Desert strike is a 'tug of war' type of map with units from the melee game that are being sent in waves from each player. The goal is to destroy the opponents rune portal. Each structure from player buildings represents 1 unit spawned for AI every wave, e.g: 4 barracks will spawn 4 grunts for AI every wave. Each player starts with 4 peons which they can use to mine gold/chop wood and build desired structures accordingly.
Special actions:
-Forest replant - W->G hotkey. Use this action on the cut forest tile in order to replant the trees in the area
-Blacksmith upgrades for the AI - once player builds a shipyard, the upgrades for allied AI are unlocked. Each foundry grants the weapon upgrade (swords/arrows). Each oil refinery grants the shields upgrade.
-Lumbermill/TH stacking - each lumbermill grants +25 wood per chop. Each keep/fort grants +10/+20 gold per peon bag respectively
-Peon training - it's possible to create more peons on the map, although they are pretty expensive. Population may need to be increased with extra great halls
-Sending resources to other players - players can exchange resources with following command: /send <number> <resource> <color>, e.g: /send 200 gold red
-Teron gorefiend - it's possible to create 1 Teron hero unit in base, which allows to cast haste on allied peons
Special structures:
-Runestone - "mind control" building. Converts all enemy AI units to the allied AI
-Goblin alchemist/Gnomish inventor - "nuke" building. Kills all enemy AI units
-Circle of power - "daemon" building. The peon is sacrified to create this building. Spawns a powerful daemon unit each wave
-Rune portal - "base repair" building. Heals allied rune portal back to 100%
NOTE: teron gorefiend/runestone/goblin alchemist/gnomish inventor/rune portal are special actions that cost 10 oil each. There's a limited number of special actions a player can use within one game
Special actions:
-Forest replant - W->G hotkey. Use this action on the cut forest tile in order to replant the trees in the area
-Blacksmith upgrades for the AI - once player builds a shipyard, the upgrades for allied AI are unlocked. Each foundry grants the weapon upgrade (swords/arrows). Each oil refinery grants the shields upgrade.
-Lumbermill/TH stacking - each lumbermill grants +25 wood per chop. Each keep/fort grants +10/+20 gold per peon bag respectively
-Peon training - it's possible to create more peons on the map, although they are pretty expensive. Population may need to be increased with extra great halls
-Sending resources to other players - players can exchange resources with following command: /send <number> <resource> <color>, e.g: /send 200 gold red
-Teron gorefiend - it's possible to create 1 Teron hero unit in base, which allows to cast haste on allied peons
Special structures:
-Runestone - "mind control" building. Converts all enemy AI units to the allied AI
-Goblin alchemist/Gnomish inventor - "nuke" building. Kills all enemy AI units
-Circle of power - "daemon" building. The peon is sacrified to create this building. Spawns a powerful daemon unit each wave
-Rune portal - "base repair" building. Heals allied rune portal back to 100%
NOTE: teron gorefiend/runestone/goblin alchemist/gnomish inventor/rune portal are special actions that cost 10 oil each. There's a limited number of special actions a player can use within one game