HD Modeling Contest #3 - Results

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Level 65
Jan 1, 2006




Contestants were to create a HD model that is related to an Undead theme; that is, not necessarily the Undead race from Warcraft, but any Undead entity e.g. humanoid, creature, entity, a combination of mech and dead flesh etc. The key element is that your entry pertain to the Undead theme i.e. reanimation, either by the powers of light, darkness or science.


  • 1st place: 750 experience points
  • 2nd place: 600 experience points
  • 3rd place: 450 experience points
  • Entry: 150 experience points
  • Judge: 25 experience points per entry
The three winners will receive an award icon representing the winning entry.




Vendro the Wind Mage






Mr Ogre man






MeshHow does the mesh look? How are the balance and scale? How coherent is polygon distribution? Do the shapes complement the model's theme?/15
SkinDoes the model have custom diffuses, ORMs and/or Normals? How good is the wrap? Are the textures appealing, or do they look blurry/stretched from the default game camera and portrait? Do the tones go well together? Is there sufficient contrast? Do the Normals and ORMs create proper lighting for the model?/15
AnimationsDoes the model have custom animations? How natural, smooth, and appropriate are the animations? Do they have character/personality? How well are they executed? Does the model have enough animations to function properly?/15
How well does the model work in-game? Does it feature the necessary attachments, footprints, sounds, and collisions? Does it have a working FaceFX? Is it optimised for minimal disk usage? Does it have enough Team Colour?/15
ThemeHow well does the model follow the contest theme?/15
EffectsDoes the model make use of emmissives, effects, ribbons, or additional custom models (i.e. projectiles/spells)? How well are they implemented? Does the model make use of fresnel, visibility or other .mdl edits?/5
CreativityHow original is the general idea? How inventive is the execution? How distinct is the model from the original assets?/20

Unholy Mage - @Vendro the Wind Mage
-The distance between upper arm and lower arm is too much, it make model look unnatural - you can scale upper arm a little and move it a little bit down, you don't need to make upper and lower arm connect to each other but the gap should be smaller
-The ratio of mesh is Ok
-I don't find any clipping issue
==> Overall, the most part of mesh is from GreaterDarkMinion model and the scythes behind his back are from Death Revenant ==> 12/15
-Model uses custom diffuse and emissive texture from GreaterDarkMinion model
-Color of custom diffuse texture is good, bone has dark green color and it match with your theme( a monster using fel magic ). I think you can try to make an emissive of spikes in his shoulder more greenish in order to make with emissive of his scythe and eye
-Model use Sorceress animation as base but remove Stand 2 ,Stand Victory and adding Dissipate animation
-Dissipate animation: it has stiff movement, you should make, head and leg drop down when fly
-Some animations from Sorceress are suitable with this model( Stand 1, Stand 3, Death, Stand Ready ) but others not, like Spell and Walk animation - it look effeminate and not suit with his appearance, same with Stand Channel but I think upper part is ok, you should only change the pose of his leg
==> 11/15
-Model works good ingame but have another problem( maybe it relevant to Patch 1.33 and not your fault - when I import this model to my test map then save and close edit, after that I never can open this map again but if I don't close editor, I still can test like it has nothing )
-Model has collision shape, attachments, sounds match with model
-Model has FaceFx
-Model still have unused 4-5 sleeves helper
-An unholy skeleton mage is very suitable with Undead theme in this contest, nothing need to discussion
-Using Death Revenant and Druid of the Talon missile popcorn as his hand effect is well made
-Model lacks of Visibility in Dissipate animation- mesh fly up too slow + lack of Visibility make Dissipate animation look not good
-A general idea is fun and creativity but still lacks something to breakthrough- you should add some detail to model in order to create a different between your model and GreaterDarkMinion like change mesh of his belt, add cape+collar, add loincloth, add chain to his back to hold scythes?
==> 14/20

Ghost Captain - @vindorei
-Mesh combine from many model and it very well made
-In my opinion, if this model need to change something in mesh, I will change pauldron mesh to another cause it look unnatural for someone using a ship as pauldron
==> Mesh don't have any issue but overall all of the mesh are ingame data and you use it effectively ==> 14/15
-Color pallette is good, it suitable to pirate captain theme
==> 14/15
-Dissipate animation fly up too fast, it make an animation look weird, also Dissipate animation need to set in Non-Looping.For now, your dissipate repeat 2 times when units die ingame
-You can try to make a raven fly away from model when he death instead of it stick to his head and spread wings
-In attack animation, arm swing movement still not good, it look like a sword don't cut to an opponent
-Model works good ingame and has necessary attachments, and collisions
-Lack of sound in Dissipate animation ( you can use SNDxDDSH )
-You can use naga tailprints as footprints for an anchor when walk
-Many unused bones still not to delete( F_belt_buckle_bind_jnt, skirt bone, L/R_skirt_armor_bind_jnt ), all of these bones has their animations so by deleting them, you can reduce some spaces
-Emissive texture don't need alpha channel, it just increase size of model
-Model don't use alpha channel in vanderdood_anchor_diffuse and vanderdood_hook_diffuse so deleteing alpha channel in them to decrease size of model
-It is a ghost model so it don't really need bloodsplat effect when death but If you use,make sure to change it from Orc bloodsplat to undead bloodsplat Ex: SPLxOBL0 --> SPLxUBL0
-A ghost captain, of course, it suitable to undead theme
-Using frostmourne pedestal popcorn and frostmourne popcorn as for his tobacco is well choice
-Fresnel color pallette is suitable
-Lack of visibility in Dissipate animation
-You also should add ribbon emitter to weapon
-Your choice of mesh and popcorn effect really suit with your model theme,the way you made a mesh is very creative
-A raven in his hat is very unique and a fun idea
==> 20/20

Bloodtide Regiment Pack - @liptonite
-Well choice and made, I can't find any issue
-Color skin of ear isn't pale as others
-Silver color in Footman mesh of your model not match with the leg pad below
-Nice color, I don't see any problems
-Model uses Captain's animation as base then add Spell, Spell Slam and Spell Throw from Maiev's animation
-Model uses shield and sword but lack animations of Stand Defend and Attack Defend
-Spell,Spell Slam and Spell Throw should have the first and end keyframe look like frist/end keyframe in Stand Ready or Stand.Currently, your Spell/Spell Slam/Spell Throw has a huge difference with Stand Ready, it will look weird.when you use model for attacking unit in pose A but cast spell in pose B then quick return to pose A==>problem
-Same with Cinematic animation, all cinematic animation should first pose look exactly like Cinematic Listening One or a little different or at least it look like Stand cause in cinematic,when you use these animation to react in conservation, model need turn back to normal pose( Cinematic Listening/Stand )
-Clipping between mesh in some animations
-Movement of cloth in right shoulder still not good
-Skirt and Loincloth movement in Stand channel still not good
-Model has enough necessary attachments and collision shape
-Alternate attachment should be deleted
-Attachment Weapon should be in left hand instead of right hand cause she carry sword in left hand
-VianneBloodletterII_Boots_Diffuse, VianneBloodletterII_Collar_Diffuse, VianneBloodletterII_Earring_Diffuse, VianneBloodletterII_Shins_Diffuse, has alpha channel but model don't have any mesh use it so delete those alpha channel for good optimze size of model
-Many unused bones: R/L_pauldron_01_bind_jnt, L/R_skirt_armor, R/L skirt bone below 2( R_skirt_A_03_bind_jnt , L_skirt_A_04_bind_jnt )
-You should change bloodsplat from night elf to undead cause it is a undead model - Ex: SPLxEBL0 --> SPLxUBL0
-A countess of death, nice idea and suit to undead theme
-Choosing Revenant of Depths popcorn effect really suit with this model
-Model has effect when casting spell but lack of visibility of these effect in Spell, Spell Slam and Spell Throw.It make these effect always on although model don't cast these animation
-Your mesh is good, you combine some of Revenant mesh to the model is interesting, it create a unique model
==>Although your model still have some problems, overall the concept is very good ==>20/20

DeathLord The Lich Kings Champion - @Fugrim
-Very well made, everything look perfect
-I think the color of skin in head mesh is too much blue( Ice Skin version )
-Beard color should be white or black instead of blue ( Ice Skin version )
-Model use Footman as base animation then adding Spell and Spell Slam from Rexxar/Beastmaster, Stand channel from Illidan, Attack Defend 2 look like Spell animation from Illidan
-All animations work fine and I don't find any issue but Spell+Spell Slam should have first and end keyframe look exactly like first/end keyframe of Stand/Stand Ready animation for more smoothing of movement when using
-You create a dummy mesh of sword in both hand for Spell and add it to bone hand right/left that why in Attack Defend 1,2 and Attack 1 , with me it look unnatural
-Good optimize, I can't find any unused bones
-Model has necessary collision shape and attachments( Chest Ref Head is no need and should be deleted cause you already have Chest Reff )
-Model lacks of sound+blood splat when death
-Lack of sound and effect in Dissipate animation( you can use SPNxUDIS for undead dissipate), also you can add SNDxDDSH for sound of hero when fly up in Dissipate animation
-Lack of footprints in both Walk and Walk Defend
-DeathLord_Main_Body_Diffuse.dds have alpha channel and should be deleted for decrease size of model( cause your mesh don't use anything relevant to fur parts or loincloth in this texture, so it won't affect anything if you delete the alpha channel)
-You should change bloodsplat from human to undead cause it is a undead model Ex: HBS0 --> SPLxUBS0
==> Your model already have some necessary event object like(SNDxDFOO- footman sound death, FPTxFBL1- left footprints, FPTxFBR1- right footprints, SPLxHBS0- blood splat but you still need keyframe to active them. Save your model as mdl format-->open in notepad-->search for "Event Object"--> look at "0" below "Event Track" line, replace "0" with keyframe that it work. Ex:Model has keyframe of Death animation is 43932-46499 so the sound of death should start at 43932==>replace "0" with "43932"
-Lich King champion aka death knight on foot,very suitable to contest theme
=> 15/15
-You should add ribbon emitter to model in attack animation
-You can try to add an effect to between sword in Stand channel animation
-Your model look good and very well made but the concept of death knight or something similar are many

The Green Knight - @Symphoneum
-Perfect in every way, especially the armor that you scuplt from the scratch
-All custom textures are functional ingame
-Texture of armor parts are made from the scratch,well done
-Model use human Arthas as base animation
-Clipping issue at neck of model
-Clipping between jaw and head armor in Stand channel( if model always wear head armor, why not deleteing mandible jaw animation to avoid clipping )
-The axe shake in Stand Ready animation
-In Stand 4 animation, left hand don't hold an axe and right hand dont touch an axe in wiped phase
-Spell animation is too fast, it look nearly nothing when I casted a spell ingame
-Model has all necessary collision shape, attachments, footprints and sound
-Optimze still not good, some unused bones( L/R_long_hair_01_bind_jnt, B_hair_01_bind_jnt, L/R_hair_01_bind_jnt, B_hair_02/03_bind_jnt, belt_buckle_bind_jnt, F/B_chain_01_bind_jnt, weapon_02_bind_jnt ) each of them has too many in every animation, delete them can reduce size of model
-In portrait model, you duplicate every animation but it don't have any different with each other
-You should change bloodsplat from human to undead
-No need to discussion,this model suit the undead theme
-Try to find a suitable effect for Stand channel animation
-Add ribbon emitter to attack animation
==> 4/5
-Good idea of model, a unique armor in Reforged until this day, it will be a good material and inspiration for modding community

Cold Wraith - @Raddazong
-I don't find any issue, you collect mesh from others model and then create this model, very well
-Model use custom texture and I don't find any problems
-Choosing Ghost model animation as base animation is a nice and a fresh choice
-Stand 3 has 2 problems: his spine drag up too much but the pelvis don't move follow. First/end keyframe of stand 3 not match with first/end keyframe of Stand 1 that why ingame the transition between Stand 1 and Stand 3 is stalling
==> 12/15
-Model has all necessary attachments, sound and collision shape
-Don't find any unused bones
-No need alpha channel in ColdWraith_Bones_Diffuse.dds and ColdWraith_Quartier_Diffuse, it just increase size of model
-A warlock then transformed into spectral apparitions of living cold and serve Ner'zhul, really suit with the undead theme
-Nice touch of using fresnel for bone mesh, that make model look more beautiful
-Model has enough effects as it need: Using fire emitter blue popcorn for glowing of eye, Ice revenant popcorn for death animation, frost wyrm attack popcorn for effect of spell and lich popcorn for frost.
==> 5/5
-The way you chose popcorn effect and mesh is really good
-Ghost animation is a fresh choice for Reforged modding model
==> 20/20

The Heautontimoroumenos. Executioner of himself - @Mr Ogre man
-Texture of body is really good( color , adding blood, emissive )
-The shade of gold on the armor and chain does not compatible with each other. One is vivid while the other is dull
-You combine animation from pit lord, grom hellscream, hero pit lord and mannoroth model + with your edit, really well done.
-Stand and Attack animation has 3 variety, model has cinematic animation and it meet my requirement
-I don't really like Spell animation, it will be great in cutscenes but too slow ingame for using
-I don't know why the axe converse in Cinematic Walk One
-It will be best if you can give him Stand Channel animation
==> 15/15
-Model has all necessary collision shape and attachment except Weapon Ref attachment so an orb effect will be missed when hero collect orb items
-Some unused bones: L_pauldron_bind_jnt, R_ribbon_bind_jnt, belt_bind_jnt, R/B_skirt_01_bind_jnt, each of them has too many frame in animation,delete these bone can reduce a little bit size of model
-Nice way to reduce size of model by decrease resolution of emissive and orm texture
-Wrong keyframe of SNDxDABO and footprints
-Suitable for undead, no need to discussion
-Model will be better if you add ribbon emitter to Attack animation
-An emissive of his muscle is great
-I really like you use fresnel for the skulls in cage, it highlight models so much
==> 5/5
-You choose mesh from others to make this model is very well,some of it I have never thought about
-Combine animations from many model to create a new one is creative
==> 20/20

Nazgrim knight of the Ebon Blade - @Bagysta
-Good, I don't find any issue
-Texture color match with Wow version
-Nice edit in cape texture
-Model use Arthas as base animation but edit a little in Attack 1
-A little clipping between pauldron cloth and chain
-Transition between Stand 1,2, 3 and between Stand Ready-Attack 1 isn't smooth cause the first/end keyframe of animation don't match
==> 12/15
-Model has all necessary attachments, collision shape
-Weapon Ref attachment put too far away from weapon mesh
-Lack of footprints in Walk animation
-Orc model but death sound from Paladin
-Change bloodsplat of model from human to undead
-Some unused bones: L/R_hair_A_01_bind_jnt, B_hair_01/02/03_bind_jnt, M_pauldron_cloth_01/02_bind_jnt
-nazgrim_body_emissive, nazgrim_weapon_emissive and nazgrim_main_diffuse don't need alpha channel,delete them to save the space of model
-A powerful champion of Ebon Blade, suit undead theme
==> 15/15
-Model will be better if you add ribbon emitter to Attack animation and effect in Spell,Stand Channel animation
==> 4/5
-This is a Reforged version of Nazgrim in Wow and most of mesh relevant to Arthas model
-It is a nice touch of adding chain in the back and change the cape a little
-I think it would be better if the base animation of this model is Grom Hellscream, cause both has some simillar: one hand weapon(axe), same race(orc), has 2 variety of attack,moreover it has attack slam and attack walk stand spin, still have cinematic animation

Dreadbull - Tauren Death Knight - @Barorque
-Perfect and very stunnig
-Just 2 custom texture but really effective
==> 14/15
-It look like a completely new animation
-I can't find any issue, great work
==> 15/15
-Model has all necessary collision shape, attachments except Weapon Ref attachment
-Wrong keyframe of footprints, Orc Dissipate sound
-Orc bloodsplat need to change to undead, same with bloodsplat of Kodo
==> 13/15
-Tauren Death Knight, the name say it
==> 15/15
-Use frenel on Horn to highlight a mesh
-It will be better if you add ribbon emitter to Attack animation and effect in Spell animation
-I never thought idea about tauren death knight,you use almost data of game to make this model with just 2 custom texture.
-The way you combine both mesh of spirit walker and tauren corpse mesh is very creative
==> 20/20

Undead IceTroll plaguebringer - @ChangAn
-Zombie mesh clipping with troll body
-Right hand of model: hand of zombie still not connect with troll arm, I see a hole between them( you can use "Snap" function in RMS to connect vertices )
-Texture color of zombie mesh don't suit with others mesh of model( I think you should make it more blue and decrease saturation )
-Intestine has same issue with hand
-Model uses lich animation as base
-Morph and Morph Alternate animation is too fast and it nearly nothing happen when I press Metamorphosis skill ingame
-Alternate animations is a good idea and I really like it but skirt in these animation is static
-Model has all necessary collision shape and attachments( 01 attachments should change name Alternate - Ex: Head Ref01= Head Ref Alternate )
-Model has death sound in Death Alternate but lack in Death
-Many unused bones:L/R_shoulder_cloth, L/R_otr_cloth_01-->03, B_otr_cloth_01-->03, neck_armor_01, L/R_inr_cloth_01-->04, pipe_01
-Troll lich_toxicant_diffuse has alpha channel but no mesh use this
-Suit with undead theme
==> 15/15
-Lack of visibility in Dissipate animation
-Wrong visibility of popcorn for attack( after first attack, it always on in all animations )
-You can add Spell popcorn effect of Kelthuzad lich to this model in Spell animation
-Nice model and idea, I like the alternate version when it land on the ground, you can try to experiment the skirt animation of Acolyte, Necromancer, necromancer kelthuzad,... to make animation for skirt in Alternate
-The effort you put on the mesh is really appreciate
==> 20/20

Death Mother - @Superfrycook
-Weapon is too big
-Cloth in a back still have a piece you forgot to delete
-Clipping between head and neck cloth
-The shade of gold on the armor does not compatible with each other( I saw 3 color of gold in your model )
-Model look like using fire but emissive on the scythe is green?
-Use Maiev animation as base
-No new animation
-I can't find any problems
==> 11/15
-Models has all necessary attachments,footprints and sound
-No unused bone
-Just a few mesh relevant to undead like a little skill in the belt, the super big scythe
-Hand is just 2 piece of armor, at least you should add a hand mesh with fresnel or with additive/add alpha in material instead of nothing
==>With me this model look like an angel or hunter instead of undead==>10/15
-Model has some effects
==> 5//5
-Most mesh of model comes from Hero Warden then adding some mesh from undead unit like:skull, belt of banshee, nothing new
==> 12/20

liptoniteBloodtide RegimentThe mesh looks fine, the proportions and scales are balanced, the polygon distribution is coherent, and the shapes complement the model's theme. 15/15The models have custom textures that fit with the theme as well as its own tune. However the hero's diffuse could be improved. The tones go well together and there is sufficient contrast for readability. The team color is also easily seen. 13/15The animations are smooth enough; however there is a lack of the stand channel animation, and the dissipate animation doesn't have the conventional Undead dissipate effect. 10/15FaceFX is working as fine, and the model works properly without any visibility issues; however, the filesize of the hero is a bit too large (32MB), the Spell Slam animation still has the Fan Of Knives sound effect, and one of the units doesn't have a portrait. 8/15The model follows the Undead theme very well with its own "Underwater/Deep Sea Undead Pirates" feel. 15/15The weapon has a special popcorn on spell cast, however the body popcorn seems unnecessary and could have been reserved for a special Immolation-like spell effect. 4/5The pack is creative and original enough to deviate from the typical Warcraft undead type. The hero can be distinct and readable enough compared to the Paladins, especially Daelin Proudmoore; the Cove Ghoul is easily distinguishable from the Ghouls or the Murlocs. The Deckhand is somewhat distinguishable from the Zombies, or the Bandit Brigand. The execution with the meshes are good enough. 18/20.83/100Extra suggestions are that the wings at the back could use some animations, and also a set of Defend animations to make use of the shield.
SuperfrycookDeath MotherThe mesh looks fine, the proportions and scales are somehow balanced enough except for the pauldrons which is a bit too long, the polygon distribution is somehow coherent, and the shapes complement the model's theme. Some body parts are different enough from the Night Elf Warden though the model still looks similar enough to her. 12/15The models have custom textures that shows uniqueness compared to the Night Elf Warden. The team color is also easily seen. However, the weapon could have its own custom textures especially a unique emissive. 12/15The animations are smooth enough; however there is a lack of stand channel animation. 12/15The model works properly without any visibility issues, and the filesize is very small; however there is no sound played on death animation. 11/15The model doesn't really follow the Undead theme that much as it looks more like an armored woman with a flaming head than an actual Undead type. 5/15The model has a flaming popcorn on its head which is unique enough and helps with the readability; however it is a bit too large and could have been resized down. 3/5The model is somewhat creative and original enough to deviate from the typical Warcraft undead type. However, it lacks a bit execution as the model is still somehow too similar with the Night Elf Warden and it has little signs of being actually Undead, though it is distinguishable enough when viewed from a distance in terms of readability. 10/2065/100Show some zombified skin to get it further closer to the Undead archetype. Reduce the size of the flame popcorn.
RaddazongCold WraithThe mesh looks fine, the head is a bit too small for its body but everything else is fine and coherent. The shapes complement the model's theme. 12/15The models have custom textures that are very in line with the "cold ghost" tone. The team color is also easily seen. 15/15The animations are smooth enough. There is no stand channel and spell slam. 10/15The model works properly without much visibility issues other than the model still having a faint visibility at the end of its death sequence, and the filesize is very small; however there is no working portrait. 10/15The model follows the Undead theme very well with its own "Cold/Frost Ghost/Wraith" feel. 15/15There is a cool use of fresnel on its bones, and its skull has a special visibility on idle. There is a popcorn on its body, but its hands could also have special effects when attacking and/or casting spells. There is a lack of the Undead dissipate effect at the end. 4/5The model is very creative with its skull visibility on idle and the execution is almost perfect, aside from the aforementioned problems. The model is also distinct enough from the Acolye-type units, the Banshee-type units, and the Lich heroes. 19/2085/100The head could be resized up a bit. Add a working portrait and then some popcorns on its hands when attacking/casting spells, and as well as Stand Channel and Spell Slam animations. Make the model disappear completely on the last frames of the death sequence. An extra suggestion to make the rest of its bones consistent with its skull such as sharing geoset/material visibility, and as well as a Spell Throw animation for Blink-type spells to further boost its Ghost/Wraith feel.
FugrimDeathlordThe mesh looks fine, the proportions and scales are balanced, the polygon distribution is coherent, and the shapes complement the model's theme. 15/15The models have custom textures that fit with the theme as well as its own tune. The tones go well together and there is somewhat sufficient contrast for readability. However, the team color isn't easily seen. 12/15The animations are smooth enough and there is a complete set of animations needed for a hero unit such as attack, spell, stand channel, and spell slam. There is also a bonus set of Defend alternate animations. 15/15FaceFX is working as fine, and the model works properly without any visibility issues. However, there is no sound on death sequence, and the DISBTN doesn't seem to work properly. 10/15The model follows the Undead theme very well its "Cold/Undead Death Knight" feel. 15/15The models have emissives on its armor and some of the them have emissives on their eyes. However there aren't any popcorn effects when casting spells. 3/5The model is very creative enough to execute a good Death Knight model. It is also distinct enough from the Death Knight units since it isn't mounted. However, the usage of the unique Thalorien Dawnseeker sword affects the distinction score. 18/2088/100Change the weapons, fix the DISBTN, and add a sound for death animation. An extra suggestion to add an Attack Spin animation for Bladestorm-type abilities, and then an additional Spell Defend whereas the last frame is the first frame of the Stand Defend.
BarorqueDreadbullThe mesh looks fine, the proportions and scales are balanced, the polygon distribution is coherent, and the shapes complement the model's theme. 15/15The models have custom diffuses but no custom emissives, normals and ORMs but yet the design is very creative nonetheless. The tones go well together for a zombified Tauren Death Knight feel. The team color is also easily seen. 13/15The animations are smooth enough. There is no stand channel and spell slam; there is also no slow version of walk which makes it look awkward when affected by slowing debuffs; and the dissipate doesn't have the conventional Undead dissipate effect. 8/15FaceFX is working as fine, and the model works properly without any visibility issues. 15/15The model follows the Undead theme very well its "Tauren Death Knight" feel with an extra kick of zombifications and gore. 15/15The weapon has a special hazy popcorn on its blade, and it has glowing emissives on the mount's eyes. 4/5The model is very creative to execute a very good Death Knight model with just kitbashing and a few custom textures. It is also distinct enough from the Death Knight given it has a zombified look, and it has a unique Tauren rider and a different Death Knight mount. The icon is also made well such that it follows the style of proper Reforged icons. 20/2090/100Add spell slam, stand channel, and a slow version of walk animation. For extra suggestions, add a proper devour animation for its mount, and as well as an additional popcorn on its spellcasts.
Mr Ogre ManExecutionerThe mesh looks fine, the proportions and scales are balanced, the polygon distribution is coherent, and the shapes complement the model's theme. 15/15The models have custom textures that go well with the model. The team color is easily seen as it is embedded on the large hood. 15/15The animations are smooth enough. There is no stand channel though the spell animation is already sufficient for it; However, the death animation is a bit too fast and the dissipate animation doesn't have the conventional Undead dissipate effect. 8/15The model works properly without any visibility issues; however the walk fast animation seems to be broken such that the Abomination death sound plays every second the model is running. There is also no sound on the death sequence. 7/15The model follows the Undead theme very well its "Zombie/Hellborne Butcher" feel with an extra kick of blood and gore. 15/15The model has a cool use of emissives on its body, and as well as fresnel and popcorn on its back cage. 5/5The model is very creative to execute a very good Butcher/Executioner. It is also very distinct from almost all original assets given its easily seen unique cage. 20/2085/100Reduce the size of the ORMs. Remove the Abomination death sound on walk fast. For extra suggestions, add a popcorn on its free hand when casting spells. For extra suggestions, an attack slam animation for critical strikes.
vindoreiGhost CaptainThe mesh looks fine, the proportions and scales are balanced, the polygon distribution is coherent, and the shapes complement the model's theme. 15/15The models have custom textures that go well with the model. The team color can be noticeable. 13/15The animations are smooth enough. There is no spell slam though the spell animation is already sufficient for it; However, the part of the dissipate animation where the body ascends is a bit too fast and it doesn't have the conventional Undead dissipate effect. 12/15The model works properly though the FaceFX doesn't seem to work on the model proper. The filesize for the model proper is large around 37MB. 10/15The model follows the Undead theme very well its "Ghost Pirate Captain" feel. 15/15The model has a cool use of fresnels on its body, and as well as a swirling popcorn that signify its ghostly properties. 5/5The model is very creative and the execution is very good with the fresnels and geoset visibilities on certain parts of the body. The time-scaled crow also adds another layer of creativity. 20/2090/100Further reduce the size of the sail ORM, and as well as the coat, light, and chain emissives. For extra suggestions, add a popcorn on its lantern on spellcasts and stand channel, and add a popcorn on its weapon on stand.channel. And then change the death sequence sound from Orc Necrolyte to Lich
BagystaNazgrimThe mesh looks fine, the proportions and scales are balanced, the polygon distribution is coherent, and the shapes complement the model's theme. 15/15The models have custom textures that go well with the model. The team color is easily seen from behind but barely at the front. 11/15The animations are smooth enough. However, there is no spell slam and the dissipate animation doesn't have the conventional Undead dissipate effect. 11/15FaceFX is working as fine, and the model works properly without any visibility issues. 15/15The model follows the Undead theme very well its "Orcish Death Knight" feel. 15/15The model has little emissives, and the emissive on its weapon blade isn't seen properly 2/5The model is creative enough to feature a unique Orc Death Knight. The execution is good although the sound in the death sequence plays that of a human paladin which isn't very appropriate. 16/2085/100Reduce of the size of the body emissive, upscale the weapon emissive and remove the details in the weapon diffuse where the weapon blade rune emissives are located. Replace the death sound with that of a Blademaster or the Troll Berserker. For extra suggestions, add an attack slam for critical strikes and an attack spin for Bladestorm-type abilities.
SymphoneumGreen KnightThe mesh looks fine, the proportions and scales are balanced, the polygon distribution is coherent, and the shapes complement the model's theme. 15/15The models have custom textures on the custom mesh that go well with the model. The team color is small but easily seen. However, the diffuse saturation and the edges' sharpness can be improved as the model somehow looks different in style compared to a typical HD model. 12/15The animations are smooth enough. However, there is no spell slam and the dissipate animation doesn't have the conventional Undead dissipate effect, also the weapon has a sudden akward stagger on attack animation. 10/15FaceFX is working as fine, and the model works properly without any visibility issues. 15/15The model follows the Undead theme very well its original "Human Undead/Zombie Knight" feel with extra blood. 15/15The model has green emissives on the weapon, but the emissive on its armor isn't seen properly 3/5The model is creative and the execution is very good considering that this is the first custom model of a non-structure that was mostly made by the author itself. 20/2090/100Fix the attack animation stagger, (there may be a stray keyframe at the end); and add a spell slam animation; and remove the details in the armor diffuse around the shoulders where the rune emissives are located and then improve the green emissive gain on the rest of the armor. For extra suggestions, add another attack animation, and an attack slam animation for critical strikes, and add another model type without the helmet.
ChangAnUndead Ice TrollThe mesh looks fine, the proportions and scales are balanced, the polygon distribution is coherent, and the shapes complement the model's theme. However, the alternate forms causes some parts of the dress to clip with the ground. 12/15The models have custom textures that fit with the theme as well as its own tune. The tones go well together and there is sufficient contrast for readability. However, the team color isn't easily seen. 13/15The animations are smooth enough. There is no spell slam though the spell animation is already sufficient for it. However, the death and death alternate animations of both modes play almost instant, the model doesn't disappear completely at the end of the sequences, and also there is no conventional Undead dissipate effect 8/15FaceFX is working as fine, and the model works properly without any visibility issues. However, spell alternate plays the Berserk sound effect, and walk alternate causes the frost popcorns to appear. 12/15The model follows the Undead theme very well its "Undead Lich" feel with the first to make a Troll version. 15/15The model has a cool use of popcorns on its body, and as well as a custom potion projectile. Though the frost popcorn on its main animations can be made smaller. 4/5The model is very creative and the execution is decent besides the problems, as it can be distinct from the Lich type models. It also presents two alternate modes between Lich and living/undead walker. 20/2084/100Replace the blue part of his bracers with team color, as well as the blue cloth on his chest. Add a team color emissive on the shoulder's gems. Remove the Berserker effect sound on spell alternate. Make the model disappear completely on the last frames of the death and death alternate sequences. Add a team colored hero glow. For extra suggestion, add an additional projectile with lesser splash, and an additional model variation without the gore and entrails.
ReteraUnholy MageThe mesh looks fine, the proportions and scales are balanced, the polygon distribution is somewhat coherent though the two scythes at the back serves no purpose and could be lowered down, and the shapes complement the model's theme. 13/15The models have custom textures that fit with the theme as well as its own tune. The tones go well together and there is sufficient contrast for readability. However, the team color isn't easily seen. 13/15The animations are smooth enough. However, there is no spell slam, the death animation doesn't follow the conventional skeleton death, and the dissipate animation makes the model needless hover upwards. 10/15FaceFX is working as fine, and the model works properly without any visibility issues. 15/15The model follows the Undead theme very well its own take of a Skeletal Mage. 15/15The model makes use of popcorns and emissives, however the body popcorn seems unnecessary and could have been reserved for a special Immolation-like spell effect. 4/5The model is simple yet the execution is very good as it provides a unique skeleton with Sorceress animations that is very distinct from the other Skeleton or Lich models. 15/2085/100Replace the scythe's emissives with the team color, change the death animation to that of a common Skeleton's death. Add a spell slam animation. For extra suggestions, shrink the body popcorn.

FinalScore = (30*Reached_Votes/POSSIBLE_VOTES) + (70*Average_Judge_Score/POSSIBLE_SCORE)

Vendro the Wind Mage101048310060,98
Mr Ogre man3310490,510072,87

@Barorque 1st Place Winner of Hive's HD Modeling Contest #3
@Mr Ogre man 2nd Place
@vindorei 3rd Place

Assigned staff: @Archian

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