Hello to all fans of the WarCraft universe!
Sorry for bad english
WarCraft Reforged is coming. Soon, players will plunge into the updated campaigns and begin to fight in the rating matches.
My idea was born after the next match in StarCraft 2 Coop (The unique armies under the leadership of the heroes of the SC2 universe in 2 player PvE missions became a feature of this mode).
I propose to transfer this mode to WarCraft 3. At the same time, to adapt for WoW and other "Blizzard" projects. In the universe of WarCraft there is a universal Evil - Void (instead of Amun), as well as movements in time (Brood of Nozdormu), which allows creating unthinkable crossovers between characters and events.
I want to combine the interesting decisions made in the projects of Blizzard: Commanders of SC 2, HotS talents, lore and events WoW
WarCraft: Legends - a set of altered-melee maps where you try on the role of the legendary character of the WarCraft universe and lead a unique army into battle.
Choose a powerful hero from your favorite race, fight the team in a variety of scenarios. Level up your hero to gain access to new abilities, improvements and talents of your army. Equip the hero with the best items and pump professions.
Participate with your friend in coop-missions (PvE) or find out whose team of heroes are cooler in hot online battles (PvP).
You can even plunge into chaos and challenge the Old Gods!!! <Your courage will fail...>
The time has come. Battlefields are waiting for you, Heroes!
- One hero - the legendary character of the WarCraft universe with its unique army (instead of 3 heroes)
- Maximum level - 15
- Talents - a system of free upgrades for the player’s army, sharpened for different game situations (one for 5, 10 and 15 levels of the hero)
- Upgrades - a paid set of improvements that reveal the potential of the army with increasing player level (divided into 2 types: "aggression" and "defense")
- Marine gameplay - full-fledged gameplay, giving the additional set of gaming capabilities (battles, additional ways to bypass, the possibility of additional earning)
- Ranking of items (as in WoW): common (white), uncommon (green), rare (blue), epic (purple), legendary (orange)
- Exclusive font - icon support for easy description
- Сreeps - now they are being revived after a period of time, an increased reward (gold, wood) for killing them, there will also be mini-bosses (reinforced creeps that can be called once from the creeps base - they give an even bigger reward and more valuable loot)
- Shops - an opportunity to expand the player’s assortment by choosing 1-2 trader’s specialization (alchemy, tracing, leatherworking, blacksmithing, engineering, jewelry, enchantment, porting)
Heroes approved (but minor changes are possible)
- Jaina Proudmoore - Kul-Tiras army tied up on portals (powerful fleet, moving troops)
- Uther the Lightbringer - an army of paladins, units fighting in melee and actively using the magic of light (Silver Hand)
- Anduin Lothar - Alliance general of the 2nd war sample (humans, high elves)
- Anduin Wrynn - an army with powerful treatment mages supporting the main team (SI:7, 7th Legion)
- Genn Greymane - Worgen Army. The soldiers have 2 appearance, allowing you to change the style of combat in one moment (the archer turns into a wolf melee, etc.)
- Khadgar - Dalaran Army (Kirin Tor, Guardians of Tirisfal) (Antonidas)
- Sally Whitemane - High Inqusitor, aggressive alliance with the support of the magic of light (Scarlet Crusade)
- Tyrion Fordring - Army of Paladins (Argent Dawn)
- Muradin Bronzebeard - (Ironforge, Winterborn) (Jörg Thunder Heart) (assistance from Magni and Bran Bronzebeards)
- Falstad Wildhammer - an army based on gryphon riders (supporting Kurdran)
- Moira Thaurissan - Army of the Black Iron Dwarves (Black Mountain) (support for Ragnaros)
- Gelbin Mekkatorque - High Tinker, King of Gnomes
Night Elfs
- Malfurion Stormrage - The Army of Druids
- Lunara and Brightwing - Driads and Faerie Dragon
- Remulos - Keeper of the Moonglade, army of trees and dryads, trees play an important role in the army, their speed is much higher
- Tyrande Whisperwind - followers of the goddess Elune. The army is archers and other ranged troops, supported by Tyrande's aura. Masters of stealth
- Maiev Shadowsong - an army of assassins, a complete rejection of trees in favor of the skill of the army. Against magic and invisible.
- Shandris Feathermoon - General of the Sentinel Army
- Illidan Stormrage - army of trained night elves and blood elves who took the filth to fight it. Can take the form of demons
Blood Elves
- Kael'thas Sunstrider - army of blood elves (witches, healers, sorceresses) who can absorb mana from the enemy and specials. buildings
- Lor'themar Theron - army of blood elves based on witches (the power of the revived Sunwell)
- Orgrim Doomhammer - team army hordes of clans of the old horde of sample WC2
- Gul’dan - an army of hordes of necroliths and warlocks (Shadow Council)
- Thrall, son of Durotan - army of shamans of the horde, worship of various elements
- Garrosh Hellscream - Iron Horde Army of Warlords of Draenor
- Grommash Hellscream - Wars Wars clan, mobile wolf riders, robs opponents in attack
- Rexxar - Thunderlord Clan
- Teron Gorefiend - a mixture of the army of the horde and the undead
- Cho’gall - The Twilight Hammer, at the base of the ogre, and the magic of the abyss
- Vol’jin - Black Spear Troll Army (Voodoo Magic)
- Zul’jinn - Amani forest troll army. Used in battle spirits Loa (the gods of the trolls)
- Baine Bloodhoof - an army of tauren, the quintessence of unbridled power and strength (supporting the spirit of Cairne Bloodhoof)
- Gallywix - trade prince. The best practices of goblins (mastery of deception)
- Kel'Tuzad - army of necromancers and sectarians who spawn skeletons. Cult of the Damned - create and spread the plague (necropolis Naxramas, Necrosity)
- Arthas Menethil / The Lich King - Icecrown Scourge
- Lana'thel - The Blood Queen, leader of San'lane
- Nathanos Blightcaller - The Forsaken General
- Darion Morgrain - Knights of the Ebon Blade (Acherus Necropolis)
- Anub’arak - Fallen Nerubians, Masters of Disguise (Azjol-Nerub)
- Sylvanas Windrunner - undead-forsaken. Base - Banshee
- Aysa Cloudsinger - the power of the spirit, the monks
- Ji Firepaw - Rampage, Fire (Chen Wild Porter)
- Velen - Draenei Prophet
- Maraad - Vindicator, Paladin of Light
- Akama - broken draenei, invisibility mechanics at any time of day
- Alleria and Turalyon - elves of the void and illumined draenei in one bottle. The contradiction of the elements (light and abyss) gives an unsurpassed result in battle
- Verissa and Ronin - Army of Classical High Elves and Mages of Kirin Tor (Dalaran Silver Union)
Total: 47 heroes!
Walkthrough of the co-op mission "Seeds of Faith" (rus)
Sorry for bad english
AMarkoff present
WarCraft Reforged is coming. Soon, players will plunge into the updated campaigns and begin to fight in the rating matches.
My idea was born after the next match in StarCraft 2 Coop (The unique armies under the leadership of the heroes of the SC2 universe in 2 player PvE missions became a feature of this mode).
I propose to transfer this mode to WarCraft 3. At the same time, to adapt for WoW and other "Blizzard" projects. In the universe of WarCraft there is a universal Evil - Void (instead of Amun), as well as movements in time (Brood of Nozdormu), which allows creating unthinkable crossovers between characters and events.
I want to combine the interesting decisions made in the projects of Blizzard: Commanders of SC 2, HotS talents, lore and events WoW
WarCraft: Legends - a set of altered-melee maps where you try on the role of the legendary character of the WarCraft universe and lead a unique army into battle.
Choose a powerful hero from your favorite race, fight the team in a variety of scenarios. Level up your hero to gain access to new abilities, improvements and talents of your army. Equip the hero with the best items and pump professions.
Participate with your friend in coop-missions (PvE) or find out whose team of heroes are cooler in hot online battles (PvP).
You can even plunge into chaos and challenge the Old Gods!!! <Your courage will fail...>
The time has come. Battlefields are waiting for you, Heroes!
- One hero - the legendary character of the WarCraft universe with its unique army (instead of 3 heroes)
- Maximum level - 15
- Talents - a system of free upgrades for the player’s army, sharpened for different game situations (one for 5, 10 and 15 levels of the hero)
- Upgrades - a paid set of improvements that reveal the potential of the army with increasing player level (divided into 2 types: "aggression" and "defense")
- Marine gameplay - full-fledged gameplay, giving the additional set of gaming capabilities (battles, additional ways to bypass, the possibility of additional earning)
- Ranking of items (as in WoW): common (white), uncommon (green), rare (blue), epic (purple), legendary (orange)
- Exclusive font - icon support for easy description
- Сreeps - now they are being revived after a period of time, an increased reward (gold, wood) for killing them, there will also be mini-bosses (reinforced creeps that can be called once from the creeps base - they give an even bigger reward and more valuable loot)
- Shops - an opportunity to expand the player’s assortment by choosing 1-2 trader’s specialization (alchemy, tracing, leatherworking, blacksmithing, engineering, jewelry, enchantment, porting)
Heroes approved (but minor changes are possible)
- Jaina Proudmoore - Kul-Tiras army tied up on portals (powerful fleet, moving troops)
- Uther the Lightbringer - an army of paladins, units fighting in melee and actively using the magic of light (Silver Hand)
- Anduin Lothar - Alliance general of the 2nd war sample (humans, high elves)
- Anduin Wrynn - an army with powerful treatment mages supporting the main team (SI:7, 7th Legion)
- Genn Greymane - Worgen Army. The soldiers have 2 appearance, allowing you to change the style of combat in one moment (the archer turns into a wolf melee, etc.)
- Khadgar - Dalaran Army (Kirin Tor, Guardians of Tirisfal) (Antonidas)
- Sally Whitemane - High Inqusitor, aggressive alliance with the support of the magic of light (Scarlet Crusade)
- Tyrion Fordring - Army of Paladins (Argent Dawn)
- Muradin Bronzebeard - (Ironforge, Winterborn) (Jörg Thunder Heart) (assistance from Magni and Bran Bronzebeards)
- Falstad Wildhammer - an army based on gryphon riders (supporting Kurdran)
- Moira Thaurissan - Army of the Black Iron Dwarves (Black Mountain) (support for Ragnaros)
- Gelbin Mekkatorque - High Tinker, King of Gnomes
Night Elfs
- Malfurion Stormrage - The Army of Druids
- Lunara and Brightwing - Driads and Faerie Dragon
- Remulos - Keeper of the Moonglade, army of trees and dryads, trees play an important role in the army, their speed is much higher
- Tyrande Whisperwind - followers of the goddess Elune. The army is archers and other ranged troops, supported by Tyrande's aura. Masters of stealth
- Maiev Shadowsong - an army of assassins, a complete rejection of trees in favor of the skill of the army. Against magic and invisible.
- Shandris Feathermoon - General of the Sentinel Army
- Illidan Stormrage - army of trained night elves and blood elves who took the filth to fight it. Can take the form of demons
Blood Elves
- Kael'thas Sunstrider - army of blood elves (witches, healers, sorceresses) who can absorb mana from the enemy and specials. buildings
- Lor'themar Theron - army of blood elves based on witches (the power of the revived Sunwell)
- Orgrim Doomhammer - team army hordes of clans of the old horde of sample WC2
- Gul’dan - an army of hordes of necroliths and warlocks (Shadow Council)
- Thrall, son of Durotan - army of shamans of the horde, worship of various elements
- Garrosh Hellscream - Iron Horde Army of Warlords of Draenor
- Grommash Hellscream - Wars Wars clan, mobile wolf riders, robs opponents in attack
- Rexxar - Thunderlord Clan
- Teron Gorefiend - a mixture of the army of the horde and the undead
- Cho’gall - The Twilight Hammer, at the base of the ogre, and the magic of the abyss
- Vol’jin - Black Spear Troll Army (Voodoo Magic)
- Zul’jinn - Amani forest troll army. Used in battle spirits Loa (the gods of the trolls)
- Baine Bloodhoof - an army of tauren, the quintessence of unbridled power and strength (supporting the spirit of Cairne Bloodhoof)
- Gallywix - trade prince. The best practices of goblins (mastery of deception)
- Kel'Tuzad - army of necromancers and sectarians who spawn skeletons. Cult of the Damned - create and spread the plague (necropolis Naxramas, Necrosity)
- Arthas Menethil / The Lich King - Icecrown Scourge
- Lana'thel - The Blood Queen, leader of San'lane
- Nathanos Blightcaller - The Forsaken General
- Darion Morgrain - Knights of the Ebon Blade (Acherus Necropolis)
- Anub’arak - Fallen Nerubians, Masters of Disguise (Azjol-Nerub)
- Sylvanas Windrunner - undead-forsaken. Base - Banshee
- Aysa Cloudsinger - the power of the spirit, the monks
- Ji Firepaw - Rampage, Fire (Chen Wild Porter)
- Velen - Draenei Prophet
- Maraad - Vindicator, Paladin of Light
- Akama - broken draenei, invisibility mechanics at any time of day
- Alleria and Turalyon - elves of the void and illumined draenei in one bottle. The contradiction of the elements (light and abyss) gives an unsurpassed result in battle
- Verissa and Ronin - Army of Classical High Elves and Mages of Kirin Tor (Dalaran Silver Union)
Total: 47 heroes!
Walkthrough of the co-op mission "Seeds of Faith" (rus)
I would like to know your opinion!
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