Blizzard vs Bioware contest

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Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
The EscapistMagazine are hosting an anual gaming developer contest to see who among the gaming company the community like the most.

Blizzard and bioware are fighting for the votes atm and bioware are leading with 10%. Hopefully we can turn that around if enough people vote for Blizzard. Spread da' word!

But ofc, vote for your favorite company.

Anyway, here is the link. Register and vote!

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
You need to login to vote on that site, thus this is advertising.
Honestly people are stupid if they have not seen blizzards April 1st jokes and how awesome they are. Bioware can not keep up with games like WC3, SC2, D3. Whereas bioware has you killing poor animals mostly in singleplayer games, all blizzard games are multiplayer. Graphically bioware may win, but then again almost all their games are fulled with so many bugs it makes diablo II look well made. Most of the content people enjoy about bioware games is not even made by them, whereas atleast that is not the case for most of blizzard's games. Also generally blizzards games are much more child friendly, you do not see perverts druleing over them with rule breaking mods.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
You need to login to vote on that site, thus this is advertising.
Honestly people are stupid if they have not seen blizzards April 1st jokes and how awesome they are. Bioware can not keep up with games like WC3, SC2, D3. Whereas bioware has you killing poor animals mostly in singleplayer games, all blizzard games are multiplayer. Graphically bioware may win, but then again almost all their games are fulled with so many bugs it makes diablo II look well made. Most of the content people enjoy about bioware games is not even made by them, whereas atleast that is not the case for most of blizzard's games. Also generally blizzards games are much more child friendly, you do not see perverts druleing over them with rule breaking mods.

In other words:"Yes, I'm looking at Bioware through my awesome Blizzard glasses."
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
You need to login to vote on that site, thus this is advertising.
Honestly people are stupid if they have not seen blizzards April 1st jokes and how awesome they are. Bioware can not keep up with games like WC3, SC2, D3. Whereas bioware has you killing poor animals mostly in singleplayer games, all blizzard games are multiplayer. Graphically bioware may win, but then again almost all their games are fulled with so many bugs it makes diablo II look well made. Most of the content people enjoy about bioware games is not even made by them, whereas atleast that is not the case for most of blizzard's games. Also generally blizzards games are much more child friendly, you do not see perverts druleing over them with rule breaking mods.

Actually, Bioware's Xbox 360 RPG's have online (Dragon Age: Origins, definitely).

I voted for Bioware. I like both, but Bioware has made so many games that are my favorites of all time (KotoR, Dragon Age, etc.)

EDIT: and most people only play WC3 (isn't that Blizzard's most popular game atm other than WoW?) because of DotA. Something that isn't made by Blizzard.
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Blizzard is the best game-makers I've ever seen. All their games have lasted for years to
me, I've picked them up years afterwards and played them again, I also like how blizzard
does not try to make the graphics look mega good that way they won't look too ugly even
if they're outdated.

I'll admit that I haven't played all games from bioware but I did play Mass Effect 2 and it
was a fantastic game but it only lasted for like a month or so.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Blizzard all the way. Even though I liked Oblivion, it just didn't keep me playing for years and years and years... Unlike WC3. And I don't think Oblivion is as addictive as WoW anyways, I mean, once you get all quests done, or the main quest line done, it's just not fun to play anymore.

Also, by the way, I didn't play DA:O, so I have no idea how good or bad it is.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
Bioware is good in making RPG's, great RPG's.
Blizzard is good in making (one) MMORPG, Warcraft (now officially declared raped, dead and raped again by Blizzard), Starcraft and Diablo.

Bioware got my vote.
Level 8
Jan 8, 2010
And btw, please vote for Valve as well. I'd hate to see them lose to the developers of Farmvile.

actually, i was shocked to see them (Zynga) win over Square Enix. Farmville over Final Fantasy series?!? (hey, don't blame me. FF-lover here :p)

and i voted for Blizzard not just because of warcraft. but because of Diablo. still hooked up with Diablo 2 (quite excited to see Diablo 3, though i really think it's still faaaaaaaaar) :)). and i understood WCE more than the Neverwinter Nights editor. or campaign maker? what do you call it?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Most people never have heard of Baldur's Gate so do not even know why you bother posting it.

Starcraft however has its own game channels in Korea, how many bioware games run channels?

Ill look into this illusive dragon age multiplayer, as I have only been reading about the PC version, however that still does not make up for the fact a lot of players are perverted over bioware RPGs and I literally mean that.

Bioware still produces far worse quality products than blizzard. Yes Diablo II has a bug list the size of a doctorate but you think games like Dragon Age are any better? The number of people reporting game restarting bugs or events failing to trigger was in the thousands and I am sure that is the case for a lot of their games.

Yes blizzard games may lack the blood flying every where, the sex and the graphics which some how use more processing power than they should but in the end you know your game has far more testing and quality behind it to assure it works within certain tollerences reliably without having to fall back onto third party mods. Yes games like diablo II are in a sorry state, but if you consider the makers left blizzard over 6 years ago and it has gone through 4 opperating system changes while still maintaining playable and being patched, it is very good going.

Have you people not noticed you are comparing Sarcraft (1998-2000), diablo II (2000/2001) and warcraft 3 (2002/2003) with games like mass effect (2007-2008), dragon age (2009) and mass effect II (2009/2010). Something is seriously wrong with you if you believe those are compareable as the earilest one is made 4 years after warcraft 3 which was blizzards last non MMORPG game). Comparing to WoW is also stupid cause its a MMORPG which logically single player RPGists will hate and statistically WoW wins massivly cause I seriously doubt that any bioware title has over 10 million regular players.

Also I would like to point out bioware did make a game called "Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood". For people who have played it you will soon realies how poor a game it is with level up system being a disgrace to all RPGs.
Level 5
Aug 7, 2008
Did Baldur's Gate drastically change the concept of a RPG?

Did Starcraft change the concept of a RTS? As far as I know, the answer is 'no'. It was another game in the, what I call so, golden era of RTS. The only thing that made StarCraft special was the balancing, but you can't really call that a huge impact for the genre.

Baldur's Gate was a great game, and it was kind of the revival of video game RPGs on the PC. All the future Bioware games improved the concept (well, most of them: Mass Effect was a cool experiment there, since it could be played as a shooter as well). Dragon's Age: Origins changed the concept of RPGs, because never before the gamer himself was pulled into the game in such a way, that even the slightest decisions could change the end of the story.

Don't get me wrong. StarCraft was great. Blizzard made a bunch of great, balanced and thought-through games, but Blizzard are, well, more the perfectionist type than the progressive type. They are pragmatic, taking the good parts of already existing stuff and putting it together, but not really innovative.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Did Starcraft change the concept of a RTS? As far as I know, the answer is 'no'. It was another game in the, what I call so, golden era of RTS. The only thing that made StarCraft special was the balancing, but you can't really call that a huge impact for the genre.

Is this enough?

''Many of the industry's journalists have praised StarCraft as one of the best and most important video games of all time, and for having raised the bar for developing real-time strategy games. StarCraft's multiplayer is particularly popular in South Korea, where professional players and teams participate in matches, earn sponsorships, and compete in televised tournaments.''
Level 5
Aug 7, 2008
Well, Baldur's Gate 'raised the bar' for RPGs. Your quote is basically what I said in my last paragraph: StarCraft is a good game.

But it's not innovative. It didn't change anything about strategy gaming - and that is also in your quote: The only thing it did, was 'raising the bar' for developers, so they would make games better than StarCraft. But that's not really special, since game developing IS a continous proccess.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Most people never have heard of Baldur's Gate so do not even know why you bother posting it.
Yeah, it totally isn't one of the most known and memorable RPGs ever, still being talked about in modern gaming.
Starcraft however has its own game channels in Korea, how many bioware games run channels?
Bioware games are offline games. Why the fuck would you make a game channel for an offline game?

Ill look into this illusive dragon age multiplayer, as I have only been reading about the PC version, however that still does not make up for the fact a lot of players are perverted over bioware RPGs and I literally mean that.
Incase you are talking about porn, you do realize that there is way more porn on Blizzard games that there are for BioWare games? Just saying.

Bioware still produces far worse quality products than blizzard. Yes Diablo II has a bug list the size of a doctorate but you think games like Dragon Age are any better? The number of people reporting game restarting bugs or events failing to trigger was in the thousands and I am sure that is the case for a lot of their games.
Pulling facts out of your ass=awesome. Yes, Mass Effect had bugs, but so does every game. You make it sound like the game is a buggy mess, when it actually is one of the more stable ones in modern gaming. Gamestopping bugs are very VERY rare in it.

Yes blizzard games may lack the blood flying every where, the sex and the graphics which some how use more processing power than they should but in the end you know your game has far more testing and quality behind it to assure it works within certain tollerences reliably without having to fall back onto third party mods. Yes games like diablo II are in a sorry state, but if you consider the makers left blizzard over 6 years ago and it has gone through 4 opperating system changes while still maintaining playable and being patched, it is very good going.
Did you even play Starcraft, Diablo 1 or Diablo 2 and to some extent Warcraft 3? Those games (especially the older ones) are insanely gory. Diablo 1 and 2 had rooms filled with mutilated, dismembered and disembowled bodies. In Starcraft every living creature (exept Protoss) EXPLODED upon death.
Also you do realize that Mass Effect has no modding tools, so I don't know just where the hell you're pulling the info that "you need to download playermade content to make them work". Mass Effect and Dragon Age do in fact run just well on their own. Please, seriously stop pulling facts out of your ass.

In fact, I find it kinda funny how you talk about "people having to get player made content to enjoy BioWare games", while Blizzard games THEMSELVES (atleast Starcraft and Warcraft) are known for their CUSTOM CONTENT, created by PLAYERS! Sure Korea plays normal Starcraft, but outside that little country I can almost bet that most people play Starcraft and Warcraft 3 for it's custom maps.
Hell, even to play WoW competetively you almost have to download player made mods and UIs.

Have you people not noticed you are comparing Sarcraft (1998-2000), diablo II (2000/2001) and warcraft 3 (2002/2003) with games like mass effect (2007-2008), dragon age (2009) and mass effect II (2009/2010). Something is seriously wrong with you if you believe those are compareable as the earilest one is made 4 years after warcraft 3 which was blizzards last non MMORPG game). Comparing to WoW is also stupid cause its a MMORPG which logically single player RPGists will hate and statistically WoW wins massivly cause I seriously doubt that any bioware title has over 10 million regular players.
But comparing RTS and Action RPGs with real RPGs make perfect sense? Also again, WOW is online so of course it's going to have more players. It's pretty much a fact that online play furthens the life of a game. However online play may not always be good.

How about you actually play a Bioware game all the way through for once, rather than going to some forum to read a few hate topics?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
As far as I am aware blizzard did not add any sex into their games. Diablo II and warcraft 3 definatly did not feature any direct sexual subquests or content (outside of unoffical third party content). I am half sure starcraft did not (only played the first campaign) and I seriously doubt WoW has (could be wrong). I am aware that a lot of the costumes and artwork of the warcraft and diablo series is highly alureing however, but this does not directly make it sex related.

Mass effect I heard had pretty graffic sexual scenes, same with dragon age, could be wrong but still I think that is why their age limits are through the roof being 16 and 18 in a lot of countries (while blizzard games tend to be a lot lower).

As for violence, you must be joking... I do not see any point in compairing blood from a 2D game which was meant to be rediclious about it with a game utalizing full 3D graphics and next generation effects. Yes blizzards games do show blood but the graphics of SC1 and D2 are so bad in this day and age it is more of a joke than anything serious as apposed to mass effect and dragon age which prize themselves for being bloody. Blizzard will not add this level of realisim into their games and risk ruining their age restriction as a lot of players are youngish.

This is why SC2 graphics are not top of the range, this is why D3 will look like a painting and this is why world of warcraft looks like an MMORPG for the PS2. Blizzards games tend to be a lot less serious and a lot less impacting than bioware. I am serious that there are a lot of perverts out there with games like dragon age.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
As far as I am aware blizzard did not add any sex into their games. Diablo II and warcraft 3 definatly did not feature any direct sexual subquests or content (outside of unoffical third party content). I am half sure starcraft did not (only played the first campaign) and I seriously doubt WoW has (could be wrong). I am aware that a lot of the costumes and artwork of the warcraft and diablo series is highly alureing however, but this does not directly make it sex related.

Mass effect I heard had pretty graffic sexual scenes, same with dragon age, could be wrong but still I think that is why their age limits are through the roof being 16 and 18 in a lot of countries (while blizzard games tend to be a lot lower).

As for violence, you must be joking... I do not see any point in compairing blood from a 2D game which was meant to be rediclious about it with a game utalizing full 3D graphics and next generation effects. Yes blizzards games do show blood but the graphics of SC1 and D2 are so bad in this day and age it is more of a joke than anything serious as apposed to mass effect and dragon age which prize themselves for being bloody. Blizzard will not add this level of realisim into their games and risk ruining their age restriction as a lot of players are youngish.

This is why SC2 graphics are not top of the range, this is why D3 will look like a painting and this is why world of warcraft looks like an MMORPG for the PS2. Blizzards games tend to be a lot less serious and a lot less impacting than bioware. I am serious that there are a lot of perverts out there with games like dragon age.
2D blood is still blood! Hell, there is alot more blood in Diablos than it alot of modern games. Also, WHAT!? Mass Effect 2 pricing itself on being bloody? Oh please god atleast watch a video or something! Mass Effect 2 is barely has any blood, beyond a few customly placed corpses and a few drops of blood from gunshots. It ain't no F.E.A.R where a single shot seems to explode the enemy in a cloud of blood.
Dragon Age on the other hand is bloody, but it's on a bearable level. Still it doesn't even match the halls of blood from Diablo 1&2. Hell, do you even remember the Buther's chamber from Diablo 1!?
Also, by your logic, a few years from now DA:O and ME will be OK since they are now old games so their "goryness" shouldn't matter.

Also you make it sound like the sex is there to exploit it. Now there are of course sex scenes, but they ain't some hardcore scenes where they show the characters sweating on eachother and thrusting like it's the apocalypse. They're basically a few flashed few second clips of the characters cuddling, all in all lasting someting like 10 seconds if even that. Also they are portrayed as very emotional and consensual. Hell, BioWare even toned them down even more for Mass Effect 2, where they look more like cuddling scenes since the characters even have their clothes on.

Once again: play the goddamn games, don't read a few topics on some random forums!
Level 13
Apr 2, 2008
Blizzards games are awesome , but BioWares RPGs are awesome too....

Biozzard :)

EDIT: Blizzard gets my vote for entertaining me 8 years !
Level 10
Aug 15, 2008
Look, having sex like in Mass Effect and DA:O just shows how realastic those games are, unlike Blizzard. For RPG's I go to Bioware. For nice and very free modifying RTS I go to Blizzard. Also I just can't wait till Diablo 3.
Level 9
Jan 5, 2007
I would vote Bioware. They brought me Baldur's Gate(s), Dragon Age, Mass Effect(s), and KotOR.
Blizzard however only lose out by a slim margin, in that the games are currently driven by their player-made content, while Bioware RPGs tend to stand on their own.

And while Starcraft is an AMAZING game, so are the Bioware games..
Also, to the mention of sex in the Mass Effects and Dragon Age, it is done in an artsy kind of way, and is meant to be vaguely intimate, not just lolpron?

On the note of gore, Diablo and Diablo 2 have bodies torn apart on racks with blood on the floor, impaled on spikes, it's hardly what I'd call mild. And it's not what I'd say was meant to be "ridiculous". It was meant to be there, it was meant to be gory. Because it's all about atmosphere, and immersion. Kind of like the 'romance' options in the Bioware games.

But yeah, they're both good companies, but because of their earlier games Bioware just win out for me.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Diablo II was done in a totally unbelieveable way, for example durance of hate which has the pits of blood and such on hell is so big I doubt the small town outside could have provided all those people... Come to think of it since it takes me 5 minutes or more of teleporting with high FCR I seriously doubt the demonics presences perserverence at covering the whole area with blood is possible. I mean is mephisto that planning that he manages to plaster all 2000+ rooms and corrodors with blood without missing one? My god how the hell did he do it with us hot on his heals as well.

like wise with act 5, you honestly telling me that the armed forces capable of 2 hitting the NPC barbariens is happily sitting outside the gate without ever thinking of attacking the city? Equally well when your ass gets served to you by a multi shot extra strong fire enhanced cursed mana burning unique monster yet you can easilly kill all 3 evils it really loses any plausability at all. Why is baal running the show what that archer you randomly encountered is better at killing stuff?

On the other hand games like dragon age are advertised using the blood. Infact a major emphisis of the game was all the blood. On top of that the number of sexual mod requests for the game I have seen was frightning.

Also the people who aregue that most of what they like about blizzard games are made by players are not thinking of the logic behind it. Without the game the people would never have made those fun maps you like so you would never have had the ability to play them. Warcraft 3s main selling feature is the custom content and should be factored in to any ratting of it, logically there are a lot of poor or unappropiate custom content which can be ignored.
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
Diablo II was done in a totally unbelieveable way, for example durance of hate which has the pits of blood and such on hell is so big I doubt the small town outside could have provided all those people... Come to think of it since it takes me 5 minutes or more of teleporting with high FCR I seriously doubt the demonics presences perserverence at covering the whole area with blood is possible. I mean is mephisto that planning that he manages to plaster all 2000+ rooms and corrodors with blood without missing one? My god how the hell did he do it with us hot on his heals as well.

like wise with act 5, you honestly telling me that the armed forces capable of 2 hitting the NPC barbariens is happily sitting outside the gate without ever thinking of attacking the city? Equally well when your ass gets served to you by a multi shot extra strong fire enhanced cursed mana burning unique monster yet you can easilly kill all 3 evils it really loses any plausability at all. Why is baal running the show what that archer you randomly encountered is better at killing stuff?

On the other hand games like dragon age are advertised using the blood. Infact a major emphisis of the game was all the blood. On top of that the number of sexual mod requests for the game I have seen was frightning.

Also the people who aregue that most of what they like about blizzard games are made by players are not thinking of the logic behind it. Without the game the people would never have made those fun maps you like so you would never have had the ability to play them. Warcraft 3s main selling feature is the custom content and should be factored in to any ratting of it, logically there are a lot of poor or unappropiate custom content which can be ignored.

Sorry DSG, but you contradict yourself.

logically there are a lot of poor or unappropiate custom content which can be ignored

On top of that the number of sexual mod requests for the game I have seen was frightning.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Just look at the gamefaq dragon age board and you will see the number of people playing with body enhancing mods or sexual enhancing mods is really horrific.

On the other hand with WC3
Yes there are some unappropiate maps but fortunatly the battlenet mapsize limit prevents them from being too detailed and thus they never catch on so no one ever sees them being hosted.

You failed to point out the contradiction, as one statment mentioned that on wc3 you can ignore unappropiate custom moded content while the other said that on dragon age there are a lot of people on sites asking or admiting the use of sexually orientated enhancing mods or blood enhancing mods. They are not even the slightest bit realted but I will expand them for you as you obviously have problems with them.

In both dragon age and WC3 you can ignore unappropiate user made content (custom content). In dragon age however some is already included unlike WC3 so can not be ignored with the out of the box version.
With warcraft 3 there are virtually no requests for unappropiate content and generally any such maps dissappear from battlenet fast, on top of that most WC3 support sites will not tollerate such requests and will down them quickly. With dragon age origans a lot of sites are hosting mods to enhance the sexual content of the game and there are a lot of people requesting stranger and more stupid sexual mods every day. On top of that a lot of people activly state they are using them all the time with the game and try and invite other people into using them.

There is no contradition in that at all is there? In one warcraft 3 has unappropiate content but it is hard to get hold of and short lived when created. On the other hand dragon age has a huge demand for unappropiate custom content and the use of them has huge popularity.
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
Are you serious?

The sex scenes in Dragon Age and Mass Effect are ridiculously cheesy. If anybody actually watches them as porn, it's probably a little fervent christian boy, and he wouldn't even feel wrong afterwards.

As for violence and "frightening" stuff in the games, oh come on? You think virtual blood is frightening? And somehow, under a greater resolution, blood is more inappropriate? That's bullshit, seriously. Just set the game to horrible quality and tiny resolution, if that'll make you happy.

Also, neither of Mass Effect 1 and 2, Dragon Age, or any of the Blizzard games in themselves are in any way sex-oriented, and the fraction of fans and players who are perverts in no way changes this. In any case, to be honest, I'd think that Wc3 would have more perverted players, given the amount of "LOL HOT GIRL SEX" games which pop up.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
You make it sound like the only point of ME and DA:O is sex. You do realize that the game at no point actually forces sex on you. Also there are LOTS of mods which are not nude mods or sex mods. Why do you call sex distasteful by the way? You make it sound like it's something inappropriate and unnatural. DA:O and ME don't exploit sex with graphic scenes and long cutscenes, rather it does it in a tasteful, "appropriate" manner.

And no matter how you put it, Diablo 1 and 2 are still gory and bloody games. I don't see how it makes it ok for Durance of Hate and levels like that to be ok since it seems unrealistic and over the top for you. Yeah you enter and old temple infested by demons and find all the old inhabitants torn apart on the walls. AHAHA that is so totally a funny scene.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
The only reason why ME reached the news is because of kids playing it.

The mothers said it's Bioware's fault while the mothers bloody bought the game for their kids.

You might wonder if they check that ESRB tag at all?

Edit: On the side note, Sha'ira is a squishy slut, how you're supposed to get a decent grip? People tend to view games always out of context. Always.
Level 13
Oct 1, 2009
Look, having sex like in Mass Effect and DA:O just shows how realastic those games are, unlike Blizzard. For RPG's I go to Bioware. For nice and very free modifying RTS I go to Blizzard. Also I just can't wait till Diablo 3.

Sex in Mass Effect!??
*runs to nearest game shop and buys ME*

OP: At first I had no clue about what games BioWare had done when I saw this thread (i'm not good at such stuff). But they made Baldur's gate? My vote goes to them!

Edit: Hey, after all I've never seen as much porn as it is in WC3 in any other game. It's not rare to find sex games with real pictures with nudity in :p
Level 13
Oct 1, 2009
Can say BG2 is the most awesome game ever?

It's absolutely not, but ever since I started gaming, I loved that game. Kinda the game I grew up with, besides I do play WoW but Blizzard does not deserve to win. Not many new titles for a long time and it totally sucks ass that you have to pay so much to play WoW.
And I can't say that blizzard made the most awesome game neither.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Both BioWare and Blizzard end up along the 'mediocre' rating for me, if I were to vote, I would probably vote for Square Enix, 'cause they make games I can't wait to buy.
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