Most people never have heard of Baldur's Gate so do not even know why you bother posting it.
Yeah, it totally isn't one of the most known and memorable RPGs ever, still being talked about in modern gaming.
Starcraft however has its own game channels in Korea, how many bioware games run channels?
Bioware games are offline games. Why the fuck would you make a game channel for an offline game?
Ill look into this illusive dragon age multiplayer, as I have only been reading about the PC version, however that still does not make up for the fact a lot of players are perverted over bioware RPGs and I literally mean that.
Incase you are talking about porn, you do realize that there is way more porn on Blizzard games that there are for BioWare games? Just saying.
Bioware still produces far worse quality products than blizzard. Yes Diablo II has a bug list the size of a doctorate but you think games like Dragon Age are any better? The number of people reporting game restarting bugs or events failing to trigger was in the thousands and I am sure that is the case for a lot of their games.
Pulling facts out of your ass=awesome. Yes, Mass Effect had bugs, but so does every game. You make it sound like the game is a buggy mess, when it actually is one of the more stable ones in modern gaming. Gamestopping bugs are very VERY rare in it.
Yes blizzard games may lack the blood flying every where, the sex and the graphics which some how use more processing power than they should but in the end you know your game has far more testing and quality behind it to assure it works within certain tollerences reliably without having to fall back onto third party mods. Yes games like diablo II are in a sorry state, but if you consider the makers left blizzard over 6 years ago and it has gone through 4 opperating system changes while still maintaining playable and being patched, it is very good going.
Did you even play Starcraft, Diablo 1 or Diablo 2 and to some extent Warcraft 3? Those games (especially the older ones) are insanely gory. Diablo 1 and 2 had rooms filled with mutilated, dismembered and disembowled bodies. In Starcraft every living creature (exept Protoss) EXPLODED upon death.
Also you do realize that Mass Effect has no modding tools, so I don't know just where the hell you're pulling the info that "you need to download playermade content to make them work". Mass Effect and Dragon Age do in fact run just well on their own. Please, seriously stop pulling facts out of your ass.
In fact, I find it kinda funny how you talk about "people having to get player made content to enjoy BioWare games", while Blizzard games THEMSELVES (atleast Starcraft and Warcraft) are known for their CUSTOM CONTENT, created by PLAYERS! Sure Korea plays normal Starcraft, but outside that little country I can almost bet that most people play Starcraft and Warcraft 3 for it's custom maps.
Hell, even to play WoW competetively you almost have to download player made mods and UIs.
Have you people not noticed you are comparing Sarcraft (1998-2000), diablo II (2000/2001) and warcraft 3 (2002/2003) with games like mass effect (2007-2008), dragon age (2009) and mass effect II (2009/2010). Something is seriously wrong with you if you believe those are compareable as the earilest one is made 4 years after warcraft 3 which was blizzards last non MMORPG game). Comparing to WoW is also stupid cause its a MMORPG which logically single player RPGists will hate and statistically WoW wins massivly cause I seriously doubt that any bioware title has over 10 million regular players.
But comparing RTS and Action RPGs with real RPGs make perfect sense? Also again, WOW is online so of course it's going to have more players. It's pretty much a fact that online play furthens the life of a game. However online play may not always be good.
How about you actually play a Bioware game all the way through for once, rather than going to some forum to read a few hate topics?