Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
The few surviving Warlocks who were captured along with Ner'zhul by the Legion were transformed into spectral apparitions of living cold.
Renamed Cold Wraiths, the damned spirits became twisted and evil. Filled with the desire to inflict pain and suffering,
these former magic users now serve their Lich King without question and use their newfound necromantic powers in his name.
When Kel'Thuzad tried to escape from Naxxramas, in Northrend, after seeing its horrors,
a group of Cold Wraiths spoke to him saying that he could not escape and even if he did escape no one would believe his story.
Bound to the iron will of the Lich King, they served the Scourge as the first mages alongside the lichs,
who were created from the souls of former death knights. But casualties during the wars dwindled their numbers until they were
rarely found outside the necropolises or other centers of power of the Scourge.
Update, 05.10.: Portrait file finally became uploadable for me. Everything is now where it should be.
I made a little model myself.
Just a Apprentice Wizard with the Pauldron of a Dark Wizard and the Staff of an Archmage.
And a white beard... but you can't see it.
This model is great for replacement of Banshee, good job
anyway is there any plan for making the portrait too? in my game we only look at his chest not his face xD
This model is great for replacement of Banshee, good job
anyway is there any plan for making the portrait too? in my game we only look at his chest not his face xD
I like that idea and was thinking a non-scourge type with maybe fel-tinted but as lore wise goes there is only Cold Wraiths of the Scourge. I’ve been trying to come up with some ideas for a mini Drak’Thul campaign taking place after the Tomb of Sargeras and figured something like this would be fitting for the Stormreaver warlocks/necrolytes that fell in battle. A Twilight’s Hammer skeleton grunt/archer would also be fitting to go with the available Blackrock/Blacktooth grin skeleton units from Hive and the pre-existing neutral units in-game.
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