DeathLord, The Lich King's Champion

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
DeathLord, The Lich King's Champion
Entry for the 3rd HD Modeling Contest
These are the deathknights chosen by the lich king to lead the undead armada against the forces of the Burning Legion.
Skilled warriors of the alliance the legendary combat skills are now enhanced by the new death magic bestowed to them by their dark master.
The model is fully animated with 25 animations.
The majority of the animations have been changes with small and big changes done to work with the model.
The FaceFX is kept for both model and portrait
Check out my other work here:
Hope you like it!
Any feedback is welcomed.

DeathLord IceSkin (Model)

DeathLord IceSkin EyesGlow (Model)

DeathLord IceSkin EyesGlow Icons (Icon)

DeathLord IceSkin EyesGlow portrait (Model)

DeathLord IceSkin Icons (Icon)

DeathLord IceSkin portrait (Model)

DeathLord NormalSkin (Model)

DeathLord NormalSkin EyesGlow Icons (Icon)

DeathLord NormalSkin Icons (Icon)

DeathLordIceSkinAxes (Model)

DeathLordIceSkinAxes portrait (Model)

DeathLordIceSkinGlowingEyesAxes (Model)

DeathLordIceSkinGlowingEyesAxes portrait (Model)

DeathLordIceSkinGlowingEyesSwords (Model)

DeathLordIceSkinGlowingEyesSwords portrait (Model)

DeathLordIceSkinSwords (Model)

DeathLordIceSkinSwords portrait (Model)

DeathLordNormalSkinAxes (Model)

DeathLordNormalSkinAxes portrait (Model)

DeathLordNormalSkinGlowingEyesAxes (Model)

DeathLordNormalSkinGlowingEyesAxes portrait (Model)

DeathLordNormalSkinGlowingEyesSwords (Model)

DeathLordNormalSkinGlowingEyesSwords portrait (Model)

DeathLordNormalSkinSwords (Model)

DeathLordNormalSkinSwords portrait (Model)

DeathLord_NormalSkin_EyesGlow (Model)

DeathLord_NormalSkin_EyesGlow_portrait (Model)

DeathLord_NormalSkin_portrait (Model)

Level 37
Mar 11, 2017
Would be neat to see a version with a skeleton head too :D
That is actually not bad idea. A skeleton knight similar to the one from Berserk. But i think I will make 1 that usea a 2 handed battle poleaxe
He's gonna make both Falric and Marwynn for re-reforged
True marwyn will share this one's animations but will have a black &green armor similar to WOW. I also intend to have Falric and Thessarion (need to find a good inspired look for him as both a dk and normal living knight)
Very nice death knight! I like the different versions...are they different stages of corruption of life/undeath?
Well as adeath knight you got the ice skin or if the dk is just made his skin is still the same. I like how he look's with regular skin and maybe someone wants to use him as a living dark warrior.
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Level 12
Feb 23, 2020
Great Deaht Knight. I would try to change the swords, as Quel'delar is pretty unique and is already overused.
Level 37
Mar 11, 2017
which base model should I use for this btw? Rexxar ?
I used Rexxar for Spell 1 / Spell Slam / Death / Dissipate and Run
Illidan Stand Channel
Footman and Captain for the rest
For all, however, I had to set the cloak/face/hands movements. Some are small and will not be spotted unless compared with the original due to the fact that the movement is the same but the angles are different because if you do it with the default one's there will be MANY collisions between weapons and body.
Great Deaht Knight. I would try to change the swords, as Quel'delar is pretty unique and is already overused.
I am a fan of them but I had to change the sword a bit if you check the original the handle mince has is different and the sword is more strait then the original.
I could have edited the textures but I liked the original too much.
I will make future models dual-wield or 2 handed with other weapons.

I have discovered a very small thing I will have to edit for all my models that use the captain model with footman cinematic animations. The shoulder need's to be more relaxed. Good thing I only need to edit the R_shoulder to use the stand 1 positions for the nod/wave/point animations
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Level 37
Mar 11, 2017
Added to Contest Entries! Good luck in the contest :)
Hei @Archian forgot to mention but the model that should be checked for the contest is the one with ice skin and glowing eyes. Sorry for the confusion of adding more variants :D. I saw the nice trailer you guys made for the contest and noticed it was the one with normal skin showcased :)


HD Model Reviewer
Level 34
Jun 22, 2013
Dear lord, too many variations - I had to recheck every time just to see if I checked each last one. Anyway, works fine without any issues and it has all the animations needed for a hero, with even a Defend set. Excellent and well done ! It's HIGH QUALITY indeed !

For my nomination for DIRECTOR'S CUT: give him Attack Slam where his weapon will glow or have a popcorn effect, Attack Walk Slam, and a Spell Channel Cinematic where he does that Arthas' iconic pose; also, remove the number in Stand Channel 1 to just Stand Channel since adding a number will not make it work; and then add a brownish tint to his chainmail underclothes and a slightly darker tint with more saturation to his plate armor parts to make him less monotonous in color.

Deleted member 238881


Deleted member 238881

If it's not a problem, is suggest to add Spell Channel animation in addition to Stand Channel cause they aren't working exactly the same. I'm sure you know this, just saying in the case. But great model as always.