Moderator: StoPCampinGn00b
(16 ratings)
---------- | wa666r | ---------- | |||||||||||
FORSAKEN V1.11 Created by wa666r ![]()
Another Alternate melee in my series of maps involving lore races from the Warcraft universe. This addition allows the players to explore and play as the tormented Forsaken. The Forsaken are a faction of the dead minions of Arthas' and the Lich King who have broken free of their mind control, then begun to serve the Banshee Queen, who gathered the stranded and feral undead, and gave them purpose: to seek revenge against Arthas. The Forsaken took control of the Plaguelands, and even established the capital building's catacombs into a thriving civilization. In order to ensure the survival and the continuity of her people, Lady Sylvanas made an uneasy alliance with the Horde. With dark magics, undying might, and alchemy, the Forsaken are a terrifying foe to face as they fight to their last remains; stopping at nothing to get their revenge. If it concerns anyone, this Forsaken is post Wrath of the Lich King; after Arthas' death. So the Horde are looking into Sylvanas' plague and the Val'kyr are working hard to spawn more undead soldiers. ![]()
Play as a new race, and behold the tactics and abilities to utilize their various strategies to bring the fight to the enemy. - 4 Custom Heroes: Scourge, Deathstalker, Black Hunter, Exterminator. - a list of new items reflecting the Forsaken race. - Full range of units each being unique and tactically diverse. ![]()
Initial DefenseStrongest UnitsWeaknesses- Phantoms are capable of dealing significant damage early on. - The Main building summon a powerful banshee to attack at range. - Blight provides intense hit point regeneration. - Val'kyr: Both powerful attacks and abilities make her invaluable. - Bone Walker: Able to take incredible punishment, then become a potent fighter at low health. - Wraithblade: Stealth-based, hybrid unit. - Only healed on blight. - Armies fall quickly if not properly micro'd. - High demand for mana, with little ability to replenish it.
- Various tooltip fixes thanks to Kyrbi0 - Stat changes - Added icon for mastery research - Black Garden now has more creep spread ![]()
Image Description: ------ ![]() Image Description: ----- ![]() Image Description: ----- Change Log: Version 1.1: - NEW FACTION BONUS: MASTERY UPGRADES - NEW BUILDING: BLACK GARDEN - NEW UNIT: WRAITHBLADE - NEW UNIT: BELEAGUER - NEW UNIT: DARK ROGUE - REVAMPED EARLY UNITS - TOOLTIP OVERHAULS - MAP Updated - Removed Spymaster - Changed Apothecary Death Drought to Death Fumes - New Deathstalker model - Rebalanced Hero stats - Rebalanced Unit stats - Rebalanced building stats and costs - Gorgon: new ability Clearing Path - So much more! Version 1.11: - Various tooltip fixes thanks to Kyrbi0 - Stat changes - Added icon for mastery research - Black Garden now has more creep spread Credits: Credit: Ampharos_222 Ujimasa Hojo infrenus -Grendel Uncle Fester Edge45 Kitabatake Thrikodius Sin'dorei300 Xelthyr The Grim Reaper Alastor WILL THE ALMIGHTY Afronight_76 wingednosering PROXY Tarrasque donut3.5 sigelang GooS CloudWolf Dan van Ohllus bigapple90 NFWar UgoUgo kitties :3 (If I missed any just tell me, please) |
Moderator: StoPCampinGn00b
OMG I'll try now
My Reviews:
Misery Tower word is stick together
New Phanthoms have the Build ability ?
Spawns a Expierement should be Experiment
Vile Blast has tooltip description bugs fullstop is to far
Apothecary is spell as Apothocary
Apothecary upgrade has Description errors
Dreadguard model is very ugly looks just like a Spirit Walker
Bonewalker is hilarious
Geist model is ugly too
Gorgon & Empusa is unlogic
Dreadlord riding on undead wolf
Slyvanas riding on funny beast
Voting for need fix until update 2/5
I just don't understand why you give me such a low score for such minor errors.Sorry for being rude i think I am so horrible
But i like those food producing buildings and some towers they are unique in their own way
But I don't think the Forsaken use so much necromancy like book of necromancy or raising death from those buildings. Maybe can make a spell that throwsdeath coils around the Town Center as a defence ?
OMG I'll try now
My Reviews:
Misery Tower word is stick together
New Phanthoms have the Build ability ?
Spawns a Expierement should be Experiment
Vile Blast has tooltip description bugs fullstop is to far
Apothecary is spell as Apothocary
Apothecary upgrade has Description errors
Dreadguard model is very ugly looks just like a Spirit Walker
Bonewalker is hilarious
Geist model is ugly too
Gorgon & Empusa is unlogic
Dreadlord riding on undead wolf
Slyvanas riding on funny beast
Voting for need fix until update 2/5
I don't know if I did the rating right cause I went to the last thumbs up to give you 5 on 5 but it showed -2/5
Short Review :
i really like the phantom unit, he doesn't need to go back to the monastery. But why only 3 lumber? how about 5 or 6? also why not his damage doesn't increase while upgrading from the Ossuary? make his base attack similar to a ghoul~
the Bone walker is kinda weak. Increase the damage and his ability deranged reduce it.
Oh i really love when that skill Corpse from the deathguard, it makes me spam more skeletons while pushing. Also why only 10 damage for second and only last for 10 seconds? how about 15 or 20 damge?
Add another skill from the Val'kyr only 2 spells is not enough for me, i don't know why e.e
fix the tool tip from the ability merge, specctres~
it's kinda hard to use them. I know that their fragile but thanks, you put them some heals~
Pushing with the hero Scourge, Exterminator, Val'kyrs, Death Guards really a good idea using the last skill of the Exterminator plus last skill of Death Guard corpse then first skill of Val'kyrs, lastly use the last skill of Scourge! = pwning like a boss
Also with the onagers is a good idea~ with that i can kill a group of units quickly.
Why not add a skill from the unit Shadow Ascended? also reduced mana usage while summoning it .-. Scourge doesn't have enough mana.
i give ya a rate of 4/5+rep
Ohh Why? Why? Why? Just one week before my release? Seriously? What have I done to deserve this? I feel the urge to kill myself. Why do you do this to me? I got all my resources for MY Forsaken map prepared and set, and you had to do this didn't you?
Every single Idea I get to do, and NOPE, you've already done it.
Ohh Why? Why? Why? Just one week before my release? Seriously? What have I done to deserve this? I feel the urge to kill myself. Why do you do this to me? I got all my resources for MY Forsaken map prepared and set, and you had to do this didn't you?
Every single Idea I get to do, and NOPE, you've already done it.
I unfortunately am a uber casual, So i can't really speak to balance, But everything seems pretty awesome, The heroes are as seems to always be the case with your maps neat and different without being insanely over powered, And while i do find the over abundance of Skeletons a tad dull, it's can hardly be helped with most forsaken models all using the same Sylvanas head, so can't hold that against you, So yeah, as it seems to always be it's a neat race,
Ohh Why? Why? Why? Just one week before my release? Seriously? What have I done to deserve this? I feel the urge to kill myself. Why do you do this to me? I got all my resources for MY Forsaken map prepared and set, and you had to do this didn't you?
Every single Idea I get to do, and NOPE, you've already done it.
Chill Out bro... no need to get depressed lol I too am making a Forsaken custom race though I'm having some problems but that's okay lol
and Wa666r great job on the Forsaken Map.. really loved it... I hope the one I'm making is as good as yours lol XD and I have a simple request... if u don't mind I would like some help on my Forsaken Race... by help I mean Triggers Skills etc.... too much? and again great race!
Cool. I really love it! Models are amazing as hell, but one thing how can servants train phantoms? You should create Old God race next which consists of Black Dragonflight and Twilight Hammer Clan.
Thank you for the review.I did a play through, which is hardly enough to give a fair review of the map, although I do have some suggestions.
First, it took me a while to figure out how to acquire more Phantoms. I'd suggest editing the Servant's tooltip to draw more attention to the fact that it can do that (as an UD player normally, I was looking through all of the buildings to find more lumber harvesters).
Try using: Basic worker. Can build structures, mine gold, and restore. |n|nServants can transform into |cff33cc22Phantoms|r to harvest lumber.for the tooltip.
Aesthetic oriented suggestions:
Instead of using the Deathstalker's current soundset, why not use HeroPitLord?
Replace the current Empusa model with Units\Creeps\BurningArcher\BurningArcher.mdl (already in game) and change the Sinister Arrow ability name to Red Arrow
If you change the Phantom's race classification to "Undead" it'll wither the trees it takes lumber from (although it seems like you wanted to stop that, you changed the classification of your base unit)
It would be nice if you implemented an AI for the custom race, so players can play against it.
Other things:
The game play was different - a mix of the other races. Unlike the UD the workers are tied down for a while when building and the lumber is instantly acquired instead of the gold. The Servant > Phantom switch was confusing at first, but agreeable. Have you considered allowing the two worker types to morph back and forth between each other (a base on Bear form) [note that the melee AI could never use this method without help]? This would keep to the minimalist theme you have set for the Forsaken since they lack the numbers that the Scourge has at it's disposal.
I didn't get a chance to really use all of the heroes at high levels, so I won't comment on their synergy with the rest of their units. Although, giving the Forsaken a version of the orc Blademaster doesn't make much sense. But to be fair, I'm just pushing for this model to be used instead. The Forsaken seem to favor ranged units, and this model has plenty of interesting animations for spells as a support caster (in my mind).
All in all, I enjoyed the map - I'd enjoy it more if I could get the AI to use it. Your twist was entertaining.
In answer to your poll: I'd push for Burning Legion next.
Thank you for the review.
I actually thought the tooltip was enough. "Basic worker. Can build structures, harvest gold, and Restore. Servants can transform into Phantoms in order to harvest lumber."
The voice will be changed.
I prefer the Empusa model and the Black Arrow. Having a Burning Archer really doesn't fit in with the purple-ish green-ish look of the entire faction.
The Phantom is already classified as Undead.
I was thinking about morphing back, but something about about it just doesn't seem right to me. I wanted a permanent choice.
Thanks for the model, but I'm trying to stay away from Skeleton models; also, this faction already has an Archer-like hero.
I cannot make melee AIs, unfortunately.
Can you see the Poll Results?
Changing the Phantoms to Undead would cause them to summon the Towers just as the Undead do, and I don't want that.That's fine, the only change I was really pushing for was the tooltip. The others are just superficial in nature.
The race was listed as Orc, not Undead is what I meant to say. When I changed it to UD the trees 'withered', this is just another superficial feature however (you kept the UD blight - but that has an influence on gamplay)
I can give the AI a shot (I've gotten it to work before), but I'd need to fully understand how you want the race to be played (listing of how many units, when you want the researching to be done, etc.. more than I'll understand after a couple of play-thrus) which may be more than you're willing to go through. I just want to watch the UD & FS AI duke it out while I sit back & eat popcorn.
I can see the poll results. As of right now:
Worgen = 12/32
Tauren = 6/32
Illidari = Warsong Clan = 5/32
Burning Legion = 4/32
Changing the Phantoms to Undead would cause them to summon the Towers just as the Undead do, and I don't want that.
I'm not really sure how I could help with the AI, I hardly know anything about it. I think whatever look good to you. Just push towards the last tier units just as the other races do.
Oh ok. Didn't know if others could see.
Me too , I like Burning LegionBoris_Spider said:In answer to your poll: I'd push for Burning Legion next.
Yeah, sorry. Guess things are as slow around here as they are for me. :<Hahaha I did this faction over a month ago. (Yet still not approved :c )
Hopefully I'll find your map one day? You sure take your sweet time haha
How are those Jungle Trolls coming along?
Yeah, sorry. Guess things are as slow around here as they are for me. :<
Speaking of which, yeaaaaah. I do. Too much of it. I am seriously busy, but I also seriously procrastinate & perfection-ate.
Right now it's Heart of Storms -> Hero Contest -> Wc2 Tavern -> Trolls. Hopefully nothing else jumps up.
This looks quite beautiful![]()
Moderator: StoPCampinGn00b