Droid Wars Construction RP

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Level 13
Jan 3, 2008
Uh, So yeah, Is my character approved? And no, Zato doesn't hate the sith because he never encountered them. And he's following Hel'thoc because it was always his dream to become a jedi knight. Also, Zato is as I said, adept at using the force and an expert swordsman.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
ohohoh you gonna be surprised whit what I'm planning on getting here xD and eheh I'm not gonna tell :)
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Errh, can I give it a try? oo. The (?)s are things I'm not sure of if they're good.

Character Sheets:

Name: Amador

Faction: Jedi

Race: Human

Light saber(s): He has a Light Saber with a green crystal in it, making the colour green. (The colour comes from the crystal, rite?)

Main: His green Lightsaber.

Bio: He was borne on Coruscant, sadly, his mother died in the birthgiving, but then again he got accepted into the Jedi Order(?), and he was trained by the average Jedi, and due to this he rather has a lack of knowdledge in comparison with the higher-trained Jedi, but he proved himself to be good in melee fighting. However, he didn't feel home at Coruscant, so he left the planet, in search for people to help. Now he's wandering the universe, trying to fulfil a Jedi's task as a helper and warrior.

Optional; Fighting Style(?): He is very swift and agile, but lacks in other abilities of the Jedi. Also, he mainly fights melee with his lightsaber.

This good? Feel free to correct or scold at me if it's not good. :p
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Sounds good to me. And yes, the sabers do take their colors from the crystals. Otherwise, the sith wouldn't have red lightsabers :p But, they're stuck with access only to red crystals XD (lava planet where they grow. They can't access the Jedis' crystal caves easily)

Yes! Another Jedi! :D Now we have even teams! :D
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
Name: Flaknor

Race: Human

Lightsaber: Green http://www.light-sabers.net/images/lightsaber-dualpulse.jpg

Bio: He comes fromt he same tribe his brother does but his mother left the tribe and took Flaknor to the jedi's she knew he could live a better life there. So he was raised as a padawan and soon into a jedi. He does what the councile wants him to do and sometimes does a few things he feels will help better. He is great with his troops and has a general he favors named Koren, they are close friends and usually get in alot of situations on the battle field. He has two tatoos on his shoulders which he got to resemble something close to him, something he never speak of. http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs8/i/2005/340/b/b/Turnin_the_jedi_by_0Pandoras0tear0.jpg

(Last character i promise, this is my second and I wont make any more.)
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
I like it. Not overpowered, has a purpose, and yes, the color comes from the crystal. Some crystals have special abilities, but that's mainly for the games.

ShadowDemonLord, that's an interesting character. Yay for more Jedi (more enemies to kill XD). One problem, what battles has he been in? The Droid War hasn't started yet, and the core worlds will be uneasy with the war starting. More security, people leaving to fight, the ever looming presence the Sith may have on them, etc. All fun and games, right?
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: Light Side and Dark Side powers. (scroll down)

Force armor is rare, if not extinct. Anyone who remembers how to make it is dead, or few. No players will encounter such people or armors, and cannot make it, as the knowledge is lost or forgotten. Force imbued armor is capable of resisting a lightsaber, as well as the Force. As few remain, even during the Clone Wars, they are very expensive. A force mask blinds any force sensitive who wears it, while providing their face with lightsaber resistance. A very useful tool with unknown origins. It, like the armor, is extremely rare and expensive. So, no force armor for you 25 men. Not even 1 person would be able to acquire it. It could take multiple life savings to get your hands on a set, while you could possibly acquire a Force kneecap for a costly price. :/

The Unifying Force
Main article: Unifying Force
"The reality is that there is only the Force. It is above such petty concepts as positive and negative, black and white, good and evil."
―Darth Sidious

The concept of the Unifying Force found less supporters within the Jedi Order than the Living Force. The concept of the Unifying Force was that the Force is a single entity and has neither a light nor the dark side. The Unifying Force was viewed as a deity that neither had sides nor chose them, treating all beings equally. Followers of the Unifying Force always kept their eyes for future possibilities. In the end, it resulted in them trying to fulfill a destiny rather than focusing on here and now, as the Living Force supporter would do.[1]

Visions of the future were of particular significance to Unifying Force supporters, such as Yoda, who was one of the most adamant proponents of this belief. Many other Jedi were followers of the Unifying Force, and focused on the flow of time as a whole, ignoring primary use of the Living Force. Voices for the latter espoused a philosophy of "live for the moment" and heavily relied on their instincts. This viewpoint might have allowed the Jedi Order to stave off the conflict that gave rise to the Galactic Empire, as its members lost themselves in looking forward rather than analyzing the unfolding events before them.

Ironically for those Jedi, Emperor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, also supported this belief. He claimed that there was only one Force: the only difference worthy of note was that the Sith saw the Force as a means to an end while the Jedi saw it as an end in itself. This view was also supported by Vergere, who taught Jacen Solo that there was no light side or dark side of the Force—only the Unifying Force. Vergere also told Solo, "the Force was everything, and everything was the Force"; that the Force did not have sides and never took sides.

Well, it looks like you get your religion, Sol. :/ But it isn't "merging the Sith and Jedi" as that results in Dark Jedi. D:
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
I think I'll be joining =D, though could I be a Droid renegade? (As in, a modified droid, that has turned against the dark side, and therefor is hunted by it, but is still a droid, so it'll still be hated by the light side =D) That way I can be a dark-side character, without distorting the balance too much =D, and it'd give my character purpose, and could bring up interresting scenarios...
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
well most of the time it all begins whit one sith who already has a grasp on things before he starts expanding. whit an RP you can't really do that.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
DarkKnight, it's an interesting character, but just because it's a droid, doesn't mean it'd be hated. the battle droids were serving as guards for the Trade Federation before the Clone wars, and they served as guards afterwards, to an extent. I recall that even the Jedi used droids for missions they couldn't do themselves. You'll have to show us what your character looks like.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Well, I can't realy show a picture, though I will try my best to describe =D, basically a B1 Battledroid, with more armor, though the head is still seperated from the rest of the body, the colour of the body is also like a standart B1, it has no colour rank, the major difference though, is that it has a light saber mounted on the back of it's right hand, which normally points away from the rest of the arm, but can turn 90 degrees left or right (making it almost look like it's holding a lightsaber).
It's still a concept, so many things can still change, I could for example, make it something that some of the sith-commands are still working, for example that the jedi are the enemy.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
I would think they would turn 360 degrees, or at least 180 to prevent the arm from being cut up. XD Blocking with a lighsaber on your arm would be wonderful, but it would mean you'd have to go through some serious recunstruction to do that. Another problem is that, lighsabers are only effective with a sith or Jedi. Anyone can use a lighsaber, but only a Jedi or Sith can master one. Lightsabers would have to be pretty expensive, and you can't really prevent it from being stolen by a jedi in combat. Honestly, to be really good with a lightsaber, you would need a very fast computer to predict each projectile coming at you, and that only works from the sides. Otherwse, it's just like looking at a light. You don't see it coming closer, so you wouldn't be able to predict where it is. You'd have to hide early. XD
Cloaking technology could be cool though. It;d make you more transparent, but any hit you take would damage the lens that wraps light around you. You wouldn't even be completely invisible either.
Imagine a commando Droid with stealth technology, or heck, and Assassin droid. That thing would never go down.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
90 degrees to both sides I meant, in other words, standartly, it's pointed in the direction of where the fingers would stand in a rest stance of the hand, so, in total it would be able to turn 180 degrees, anyway, I think I like your idea =3, though I think I'll go for a couple of more lenses, one for the stealth thingy, and some spare ones inside the body. though as compensation, I'll be taking a normal light-saber, only a lot shorter (light-knife =3) in other words, a true assassin =3.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Oh joy. You are going to love it then when both sides hunt you down individually. XD You'll probably even force them to attack eachother. That's what I'd try. What's your plan for going rogue? Will yiu have a spy reprogram you or will it be growing intelligence? And what's your goal? In the Star Wars universe, droids are mostly servants and basic, replacable guards.
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