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Future RP Construction Thread

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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Well... rotting and decomposing is just bacteria eating from you, right? then it'd just have to be cold enough for those bacteria not to be able to survive, right? I doubt you'd rot at -270 degrees celcius, even if it's not absolute zero, and btw, maybe you could stop the molecules from moving, by watching what way they're vibrating, and then using some sort of energy to send an oposite vibration against it, stopping them basically, and constantly scanning the molecules, adapting etcetera, there's your scientific explenation of the tablet Gath =3.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Wait you guys do know he could be frozen in a chamber thing like on Stargate Atlantis type crap just be hooked up to life system and crap.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Chanting with his MIND well there really is no way to explain how he was frozen so shadow redo o the whole freezing shit and then we will judge it again.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
He could make a small force field around his head and chant it or think it. Anther possibility he could be chained to it and a timer would be going on and at the end of it he would get frozen and giving him time to do what ever he needs.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
well, maybe he was in a lab where he had to be frozen (preserved) and his race found a way of expanding that freezing (stargate atlantis version) to fill the entire room. And the later, the city was destroyed and the peice of technology that was powering the freeze chamber was saved from the destruction, leaving them to look like they were stuck in a cave.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
I still think shadow should re-invent his frozen story because so far no offense but it sucks.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Yes but yours right now has to much explaining it could be simple but you made it were you have to explain everything and how and what you even gave away your neckless thing before you wanted to.

Here is my version of it.

Your character had bin frozen in a ice capsule in a science building on a strange planet for a unknown amount of time being kept alive by a emergency backup generator but a sudden earthquake has made your capsule fall down and crack open leaving it broken you soon awake cold and hungry and wondering were you are.

And there is what a simple yet understandable version of it is.
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
Fine how about this then... Seeing as how some planets are in medieval times, as this planet is. My character freezes himself in the cave to preserve the ruins of the city. A few years later the shadows enter on the planet and search it for valuables. Thats when they descover the cave and the wolf man, inorder to study the creature more carefully they take the specimen back to one of there research facilities where they attempt to revive him with there nano tech. Hows that?
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
You have yet to say how one if he is at a medieval tech level how in hell did he freeze himself and two how can you revive something thats already dead considering we still have no way for a body to be revived when it has been dead for years.
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
His in the artic zone for peet sake. And it is possible for wooden gears to open stone slags that would pour water into the cave. And seeing as how his soul is still in the body and his flesh not possibly decayed yet, it is possible to revive him with nanotech that would repair what little has decayed flesh as ver had mentioned, and a few shocks of electricity through the brain would turn his systems back on from being dorment.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
freezing temperatures=death=dead cells=all your brain cells would be dead so hes a hollow shell. And first off once you die no matter where you are your soul comes out of your body. Its impossible even with advanced nanobot technology to revive you. YOur cells can be dead without decaying you know. You would just be a hollow prefectly preserved shell of dead cells.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
It doesn't = failure just 3 key things he has to be able to do 1 be frozen and stay alive 2nd stay frozen and alive for a long time 3rd being able to review personally i think my story for him would let him live but then again idc.
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
Here I'll make one off of L2loves idea... The people that were in the cave were actualy people from another planet. They had tech to freeze and so they froze him as a test, he just so happened to have the tablet so they took him back to a lab where they kept him alive through the ice by keeping using those crystals (I forgot who made them) keeping his soul in the body and keeping him alive in the ice.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
uhg. This is getting no where. lol How about this: Having been put in stasis as punishment (unable to live with those he knows and loves, unable to be with friends and family), his "cell" if you will, is placed underground and set to be powered by a geothermic spot on the planet. But due to the minerals in the soil, the cave is undetectable. Now, with an earthquake, the machine is damaged to the point where he is awoken. Finding his way out of the cave, he discovers the once barren planet is now a lush, lush world with an advanced civilization settled on it. Now wouldn't that be funny if it were the Chozo who had settled on it? (Shakuras :p) He'd have a way off the planet, and could receive help if he wanted. Of course, there would be translation errors and all, but at least he wouldn't be stuck on a barren rock forever :p

he could end up being found by the shadows after being given a transport to allow him to leave
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
I still think shadow should re-invent his frozen story because so far no offense but it sucks.
It wasn't a story, but a possible explanation. Sheesh, I'm trying to keep it reletively scientific, but you all see mto want it to go to magic.
Your character had bin frozen in a ice capsule in a science building on a strange planet for a unknown amount of time being kept alive by a emergency backup generator but a sudden earthquake has made your capsule fall down and crack open leaving it broken you soon awake cold and hungry and wondering were you are.

And there is what a simple yet understandable version of it is.
that seems very similiar to mine. I did say the city kindof fell apart and it now looks like a cave. If anyone watches stargate atlantis, they would know that the expansion of the preservation machine freeze wall would be a mcKay thing. All it takes is to have the command console inside the room and to be activated when the soldiers come running in. It's a simple explanation. Plus, time, and a lot of storms, could take down the city, but it doesn't nessessarily mean that the lab would be completely destroyed. The alien race could've discovered it and managed to get through the "ice" to deactivate the console to get him out. Anyone frozen in it would be unconscious, so that allows them not to be attacked once the "ice goes away."
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
how about just waking up in the lab? Let's just say the Shadows found him on SHakuras before the Chozo came monthes later. They had no use for the system, as there was no strategic importance to it, and left it for the Chozo to claim. :/ Besides, as sacrid said, a lab witht he proper equipment would be fine. Just. Find. Something. Logical!
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
like the fact that he would be frozen to death? Or the instant cold would overload the senses, thus shocking the brain due to it being unable to process it all? It'd be like dropping a live chicken into boiling water, except it'd be flash-frozen. Or just frozen, which would require for him to have drowned first or a super rapid freezing. Or, just stick with technology.

Heck! You could even have him CLONED!!! find a way to explain the transferrance of memories to the new body too!
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
I like my idea. Just have him in a freeze machine. Stargate Atlantis had a great version, where the wall of ice came from the back of the machine and moved forwards to envelope the user. They can easily modify it to expand outwards from different points and freeze the entire room. The Shadows cn come many generations afterwards and discover the city, eventually finding the room and somehow getting him out by accessing the control console. If the cave idea doesn't work, change it to a lab. He can escape just fine by being frozen. Nobody can touch him wouthout some very advanced technology to melt through the ice like substance.
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
Thats basicly whats Ive been trying to do but he saying that he would be dead no matter what I try and explain. This new way he is in cyrostasis, hes frozen and the people are keeping him alive with the crystals that that one guy made whos name slips me... I swear if its one of you two Im gonna feel real stupid... anyways, they enhanced the crystals using there own technology.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
... sure you'd be dead when frozen... but if your body hasn't started to rot yet, you can still be revived, an example here on earth, perhaps less extreme, but our tech is lower than just about every race in this RP: A man fell in ice-water and died, he was taken out and brought to the hospital, offcourse he was clinically dead, in the hospital however, they hooked him up to an artificial heart and lung and warmed the blood, don't know if they did more, but eventually the real heart started beating again, irregular, but it started beating, and eventually it even started beating regulary, and eventually he even regained conciousness, and that without damage to the brain! So yes, it is possible >.< As long as your cells, and then especially the brain cells and heart cells.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
I don't think that's a real story. The thing is that, when you fall into ice water, you begin to get cold really fast. Your brain actually goes into shock within about a minute, and that basically kills you.
Now, what I was saying is just freeze him like they did in Stargate Atlantis. THe entire city can fall apart afterwards, or the shadows can discover the city in almost ruins and take him out before the power supply dies. THe entire lab can be frozen in stasis, cause anyone who's been frozen for that long wouldn't be conscious once taken out of stasis. Maybe his people had to evacuacte, and he decided to stay to buy them time. The soldiers came and he put all of them in stasis, to later be found by the Shadows. The stasis field can easily be expanded. All you needa are a few adjustments. Just take a look at how the Atlantis stasis works, and you'll see that that's the way to go. remember, it doens't freeze the person in ice. If you can't find a solution for the cave mystery, just go with a different description for your wolf character. Having lost a war, they escape through a portal device and the prince decideds to stay behind and freeze the city into one large stasis field. Through time, the field became smaller and smaller. When the Shadows found him, the rest of the city could've been buried under tons of ice, thus giving it the cave look in the stasis chamber. The stasis field would've kept the ice at bay until it deactivated or collapsed.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
well, there was a woman in her 80's that died 7 times before simply staying alive (saw it on Yahoo :/ So, with random occurances in death, cryostasis could even be possible. We have several, several people in stasis, waiting for us to develope a cure for their uncurable diseases. Until then, they remain frozen. Sure, they'll lose all they ever knew, by they could end up with a better life, without their disease :p)
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
i dunno. could be the Chozo :/ Although, he'd have to be kept in a place where no harm can be done or caused by him, and gather some information, to determine what happened to him, etc. I'm sure we can work something out >:3

Edit: shadows... *lightbulb* :D Rogue Chozo! :D lol (or some from the old empire that managed to get to the new galaxy) They could play a larger part in the overall story after a bit :p They would definetly influence it :p
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