.
-Pandaren have gone under a revamp to fix a bug and reduce map filesize.
-Various bug fixes.

Update changes (v.0.2)
-Major bug fix: Empty player slots will not spawn selectors at the map start. You can play a 2, 4, 7, etc. player game without problem.
-New feature: Runes! Upon a Hero dying, he will drop a rune unique to his race. The rune can be picked up by any other Hero, and can cause a wide array of effects.
-New AI improvements: AI players will now retreat when low on health, recover, and return when they are in better shape. They also know how to use the runes implemented in this version.
-More various bug squishes.
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