Droid Wars Construction RP

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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
nah, it's okay. I don't think it's a good idea to play both sides. gets confusing, especially if you have a battle amongst your two characters. lol I'll fix the character thing.
As for the players, it would be great if you could help spread the word. So far, I only told the people in the futuristic construction thread. There aren't many places I could advertise it. XD fantasy RPs don't sound right, and the last ime I did that, people complained. lol I knw some good players, but it'd be a pain to pm or vm them all. XD
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
i'll spread the word tough most RPers i know that are good are not really active on hive anymore :/
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
I make a vid on you tube. I need some pics of star wars.
I be a jedi and his Padawan. I create the padawan later.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
the padawan could be a NPC character you control, doesn't really have to be a character on his own.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
So what is the status of my character approved? And if not what must I change?

I finished reading it. I would think faking your death would only work once. lol but 6 times? Are the Black Sun people really that stupid?

Well actualy I should probably added attempted to do it 5 times only 1 of them worked but after those 6 time he has probably gotten a decent skill at making fake deaths lol. Also the Black Suns are quite a ruthless and powerfull game so it took though 6 times it would normaly take a normal person more or just to give up but being trained by them it only took 6.
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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
lol l2love, all he has to do is dissapear. They trained him to dissapear, as an assassin.
Solmaster, I find your idea humorous. I'm actually surprised that anyone would think to look for an RP ad in youtube. XD

L2love, what's his position gonna be? Is he going to be a bounty hunter of sorts? He'd be hired by the Sith to take out the most important of enemies. XD I know Jango Fett was hired to take out Padme, who hired someone to do the job for him. XD
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Could he be part of a special ops for like the republic that is trained in killing and capturing important figures a lot of which are Sith assassinations?
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Name: Eroma
Faction: Sith
Race: Nightsister (Dathomorian)
Light saber(s): Eroma wields two Red lightsabers and one light whip.
Apearance: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/062/3/6/Female_Sith_Lord_by_Liquid_Penguin.jpg
Bio: Eroma was once a Nightsister but she was banished from her clan. seeking revenge she joined amongst the ranks of the sith. being a Nightsister she already had knowledge of the Dark side of the force, tough her ability's were different than those of the sith. one of her best Force ability's is Drain life, often compared to force lightning but still totally different.
I had some things i didn't like in my first mainly about appearance, xD it made me think about a non. now i have picture instead, i also added pic's of my now 2 lightsabers.
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
Name: Kalnoe
Faction: Sith
Race: Human mixed with robot.
Weapons: Modified Sniper: http://media.photobucket.com/image/.../SW Stuff/LightRepeatingSniperRifleDone02.jpg M16A4 Rifle HK416 Tac: http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk...m-trooper-blaster-limited-edition-replica.jpg (2 of them) Throwing Knives: http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/c/kit_rae_throwing_knives_540.jpg (18 of them but the blade part is laser instead of metal.) Electric staff: http://www.members.shaw.ca/david.p.z.888/star_wars/pics/grievous_body_guard.jpg (Looks like the one hes holding)

Bio: Kalnoe was from a clan, he had a brother but his mother took his brother away from him and their dad. The two of them decided to keep their heritage going, and keep their oath. That oath was to destroy the jedi's. When word got out that his brother had joined the order Kalnoe was shocked. He went into exile for family treason.

In exile he had many hardships. One being he nearly died... He went to a robot specialist and got himself a new body. http://www.alexandgregory.com/images/General_grievous.jpg It is kind of like the origional only the metal is red with black tips. His eyes are green and his voice was nearly died out so now he has a new onel. He vowed to destory the jedi's and blames them for taking his brother. So instead, he joined the sith.

(I will be making teh brother soon and that will be all the characters I will make. 2 in total)
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
lord ken: Yes, you can be my apprentice but you must follow my instructions. You are required to take a blade that is red, black, sliver, green or pink until your knight hood.

Here's the other jedi.
Name: Cal Karnus
Faction: Jedi
Race: Dorin
Weapon: A sith sword with a back up sith axe.
Bio: Cal Karnus was brought to the sith as a child. He became powerful and had many deaths on his hands. He was known as the Dark Alchemist. The legendary sith alchemy had appealed to him and he started to learn it from the Emperor as a reward for his deeds. He had joined the jedi after the fall of the empire. He learned the jedi ways and became a powerful jedi. Most of the effects of the dark side wore off. but he keeps his mask on. He had gained the power to use Sith alchemy into force alchemy.
Special Ability: Force alchemy. (The power to alter things with the force)
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
since when can those who are not force willed not wield a lightsaber? on my account general grievous was one of the best lightsaber duelists in the galaxy and he wasn't force willed at all.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
grievous hated lightsabers as well, and he did wield em. seriously, anyone in the whole galaxy can wield it. it is just seen wielded by a sith or jedi more often. but there were allot of non force users that still managed to wield a lightsaber.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
SoLmaster sorry to disappoint but the very first "lightsaber" was a ceremonial sword in use by the Jedi Order. they were originally crude devices that used an experimental frozen blaster technology that create a fixed light beam. not very effective since it was very unstable and they had not enough energy to power it. that is why it was a ceremonial weapon. they then attached a power device to it, this power device was attached to the Jedi's belt and limited the range of the weapon. it was still unstable tough. after that a sith was able to create a power coupling and implant it into the lightsaber. so yes todays modern lightsabers is of sith origin but the very first lightsaber was invented by the jedi order.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
But we are talking about sith swords not light sabers. Sith swords are like the saber but does not need energy. They can withstand a saber. It was created by the Sith alchemists to replace the saber. Only few surived the years and the secrets were handed down to the latest secret keeper (known canon) the emperor himself. So the swords were of the sith.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
dude those date back from the sith empire... they don't even exist anymore, why the heck would anyone want to use them...
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
ye, did you just realize that now or are you merely pointing it out? :p it would be funny tough. i'm gonna use it as a tactic, carry a few force masks whit me and whenever i encounter a jedi i put it on his face xD. easy way of defeating em LOL!
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
ye, did you just realize that now or are you merely pointing it out? :p it would be funny tough. i'm gonna use it as a tactic, carry a few force masks whit me and whenever i encounter a jedi i put it on his face xD. easy way of defeating em LOL!

Just the strategy I thought about mentioning in my post, but I was in a rush. :/ But yes, that would work. :p Though... I do have a few tricks up my sleeves for when I encounter a Jedi's army with my army. :p
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
If you want to use a metal sword, you can. It'll have to be a vibro sword. The original jedi actually used normal swords, before the lightsabers were made. So eventually, they went into combat with a battery on their belt. XD I can't imagine a very long battle with that, since all you have to do is cut the cord powering it and your opponent is easy pickings.
Level 13
Jan 3, 2008

Name: Zato

Faction: Jedi

Lightsaber(s): Zato carries a black saber which was given to him by his master Hel'thoc, His saber is slightly different from Hel'thoc's. ( You can see why in the pic. )

Main: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs18/i/2007/212/f/2/The_Black_Lightsaber_by_pranavrulz.jpg

Secondary: Green saber

Bio: Zato wears a slightly purplish cape with dark purplish clothes. He carries his lightsaber on his side, He has brown hair and blue eyes, His hair is reaches down his shoulders, Zato says his hari sometimes gets in the way.

Not much is known about Zato except for the fact that Zato was taken as Hel'thoc's apprentice when he saw his exceptional skill in sword fighting and his adept skill in the force, Seeing as how he used the force and the objects around him to his advantage. Hel'thoc took Zato with him when Hel'thoc went looking for the old ways of the jedi, Zato discovered his black saber in the search.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
If you want to use a metal sword, you can. It'll have to be a vibro sword. The original jedi actually used normal swords, before the lightsabers were made. So eventually, they went into combat with a battery on their belt. XD I can't imagine a very long battle with that, since all you have to do is cut the cord powering it and your opponent is easy pickings.
Yes that was also the problem whit the early functional lightsabers, they were attached whit a short cord to their belt, and the powercel weigh masses, so you can see the sith or not bad for everything. they did make some awesome weapons by putting the powercel directly into the saber
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
lord ken, it's an interesting character, but I'm going to need a little more info. Does he hate the sith? Is he only following Hel'thoc in order to learn about the past or about the Force? also, his rank would be a padawan, since he has a Jedi training him. Also, if someone hasn't been trained by a Force user, they wouldn't know how to use their powers. All Padawans had to be taught how to use the force. They never did it by themselves.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
lord ken, it's an interesting character, but I'm going to need a little more info. Does he hate the sith? Is he only following Hel'thoc in order to learn about the past or about the Force? also, his rank would be a padawan, since he has a Jedi training him. Also, if someone hasn't been trained by a Force user, they wouldn't know how to use their powers. All Padawans had to be taught how to use the force. They never did it by themselves.
you can teach yourself the way of the force. there always is a way, otherwise the first Jedi would never have come to exist.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Sure, one can teach themselves te force, but they might harm or brutally maim someonein the process. :/ Possibly kill themselves. It's the Jedi master who guides them, teaching them how to control it and understand it better. Without the Jedi guiding the padawan, the padawan could be influenced into the Dark side of the force, when he explores the capabilities, and his limits. Much higher mortality rate, not just in him, but in others, and a very large chance of being pulled to the dark side. :p
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Sure, one can teach themselves te force, but they might harm or brutally maim someonein the process. :/ Possibly kill themselves. It's the Jedi master who guides them, teaching them how to control it and understand it better. Without the Jedi guiding the padawan, the padawan could be influenced into the Dark side of the force, when he explores the capabilities, and his limits. Much higher mortality rate, not just in him, but in others, and a very large chance of being pulled to the dark side. :p
I refer to ventress in this one, she had knowledge of the force by her old master who was stranded in her planet. when he died by the hands of the warlords she sought revenge and engulfed herself into the darkside not being able to control the force trough her emotions.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
actually, she went to the dark side because she believed the Jedi left their companion there. When her master was killed, she turned her to the dark side after getting revenge and taking control of the planet. She became a queen, of sorts. I find it fun to read star wars history, but not when the wiki page goes on forever.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
then she took over the planet after killing the other warlords :D (I just saw that sacrid beat me to it :/)

It's just the fact that it took several thousand years for the discoverers of the Force to learnenough about it, and wield it accordingly. In that case, they designed an order of sorts that would manage this, learning about the Force and its capabilities, while making sure others learned to wield it properly, to avoid an accidental slaughter. (Meant to crush the can, but caused half the village to implode) And thus was born the Jedi Order when they decided to protect others with the Force.
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