Droid Wars Construction RP

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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Droid Wars RP History:
After the fall of the Galactic Empire, the New Republic was founded, ushering in an age of peace and prosperity. The surviving Sith Lords fled into the darkness of the Outer Rim to regroup, and regain their numbers. With the reactivated and rebuilt droid armies, they now sweep through the Outer Rim, bringing entire systems under their control. And now, they turn their gaze inwards, towards the New Republic, and begin the march to war.

In this RP, you play on one of two sides. The New Republic and the Sith Order. The New Republic includes the New Jedi Council and the Sith Order has the Dark Council. Players cannot be a member of the council, and we will need an equal number of people in both factions. This takes place long after the Star Wars books, and storm trooper gear has all but vanished.

On the Republic side, you can play as a Jedi Knight, Padawan, or trooper. On the Sith side, you can play as a Sith, Droid, or a fusion of flesh and machine, like General Grievous. Alternatively, you can play as a bounty hunter. However, you must be hired to help in the war. Many races have abilities, use them wisely. You don’t have to be human.

This RP starts in the beginning of the war. The New Republic doesn’t suspect anything and people will panic. If you join on the Republic side, you will have to act surprised. (Noting that there hasn’t been a war in many generations.)
If you play on the Sith side, you will have to act evil, but don’t overdo it. If you are a bloodthirsty slaughterer, you will be taken out. (Don’t want people going out of control, right?)

Nobody will be a Jedi Master or Sith Lord. You can, however, have them tell you what to do and where you need to go. Intelligence won’t always be accurate, and you can’t know everything. Some things just take time. You won’t always get reinforcements or new equipment.

You can be any race you want. It would help to have pictures to go with your character, and if you want to edit a picture that is close to what you imagine, go ahead. You might as well show your lightsaber as well (style, color). Also, each character will have their own fighter.

Character Sheets:(Example here)

Name: Reverana

Faction: Sith

Race: Human

Light saber(s): Reverana carries two identical light sabers and a third straight lightsaber, allowing him to opt for dual wield or single.

Main: red blade http://i67.servimg.com/u/f67/13/97/94/42/broodo10.jpg

Secondary: yellowish blade http://i67.servimg.com/u/f67/13/97/94/42/lights10.jpg

Bio: Reverana is a human Sith. He wears a black cape, and armour. His gauntlets are lightsaber resistant and he wears a custom Kaleesh mask and a belt of light sabers. The Kaleesh mask has a rebreather on the inside, allowing him to breath underwater. He was intrigued by the General Grievous masks, found in his lair and sold on the black market. He bought one and had it customised to include Kaleesh markings.

On his belt, Reverana has three he uses personally. One main, red lightsaber, and two yellow lightsabers. He joined the Sith because he liked the powers of the dark side and the Jedi put too many limits on the force. He is strong in the force and can use many lightsabers at one time.
Special Ability: Force Wield (He uses the force to wield many lightsabers at a time, becoming a very dangerous weapon.)


Players: Please don't all go sith. A one sided war is no fun.

New Republic:
Solmaster (Hel'Thoc)
lord_ken (Padawan - Zato)
fussiler1 (Jedi - Amador)
ShadowDemonLord (Jedi - Flaknor)

Army units: Troopers (filling different roles)

Planets: Kashyyyk
Coruscant (Capital City)

Nebulon-B frigate (Republic cruiser, escort frigate, or frigate medical)
Republic Blockade Runner (i.e. Tantive IV)
Naboo fighter
Venator-class star destroyers (Republic attack cruisers)
Gallofree transport

Sith Order:
Sacridshadow (Sith - Reverana)
Varsaigen (Sith - Malice)
ShadowDemonLord (assassin/sniper - Kalnoe)
Phoonix (Nightsister - Eroma)
Crazy Cow (Sith Commando Droid- Blue 5)

Units: OOMA Battle Droid, C-B3 Cortosis Battle Droid, Droideka Mark II, A-DSD Advanced Dwarf Spider Droid, BX-series Droid Commando, Chameleon droids, SPHA walkers

E-web heavy repeating blaster turret (with targeting system and night vision, comes with cooling system)

Planets: Hypori (builds Droideka Mark II)
Geonosis (OOMA Battle Droids, C-B3 Cortosis Battle Droids)
Muunilinst (A-DSD Advanced Dwarf Spider Droids, SPHA Walkers)
Pammant (Scythe-class Battle Cruiser, Subjugator Heavy Class Cruiser)

Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor (Jedi Starfighter)
Lucrehulk class Core ship
LAAT (carrier, infantry, vehicle)
Imperious-class Star Destroyer
Subjugator Heavy Cruiser
Scythe-class Battle Cruiser
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Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Name: Hel'Thoc
Faction: Jedi
Race: Human
Light saber(s):He welds dual sabers that connects, allowing for better combat.
Main: Black http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m54/Dinkus_Mayhem/Star Wars/Sith_Lightsaber_by_Bonez18B.jpg
Bio: Hel'Thoc trained as a Jedi but felt that he was need else where. He left in search for the older ways of the force. The order still has him as a Jedi because they know they need some one to look for older powers. He wears Black force armor, Black cloak, and a force mask. He gained the mastery to fight using the force.
Mastery: Force Fight
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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
love the lightsaber. I would prefer if you didn't have a faster learning curve than everyone else. That's because there are a lot of Master abilities that no one will be using. For example, the Force storm. Your force ability would mean that you would have to study someone's tricks, and you can't quite do that when you're under attack. And it would take a long time to even master it, not a few ohours or days, just so you know.

Is he a jedi, or do they only call him a jedi? those old relics are going to be extremely rare. and they may not be useful anyway. lol
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
more like the rebels. lol Some may have armour, but the majority will be like the rebels. lol and so far, the only sith players are var and me. Solmaster is a jedi, and I guess you will be too. XD I really do hope people want to play this RP. I don't want it to die before getting started like my other RPs. (maybe that was because I had it on a personal site...)
Anyways, this RP is a war between the sith and New Republic. Both sides will have their own army and all Jedi and Sith are generals of their battalions. Use your troops wisely.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
He was a Jedi. He like a neutral Jedi, he follows the true rules of the force. Changed the power to Mastery: Force fight. He can fight with saber and the force fluently.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
hmmm fun. shadow, by droid general, do you mean like the ones in the clone wars cartoon, or something like the Commando Droids? Maybe even an assasin droid (but fixed so there is no betrayal to the Sith).

And Solmaster, I don't there is such a thing as a neutral jedi. The Jedi are defenders of the peace, and it is their duty to protect said peace. The Sith threaten that, so that would mean you have to follow the New Republic path. You may be more independant, but it doesn't change much.

I suggest you create a character sheet and we'll approve it if it meets requirements. (Basically, not overpowered, underpowered, super sensitive to the force, or learning way faster than others) I'm assuming that you'll be a droid or like General Grievous. If you can provide a picture of something similiar, I may be able to create it with pieces from other pictures. You just have to tell me what you want. lol
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Yes, finally! I was wondering when somebody would decide to become a droid. XD I assume you'll be a Commando droid with a lot of upgrades. For example, the strategies of a general. Of course, you'll have to have markings so other droids will know your rank. XD don't worry, you'll be treated like a person. XD AIs have come a long way since the Clone Wars. lol Now, I wonder who will be a padawan or trooper. XD

Oh, and crazy cow, this isn't the RP thread. This is the construction thread. You don't need the OOC since there is no IC. lol
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Name: Blue SH4K5 (shortened to '5' to save the breath of organic creatures)
Faction: Sith
Bio: Blue 5 is the fith droid commander built by the Sith Lord Morgue, and the first to meet his standards. It currently leads ground forces on raids on Outer Rim colonies. He has slowly been gaining experience on New Republic tactics and weaponry, and will soom be ready to lead part of Morgue's retaliation on the Jedi.
His frame is based loosely on the old Droideka models of the Clone Wars. Because of it's role as a commander, his limbs do not end in the normal blasters of a Droideka, but four-clawed 'hands'. He is otherwise a Droideka, retaining the ability to roll, although the shields that made the Droideka so feared have been lost.

Anything important I missed?
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Name: Eroma
Faction: Sith
Race: Nightsister (Dathomorian)
Light saber(s): Eroma wields a Red lightsaber and light whip.
Apearance: Eroma stands at about 1.5 meter (5 feet) she has a pale skin and has res tattoos around her eyes and on her arms. she wears a black hooded robe whit no sleeves and a deep Decolte, the bottom of the robe is splitted at both sides alowing for more agility and speed. around her waist she wears a brown leather belt whit some random asecories atached to it. around her wrists she wears bracelets she made herself.
Bio: Eroma was once a Nightsister but she was banished from her clan. seeking revenge she joined amongst the ranks of the sith. being a Nightsister she already had knowledge of the Dark side of the force, tough her ability's were diferent than those of the sith. one of her best Force ability's is Drain life, ofetn compared to force lightning but still totaly diferent.

is it OK if she has a Pet rancor? many Nightsisters have it so :/ oh and do you realize the Venator class star destroyer is out dated? even tough only a bit. lol
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
lol I've been wondering the same. I expected a lot of sith players anyway. and Shadow, i don't think you should have three characters just to even out the teams. XD We'll get more player soon enough, and people will want to be Jedi (someday). lol

I'm surprised that Phoonix became a nightsister (wasn't expecting that) and yes, if they traditionally have baby rancors as mounts, you can have one. Besides, it makes an awesome pet. and life draining, fun. That would make a WONDERFUL interrigation technique, as it would hurt a lot and could ruin their lives, especially if they don't know what they look like. XD The problem with force lightning-like abilities is that you have to focus on it. You can't use it and fight at the same time. lol (same thing for force choke. XD)
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
eh i became one because i just played Empire at war forces of corruption and loved silri in it xD and about those force ability's everything whit the force of that kind of power needs loads of concentration. even only moving objects larger than a car needs massive concentration. that is why the force is mostly used in battles to enhance speed and agility.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Yep, Blender is a pain. I had to se it for class, and it only reinforces my love for Milkshape, while quickly developing my hatred for Blender. :/

As for my Sith character...

Name: Kaden (means Warrior)
Species: Unknown
Gender: Male

Appearance: A black cloaked figure with a customized Mandalorian mask (Specially forged for someone else using Force sugesstion, and taken from the forced requester to be customized to his specifications. Mask forged and paid for in the black market. With special plugs designed into it, he can breath in space using tubes to feed the oxygen into the mask. Works the same in water.

History: Unknown. An anti-social type, he focuses on the mission at hand, and views things more from an outside perspectie, keeping the map of battlefields in mind as he fights, leading his forces against the enemy. Being talented in the force, he utilizes unorthodox methods of combat at a distance. Unfortunately, he finds lightsaber combat a bit too fast for him, and avoids it when possible, preferring ranged combat to the possibilities to losing limbs.

Origin: Outer Rim.

Specialties: Adept in the force, but is adequate in lightsaber combat.

Droid: A T3 model, customized for more of a hacking and sabotage role, while retaining basic repair capabilities. Kaden's droid, 3R4, is chrome gray, with a chrome blue trim where the 3C model has red trim. 3R4 has served him well, being his first droid, and has provided schematics and details essential to his missions. It is, by far, his favorite droid. It appears to be the only droid he is respectful towards, and it is completely loyal to him.
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Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
More Sith equals more skill for me, you guy should learn that the side of the force are not labeled good or evil. I will take you sabers as a reminder that you will fall and replace the color crystal with a black one.

New Unit Idea(new republic): Black Sabers, Jedis that joined Hel'Thoc in his quest. They have full permission from the counsel to join the elite group. They also have permission from the New republic to do any as long as it helps the new republic. Each has a black light-saber and a name with in the group. Hel'Thoc is known as Black Saber Leader, Black dragon.

So any thing you would like to say.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Black lightsabers? Do you realise how rare those are? The black sabers are from the original jedi war. Only a few have been found, and most required external power packs. The lightsabers were originally ceremonial.

For those that are sith players, you'll be recieving orders when it begins. Basically, it'll be taking over a colony or looking for the Jedi. Every now and then, we'll be trying to infiltrate the jedi Order, and if a number of us can get in, it'll be a very long, bloody slaughter. lol

As for the Jedi, they'll hear about some colonies under attack or a possible threat, and have to go check it out. I would hope the sith players wouldn't get cocky and tell our plans. XD (though, confronting a sith never shows anything good. lol)
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
There fore only a few can become Black Sabers. I know about jedi and sith history.
I just did the math and there are only 15 besides my self.
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
no pleas no... damn blacksabers? thats an awefull faction :'( pleas no. and Sacrid, taking over a colony? arn't the sith more stealthy. they should have some kind of big plane, they never realy move out in the open and take a colony by force. as seen in the seperatist war they send their puppets to do that. though the seperatist war isn't realy a good example to set here :/ since tis is more like the Jedi and Sith wars. however, instead of black sabers as a faction, i have found a faction for the bounty hunters. an Underground faction, very similar to the Zan concortium perhaps? you can choose the name yourself but it gives alot more posibility's in this RP.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Name: Candor, The Red Lord
Faction: Sith
Race: Yoda's species
Light saber: Short light saber.
Main: red blade http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/036/f/e/Sith_LightFoil_by_Zylo_the_Wolfbane.jpg
Bio: After the death of yoda, Candor felt that the Jedi were responsible for the death. He trained with the sith and became the Red Lord. The Red Lord was a sith responsible for many acts of darkness. Thought his power he gained the legendary force/life drain that only Darth Nihilus could preform, he was also his by the hunger.
Special ability/weakness: Force Drain (He had drain all life from a area, but his hungry grows every time he feeds.)
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Sacrid hmm can we all control our own ship? or do we just command the ship we are on at the a certain time? and will there be a map? it's pretty useful, since i don't know the Star Wars galaxy out of my head :p
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Yoda's race has only ONE known member (guess who), and so doesn't even have a name. Why do you insist on making something ledgendarily unique (black lightsabers for free, and then another Yoda). And why in the name of the Gods do you tell us your character needs to eat when he's hungry? That would seem obvious.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Crazy Cow:
There are 4 known members of the race. Yoda the most known and he is not Yoda. I created him because we need some one to keep the sith in line for the Sith Lord. That was an mistake. Sorry for the hungry part.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
oh so your gona act like some kind of Sith general ordering us around? thats what i understand of what you just said :/
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Do we have to be republic or sith or an independent faction such as bounty hunters or something like that? Also can we go rogue say I can have a rogue droid be a republic commander?
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Crazy Cow. what do you think the answer to that question is yourself? i'll give you a hint, it starts whit N and ends whit o.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Here is ma character sorry if grammar sucks I am bad with grammar.

Name:Grendil Gethen.



Race:Yuuzhan Vong.

Weapons:He carrys around a few hand to hand weapons such as knives he has throwing knives with deadly posion on him hidden in his boots and also has one knife hidden in his sleeve he has 2 laser pistols on his holsters on his sides. His last weapon is his favorite long range heavy sniper.

Main:He used a modified long range heavy sniper being a one shot reload type weapon it makes a lot of noise but being modified it gives on barley any noises making it an ideal assassin weapon.

Secondary:He carriers mainly knives hidden in his armor and to pistols in his holsters on his sides

Bio:Grendil was made to be a test tube baby and grown into a powerful assassin to be used as a tool by the Black Sun a powerful group. He was made to target Jedi for having resistance to force powers. His genes were taken from some of the strongest Yuuzhan Vong alive making him almost physically perfect in the eyes of the Black Sun. The scientist knew making him that he would be uncontrollable so they had removed his sense of awareness making him only follow orders but when that day finally came to take him out of the tube he had killed all the guards in a rage full moment even when the guards used deadly force he still killed them proving that he was a success. 10 years later the Black Sun had trained him in all the ways to kill and even in the ways of deception he was kept in a dark black room for all these 10 years surprisingly his training was done so the Black Sun sent him on his 1st mission Grendil was sent to kill to a Jedi Master but before they even dropped him off on the planet he had stolen a small shuttle and had left the system. The Black Sun was furious for there was suppose to be no awareness and only follow orders. When Grendil had gotten to the nearest planet he hid for awhile jumping to planet after planet to run away he even faked his death 6 times until finally got away. He kept to himself for a year or so and thought what his purpose was and kept thinking he was made to kill and destroy but for what reason evil or good? Instead he thought if he was to kill and destroy why not for good reason such as justice giving him set of rules 1 Only do things for the greater good 2nd Do not hesitate to kill that which is evil 3rd Rid the world of the Black Sun after that he enlisted in the Republic rising to the title of commander.

Appearance:He wears the normal Republic commando armor change in color to make it a little darker and culturally like his race Yuuzhan Vong battle armor it also had a lot of hidden areas to conceal his weapons it even has.

Special Ability:Being a Yuuzhan Vong his race is not connected to the force and so resistant to force attacks and is not able to be sense by the force user in a normal sense.

Personality: He can be very cold at times and some even say heartless but when it comes to his code he will do everything to get it done. He usually always finish his task unless it breaks his code in some way he is very stern sometimes with his subordinates and even thought about putting a solider in a air lock for not doing something right. He usually never gets angry unless someone is doing something he hates and will kill to stop he is also usually happy when the mood is angry or violent and even kinda gets sad when everyone is happy. He is very kind at moments when everyone is in a bad mood or sad he even attempts to make everyone happy he has never shown true effect for someone or something but has gotten close to sometimes.

Sorry if the grammar sucks or if it sounds to strong I am bad with making people and if you want him to be a trooper not a commando Ill be ok with that.
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Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
I dunno about another Yoda species member. :/ Kinda ruins it seeing as all the ones in existance tend to be rather powerful. :/ But I really dunno about having orders issued to me. I mean, I'll be giving myself orders based on events, but it won't lead me to every major battle. I could be forced on recon while someone else plays a major part of an epic battle I would have liked to be in. But I won't be able to run around to epic battles of my own accord :/
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Yoda's race has only ONE known member (guess who), and so doesn't even have a name.
Actually, you're wrong. In episode two, there was another member on the council; Yaddle. She died soon after.

L2love, you don't have to be republic or sith. You can be independant. However, in a minor faction, you wou;dn't be as powerful as the sith or republic. Most of the third party orginizations are companies and gangs.

Phoonix, crazy cow, and solmaster, please, we don't need any argueing here. There's a reason this is a construction thread. We can work out the bugs here before starting the RP. It allows the RP to run smoother.

L2Love, I haven't finished reading about your character, but isn't armour supposed to be for protection? not to hide weapons? He seems a little heavy with all that gear.
Edit: Ok, I finished reading it. I would think faking your death would only work once. lol but 6 times? Are the Black Sun people really that stupid? lol
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Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
O ya I guess Ill add less weapons he was meant to be like a heavy weapons user but looking at him you didn't know that because he had hidden his weapons but Ill add less weapons.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
well, if he joins the republic, they would probably give him official armour. Even the Jedi in Clone wars had their own armour. The problem is, all armour seems to be plastic, and doesn't help with lasers at all. lol

About your character, an effective soldier is an aware soldier. Otherwise, you might as well use an assassin droid. lol The clones grown on Kimino were basically human, however, they had loyalty programmed into them. The best part is that they were grown from the DNA of the bounty hunter, Jango Fett. XD As I recall, his ship was supposed to be some sort of cop ship. lol They were nice, but only a few of them were made.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
euhm sacrid it think you should put Nightsister/sith in me name thingy. she was a FORMER Nightsister and became a sith. also dude xD i love how you can predict what people are mostly going to choose as you said: pleas don't all go sith xD but for the sake of the RP. if you need more people for the other faction i could change mine, it doesn't realy matter that much.
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