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King Maker Thread

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Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Need your opinions

Name- Dronic
Government- Monarchy
Tech Level- 1a
Description- A tribal group based in africa.
Land- Africa 1

Name- Drog
Group- Dronic
Class- Royal
Description- Tanned with strong completion. Black hair with brown eyes, he rules the Dronics.
Rank- Leader
Level 11
Jan 17, 2009
Name : Beastillian
Goverment : Democracy
Tech level : 1a
Description : a village located on North America.
Land : North America 2

Name : Rob
Group : Beastillian
Class : Noble
Description : A wise man who command the beastillians. long black hair, black eyes, 1, 59 meters tall, and 59 kg weight.
Rank : Leader
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Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Name : Beastillian
Goverment : Democracy
Tech level : 1a
Description : a village located on North America.
Land : North America 2

Name : Rob
Group : Beastillian
Class : Royal
Description : A wise man who command the beastillians. long black hair, black eyes, 1, 59 meters tall, and 59 kg weight.
Rank : Leader

2 more approvals
here's your symbol
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Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Government Anaarchy? That shouldn't even be considered a govenment! jus kidden. What if they coudl attack any country they want at same time, since they are crazy, but can't tech level, so they gotta kill em all fast....
Jus cause you said you like my approval here it is...................
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
So like, (if i was playng) if could recruit, lets say my pal Taryen. So he would be part of my country/government and help me with other character, or have his own government?

This is a very cool idea. I hope it works out for you.
If you ever finish this one, make one with a HUGE map, and tons of preplaced armies, so you can't take something just because no-one is there. And let like maybe 10 people join.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Character layout
Name - El'kazir
Group- Dronic
Class- Noble
Description - El'kazir was once powerful lord of his own group, but in a great battle he was defeated and betrayed. After that he was half dead and he was found by the Dronic noble. Noble offered him power and glory, and of course, El'kazir accepted.
Rank- Defense General
El'kazir- approved
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Name- Kalok
Group- Dronic
Class- Noble
Description- A bit shorter than average, though with a voice that sound like it could bring down the heavens when he's angry, he has a tan, and wears Shaman like clothing though also clothing with protective qualities.
Rank- Shamanic General (A general with shaman like magic abillities)
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
YES, I need only 4 people. <:. I leaving the forum today and tomorrow, but Wednesday will be back. That's when I'm not going to be sick *coughing up* bye
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Name- Varsaigen
Group- Dronic (isn't Dronic himself though :/)
Class- Noble
Description- A 7 foot, 8 inch tall lycan (werewolf. no human form at all :p but has a wolf form :D), Lord Varsaigen has become the most powerful shaman in the Dronic nation. Having been granted the title, Stormcaller, by those who have witnessed his powers, he controls his enviroment with relative ease. Though the larger the area he tries to use, the harder it becomes. Controlling the natural elements, he is able to bring living hell upon his enemies and has become the advisor to the Dronic king/emperor (whatever the title is) and now leads his own force. Cunning and dangerous, he is not to be enraged, as no one is safe from his wrath! Logical and intellegent, he is able to find uses for things that could otherwise benefit him. But, if logic doesn't work in his favor, he always has his power over the elements to "persuade" others.
Rank- Warlord, Stormcaller
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
rofl i was requested :p If I am on my own, I end up becoming the most dangerous layer around :p lol so, better to have me serve someone who will make sure I can't become too dangerous to anyone :p (without the godmodding of course, or a sudden rise to epic power :p) Don't worry, I play fair. :p But with the elements on my side, you'll have to be well prepared :p
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Name- Grovan
Group- Gravoniv
Class- Noble
Description- A powerful mage of the Gravoniv. He commands the very rock and stone of earth. He is a Warlord to the Gravoniv leader and has earth elemntals to do his biding.
Rank- Earth Lord

Do you like Flat.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
o_O your powers are so great, mine is just predicting the future (fogishly, an example: "In near time, there shall be many deaths of men" This could mean many things, a war, where one side butchers the other, either positive to us, or negative, it could mean a draw, it could also mean a natural disaster or something XD) and put curses on people through decently long rituals (I'm a shaman, not a mage, remember, we're some african tribes, I'd prefer to stay in context XD)
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Name - Nubi-oo
Government - Monarchy with the opposing Circle of Five Aseikh's.
Tech level - 2
Description - The land of Nubi-oo consists out of Libia, Nubia and Egypt. Most people are either, nomads, farmers near the Nile or soldiers.
Land - Africa 3

Character - Aseikh Taren.
Group - Circle of the Five Aseikh's.
Occupation - Ruler
Description - A tall colored young man, with an Egyptian Sword. Brown hair, however, he has gray eyes, very strange. He wears the typical nomad cloack as sign of humbleness.
Servants - The Zasazirn People, housing in the south of Egypt.
Militairy Force - Pretty much camel riders.
Character's character - Silent and decisive.
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