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Best Race

The Best race in WarCraft 3

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Level 9
Apr 6, 2008
On Battle.Net many statistics are available, you can see the most used heroes, the most played game types... But no races. I think it is because they KNOW that orcs are overpowered and overused.
AND the undead are the fucking bottom of the barrel. Come on! No decent melee units until I have a black citadel? The only race not having anti air at tier1 ?? No Agility-based heroes??? And then they just put in the game so many anti-necromancers (Spellbreakers, Spirit Walkers, Faerie dragons)!!!
Look at the last tournament http://eu.blizzard.com/rf09/brackets-wc3.xml 2 orc players, they were 1st and 2nd!!
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
No night elves because they only need to move for gold not wood. They have great steath and you seem to lose angst them.
Level 2
Jul 29, 2009
AND the undead are the fucking bottom of the barrel. Come on! No decent melee units until I have a black citadel? The only race not having anti air at tier1 ?? No Agility-based heroes??? And then they just put in the game so many anti-necromancers (Spellbreakers, Spirit Walkers, Faerie dragons)!!!
by Horizantal

True enough, but if you can quickly upgrade and raise an army of skeleton warriors and support your necromancers with obsidian statues you could be fairly devastating. Even if they are destroyed you have only lost mana and not a large sum of gold/wood.
Level 16
Mar 3, 2006
I think Blizzard is overpowering the Undead race while making the Night Elf one of the most usless race in WC3.

Blizzard is making the undead more powerful in units, items and buildings. As in the Zeggaret combining food support with defense. While in NE, every time I want to build a defensuve tower I create a Wisp just to disappear after the building is done. Not only that, the Wisp gather 5 woods every interval and the fact that they don't need a lumber-gathering site is useless on the other side look at gold gathering; they need a tree of life beside each mine. That is completely expensive and to move a tree from place to another that takes ages to be done plus NE towers are slow in attack in addition to that they only regenerate at night. The only good thing they have is the moon well regeneration.
Level 9
Apr 6, 2008
I think Blizzard is overpowering the Undead race while making the Night Elf one of the most usless race in WC3.

Blizzard is making the undead more powerful in units, items and buildings. As in the Zeggaret combining food support with defense. While in NE, every time I want to build a defensuve tower I create a Wisp just to disappear after the building is done. Not only that, the Wisp gather 5 woods every interval and the fact that they don't need a lumber-gathering site is useless on the other side look at gold gathering; they need a tree of life beside each mine. That is completely expensive and to move a tree from place to another that takes ages to be done plus NE towers are slow in attack in addition to that they only regenerate at night. The only good thing they have is the moon well regeneration.

Ok. You can complain about how Night Elves are weak, you could even say that the Undead are good. But you can't deny that the Orcs can C R U S H the undead whenever they want. Mass Tauren + some batriders = Nothing to do.

All the elves I meet that manage to beat me (and I use the Undead) use mass bears and an Unkillable (as every Ninja-like hero E.G. Blademaster) Demon Hunter. Try that, win. :p
Level 9
Apr 6, 2008
WHAT??? Do you think that for real???
Come on! Just one word: BLADEMASTER. He attacks the acolytes, you are dead. Unless you have a Dreadlord (which means you choose a crappy hero just for "sleep").
Other things? Taurens! You can't beat them with abominations, the only thing you can do against them is Frost Wyrms. And just when you're starting to kill them, who arrives? BATRIDERS!!! If Orcs don't want to play against air units, they just make a bunch of those, and the enemy is forced to fight on the ground, against the orcs' heavy units!
And have you recently been playing in B.Net? because I clearly see everyone playing with Orcs, and in particular with that Ninja version of Mister Clean!


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Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
Build one Nerubian Tower and use Dust, BM fails. Most of the UDs know how to build a perfect base by blocking all entrances to the Gold Mine, so no hero can haras the acolytes. Orcs rarely can get to t3 and get Taurens... Their cookie cutter goes on t2 based on the Raiders and SWs combined with t1 Grunts that you have to micro alive all way from the beginning. I want to see you getting t3 and having enough gold to manage train mass Taurens before Undead. And Bats versus Wyrms? Wyrms have 1.6k hp and, one Wyrm takes atleast 4 bats and in addition UD has Crypt Fiends with Web that can be used to disable bats and Banshees have anti magic shell that works versus bats' suicide.
Level 9
Apr 6, 2008
Build one Nerubian Tower and use Dust, BM fails.
I agree, but a level 3 blademaster can easily kill 2 acolytes while you're upgrading your Necropolis, even slowed down. And that's annoying as a lobster in your pants. Then, expecially when out of your base killing the BM is hard, while he's the perfect hero-killer.

blocking all entrances to the Gold Mine
I never tried that, but I think it's impossible

Orcs rarely can get to t3 and get Taurens...
But when they do, I have to get to t3 and get wyrms or die! and trust me, that's even harder!

cookie cutter
I had never heard that expression! I love it! From now on, I'll use it every day! :D

Wyrms have 1.6k hp and, one Wyrm takes atleast 4 bats
3 bats, and 2 are enough to weaken them to 200 hp. That's a lot if you consider that a bat costs 2 food, and a Wyrm costs 7. Then remember that bats deal their damage in an area, then 3 bats not only kill one of them, they also heavily damage a second one.

Crypt Fiends with Web can be used to disable bats
Remember that both skills ("web" and "unstable concoction") have the same range, and bats are faster. But yes, it would surely help.

Banshees have anti magic shell that works versus bats' suicide.
nope it doesn't

And aside from the units and skills I mentioned, there's much more. Orc cities are almost impossible to destroy, with the barricades, the reinforcement, burrows (free toweers that ALSO protect the workers).
On the other hand, the Undead are the only ones who don't have any bonus whatsoever for their bildings. Any undead tower has less life than a Grunt! Yes, we can slow down a hero, and then just clap our hands wile being destroyed.
Now I'm complaining about orcs mostly, but seriously, what do people think is good about the undead? necromancery? There are no corpses when the enemy has heavy melee and focuses on heroes! I always fight orcs with grunts and the blademaster, elves with bears and the demon hunter (or panda), and humans with paladins and knights, or worse griffins.
Level 16
Mar 3, 2006
All this talking is about how Orcs can defeat Undead. But can NE defeat undead. For me, thats hard to do, Archers are weak and Huntress not powerful too, Mountain Gaints cost much food. I found that the best heroes they have are the Warden and the Demon Hunter. Their towers are very useless. It seems that I have a slim chance defeating UD with NE.
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
I agree, but a level 3 blademaster can easily kill 2 acolytes while you're upgrading your Necropolis, even slowed down. And that's annoying as a lobster in your pants. Then, expecially when out of your base killing the BM is hard, while he's the perfect hero-killer.
Not perfect herokiller versus Undeads. Coilnova.

I never tried that, but I think it's impossible
In certain maps its impossible, but in most its possible. Heroes have two times bigger collision than workers.

But when they do, I have to get to t3 and get wyrms or die! and trust me, that's even harder!
Or you can turn t2 Obsidians into Destroyes. And most likely you have done something wrong if Orc manages to reach t3 before you as UD in solo.

3 bats, and 2 are enough to weaken them to 200 hp. That's a lot if you consider that a bat costs 2 food, and a Wyrm costs 7.
Oh noes imba Orcs. What about humans and their 30(?) second Shackles?

Then remember that bats deal their damage in an area, then 3 bats not only kill one of them, they also heavily damage a second one.
After one hit UD would micro Wyrms apart and heal the most damaged one with a Coil.

Remember that both skills ("web" and "unstable concoction") have the same range, and bats are faster. But yes, it would surely help.
Fiends are on the frontline, obviously. While Wyrms behind. Giving Fiends an advantage. Of course Bats can be behind too and blabla. Its heavily player based who strikes first.

nope it doesn't

And aside from the units and skills I mentioned, there's much more. Orc cities are almost impossible to destroy, with the barricades, the reinforcement, burrows (free toweers that ALSO protect the workers)
Burrows have only 600 hp and heavy armor type until you get t3 and that makes them VERY vulnerable. Fiends and Foots can quickly kill few burrows while the Orc is not in the base.

Any undead tower has less life than a Grunt!
Fortified armor with 5 armor value... You say weaker?

Now I'm complaining about orcs mostly, but seriously, what do people think is good about the undead?
DK, Lich, Fiends, Orb, Coil, Nova, Statues, Destroyers, Imba.

humans with paladins and knights, or worse griffins.
I assume you dont do this in solo.

One of the Undead's strongest part is the late game. So if you play Orc vs UD and make one make one Catapult on t2 and hit the UD before he reaches t3. With t3 he gets Destroyers that screw your Spirit Links that is one of the strongest spells on the Orc while giving Destroyers hp and mp when Devour Magic is used and they can deal +40 aoe damage on each attack as long as they have mana.

Huntress not powerful
Level 9
Apr 6, 2008
Super-Sheep, you have answered well,
but I could still point out other Orc advantages and Undead disvantages.
After that though you could point out Orc disvantages and Undead advantages aswell.

In other words, this discussion has got pointless.
I remain with my idea, you remain with yours. That's fine, I couldn't convert you |:(

The only valid argument I think you can't deny is currently what I said before:
Look at the last tournament http://eu.blizzard.com/rf09/brackets-wc3.xml 2 orc players, they were 1st and 2nd!!
Grubby, the best player worldwide (and I swear, I discovered it way after growing a hate towards Orcs and Blademasters) plays with Orcs and a Blademaster.
plus the result of this poll: the (still few) voters have actually problems defeating orcs, or pwn using them.

by the way, what race do you usually play with?
Level 9
Aug 21, 2008
Warcraft have the best balanced races of all rts i can think of- beside some games like age of Emüires where the races nearly the same.

Everythink could counterd and with the right stategy you can win always- many people complain vs orcs cause there have a good midgame casue there have the best casters at t2. most other races need t3 for the full power of thier casters(beside nercomancers).

Many noobs say bm is imba casue he is invis. You just have to get a ward or just biuld your base in a way that he cant come in.(or you leave a nice door for him and close it with a building after he went in^^)

im currently plaiyng ud and in my opnion i beat most orc palyers which doesnt have much more skill than me.I play necromancers and i never have problems with dispellers cause im clever enough to use a dark ranger to silnce them.
I even beat a openent at a tg at clan giga(one where skilled clan) but i wasnt allowed to join cause the chieftan doesnt like my style of playing.
Level 4
May 12, 2012
i love both the orcs and undead, i ususally use this great tactic: firstt hing i do is make 2 exxtra peons, use my first 5 peons on gold, make altar and war mill and put 2 extras on wood, this will gimme lotta grunts and hunters, but the best part, make a loota burros, get blademaster and spy on my enemies with windwalk, and i can terrrorize them with ma blades yah! after that i got all my rescourses, make all my buildings, up grade and baddda-bing badda-boom i rape u with grunts and raiders XD
Level 1
Aug 10, 2009
you surely can't complain about any race in the game oO i mean humans got this armor thiny from paladin and the mana regen from the archmage which makes the healers pretty OP to never run out of mana.the orcs got their major hp and damage but their cost is really expensive (3f&200 gold) for a single t1 unit while the other 3 races need around 120 to 160.the undeads have a massive army (didn't you play on the campaign before you started battle-net ?)and their cost is low so you can make many units but weak.and the elves well... without the demon hunter they can be raped in the first 5 minutes XD :nw:
Level 5
Apr 22, 2008
true night elves are weak early, but they are the best base defenders mid and late. most of their buildings can attack, the buildings can heal, and their units are impossible to kill when they are getting constantly healed by moonwells. and they have the best counter to skeleton swarms. wisps and fairy dragons ftw
Level 1
Sep 1, 2009
Panifully,but I have to agree...the whole UD race is SCREWED UP.:cry:They don't have any advantages...it's like Blizz couldn't decide what to do with them...despite this I voted them,cuz I thought the question was wich is our overall favourite(with lore and all the stuff together)^^""
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
I'm going to have to say the Horde. Orcs, Taruens and Trolls. I always found that on 2 vrs 2 maps that if I go Grunts/Taurens and Shamans and my friend goes Hunters/Berserkers and Wyvrens, we always win. Other than that the Orcs are just my favorite race from Warcraft 3 and they have cool units.

The Humans are ok, but I thought they were better in WC2. I miss massing all those Paladins.

The Night Elves are very weak early on; that's bad news if you happen to be the Night Elves going up against the Orcs on a 1vrs1 map. Plus, the only unit I really like from them is the Demon Hunter.

The Undead are strong, but I'm not a big fan. I can't beat them period, even in custom scenario. Necros, meat wagons and skeletons is a tough force to counter. Thats what I usually go with when I'm the undead.
Level 1
Aug 10, 2009
I'm going to have to say the Horde. Orcs, Taruens and Trolls. I always found that on 2 vrs 2 maps that if I go Grunts/Taurens and Shamans and my friend goes Hunters/Berserkers and Wyvrens, we always win. Other than that the Orcs are just my favorite race from Warcraft 3 and they have cool units.

The Humans are ok, but I thought they were better in WC2. I miss massing all those Paladins.

The Night Elves are very weak early on; that's bad news if you happen to be the Night Elves going up against the Orcs on a 1vrs1 map. Plus, the only unit I really like from them is the Demon Hunter.

The Undead are strong, but I'm not a big fan. I can't beat them period, even in custom scenario. Necros, meat wagons and skeletons is a tough force to counter. Thats what I usually go with when I'm the undead.

Mass Spirit Walkers and win :D
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
My favorite race is Night Elves because of thier amazing defensive versatality. It is impossible to defeat them early in the game because of those Moon Wells, and mid-to-late game your base is filled with vengeful treants, ready to rend your flesh. Combined with the Keeper of the Grove and his wealth of defensive abilities (Thorns, Force of Nature, and Tranquility), you get an indestructable army. Of course, every race has it's strengths and weaknesses, so you can't make a meaningful topic labeled "the best Warcraft race". I'm guessing you mean "your favorite Warcraft race".
Level 23
Dec 20, 2009
I think at t3, orcs and undeads are most powerful....
But t2, human is a good choice too
and in the early game NE won't be to bad to.
It mostly depends on what you're used to play with and how you can use the specific skills of all races.
I think, you can become a strong player with every race. That's one of the points, why warcraft's one of the best strategy games ever, for me!
Level 9
Nov 4, 2007
Undead, love their gameplay and massing, they have the strongest air unit, a strong anti magic unit, multiple nukes, high numbers with their summons, a strong ground unit, but their main weakness is siege however, just that poor easily killable meat wagon, don't argue gameplay to me, this is just their stats.
In lore they are the strongest of these four races, if the Scourge went without a leader to control them (Lich King) they would ravage all of Azeroth.
Level 2
Mar 10, 2009
I am amazed....honestly...
First of all I think NE is Imba and Orcs suck....BM sure is cool but No hero can defeat an army alone(except this one time when I went bezerk)...
I see some pretty obvious flaws of the "mighty" orcs that you people are missing here....first of all...t1 base unit costs 3 food...ftw.....second....peons suck at lumber harvesting(can only carry 10 and kill the tree)....and guess what....orcs need shitloads of wood.....shitloads....they use the most wood in the game....taurens cost 80 wood each and the tauren totem and upgrade costs a ton of wood.
I have to say I think most people say orc because they are the easiest race to play with...because they are good at defending early (damn those burrows are annoying)but I see some people say the orc base is hard to kill in late game.....wtf?....undead and humans are hard to kill in late(those little pussy towers with manaburn and +dmg to summons) but orcs?...no.
Undead....don't really like them...can't really play them.
Humans....best heroes....meaning they kick ass in the right hands.
Now for the night elves....I see someone saying that NE can be raped in the first 5 minutes....I'd kill for a replay showing a NE getting beat in 5 minutes...post it....and not the millitia thingy on youtube...you can only beat computers with that.
I think NE kick ass...why?...best t2 rush.....I see the general consensus here is that the game is played either very fast either very slow....ending in t1 or t3....why?
with the night elves you can creep without an army...and that's the trick that wins the game.....you get a demonhunter asap....creep solo using wells for regen.....and the first 10 troops you make are your wining troops....forget archers...they are extremely weak...10 huntress +DH kick ass ....by the time you get the 10 huntress they should already have upgraded armor and dmg and DH should be lvl 4 from creeping....the second your tree of life is done buy a few potions for the DH(2 hp to tank t1 melee and a mp for imolation) start the dmg upgrade for the huntresses and go kill the enemy...if he's not home when you get there that's good...kill all food suplies....if he is...that's even better ...pull him out of his base and kill him...if he is reluctant go for the workers...he'll have to attack you plus they make good xp....micro the huntresses and don't let any of them die....when they're low send them home....if in that battle your lvl 4 DH reaches lvl 6 it's game over...always....chaos+spalsh makes easy work of any base......so yeah NE might not have good late units but can you survive the early beating?
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