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Hive's Simple Edit Resources Thread



Model Reviewer
Level 29
May 8, 2012



City Gate

Description: Just a little mix between city doodads.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 35 kb
Credits: ILH
Path: -




City Ruins Golem

Description: A golem made of city rubbles.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 89 kb
Credits: ILH
Path: -



  • CityGate.mdx
    34.2 KB · Views: 203
  • CityRuinsGolem3.mdx
    88.2 KB · Views: 212
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Model Reviewer
Level 29
May 8, 2012
I'd delete that spell\attack 2 animation coz his arm is not realy moving all that much in it. I mean, he has his other arm working very well, and not that trash golem operating with a single arm while having both is a bad thing:)
Maybe I'll just let it as it is, the golem could just throw that column part as a spell ;)
Heh, that's some desperate attempt :D
ikr ;-;


  • ColumnCapMissile.mdx
    6.8 KB · Views: 94
Level 29
Mar 9, 2012

Paladin with teamcolor weapon shaft

Mountain King with teamcolor weapon shaft

Orc Fortress fixed Teamcolor

Crypt Texture edit

Paladin with teamcolor weapon shaft

Description: Exactly what it says in the title + tc'ed his trousers too.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: small enough
Credits: Blizzard, Ujimasa Hojo
Path: -

Mountain King with teamcolor weapon shaft

Description: Exactly what it says in the title.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: small enough
Credits: Blizzard, Ujimasa Hojo
Path: -

Orc Fortress fixed Teamcolor

Description: Blizz forgot to add ReplaceableTexture ID 1 for an material, causing teamcolored ribbons on decorative bones to turn black upon upgrading to tier3.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: small enough
Credits: Blizzard
Path: -

Crypt Texture edit

Description: Tried this upon noticing Altar of Darkness texture similarity to Crypt's texture.
Resource Type: Skin
Filesize: small enough
Credits: Blizzard
Path: Buildings\Undead\Crypt\NewCreepyScaryCrypt.blp



  • HeroPaladinTCEnhanced.7z
    205.8 KB · Views: 131
  • MountainKingTcEnhanced.7z
    177.6 KB · Views: 111
  • GreatHallTCEnhanced.mdx
    195 KB · Views: 162
  • CryptEdit.blp
    141 KB · Views: 233
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Level 12
May 9, 2009

Paladin with teamcolor weapon shaft

Mountain King with teamcolor weapon shaft

Orc Fortress fixed Teamcolor

Paladin with teamcolor weapon shaft

Description: Exactly what it says in the title + tc'ed his trousers too.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: small enough
Credits: Blizzard, Ujimasa Hojo
Path: -

Mountain King with teamcolor weapon shaft

Description: Exactly what it says in the title.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: small enough
Credits: Blizzard, Ujimasa Hojo
Path: -

Orc Fortress fixed Teamcolor

Description: Blizz forgot to add ReplaceableTexture ID 1 for an material, causing teamcolored ribbons on decorative bones to turn black upon upgrading to tier3.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: small enough
Credits: Blizzard
Path: -

Definition of simple edit.
Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
I have one model, but I think it is too simple even for this thread.

I wanted to create a high-range melee unit, and I saw that Crypt Lord had a possibly unused animation Spell Throw, where he attacks with his horn and elongates it. So, I basically renamed his attack animations to something random, renamed his Spell Throw animation to Attack, increased the length of his model's horn and removed the hero glow. And, voilà, I created a Nerubian Impaler.

I recommend setting "Combat - Attack 1 - Range" of the unit using this model to 250, or you can increase the unit size if you want longer attack range. This unit will be able to attack from behind the regular melee units with its high range (and will not take a melee attacking spot) and fill the gap between the ranged units and melee units, when they are attacking. As far as I know, the only other high-range melee unit present in the game is the Mountain Giant equipped with a War Club, with its moderate 250 range. Furthermore, Nerubian Impaler even has such an attack animation that it can melee-attack air units from the ground at close range. To do this, set "Combat - Attack 2 - Range" to 0.

The Nerubian Impaler model pack contains the Normal (purple), Dried and Regular (with in-game textures) versions of the model, and the icon for the Dried version. For the Mummified Crypt Lord skin, go here.

Edit 1: Reduced the model size to 70% of its former size, removed the team-coloured shoulder and body pads and wings, recoloured the shell texture, and made some other minor tweaks to the model.
Edit 2 (Aug 5, 2016 CET):
- This is now a Nerubian Impaler Pack - it contains the Normal (purple), Dried and Regular (with in-game textures) versions of the model and the Spiked Carapace spike models which suit it
- The pack contains the Regular version which uses in-game textures for less file size
- The normal Spiked Carapace spikes didn't suit the model, so the pack contains the smaller versions which suit it
- Removed the unnecessary and redundant model parts, textures, materials and geosets, fixing the model's look and animation look, and reducing the file size
- Fixed the height of the model and its parts, fixing the model's look and animation look, and making it not float
- Optimized the model, linearized its animations and reduced its file size
- Fixed the position of the Spiked Carapace attachment points and of the weapon attachment point
- Reduced the breadth of the model's shoulders
- The portrait models now use the correct skin paths and will suit the unit models/skins
- Changed the internal name of the model to NerubianImpaler and changed the name of the old Attack, Attack - 2 and Attack Alternate animations to Spell Throw, Spell Throw - 2 and Spell Throw Alternate
Edit 3 (Aug 6, 2016 CET):
- Added the icon for the Dried skin version/Mummified Crypt Lord to the pack (also added it to the other post)
Edit 4 (Aug 7, 2016 CET):
- Fixed the animations completely
- Deleted more redundant bones, reducing the file size even more
- Reduced further the breadth of the shoulders
- Fixed the UV mapping of the texture (the screenshots aren't updated)
- Removed the Spiked Carapace ability spike models from the pack, because they are no longer needed

Nerubian Impaler Pack


Nerubian Impaler Pack

Description: Long-range melee ground attacker, close-range melee air attacker unit. The pack contains Normal, Dried and Regular versions, and the icon for the Dried version. For Mummified Crypt Lord, go here.
Resource Type: Models, Skins, Icon
Filesize: 172/118/54/17 KB
Credits: Made by Blizzard Entertainment, edited by Alok








  • NerubianImpalerPack.zip
    358 KB · Views: 139
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Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
I have one model, but I think it is too simple even for this thread.

I wanted to create a high-range melee unit, and I saw that Crypt Lord had a possibly unused animation Spell Throw, where he attacks with his horn and elongates it. So, I basically renamed his attack animations to something random, renamed his Spell Throw animation to Attack, increased the length of his model's horn and removed the hero glow. And, voilà, I created a Nerubian Impaler.

I recommend using "Art - Scaling Value" of the unit using this model to 0.7 and "Combat - Attack # - Range" to 250, or leave the scaling at 1 and change the attack range to 375, if you want it to attack from farther away. This unit will be able to attack from behind the regular melee units (and will not take a melee attacking spot) and fill the gap between ranged and melee units, when they are attacking. As far as I know, the only other high-range melee unit present in the game is the Mountain Giant equipped with a War Club, with its moderate 250 range.

Nerubian Impaler


Nerubian Impaler

Description: Long-range melee unit.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 167 KB
Credits: Made by Blizzard Entertainment, edited by Alok

You know, I really like & don't like this all at the same time.

On the one hand, I love when someone takes the time to delve into the little-known/used mysteries of certain models, and doing some model-editing to make an interesting variant really takes that to the next level.

I also really like people coming up with interesting unit-types (i.e. long-ranged melee), and filling out other races (i.e. Nerubian).

What I have a problem with is it's just a little too simple; at least, the rest of the body is. It really is just a Crypt Lord with the Hero Glow removed & the horn elongated. It could really use some other model edits to make it look like a different Nerubian (perhaps less of a beetle).

That, and the horn looks super-long. :< Like, even for Warcraft proportions it might be too much, lol.

Now, I totally get that that might be too much work for you; I understand. But those are my thoughts.


(hey, speaking of "little-used stuff", perhaps something could be made of the Crypt Lord's "Burrow" animation; perhaps a mix between the Terran Siege Tank & the Zerg Sunken Colony (burrows/roots, then becomes a 'tower' with an underground super-spike))
Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
I wanted to change more stuff, but the problem is I have so little knowledge in modelling, that everything I do ruins the model, and, as far as I could see, there is no Undo option in Warcraft 3 Model Editor, which sucks. But I guess I could tinker with the mesh and move points around to see how it would look, or even remove some parts, or change the texture.
I agree that the horn is too long when the model is attacking, I wanted to change that too, perhaps with keeping the horn the same size as in the scaling 1.0, but reduce the size of the rest of the model to 0.7. I wanted to do that, but when I do the "Scaling" in the model editor, no matter what I write, it ruins the model completely. Perhaps, I can try that with "Translating" one by one part of the model.

And, when it comes to burrow, I wanted to make a request for someone to create a "Burrow Move" animation, basically to just add some dust around the burrow animation while the unit is moving underground.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
I wanted to change that too, perhaps with keeping the horn the same size as in the scaling 1.0, but reduce the size of the rest of the model to 0.7. I wanted to do that, but when I do the "Scaling" in the model editor, no matter what I write, it ruins the model completely.

I wouldn't use War3 Model Editor's scaling, translation and rotation if I were you. It uses numbers and pivot points, which is rather confusing and you have to use gueses if you don't know how it works.
If you want to edit its shape or rather called vertices, you can try Mdlvis (for me), there are also other tools too.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Dude, you're using Magos for this? No way man; MDLvis all the way. It's even got an undo function & loads more functionality on the side (viewing exactly which geosets you want, from whichever angle, textured or untextured). Might have some issues but it's overall da bomb.

The kind of changes I'm thinking of would, of course/unfortunately be involved; reshaping the big 'beetle shells', removing/replacing/reworking the big Team Color 'wings', changing the legs, probably the big claw arms too... But yeah, I understand if it's too much. Honestly it's probably too much for me. : )
Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
I've updated the model. I may make some further updates in the future, though.

By the way, can we post custom pathing maps for buildings and doodads in this thread, or should another thread be made for them? When I say pathing maps I mean this: Custom Pathing Maps
They can be very useful to utilize some special aspects of certain buildings and doodads, like allowing units to climb or teleport on top of them, like this:


Here's the custom pathing map I made for that Tree Bridge (Horizontal) in the attachment, in case someone needs it:


  • TreeBridge0Death1.tga
    908 bytes · Views: 79
Level 15
Sep 6, 2015

Dried Nerubian


Dried Nerubian

Description: An alternative skin for my Nerubian Impaler model.
Resource Type: Skin
Filesize: 118 KB
Credits: Made by Blizzard Entertainment, edited by Alok
Path: HeroCryptLord.blp


Mummified Crypt Lord


Mummified Crypt Lord

Description: A skin for the Crypt Lord/Anub'arak hero model.
Resource Type: Skin
Filesize: 127 KB
Credits: Made by Blizzard Entertainment, edited by Alok
Path: Textures\HeroCryptLord.blp





Description: The icon for my Dried Nerubian and Mummified Crypt Lord skins.
Resource Type: Icon
Filesize: 17 KB
Credits: Made by Blizzard Entertainment, edited by Alok




  • DriedNerubian.zip
    117.5 KB · Views: 82
  • BTNDriedNerubian.zip
    15.3 KB · Views: 56
  • MummifiedCryptLord.zip
    127.3 KB · Views: 70
Last edited:
Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
Uruk-hai Pikeman Edit

An edited version of Fingolfin's Uruk-hai Pikeman model, with the pike extended (recommend unit attack range is 250), the "Weapon" attachment point position changed, and the "Stand Defend" animation added (to use this animation give your unit the Defend ability), so it can act like phalanxes do.
Here's the icon for the model: BTNUruk-haiPikeman

Uruk-hai Pikeman


Uruk-hai Pikeman

Description: Uruk-hai Pikeman with extended pike and Stand Defend animation.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 58 KB
Credits: Made by Fingolfin, edited by Alok


Red Uruk-hai Pike Upgrade Glow

The red Uruk-hai pike glow model made from the troll berserk weapon glow which can be attached to the "Weapon" attachment point after the weapon upgrade has been researched, just like in BFME.

Red Uruk-hai Pike Upgrade Glow


Red Uruk-hai Pike Upgrade Glow

Description: Red Uruk-hai pike upgrade glow.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 2 KB
Credits: Made by Blizzard Entertainment, edited by Alok


Sentinel Statue Base/Living Sentinel Statue

If you want to make a statue come to life, this is the base of the Sentinel Statue (Statue Guardian of Aszune) which is left when the statue comes to life and the living sentinel statue skin for the Huntress unit.
How to use:
- Import the texture "Sentinel.blp" to Textures\Sentinel.blp (it will change the skin of all Huntresses, though there are ways to circumvent this)
- Change the model of a destructible to the normal Sentinel Statue model (you can't use the doodad, because it can't be replaced via a trigger)
- Copy that destructible, set the model of the copy to this custom "SentinelStatueBase" model and set its pathing map to NONE
- Place the Sentinel Statue destructible that uses the normal model on your map
- Make a trigger that replaces that Sentinel Statue with the Statue Base and a Huntress at once when the conditions you want are met, and edit it however you want (you can play the "Stand Alternate" animation of the destructible for some time before the transformation for glowing effect)

I will update this post if I make any other statue bases from other statue models with this mechanic.

Sentinel Statue Base/Living Sentinel Statue


Sentinel Statue Base/Living Sentinel Statue

Description: The base of the Sentinel Statue which is left when the statue comes to life and the skin of the living statue.
Resource Type: Model
Filesize: 21 KB
Credits: Made by Blizzard Entertainment, edited by Alok



  • RedUrukPikeUpgradeGlow.zip
    1.9 KB · Views: 107
  • Uruk-haiPikeman.zip
    57.2 KB · Views: 69
  • SentinelStatueBase.zip
    20.9 KB · Views: 91
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Level 15
Sep 6, 2015

Heated Nerubian Ziggurat


Heated Nerubian Ziggurat

Description: Heated nerubian ziggurat.
Resource Type: Model, Skin
Filesize: 19 KB
Credits: Blizzard Entertainment, Ujimasa Hojo, Alok
Path: OrangeCrystal.blp


Clean Water Pipe


Clean Water Pipe

Description: Clean/icy water pipe.
Resource Type: Model, Skin
Filesize: 8 KB
Credits: Blizzard Entertainment, Alok
Path: Cleanwater.blp


Wall Flame Grates


Wall Flame Grates

Description: Wall flame grates.
Resource Type: Models
Filesize: 3/3 KB
Credits: Blizzard Entertainment, Alok




  • CleanWaterPipe.zip
    7.2 KB · Views: 107
  • HeatedZiggurat.zip
    18.3 KB · Views: 108
  • WallFlameGrates.zip
    5.2 KB · Views: 81
Level 6
Oct 25, 2015
Please I want request Night Elf Swordsman, please. Night elf recolour for High Elven Swordsman attached to units\Other\BloodElfLieutenant\BloodElfLieutenant.blp. Please nightelftificate the skins.
Level 15
Sep 6, 2015

Blue Shimmering Portal


Blue Shimmering Portal

Description: Blue shimmering portal.
Resource Type: Model, Skins
Filesize: 21 KB
Credits: Blizzard Entertainment, Alok
Paths: Purple_Glow.blp





Description: Auto-cast, passive, attack type and caster upgrade versions of the hidden icon Flaming Arrows. Here's info about this and the path of the normal icon: List of Hidden Material Within the World Editor.
Resource Type: Icon
Filesize: 6/5/4/4/5/5 KB
Credits: Blizzard Entertainment, Alok
Paths: ReplaceableTextures\PassiveButtons\PASFlamingArrows.blp




  • BTNFlamingArrows.zip
    27.5 KB · Views: 120
  • Shimmering Portal Blue.zip
    19.2 KB · Views: 108
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Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
Yes, it was, the colour was coded into it. However, now I have another problem. When I change the Geoset Animation colour, the model doesn't appear in-game any more. I tried changing it to different colours and also changing its interpolation type, but nothing works. Any change that is made to the geoset animation stops the model from appearing in-game.
Level 21
May 29, 2013
Yes, it was, the colour was coded into it. However, now I have another problem. When I change the Geoset Animation colour, the model doesn't appear in-game any more. I tried changing it to different colours and also changing its interpolation type, but nothing works. Any change that is made to the geoset animation stops the model from appearing in-game.
That glowing rim has a geoset animation with animated color; the color of that geoset gradually changes between different shades of purple in a global sequence that has a duration of 1.5 seconds. I guess you just got confused when you saw the color is animated, and didn't know how to make it change between shades of blue.

I could change it without any problems, and it works in game. And for goodness' sake, you really don't need to use any custom textures for something this simple. Maybe I should properly recolor it to other colors (green, yellow, red) and upload all of them together.
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