[IDEA] Custom Warcraft cooperative maps featuring "Commanders"

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I've been thinking of something quite similar to Starcraft 2 Coop commanders feature, but made in warcraft 3:


Customized races and clans (parentheses: the leader):

-Kul Tiras (Admiral Proudmoore)
-Lordaeron Survivors (Jaina Proudmoore)
-Azeroth (Anduin)
-Sin'dorei (Kael Thas)
-Orgrimmar (Thrall)
-Warsong clan (Grom)
-Goblins (Gazlowe)
-Tauren (Cairne Bloodhoof)
-The Scourge (Arthas)
-The Forsaken (Sylvanas)
-Nerubian (Anub'arak)
-Night Elves
-High Elves

It was hard to remember which units and leaders to choose, and which existed, because it's been a long time since i've went into WC lore...

What does one clan differ from other?
Starcraft 2 example:
A Raynor marine is just a regular marine...
A Nova marine is an elite marine with, well... way higher stats and skills.

This example put in warcraft 3:
Hellscream's grunts would use axes (regular).
Thrall's grunts may wield hammers instead, which deals normal melee damage but also deal bonus damage vs buildings.

Jaina's footman would have high armor and defend command.
Kul'tiras' footman would have a charge attack instead of defend.

The tech tree for each race and clan will differ from one another:
Thrall would have access to catapults, Grom would have access to raiders, and the goblin would use sappers, etc...
Thrall will have orc burrows as population and defense, while Grom will have access to pig farms and watch towers.
The scourge will have access to ghouls, while The Forsaken will have access to skeletal warriors, and the nerubian will periodically spawn scarabs...
Each race or clan would have a different elite warrior (expensive both resource and food wise)...
Each race or clan MAY have a hero unit, while others may depend on special abilities instead.

And I know most people will say: But Grom is dead, or Arthas is now the Lich King, etc... You're right! :grin: but Mengsk and Tychus from Starcraft 2 were dead too, and they're still available as Co-op commanders

The other main point:


This would involve several missions, like in SCII coop:

Excavation: Defend the excavation site for 20-30 minutes from the Burning Legion
Gathering: Take a few Kodo beasts to specific points (5 waves), defend them from the centaurs and return with them. Can't lose 3 beasts. (kind of like the Stetmann's mission of collecting terrazine)
Evacuation: Allow 4 transport ships with several survivors to escape from Lordaeron. Can't lose more than 5 transport ships.
Unstable ground: Prevent the collapse of the map by gathering 20 Magic Stones for Malfurion. (Lore behind this: the magma rises and lowers in intervals, and with each wave it brings strong magic rocks which are key to stabilize the area... If the mission fails and time passes, the place explodes and it will destroy and incinerate several miles of forest... Yeah, this is sort of a "The Vermillion Problem" clone xD)
... etc

This Idea obviously came from playing a lot of cooperative missions in Starcraft 2, and it'd seem an interesting concept to add to warcraft 3.
Now the ideas I came up with in Warcraft 3 version are not supposed to be final. They're just examples thought and written quickly. If you have better ideas, feel free to comment. I'll read and give you my humble opinion :thumbs_up:
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You could also do multiplayer versions of campaign maps like Twilight of the Gods or The Culling.
I'm bad at making working techtrees :c I once tried to recreate starcraft techtrees, and make a custom bandit race, which... was kind of weirdly put, so that's why I made an idea post about this

Also... i don't know about those two, sorry
Level 6
Dec 11, 2014
This is actually a great idea and something I felt that Reforged SORELY lacked, given how much they were trying to hype it up and saying there may even be future content for it. I imagined a very SC2-like lifespan, but sadly because they rushed the game and put absolutely no love and care into it... we are left with the pieces that they will probably never get back to.
Heck they may not even ever add in custom campaigns again (like how they used to work) or ANY sort of PvP ladder from the sounds of it (or rather the lack of any news)
I think it would be fun seeing some differences as well between the races.

Right now I am working on a similar concept where you get to choose your 'hero' and you get your custom units based on it very much like SC2 Co-op.

Arthas, for example, is a very powerful hero unit, and his units are a combination of early on very weak scourge and then later more powerful than average units that cost more (Think Kerrigan with zerglings and hydras, then Ultralisks. Except its weak ghouls/zombies/skeletons and then more powerful abominations, frost wyrms, and even Liches and Deathknights near the end game [but as units, not heroes]

Meanwhile, you can also choose the Cult of the Damned which are going to be reskinned bandit units with cult themes, who augment their relatively mediocre army with lots of summons of skeletons and zombies and have more spellcasters that can be used in unique ways.
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
Someone did make the base for a WC3 coop map
I played it as a lone player and won easily with a night elf commander that was an archer that could become an hyppogriph rider temporarily. That hero was absurdly powerful because it had trueshot aura and boosted night elf archers so I soloed the map.
The idea of the map was simply "pick a faction then as that faction you have the right to only one hero but that hero unlocks tech tree elements and changes mechanics" then you did a few missions campaign style.
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Level 6
Dec 11, 2014
Someone did make the base for a WC3 coop map
I played it as a lone player and won easily with a night elf commander that was an archer that could become an hyppogriph rider temporarily. That hero was absurdly powerful because it had trueshot aura and boosted night elf archers so I soloed the map.
The idea of the map was simply "pick a faction then as that faction you have the right to only one hero but that hero unlocks tech tree elements and changes mechanics" then you did a few missions campaign style.
That sounds intriguing! Do you remember what map that was or any idea where I can find it? I'd love to try it out.
Someone did make the base for a WC3 coop map
I played it as a lone player and won easily with a night elf commander that was an archer that could become an hyppogriph rider temporarily. That hero was absurdly powerful because it had trueshot aura and boosted night elf archers so I soloed the map.
The idea of the map was simply "pick a faction then as that faction you have the right to only one hero but that hero unlocks tech tree elements and changes mechanics" then you did a few missions campaign style.
Same as above: do you remember what map or series of maps was it?
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
Here is the map I was talking about:
Here is another map with the same idea.
Since you looked as if you wanted to participate in making a coop mode for warcraft 3 you might consider joining the team of the second map.
Here is their discord.
Or you might just private message the one who made the first map
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