The project “WarCraft III: Crosier Of Unter”
Our project is the total conversion of the Warcraft III The Frozen Throne. There are some features of our project, which differ it from other ones:
- The full changing of game races.
- The lot of secondary races, such as Dragons, Naaru, Draenei.
- The lot of new models, skins and icons: each unit will have model, icon and skin made especially for our project, buildings and doodads (trees, statues and others) are too.
- The changed interface.
- Original loadscreens in the Campaign and Multiplayer.
- The new sound accompaniment.
- The huge number of new abilities for units and heroes and other add-ons (for example, each type of armor shall have its own magic resistance).
- And of course, the new campaigns, in which will be new wars in Azeroth, Outland and in one more world. Player may visit the Time Caves and Emerald Dream and see such characters as Medivh, Archimonde and Ner-Zul.
- Three new locations – Emerald Dream, Time Caves and The Other World.
Race changing
The main feature in the mode is race changing. In the place of Alliance, Horde, Undead and Night Elves you will play for the Irhvites, Burning Legion, Blood Elves and Nagas. Each race shall have its own unique abilities. A lot of new tactics.
Irhvites are the human Dalaran mages. The feature of them is that EACH unit shall have mana. They are the most powerful race in the mode, but it will be very difficult to play for them.
Blood Elves
Blood Elves (they are sometimes called Sin’Doreas) are the insane race, concentrated on power.
They like power and afraid to lose it or to miss control on it. Their bodies are more rounded that Night Elves’ ones, ears are vertical and they are lesser muscular.
Nagas are greedy and sadistic creatures, their banishment had increased their evil, hungry nature. Nagas have very few allies on the dry land, but that Nagas, which went with Illidan, had made Blood Elves their friends and family. They are thinking about Horde as about weak wildmen. Living in ocean tides, Nagas had enslaved many underwater beasts, such as Mur’Gul. These fish-formed creatures are their slaves and cheap working force. The main Nagas’ enemy for ruling the ocean are the Sea Giants. These beasts are hating Nagas and they kill them each time when they meeting.
The Burning Legion
Demons are immortal evil creatures, which eat life and magic. They enjoy making suffer, disintegration and crushing of all good. Many demons were mortal in past. Some beasts were transformed to demons.
Technical side of project
-Mode will particularly change game races. You can play for them in melee maps.
-Each race will be designed in classic WarCraft3 style (4 heroes, 3 upgrading levels of main building and other)
-There are will be 4 campaigns for the new races.
-Release time – august or september of this year.
Entering the project
Now very small number of people are working on project and we need any people. If you want to help, then write here: [email protected]
Our project is the total conversion of the Warcraft III The Frozen Throne. There are some features of our project, which differ it from other ones:
- The full changing of game races.
- The lot of secondary races, such as Dragons, Naaru, Draenei.
- The lot of new models, skins and icons: each unit will have model, icon and skin made especially for our project, buildings and doodads (trees, statues and others) are too.
- The changed interface.
- Original loadscreens in the Campaign and Multiplayer.
- The new sound accompaniment.
- The huge number of new abilities for units and heroes and other add-ons (for example, each type of armor shall have its own magic resistance).
- And of course, the new campaigns, in which will be new wars in Azeroth, Outland and in one more world. Player may visit the Time Caves and Emerald Dream and see such characters as Medivh, Archimonde and Ner-Zul.
- Three new locations – Emerald Dream, Time Caves and The Other World.
Race changing
The main feature in the mode is race changing. In the place of Alliance, Horde, Undead and Night Elves you will play for the Irhvites, Burning Legion, Blood Elves and Nagas. Each race shall have its own unique abilities. A lot of new tactics.
Irhvites are the human Dalaran mages. The feature of them is that EACH unit shall have mana. They are the most powerful race in the mode, but it will be very difficult to play for them.
Blood Elves
Blood Elves (they are sometimes called Sin’Doreas) are the insane race, concentrated on power.
They like power and afraid to lose it or to miss control on it. Their bodies are more rounded that Night Elves’ ones, ears are vertical and they are lesser muscular.
Nagas are greedy and sadistic creatures, their banishment had increased their evil, hungry nature. Nagas have very few allies on the dry land, but that Nagas, which went with Illidan, had made Blood Elves their friends and family. They are thinking about Horde as about weak wildmen. Living in ocean tides, Nagas had enslaved many underwater beasts, such as Mur’Gul. These fish-formed creatures are their slaves and cheap working force. The main Nagas’ enemy for ruling the ocean are the Sea Giants. These beasts are hating Nagas and they kill them each time when they meeting.
The Burning Legion
Demons are immortal evil creatures, which eat life and magic. They enjoy making suffer, disintegration and crushing of all good. Many demons were mortal in past. Some beasts were transformed to demons.
Technical side of project
-Mode will particularly change game races. You can play for them in melee maps.
-Each race will be designed in classic WarCraft3 style (4 heroes, 3 upgrading levels of main building and other)
-There are will be 4 campaigns for the new races.
-Release time – august or september of this year.
Entering the project
Now very small number of people are working on project and we need any people. If you want to help, then write here: [email protected]
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