2 Player Campaign

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Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
lol this thread is always very active when a new map comes out but then for the few days before the next one is released there is a lull in conversation .. haha

Hehe true. We always comment on the recently released map and discuss the one after. I hope this gets to become a hosted project so we can discuss everything in their specific threads.
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
Guys, can someone please check if this load code works? Because it doesn't seem to work here. I knew finishing chapter 5 with an extra Mountain King hero was a stupid idea.


All those good items gone. Damn I'm so pissed right now.
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Our code works properly and we had a Blood Mage and a Paladin, so I don't think it's because of that. Try checking every letter, once I forgot four letters.
EDIT: I believe it's because of the Gem of True Sight. Spoon removed it from the system. Use our code instead.
-load t2GE-2nkK-DFfn-axh1-omzz-eqxh-ZaHd-bg6u-LjLy-ZIml-zPBN-xjdE-5YEK-x2rD
We have:
Player 1 = Pedant of Energy, Urn of King Terenas, Gloves of Haste, Health Stone, Ring of Regeneration, Hood of Cunning
Player 2 = Ring of Protection +2, Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3, Claws of Attack +6, Ring of Protection +2, Voodoo Doll, Potion of Greater Mana
You can rearrange these items to resemble your inventory, except for the consumables, but you would use that up anyway.

But don't hurry to play it, the Chapter is bugged on several spots.
  • Urn of King Terenas is not removed from you automatically.
  • On insane, level 1 heroes are not removed. You can kill two herores per base, which results in 5 pieces of Tome of Deamonic Power and 5 pieces of Tome of Sacred Knowledge.
  • When you exchange a structure that's researching an upgrade, the research is removed and the new owner of the structure cannot research it. (I began researching Freezing Breath and exchanged my structure halfway. The reseach was cancelled, but the other player couldn't research it.) Exchanging the structure back worked though.
  • In the middle of the ending cinematic, the cinematic is abruptly ended and you receive no code.
  • Also, I hope this one is not intetional, but besides the Red base, noone attacked us. It made the difficulty very disappointing.


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
Damn, I just realised I'm gonna have to do a widespread update on all the maps due to a flaw in the coding.
I'm gonna leave that until I've completed all the undead chapters.

THeres another problem for you McOvaBlood, your code is longer playing on insane difficulty due to a bug on an earlier map, which I've fixed now.

So if you want to play on insane difficulty load your code for chapter 6 onto the version I have attached for you.


  • 2P Undead06 McOvaBlood.w3x
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Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Damn, I just realised I'm gonna have to do a widespread update on all the maps due to a flaw in the coding.
I'm gonna leave that until I've completed all the undead chapters.

THeres another problem for you McOvaBlood, your code is longer playing on insane difficulty due to a bug on an earlier map, which I've fixed now.

So if you want to play on insane difficulty load your code for chapter 6 onto the version I have attached for you.

So... will the map you have uploaded for Mcovablood work for all of us or should we just wait for a new version of map 6?
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Wow, thanks so much! So that's why noone attacked us.
Well, this is still a beta release and I'm glad that my reports help you update your maps before a final release.

I just hope that our using a version made for us won't affect the following chapters.
So what exactly does this chapter do for us? What do you mean by 'convert any load to insane'? You mean one of the maps we played was played on normal instead of hard by some accident?
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Oh, than that's why this map's difficulty is a hit to the head after the last few maps.
Seriously, I dare anyone to post a replay winning Blackrock and Roll, too! on impossi-, I mean insane. :D

The Goblin Sappers are too powerful, three of them destroyed our Halls of the Dead.
They generally attack way too often and sometimes they attack from all three sides.
Also, the Red base seems to send a Dragon every minute or so.
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
True, the goblin sappers are awesomely destructive. One can take out a tower. I couldn't do anything so I sticked with normal.

Hope the next chapter is similarly insane.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
McOvaBlood, it is likely the last 2 maps you played were on normal difficulty.

And tulee, if you are not using a load code, then play the normal version.

uhh so If my friend and I want to play insane mode and we have been playing all the maps thus far, so we have our code from mission 5 the fall of silvermoon, do we download the 1.1 version or the mcovablood version.

SORRY if i still don't grasp it =p

Edit: My friend and I played the normal version ( I.e the lastest version of map 6 you have uploaded ) and no-one attacked us except for red's dragons. We tried to start the mcqvablood version but we lost in 6 minutes. What do we do lol. Also i believe my friend and I have the same items as Mcqvaablood and his friend

Edit: The sappers have nothing to do with the difficulty. Their shamans with bloodlust is. Also spoon If you would mind I would like to see a replay of you beating it on the Mcqvablood version insane. My friend tried time and time again and we are very good ladder players. The closest we came to surviving was whne i managed to rush frost dragons and got 4 out. But then there are no melee to take the shock and our buildings arre targeted. Without aboms our strongest melee, besides heroes, is a crypfriend, which cant take punishment. So please spoon post the replay of you winning.

Edit: My friend and I have come to the conclusion that this mission is impossible. IN a final attempt to defend out selves from the onslaught of orcs, we decided to ring our base. We let the outer zigguarts fall and then built all our towers in side a ring of high hp buildings that wouldn't die quick, Ie our main buildings, crypt ect. We got frost dragons but couldnt get too many due to the fat that our gold mines were too low and we had no expo. Blue and brown were the best choices for expo. We KNOW as soon as we destroy 1 base we have won this mission. But it is too hard. Blue is the best because you don't need to worry about expo being hit but it is a useless base to destroy, considering in the attemp to kill 1 base most of your main base will be destroyed by the other orc bases. Blue's units are easy to kill and the only possible threat unit is the WD with the static trap, but with most of our units bring air it didnt affect us. IMPOSSIBLE. ANYONE WHO SAYS THEY BEAT THIS ON INSANE ON MCQVABLOOD VERSION IS A LIAR
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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
The blue base cannot be beaten too, because 1) You try to bring them down right away, which will usually not work, even if it does, most of your units will have fallen and you won't be able to defend yourself after that. The Shadow Hunter will Hex your Frost Wyrm and other supporting units to no end and you don't have access to Anti-Magic Shell. 2) If you defend your base from the start, you won't have a breather to bring them down. Additionally, it wouldn't be that bad, but without both heroes concentrating on the blue base, the Shadow Hunter will defeat any attempt against his base. He will heal whatever damage you cause to his troops and Hex everyone.

This mission needs serious planning on our part.
The Blue hero has to be killed right away, so that you can use Meat Wagons/Frost Wyrms and stuff later to kill them without using a hero.
The Teal hero has to be scouted for and Death Coiled once he runs towards your base. This will issue a Mirror Image and stop him from attacking your base.
Several shades need to be deployed and any Sappers trying to attack you has to be Death Coiled, Novad to Death.

Even with these strategies, this mission is a pain.

We unsummoned nearly all starting structures and rebuilt them to the far end of the canyon where you can't be attacked. Since you need one Necropolis (you can exchange an Acolyte any time) you can also unsummon both of them and construct just one at the said place. That leaves the original base with two Haunted Gold Mines and nothing else. This works well, because the attacks will come to the same place.

We still do not know how to go on from this.

EDIT: You know I'm starting to think that one area Dispel item could win us this mission.


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
We used our gargoyles, frost wyrms, death coils and frost nova to take out Sappers, Catapults and Casters and massed towers with acolytes constantly repairing.

If you can hit the teal blademaster with a gargoyle or something outside the base it'll trigger his mirror, saving you from fighting him until you're ready.

Once you've got other Frost Wyrms coming, defending your base becomes much easier, and it becomes possible to take out the other bases.

I do suspect that what you are playing is a tad harder than what I did.
I didn't add the upgrades for the orcs til later.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
We used our gargoyles, frost wyrms, death coils and frost nova to take out Sappers, Catapults and Casters and massed towers with acolytes constantly repairing.

If you can hit the teal blademaster with a gargoyle or something outside the base it'll trigger his mirror, saving you from fighting him until you're ready.

Once you've got other Frost Wyrms coming, defending your base becomes much easier, and it becomes possible to take out the other bases.

I do suspect that what you are playing is a tad harder than what I did.
I didn't add the upgrades for the orcs til later.

Lol how exactly did u get enough gold to do this? We were only able to just get frostworms but at the expense of gold that we paid for in blood. Massing towers DOES NOT WORK. I have seen bloodlusted raiders take them down in 5 seconds, and they seem to target them so unless you have meleeinfront of them they die. You said you just got air units, so how exactly did you stop you towers from dying? Yes I think what we are playing is a TAD harder/. And no replay?

Also why do my friend and I have to play the Mcqva version. Why the normal version work for us :(
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Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007

Are you using a code?
If yes - Look at the next question
If no - use the normal version

Do you want to play in insane mode?
If yes - Use the special McOva Version
If no - use the normal version

Also, I've done an update to insane mode;
You guys really seemed to want to complete it!
This version the attacks are less frequent, and the enemy upgrades are a tier lower!

Also did you try it with the acolytes repairing? at the worse times I had about 3 repairing a single tower!
Also my main tank was Arthas, his ability to self heal is quite handy, if it is level 3 you can sacrifice a single ghoul for a very good heal,
But its better to sacrifice the minions you get from raise dead.
If you managed to build frost wyrms you must've been doing pretty well!
I knew which attack was next so I sent air units out to hit and run their catapults and casters, and then my towers, fiends and heroes were ready for the remaining grunts, raiders and headhunters
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Level 25
Jul 26, 2008

Are you using a code?
If yes - Look at the next question
If no - use the normal version

Do you want to play in insane mode?
If yes - Use the special McOva Version
If no - use the normal version

Also, I've done an update to insane mode;
You guys really seemed to want to complete it!
This version the attacks are less frequent, and the enemy upgrades are a tier lower!

Also did you try it with the acolytes repairing? at the worse times I had about 3 repairing a single tower!
Also my main tank was Arthas, his ability to self heal is quite handy, if it is level 3 you can sacrifice a single ghoul for a very good heal,
But its better to sacrifice the minions you get from raise dead.
If you managed to build frost wyrms you must've been doing pretty well!
I knew which attack was next so I sent air units out to hit and run their catapults and casters, and then my towers, fiends and heroes were ready for the remaining grunts, raiders and headhunters

Ok so yes my friend and I do use a code. So that means we use the Mcqvablood version. I am happy you updated the map so the insane version is easier. As you were addressing me I guessed you meant you updated the Mcqvablood version, but then I saw map 6 reuploaded and saw the changelog for version 1.2 was nerf to the insane mode. So now I am confused ( no surprise ). Does that mean you also updated the Mcqvablood version. Or did you only update the other version so my friend and I are still pitted against a merciless AI?

+P Yes I am annoying
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Oyes forgot to attach the updated McOva, here it is!

Also I can say with 80% certainty that the project is going to get hosted!
Ralle said he is quite busy IRL and with SC2, so he's sorry he hasn't got round to doing it yet!


Also congratulations on being hosted on THW. I have seen the standard of the hosted projects here and I have to say you should be proud your project will forever be remembered as a hosted project here :D. I am so happy for you spoon. I am curious though if this means you will continue beyond the UD campaign.

On a side note, I wanted to know if the custom UD mission ( if there is one ) can have the items loaded from the last undead mission of the campaign. I only ask this because the human one didnt, even though we used a code. It would be nice if your devoted followers got a bonus of sorts =p. In FACT no-one would probably play the map unless they had played all the rest in the campaign, so you can plan in the items to make it the appropriate difficulty ( the human custom difficulty was GREAT, we loved the challenge )

Congrats again spoon! Also I am curious if the insaners will have to play a special "mcqvablood " version for the next map. Ok I will shut up with the questions now =p
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
I just don't know if I should laugh or cry at this.

We won the new version. It was still painful, but we managed to destroy all the camps. It took an hour and another ten minutes and in the end, we received no load code. Don't bother fixing our version, though, I'm not going to play this map again in the near future.
Here is the replay, if you wish to analyze why this might have happened.

The map itself, besides this, was great! I can't remember ever breaking a sweat defeating a campaign AI and this was challenging. Great job on the difficulty.


    352.8 KB · Views: 91
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
I just don't know if I should laugh or cry at this.

We won the new version. It was still painful, but we managed to destroy all the camps. It took an hour and another ten minutes and in the end, we received no load code. Don't bother fixing our version, though, I'm not going to play this map again in the near future.
Here is the replay, if you wish to analyze why this might have happened.

The map itself, besides this, was great! I can't remember ever breaking a sweat defeating a campaign AI and this was challenging. Great job on the difficulty.

omg. No code. Wow. Hey other people wana play this version also like me and my friend, so if there is time please can there be a code given =-p
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
I just don't know if I should laugh or cry at this.

We won the new version. It was still painful, but we managed to destroy all the camps. It took an hour and another ten minutes and in the end, we received no load code. Don't bother fixing our version, though, I'm not going to play this map again in the near future.
Here is the replay, if you wish to analyze why this might have happened.

The map itself, besides this, was great! I can't remember ever breaking a sweat defeating a campaign AI and this was challenging. Great job on the difficulty.

Damn, that's a real bummer. Seriously.

But I think it's not that big of a problem because if it's the challenge you're worried of, then I bet this is enough proof for TheSpoon. And if it's the items you're worried of, then I'll give you my code(I'm using your code) after I finish the chapter on normal. The heroes have most of the items you probably finished with and I wouldn't leave the tomes behind, so no worries. Even if there's more items you obtained throughout this chapter, tell me and I'll collect them.
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
The items we collected were, ehm...

Arthas starts with five items.
Arthas drops (uses) Life Stone. (Not sure about the name, the item that grants 1 hit point regeneration and can be consumed for 500 life.)
This grants him a free slot where he puts Claws of Attack +9. (Dropped by the Dragon Camp to the North.)
He also collects Sobi Mask. (Behind some trees to the south. Dropped by an Ice Troll.)
Arthas = Claws of Attack +9, Sobi Mask, Pedant of Mana, Ring of Regeneration, Gloves of Haste, Hood of Cunning

Kel'thuzad starts with five items.
Kel'thuzad drops Gauntlets of Strength, one of his Ring of Protection +2 and his Vodoo Doll.
This grants him four free slots, where he puts:
Ring of Protection +3 (Dropped by the creatures guarding a Goblin Merchant to the north-west.
Periapt of Vitality (Dropped by the Dragon Camp to the east.)
Tome of Daemonic Power III and Tome of Forbidden Knowledge III.
Kel'thuzad = Ring of Protection +3, Ring of Protection +2, Tome of Daemonic Power III, Tome of Forbidden Knowledge III, Claws of Attack +6, Periapt of Vitality

It would be so nice of you to save before destroying the last orc camp and quickly collect these items for us and then screenshot the code you'd get.
Also, if it's of any importance, Arthas leveled Death Coil and Kel'thuzad leveled Frost Nova and Death and Decay.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Done. You'll get the code before this weekend, promise.

Yeah, I also level the offensive abilities =P.

Well, if spoon doesn't update the Mcqvablood version for my friend and I would it be possible if you could give us the code also? I am assuming you will message him and not post it here is why I ask. Also why are you able to play the normal version and not need to play the Mcqvablood version.

But please spoon if you have time update the Mcqvablood version =p os we can get a code
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
I have no idea what you meant by that =P.

But between one of the four versions Spoony uploaded, We tried one(on normal) and AI was attacking, books were working(No double hero bug), etc... So I'll probably finish it sometime this week, but I'm not sure it will give me a code. However, if it does I'll post it here.
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
Eh, sorry for the inconvenience, but when I said I leveled Death Coil, I meant Death Pact. Death Coil was already maxed out.
Death Coil = 3
Death Pact = 2
Unholy Aura = 1
Raise Dead = 1
(Though if you happened to max Death Pact or Unholy Aura, it really does not matter that much.)
Level 1
Feb 23, 2008
Well Dude,
Ur Idea is Awesome :D
Ive already tried to make 2P Campaign ,but I epic failed -.-"
If ure really gonna to make all campaings it could take 60 weeks o_O
But im rly happy that ure doing a co op RLY :)
Just THanKs


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
The idea of the McOva version was so you could get back on track, playing insane mode with a code.
But don't worry guys, this is for me to solve.

This is what I'll do;
- Find the problem of the missing code and fix it
- Create a code for McOva so that he can play the next level, the replay is evidence enough for me, after all he is a great tester
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
Guys, Spoon, I just finished the chapter and didn't get a code =/. I think I was playing the latest one you updated in the maps section. No idea if the problem is from me, the map version, or McQ's code though...
Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
I have two ideas.

  1. You see, when I was playing the third human map, there was a quest, that gave you a Potion of Greater Healing. (The villagers were in trouble and you had to slay a few bandits.) Somehow it bugged for us, and the line "Thanks so much, I have a reward for you" played twice and we received two Potions but in the end no code. On a second try, everything worked perfectly, the line only played once and only one Potion was granted and the code also worked perfectly.

    Now, if you wait until the end of my replay, Arthas' line: "The brutes have been slain. The Demon Gate is yours, Lich." also played twice. Perhaps this started two endings or something and the two conflicted. I haven't looked into the triggering of the map, but this might be why the code didn't work.
  2. Spoon, you add a "-debug" command or something, that would trigger the creation of a code. (So if in the end we received no code, we would type -debug and the game would try to generate a code again.)

Spoon, me and Baltazar wish to participate in the contest.
Here is our replay of Undead 01.

Originally I did not want to post it here, because others might steal our method of going through the map, but I couldn't figure out any other way to send it to you. (I can't attach stuff to PMs.)

Tell me when you've downloaded it and I'll remove it from this post.

EDIT2: Removed the replay, I'll post it again once the contest is officially over.
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Level 16
Jan 31, 2009
I will not post this on the maps that I'm reporting about but instead on this thread.
On chapters 7 and 8 of the human campaign, when you finish it, the scores don't show thus not getting the save code for the up coming chapters. I haven't tested chapters 9 and the bonus due to this bug which stopped me from continuing the campaign.

Also on some chapters, the dialogue sometimes speeds up and over laps all the voice overs, therefore making it abit awkward and weird. I find the human campaign abit in accurate at chapters such as chapter 2, where Uther keeps using divine shield to immune himself from incoming orc attacks thus making them strike our base. In the real campaign he doesn't shield but instead fights to the death. I also find the level caps for each chapter don't match the real campaign.
I shall start on the undead campaign and will report bugs on this thread instead on the maps that has the bugs.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
I will not post this on the maps that I'm reporting about but instead on this thread.
On chapters 7 and 8 of the human campaign, when you finish it, the scores don't show thus not getting the save code for the up coming chapters. I haven't tested chapters 9 and the bonus due to this bug which stopped me from continuing the campaign.

Also on some chapters, the dialogue sometimes speeds up and over laps all the voice overs, therefore making it abit awkward and weird. I find the human campaign abit in accurate at chapters such as chapter 2, where Uther keeps using divine shield to immune himself from incoming orc attacks thus making them strike our base. In the real campaign he doesn't shield but instead fights to the death. I also find the level caps for each chapter don't match the real campaign.
I shall start on the undead campaign and will report bugs on this thread instead on the maps that has the bugs.

The bug on those chapters happened to my friend and I, its a specific item so just manually save before u finish the level and see what item is causing the bug. In the real campaign uther does shield.
Level 16
Jan 31, 2009
The bug on those chapters happened to my friend and I, its a specific item so just manually save before u finish the level and see what item is causing the bug. In the real campaign uther does shield.

May I ask, how to manually save before a level?
Also let me rephrase about Uther shielding. He shields instantly on the first hit from the orcs, in the real campaign he shields at around under orange HP.
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
In the real campaign he doesn't shield but instead fights to the death.

Not true, last time I checked he was Shielding instantly there too.

When I played it, we didn't even care if we lost our items.

These item are of great help to those who are playing/gonna play the chapters on Insane. On the final chapter, those extra ~300 hp (along with other items ofcourse) may save your lives vs. the level 12 Archmages.

I find the undead campaign the most challenging apart from others.

(Was posted on Undead 6 thread, didn't want to go off-topic.)
The NE and Orc campaigns are much harder imo. Grom's chapters and the couple of final chapters in the NE campaigns are so awesome and challenging. You also get to fight some Epic Heroes there, here you summon them =P.
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