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How did you come up with your username?

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No, as hieroglyphics actually had no vowels in them. So it was actually "Osrs" ("o" wasn't a vowel), and the scribes automatically knew how it was pronounced. (Vowels were omitted to save time and space.) So any egyptian names with vowels in them are just guesses or attempts to make them easier to pronounce.
Wikipedia said:
Osiris (Greek language, also Usiris; the Egyptian language name is variously transliterated Asar, Aser, Ausar, Ausir, Wesir, or Ausare) is the Egyptian god of life, death, and fertility.

Osiris is one of the oldest gods for whom records have been found and first appears in the Pyramid Texts around 2400 BC, when his cult is already well established. He was widely worshipped until the forcible suppression of paganism in the Christian era.[1][2] The information we have on the myths of Osiris is derived from allusions contained in the pyramid texts, and, much later, in narrative style from the writings of Plutarch[3] and Diodorus Siculus.[4]

Wikipedia said:
Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. Please search for Oziris in Wikipedia to check for alternative titles or spellings.

It's definitely Osiris.
Heh,I usually go by Kamikaze_Nova,Master Kami,Acheron or Wrage.
Love the Kamikaze style,Acheron was a demon god who has some sort of prophecy involving his father,brothers & satan,also,Wrage is just kinda cool to me.
Revellion was just the name of an old clan I started in another game,it lasted six years so...yeah,gotta honor all the people who were there to honor me,and most of the 'generals'.
Level 4
May 24, 2007
... I liked the "darth" thing from SW... and i think muppets are intresting.
And i thought the 2 together would be even more intresting, So i went with Darth_Muppet
Level 35
May 22, 2007
It was long ago, in the depths of time, when Wc3sear.ch was in its prime, that the great spirits of modding, did so give me a holy vision from Iluvatar, telling me...

"Get up nameless one, and flee to Wc3campaigns, where in you will be safe to gather your wisdom, for this world will soon fall under the might of its own weight."

And so I did, I fled to that great fortress, which had become a rival to the great empire of Wc3sear.ch, an enemy of its great will, strong and elite, they were, and a hatred was there in them. But it was there in the registration that I noticed...user name...

But the angels on high, those great spirits of modding, did grant me another vision. Wherein Iluvatar said to me...

"O' nameless one, what givest thou pause?"

And I said to him...

"A name my lord Iluvatar...I am nameless and thus have no name....for I am nameless...and having no name, I seem to be nameless...thus I need a name, else I be nameless."

And Iluvatar then slapped me for saying namless too much, and in doing so also said...

"You will from hence forth be called Elenai...Fore thou art nameless no more."

And I said to him....


Then I came to the HIVE.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Why thankyou...

Actually, I am already a writter (not accomplished, or professional...or even free lance for that matter, and my spelling still careenes down the road of horridness, BUT!).

I even have a secret project I have been working on for nigh seven years. That has evolved wonderfully. Though I will tell no one, as I want to keep these secrets of my arcane will....secret. :D
Level 13
Sep 24, 2007
well my last name is gallin so i started using gallin_of_milk for everything and NO gallin is not missspelled so many times this question has been asked then i accidently deleted the _of_milk part of it when i was making my name here so that is how the name came
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
Why thankyou...

Actually, I am already a writter (not accomplished, or professional...or even free lance for that matter, and my spelling still careenes down the road of horridness, BUT!).

I even have a secret project I have been working on for nigh seven years. That has evolved wonderfully. Though I will tell no one, as I want to keep these secrets of my arcane will....secret. :D

Aaaaw man... Can't you tell me as a pm? xP Well... if you need some ideas, ask me!

~DaedraEater :)P)
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Yes, choosing your alias from something that has erupted overnight into popular culture is outrageously original.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Twas long ago, in the depths of the sands of time, where in I was once more thrown into a great battle, against ancient foes, spawned by an even more ancient grudge.

And there I was, battling my great foe, our swords clashed, the sparks upon our edged blades, enchanted forged, and rune encrusted like jewels of starlight upon the blazing red field that was that burning sky, WRETCHED was the fierce tumult. And even more wretched was our hatred, as it manifested into its own will, our wondrous blades cracked, and dulled. Each blow more powerful than the next. EACH BLOW MORE ANGRY! Every nerve in our body was enflammed with the single desire, of death for the opposer, death for the other side, DEATH, DEATH, DEATH! They chanted. Like some choir of hell, singing our requiem of doom, and singing our blood filled fates together like an abominable tapestry of horror and war!

And as we fought in that last hour, the skies grew dark as the clouds of smoke and ash filled the air, each grain of dust choking out lungs, and each bead of sweat that poured from our faces carried with them a measure of blood. And it was then that I got the upper hand. As I tripped him, and I jumped upon him, prepared to delve my now dull and useless steel into his heart! To deal to him the death blow long ago made his due!

And as I looked up...the world seemed to halt, and time itself seemed to freeze! As I gazed upon a terror not seen by the likes of Hell of Heaven born!

I could only stand in fear and a frozen expression of doom, my face contorted and my eyes wide with the adreniline that surged through my body.

Fore out of the gloom and shadowed fog came soaring toward my crown encased head....a kitten...mewing in its perlious and deadly flight with the word "Elenai" shaved into its bossom.

-Elenai Elenya Mewing Tela Epicae-
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
Well when i was little like 2 i played mech warriors up until i was 8 and my favorite of the mechs was the Madcat, Well when i was 9 i got in to playing a game called gunbound but the user name madcat was already taken so i threw a 2 on the end and the name just sort of stuck through the years.

I am hacker, i know to hack and i am gonig to hack this site

I Dare you to tell a admin that :p.
Level 8
Jul 24, 2007
i came up with that username when i was playing leagen of zelda.And the 598 is like some part of a phone numeber.
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Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
well TDR is my name (Tudor) with some obvious letters removed :p Pretty retarded. That's why I made up metalpiss.

metalpiss was born when I started activating on more and more forums back in 2004 and my only email address had my full name in it, and I was afraid of getting ass raped via internet, so I had to come up with an alias to cover my real, super important and secret identity. That's when I went to yahoo mail and started making up random shit...they were all taken. Then after several unsuccessful attempts I said to myself "w00t I leik METAL! I makes nickname with METAL in it". So I started associating all sorts of different things with metal and all were taken and finally I got pissed off and typed in metalPISS. And GLORIOUS was my joy when I saw it wasn't taken. So yeah, metalpiss was born.
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
well TDR is my name (Tudor) with some obvious letters removed :p Pretty retarded. That's why I made up metalpiss.

metalpiss was born when I started activating on more and more forums back in 2004 and my only email address had my full name in it, and I was afraid of getting ass raped via internet, so I had to come up with an alias to cover my real, super important and secret identity. That's when I went to yahoo mail and started making up random shit...they were all taken. Then after several unsuccessful attempts I said to myself "w00t I leik METAL! I makes nickname with METAL in it". So I started associating all sorts of different things with metal and all were taken and finally I got pissed off and typed in metalPISS. And GLORIOUS was my joy when I saw it wasn't taken. So yeah, metalpiss was born.

Hmm... I may actually kinow you... did you know a guy called Lee?
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