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[Aeon of Strife] Heroes of Warcraft

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Level 22
Aug 27, 2013

Heroes of Warcraft is a classic tri-lane 5v5 AoS themed map featuring the Heroes from Warcraft Universe. This project aims to be different than most of AoS map yet trying to keep its resemblances for players to easily learn the basics and eventually master the gameplay.

> Warcraft Heroes - Play as one of many heroes from Warcraft Universe and learn their unique playstyles
> Unique Items - Find the best combination of items for your favorite hero to be the strongest
> Runes - Find unique runes scattered all around the map which can be useful in crucial times
> Special Events - Prepare for the unexpected as it can turn the tide of the battle anytime

Screeny1.jpg Screeny2.jpg Screeny3.jpg Screeny4.jpg Screeny5.jpg Screeny6.jpg Screeny7.jpg Screeny8.jpg Screeny9.jpg Screeny10.jpg Screeny11.jpg Screeny12.jpg


> Terrain - Done
> Heroes - Progressing
> Items - Progressing

Since AoS maps these days have become mainstream and most people compare them to the infamous DotA. I would like for everyone who plays this map in the future to try to look at different perspective. Despite the fact that some similarities exist, I, as the author, will do my best to bring you a unique gameplay which can be fun to play.

Suggestions regarding Warcraft Heroes and their abilities are very welcomed as that would help me a lot and will save a lot of time for me to come up with a new idea. Want your favorite hero to be in the map? Post your thoughts here right away!

Feel free to give feedbacks and suggestions, I really appreciate that.
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Level 22
Aug 27, 2013
Reserved ~

Ideas regarding Heroes Concept such as Warcraft Characters that you want to be in the game, The model, The Icon, The abilities, etc, are very welcomed.

Be mindful that I might change the concept to fit what I see fit.

Thank you.
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Level 22
Aug 27, 2013
Thank you for the advice! I will try to contact him right away. :D
I'm really stuck and unable to figure out how to make the undead terrain look.. better

Anyway, just wanna share this. Improved terrain on alliance side, added some doodads, new tree texture, and first five heroes poses. :p


  • 5 first heroes.png
    5 first heroes.png
    1.3 MB · Views: 205
Level 22
Aug 27, 2013
Name could be overused, but the maps have potential..
The whole point of the map is to play as one of your favorite warcraft heroes, thus why I name it "Heroes of Warcraft". Besides, there's only one map with similar name in the map section. I don't see any problem with that. I'm open to suggestion, though. If you have any. :)

Terrain is much better!
Thank you!
Level 22
Aug 27, 2013
The moment I see "Ogrim Doomhammer" I swear you going to use Tauer's model isnt it? isnt it?
Yep. ~

Looking interesting. I really like the special events and runes idea! Also the terrain is way better, good work.
Thanks! I will honestly make it even more better if I have the ability to do so. I also have this idea to turn on the "Auto Item Buying Feature" if you are new to the game, so you can just walk to the base and whenever you have enough money, the system will buy the items corresponding to your hero's build or give an advice which item you should buy first. :s But I'm not gonna put that in the description yet because I'm not sure yet if I can make it. :p
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
Oh, this one sounds promissing, subbed.

The conceptual design and the hero sounds promissing (a bit on the more one-dimensional side, which isn't something negative but can be part of the design decission, since it promotes team coordination, tides of blood had some interesting choice in that direction).

Looking forward how this one goes (and i would vollunteer for testing :p)
Level 22
Aug 27, 2013
I honestly never played Tides of Blood but I did heard that many players prefer that more than DotA back in the days.
I'd be more than happy if this project can somehow become a successor to that map. :p

Sure, why not! The Alpha Testing Phase is coming soon, So I would like to have some testers in that matter. :D
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
To be honest, i read more about it than playing it (had my couple of rounds, but at that time i was more of a complete noob considering the AoS genre), so i can only talk from retroperspective (there is a good review about it at lanepushinggames.com ), but from what i know developement had stopped at one point where it has stopped competing against DotA.
Level 53
Dec 29, 2014
Absolutely. Varian will of course come in the future update. Because my target for now is to complete 10 heroes, 5 for each side (2 Agi, 2 Str, 1 Int) and I have not yet included Varian there. But he will be the 11th for sure. :)

Nice to hear that. I already like it. Whenever I see some good models included in the map/campaign I instantly like it. Looking forward to see this finished. Good luck. :)
Level 6
Mar 24, 2013
The whole point of the map is to play as one of your favorite warcraft heroes, thus why I name it "Heroes of Warcraft". Besides, there's only one map with similar name in the map section. I don't see any problem with that. I'm open to suggestion, though. If you have any. :)

No problem, map is still promising, i just was saying there is Hearthstone : Heroes of Warcraft. so i tought was based on that.
Level 22
Aug 27, 2013
I really appreciate it and of course I always need hero ideas even though I have some. If any of you would like to have your favorite Warcraft Heroes to be in-game or simply want to help me with heroes ideas, I suggest you to write it down in this format.

Hero's Name

Icon link : ...
Model link : ...

First Ability Here

Second Ability Here

Third Ability Here

Ultimate Ability Here

Icon link : ...
Description : ...

Icon link : ...
Description : ...

Icon link : ...
Description : ...

Icon link : ...
Description : ...

[box=Hero's Name]
Icon link   : ...
Model link : ...


[tab=First Ability Here]
Icon link     : ...
Description : ...
[tab=Second Ability Here]
Icon link     : ...
Description : ...
[tab=Third Ability Here]
Icon link     : ...
Description : ...
[tab=Ultimate Ability Here]
Icon link     : ...
Description : ...



Or any format you have as long as you keep it tidy. 4 levels for each normal ability and 3 levels for ultimate ability. I will consider any suggestion I get. :)

Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
I have an idea on my mind, which could work well within the map. Showing Cenarius. (I added already numbers, pending from what i saw of the featured hero in the thread, but ofc these all can be changed freely.)

Cenarius, demigod


Icon link : standard keeper of the grove icon
Model link : Standard Keeper of the grove, properly tinted a bit purple (Now really, i haven't found another well looking model for that hero....)



Pacifying aura

Summon grove


Icon link: standard cyclone ability
Description : tosses the target unit into the air, making it invulnerable for 4 seconds. On landing, enemies in an area of 200 around the target suffers 75/100/125/150 damage.
Range: 300/450/500/600
Cooldown: 20/18/16/14 seconds

Tactic: use this ability to initiate pickoffs against an enemy or save your ally. Buys plenty of time for teammates to come, while being a setup for summon groove. Can be cancelled with naturalize beforehand.
I would say that this one should be maxed first, but priorising pacifying aura is an option.


Icon link: BTNSpell_Nature_AbolishMagic
Description : Removes any buffs (including stuns) from the target. Enemies affected suffers 25/35/45/55 damage per buff removed (up to 100/140/180/220).
Range: 500
Cooldown: 40/35/30/25 seconds
Tactic: a very powerfull effect, due to its ability to remove stuns or just straightup counter other abilities. Only needs a value point at early levels. Can be used with cyclone to set up a full duration summon groove.
Editorial notes: The cap on the damage is there to evade the possiblity to oneshot people by stacking buffs on them and remove all of them at once.


Icon link: BTNSylvanEdge
Description : Decreases the damage of enemies in the area by 10/14/18/22%.
Area: 900
Tactic: supportive ability to push the lane and overall give an edge at combat. Makes last hitting for the enemy harder, making an early point an option and could make it a max-first in the support role.


Icon link: BTNThorns
Description : conjures masses of writhing plants in the area of 350, which constrict and damages enemies in the area. After 3,5 seconds of growing, every enemy in the area loose 90% movementspeed and 50% attackspeed while suffer 40/60/80 damage every second for 6 seconds or until they leave the area.
Range: 400
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Tactic: huge teamfight ult that needs a proper setup. Setup can be given by cyclone.

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Level 13
Aug 23, 2011
Hmm. Code is too long to write for me. I'm lazy person :)

Grommash Hellscream: One of my heroes of my previous projects.
model link: GrommashHellscream

Stats: STR
Role: Tank/Insta-killer
Advantages: +HP/Armor/Regen
Disadvantages: -Movement speed/Cant escape from casters.

Heroic Leap: Leap to area /600 range and deal 120/180/220/280 damage to Area (250) and slow them 40% for 3 seconds. 15 sec cooldown.
Berserk: Deals 5/6/7/8% maximum health of target damage every attacks, but grommash take 50% more damage when use it. Last 5 seconds. 40/38/35/32/30 sec cooldown.
Gorehowl: (Passive) 20/26/32/40% splash damage every attack.
Giant Hearth: immune to death for 4/5/6 seconds. 60 sec cooldown and 100 mana cost.

Here it is. I hope you like it.
Level 5
Apr 13, 2017
Dude, awesome map. But I have a suggestion with this map: ( I'm not a reviewer myself, but I want to suggest what I feel is good for your map )
  1. Can you add a BOSS CREEP? like the strongest of the strongest? or If you have one, like the one in the middle map in your map. Make them strong and add some ancient creeps, and normal creeps.
  2. Terrain looks good. But if you like, you could add like secret paths or hidden ways (But not backdoor to towers :pgrin:)
  3. Add fun mods:)
  4. And Finally, enjoy making your map ;)

Good Luck with your Map Dude. Hope I helped you with my suggestions! :)
P.S. I'm looking forward on playing this map :goblin_good_job:
Level 22
Aug 27, 2013
Can you add a BOSS CREEP? like the strongest of the strongest? or If you have one, like the one in the middle map in your map. Make them strong and add some ancient creeps, and normal creeps.
I'm not sure what you mean by ancient creeps and normal creeps, what's the difference? Please elaborate more and yes, there will be 2 Boss Creeps in the middle.
Terrain looks good. But if you like, you could add like secret paths or hidden ways (But not backdoor to towers :pgrin:
Would love to, but I'd probably do it in the future.
Add fun mods:)
What kind? Can you be more specific?
And Finally, enjoy making your map ;)
I surely do!

Thank you for the kind words. :)
Level 5
Apr 13, 2017
Dude, awesome map. But I have a suggestion with this map: ( I'm not a reviewer myself, but I want to suggest what I feel is good for your map )
  1. Can you add a BOSS CREEP? like the strongest of the strongest? or If you have one, like the one in the middle map in your map. Make them strong and add some ancient creeps, and normal creeps.
  2. Terrain looks good. But if you like, you could add like secret paths or hidden ways (But not backdoor to towers :pgrin:)
  3. Add fun mods:)
  4. And Finally, enjoy making your map ;)

Good Luck with your Map Dude. Hope I helped you with my suggestions! :)
P.S. I'm looking forward on playing this map :goblin_good_job:

Ok, so the Ancient creeps are more powerful than the normal creeps, their exp. points will only be achieved by the team who killed them.

I just thought it would be fun if you will add these mods and modes:

-WTF Mode
-Test Mode
-Changing weather environment
-Tiny Heroes

Thanks :)
Level 22
Aug 27, 2013
My Idea is to have two bosses or ancient creeps or whatever you want to call them in the center. If one of them gets killed you and your team will get bonus exp. If the other one gets killed, it will be spawned as your team's super creep and target your opponent weakest lane. This idea is not final, however.

I can't assure you I can implement WTF Mode anytime soon because I will need to check for any possible bug and find workarounds for some spells if you cast them simultaneously to prevent bugs from occuring. Perhaps, in the future. :)

what does test mode basically do?

Changing weather environment and tiny heroes can be done easily, I guess. ;)
Level 22
Aug 27, 2013
I'll probably create a Zul'jin hero idea,but hive just logged me out so all the info was swept away. :(
Darn it :eek: I have been struggling with idea for Zul'jin so I skipped him :p

Idea for Sylvanas the Banshee Queen is highly appreciated, she's using the same skillset as Traxex from DotA for now. </3

Also, thanks for all the support, guys. :D
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
I think i will take the opportunity and snag sylvanas here to create a set for her. Its a bit experimental (i'm really unsure about the ultimate), but can turn out interesting. I designed her as a solo laner and pusher (either with team or splitpushing), although i can see her playing out as a support too. She should be rather squishy. With the stats below, i think she should be very strong against attacking depending hero (because of the damage reduction), while being weaker against burst magic damage.

Sylvanas, queen of banshees


Icon link : BTNSylvanasWindrunner
Model link : Banshee Queen

Cry of the banshee

Black arrow

Send command (sub-ability)


gaseous form


Icon link: Dread
Description : (point order)
emits a demoralizing cry towards the target point, damaging targets in a cone by 100 and reducing their damage by 10/15/20/25%.
Duration: 10 seconds
Range: 800 (25° cone)
Cooldown: 26/22/19/15 seconds
Disruptive ability which function to push the lane by making the enemies creeps weaker. Also makes lasthitting harder and thus serve in the solo lane to out-cs the enemy. Beware though, as the pushing capability can throw of lane equilibrium to your disadvantage (the relative point of meeting creeps on the lane)


Icon link: Standard black arrow
Description : (Toggleable)
Infuses basic attacks with dark energies, tainting enemies on hit by reducing their armor by 2/3/4/5 for 5 seconds (included buildings). Dying creeps under the effect of black arrow respawn as skeletons under your command which lasts for 30 seconds.
Author's notes:
I really can't give you stats for the skeletons. I would make them scaling with level, since else people wouldn't really have an incentive to level it bejond lvl 1.
This ability defines Sylvanas as the pusher and solo laner she's supposed to be. Alone in a lane? Send the skeletons to harass your enemy. Pushing the lane? Send your gun fooder into the enemies tower while you reduce its armor for extra pushing, or cut the creepwave. Just a very usefull skill, although it will require micro skills to not feed you enemy skeleton bounty.


Icon link: Standard undead unload
Description : (Point/unit targeted)
Gives a command to all your skeletons. Targeting a unit orders them to attack it while point ordering order them to to move to the targeted point. Targeting sylvanas orders all skeletons to stop their current command.
Range: infin.
Author's Note:
Should be automatically given when the hero learns black arrow. Cast time should be as low as possible (e.g. giving her the stop command with the (begins casting of an ability) event)
Just a convenient ability to micro your skeletons. Isnt as effective as directly ordering them, but it should help in hasty situations and could be usefull for beginners.


Icon link: BTNchrm
Description : (unit targeted)
Charms the target unit, reducing its movementspeed by 30% and reduce its damage dealt to sylvanas by 60%.
Duration: 5 seconds (10 for creeps)
Range: 400
Cooldown: 40/32/24/18 seconds
Author's note:
I assumed multiplicative stacking instead of additive stacking of damage reduction, else you need to tone it down a lot.
Can be used offensive to chase enemies or can prevent a gank from happening. Becomes usefull while splitpushing to have a shot against solo gankers. It's effectiveness drops off tredemnously in teamfights or dual/trilanes, since the affected target can switch to another target for the duration. (Its still a long slow, though). Can be used against the stronger creeps in the middle to being probably able to solo them before other heroes can (even more so with skeletons)


Icon link: BTNGhostCoil
Description : (active/deactivateable)
Sylvanas fades into an formless state, reducing her movementspeed by 50% while making her invisible and etherial. This effect doesn't break while casting abilities.
Duration: 15/20/25 seconds
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Author's note:
The not breaking by casting can be achieved with 0 fading time on perm. Invisibility. Attacking is disabled anyway through the etherial state. Be aware though, that with this ability, the map must fullfill some conditions to make it not op. There need to be enough ways to cope with invisibility, like wards, dust of appearance, gem of true sight or whatever you can come up with. On the other hand, you need to be aware that she can use items without breaking the ult. This can lead to interesting builds (like supporting while being invisible), but can become horrendously op when there are too many nuke items, for example. In that case, i would lower the cooldown by 10 sec and would make the effect break on item usage.
Used either for a safe escape or to take yourself out of a fight to reposition/regenerate/help with abilities (granted the enemy doesn' bring anti-invi and magic damage at the same time). Also great for split pushing since you can retreat, albeit quite slowed.

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Level 11
Jan 2, 2016


Icon link : Zul'jin icon
Model link : Zul'jin


Shadow rite

Toxic blood

Executioners Mark

Icon link : Berserk
Description : Zul'jin goes into a frenzy which increases hit damage and attack speed.
Damage increased - 0.2/0.3/0.4/0.5 * Primary Stat
Attack Speed - 3%/4%/5%/6%
Lasts 8 seconds. Dispellable (?).

Icon link : Shadow rite
Description : Creates a shadow circle which damages the enemy each second and slows it.
Damage - 10/14/18/22 per second
Slow - 9%/12%/15%/18%
Lasts 5 seconds.

Icon link : Toxic Blood
Description : When Zul'jin damages his opponent he intoxicates opponents blood making the wounds unhealable for a short amount of time.
Chance on hit - 3%/5%/7%/9%
Lasts 4 seconds.

Icon link : Executioners Mark
Description : Zul'jin marks the target which is to be executed.This places a debuff on the targer and if the target is killed by Zul'jin before the debuff ends Zul'jin gains 20 damage (stacks).If the target with the mark is killed the mark spawns on the nearest hero within 300 range.
Debuff lasts 5 seconds.
Bonus damage lasts 5 seconds.

I'm aware that some of the abilities are hard to make, but here goes.
Level 22
Aug 27, 2013
Just want to inform you guys that the project is progressing slowly but steadily. There are still some abilities that I want to remake and same goes for some heroes, especially the ones from your ideas (I highly appreciate them!). What's left is all that and items, the map will then be playable and available to test.

I will update the first page as soon as I get all this finished. Thanks for the subscribe and support, everyone. :D
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