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Tribal Champions

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Level 7
Sep 7, 2006
Honored members of the hive, i present to you, Tribal Champions

Tribal Champions is a Hero Arena based map but it has significant differences compared to most Hero Arenas. The map It is based on the Game: Bloodline Champions, a Hero Arena Game that is still in Beta phase, and the map has a lot of similar heroes, spells and systems to the game.

In the map there is no mana, so you wont have to lose an arena match because your healers mana went out. Instead it is focused around the spells cooldowns, making it very important to use a ability at the right time.

Every hero has 7 different spells. All spells are actives, no passives here. And all spells are aimed to be skill based. In short, there is no chance in this game, no critical hits. In this game you need to be skilled to win. The battles are focused on intense action! The 7 spells on all the heroes are keybinded on the Q,W,E,R,A,S,D keys.

Right now you can play 2 teams (Warm or Cold team) of 3 (or 1v1,2v2...) but In the future i might change it so that you can be 2 teams of 5 (or 1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4..)

The only playable mode at the moment is Arena Deathmatch. (I might add other game modes as catch the flag later.) Here you fight against another team for 3,5,7 or 10 rounds. The team that wins the set amount of victories first wins the game.

There are four different types of heroes. Tanks, Healers, Ranged DPS, and Melee DPS.

Tanks are units that can sustain great amounts of damage, but are also very capable of dealing damage themselves.

Healers are very good supporters for their team, their healing is invaluable and their spells can often help their team to control the battlefield.

Ranged DPS are the heroes that are capable of dealing a lot of damage while keeping their distance from the fray. Which is needed since they cant sustain very much punishment.

Melee DPS are very capable of picking out and killing their opponents. What they lack in range they make up for in mobility and pure ruthlessness.

Many of they heroes are hybrids so that every hero is unique so that and player can have a hero that suits him 100%

I'm aiming to add at least 3 heroes for every class. More may come in the future.


Heroes Progress:

5*(Updated) Heroes Completed: But I'll probably modify and balance the heroes as time goes.

Healer: Witch Doctor
The Witch Doctor's control the battlefield through healing and powerful spells. While they are not able to deal much damage on their own their abilities are of great support to their allies.

Spells: Done

Tank: The ''Rock''
Possessing both physical strength and earth magic, the ''Rocks'' wreaks havoc upon their enemies. They are capable of disturbing the whole enemy team and have the ability to heal themselves.

Spells: Done

Melee DPS: Blademaster
The Blademasters are experts at dealing melee damage and avoiding enemy damage. They are known to preform deadly ''Sword Dances''.

Spells: Done

Ranged DPS: Thunderer
The Thunderer can deal an immense amount of damage to a single target at a long range while ensuring their own survival through stealth and cunning tricks.

Spells: Done

New Hero Completed!

Ranged DPS: Dark Ranger
The Dark Ranger is a very capable hero, it can deal good damage, and can be an excellent harrasser. It is also an expert at getting away from danger.

Spells: Done

In this map I'm aiming to make at least 3 different arenas. But i might do more.

Arena Progress:

One Arena Completed: But it will probably be modified and improved in the future.

Trial of the Gods: Map made for 2v2 or 3v3 clashes.


Overview Of Arena: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/5553/90702924.png[/URL]

UPDATE# I have now finished the Beta with 4 heroes, will put it up here soon.

Well i guess that was all for now folks, but you can expect updates to come up soon since i am working on the map nearly everyday.
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Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Would be easier if there were some battle screenies :) I sometimes have problems reading through a lot of text.

I've read about Bloodline Champions, quite an interesting game from what I saw. I hope this is just as good!

Its cool how there are no passives and chance-based abilities. Would make it much more action-packed and epic.

Good luck! I hope to try out the beta ASAP!
Level 7
Sep 7, 2006
Would be easier if there were some battle screenies :) I sometimes have problems reading through a lot of text.

True, ill try to put some more screenies up in the coming days.

I've read about Bloodline Champions, quite an interesting game from what I saw. I hope this is just as good!
That will be a challenge :p I'll do the best i can!

Its cool how there are no passives and chance-based abilities. Would make it much more action-packed and epic.

Yes! That's what I think as well!

Good luck! I hope to try out the beta ASAP!

Thanks, and about the beta, i would love to put it up but i still feel its not entirely finished yet. I don't wanna rush it, but it will come soon i hope. :D.

By the way i have something that i want to get your opinions about. Should the seven abilities be hot keyed on the Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U keys or on the Q,W,E,R,A,S,D keys? Or maybe you even have a better idea? Please tell me your opinions on the matter :D!
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Level 7
Sep 7, 2006
I think QWERASD is easier. You don't have to stretch your finger too much.

Sure, no need to rush. Try and perfect it as much as possible before releasing :)

Ok I'll make it Q,W,E,R,A,S,D and try it out, i agree it will probably be easier.

EDIT: Fixed S Hotkey!

Anyway, thanks for the help m8!
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Level 7
Sep 7, 2006
I really like the arena terrain and the heroes seem unique enough. Will two players be able to have the same hero? Its only 'the rock' sounds more like a nickname of an individual than a rank or title.

Absolutely! Two people will be able to play the same hero if they wish!

About the name, i kinda like it.. But it can of course be changed :p, got any good ideas?

I have now made Q,W,E,R,A,S,D as the official hotkeys! Got S to work out! :D
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