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Goblin War Zeppelin

A goblin war zepplin, it has dual chain guns and a high calibre cannon used for bombarding ground units.

Known to blow up spectacularily if shot with incindiary rounds.

Made in 3 days, as a request by Windu.

It's actual filesize for the map is 36 kb but for some reason it's like 80+ filesize out of game.

i hope you like it, as there's a lack of true goblin technology, especially air units.

Edit1: forgot to add a camera, done now.
Edit2: Made "stand - 2" and "stand - 1" less static, i also fixed "attack - 1" as it's Z translation was off.
Edit3: Made all attack anitions less static.
Edit4: OOPS! used revilgaz's picture, lol!
Edit5: Fixed extents, it should be selectable now.
Edit6: Due to some comments on the actual blimp part, it's now darker, so it looks much better. Fixed "Zepplin" to "Zeppelin"
Edit7: For some reason it made the interpolation type for the geoset animations "linear" so i set it back to none.
Edit8: Added portrait that had been rotting on my harddrive, fun.

Goblin, air, flying, unit, bombardment, siege, airborne, tekknologi, areial, ace, admiral, portrait, jack, ship, airship

Goblin War Zeppelin (Model)

Goblin War Zeppelin (Model)

23:27, 3rd Apr 2010 DonDustin: wonderful mesh with creative texture choices. The animations seem fine aswell. As I see a lot of work in it and because it seems really useful to me for many types of maps I rated it with a 5/5




23:27, 3rd Apr 2010
DonDustin: wonderful mesh with creative texture choices. The animations seem fine aswell.
As I see a lot of work in it and because it seems really useful to me for many types of maps I rated it with a 5/5
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008

Looks cool, however i got three things that i wish to point out.
1. The balloon looks like it's made of rubber or plastic, i'd recommend using some skin/leather color instead. Like some light yellow,white.. or some light brown-yellow-ish color?

2. The death animation, it's a goblin, we need an explosion, don't we?

3. While the ship is idle, the gas that keeps it floating still burns fuel somewhat.
I'd recommend having the exhaust animation on the idle too and not just when it moves foreward.

Still, this is beyond anything i could do. Well done.
Level 3
Mar 9, 2010
You my friend is amazing way better then goblin zepplin in game good description too too bad im not gonna use it :( but im still impressed hope you make more goblin units since they are one of my fave
Level 7
Nov 6, 2009
Wait, let me get this straight, you want to use a Goblin WAR Zeppelin for a Non-goblin peace Zeppelin?

I know this one is supposed to be a goblin zepelin but it can easily be considered to be a non-goblin if use correct names and stuff.

Anyway, all i request is to make a version of this one without the mini guns.