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[Campaign] 2 Player Scourge Campaign

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Level 3
Dec 5, 2010
The 2P Scourge Campaign


So after playing every Two Player campaign made by TheSpoon and the Sentinel Campaign by McQvaBlood.
And of course looking forward to the ROC Night Elf Campaign that is being created by Gismo359.
I decided to make one myself - The Frozen Throne Scourge Campaign.

Oh and of course, visit the 2 Player Campaign Hosted Project for the other campaigns and Gismo359's Night Elf Campaign!

Dark red - Cancelled.
Red - Haven't started (yet).
Yellow - Working on it.
Pale green - Beta phase.
Green - Finished.

Chapter One: King Arthas
Interlude: A Kingdom Divided (Currently trying to figure out how to combine this map with Chapter Two.)
Chapter Two: The Flight from Lordaeron (Having trouble with a trigger, reason why this chapter is taking soo long.)
Interlude: Sylvanas' Farewell
Chapter Three: The Dark Lady
Chapter Four: The Return to Northrend
Chapter Five: Dreadlord's Fall
Chapter Six: A New Power in Lordaeron
Chapter Seven, Part One: Into the Shadow Web Caverns
Chapter Seven, Part Two: The Forgotten Ones
Chapter Seven, Part Three: Ascent to the Upper Kingdom
Chapter Eight: A Symphony of Frost and Flame

And sorry for my really terrible thread designing. I am not skilled in that field. :/


  • 2P Scourge 01 v1.1.w3x
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Level 1
Aug 21, 2014
I have a friend who I played all the 2player campaigns with religiously are extremely excited that you've taken on this project and I really hope that you're able to complete it all! We'll be giving your first map a try shortly, and we'll report back and bugs/issues found, etc etc!
Level 3
Dec 5, 2010
I have a friend who I played all the 2player campaigns with religiously are extremely excited that you've taken on this project and I really hope that you're able to complete it all! We'll be giving your first map a try shortly, and we'll report back and bugs/issues found, etc etc!

Thanks for the response.
Looking forward to your feedback on the map! :)
Level 3
Dec 5, 2010
Fixed (and updated the attachment) the strange problem with chapter 1 where it would disconnect Player Two after couple of minutes of playing.
Level 1
Aug 26, 2014
The answer is yes for sure! I hope I'll test the 1st mission as soon as they'll repair my second notebook.
And about the second player's hero for the 2nd mission - isn't theSpoon's Falric the best choice? He have to be few levels downgraded of course for a good gameplay, it's very logical according to the story too.
Level 3
Dec 5, 2010
The answer is yes for sure! I hope I'll test the 1st mission as soon as they'll repair my second notebook.
And about the second player's hero for the 2nd mission - isn't theSpoon's Falric the best choice? He have to be few levels downgraded of course for a good gameplay, it's very logical according to the story too.

Thanks for the response.
I didn't think of Falric, I was going to make a simple "Arch Necromancer" (Diodor the Damned) or something like that. But I think Falric is actually a good idea. Thanks, again. :D
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Level 1
Aug 26, 2014
Well, the second hero isn't very important I think :) But Falric never clashed with Arthas in 2p Scourge RoC campaign, so it shouldn't happen here.
IMHO it's better to save fantasy efforts for the Chapter Three :)
Level 3
Dec 5, 2010
Well, the second hero isn't very important I think :) But Falric never clashed with Arthas in 2p Scourge RoC campaign, so it shouldn't happen here.
IMHO it's better to save fantasy efforts for the Chapter Three :)

That's true, indeed...

For Chapter 3, I was thinking of a hero banshee or a dark ranger. But not quite sure, yet.
Level 31
Dec 8, 2009
I have some suggestions for your Scourge campaign, if you decide to take them ;)

The second Hero for Chapter 2 can be Kel'thuzad. He was with Arthas at the beginning of the chapter, and so the cinematic can be altered to have Kel'thuzad trapped by the dreadlords as well. Of course, you would have to slightly change the dialogue between Chapter 2 and its proceeding interlude, but it is an idea that could work if implemented right.

... For Chapter 3, I was thinking of a hero banshee or a dark ranger. But not quite sure, yet.

A banshee-like Hero may be the most appropriate choice, since Sylvanas herself is a Dark Ranger.
Level 12
Jul 19, 2011
I could suggest the same as Turnu and make Kel'Thuzad a playable hero for player 2 while Sylvanas and her units will be shared control among the players, in chapter 3 I would say a banshee hero named Cyndia, she is a Dark Ranger in WoW but you can make her as banshee because she didn't have her body yet and because the voice in the cinematics is a banshee not a dark ranger.
Level 3
Dec 5, 2010
I have some suggestions for your Scourge campaign, if you decide to take them ;)

The second Hero for Chapter 2 can be Kel'thuzad. He was with Arthas at the beginning of the chapter, and so the cinematic can be altered to have Kel'thuzad trapped by the dreadlords as well. Of course, you would have to slightly change the dialogue between Chapter 2 and its proceeding interlude, but it is an idea that could work if implemented right.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll probably go with Kel'Thuzad as Hero 2 in Chapter 2. If I manage to alter the intro cinematic, which wouldn't be hard. But the next interlude would be hard to alter, because the point of it is that Kel'Thuzad comes and rescues Arthas. :/
I don't know... I'll probably try the Necromancer.

A banshee-like Hero may be the most appropriate choice, since Sylvanas herself is a Dark Ranger.

True, it is. So I'll probably go with the banshee hero with some mind-controlling abilities, curses etc...

I could suggest the same as Turnu and make Kel'Thuzad a playable hero for player 2 while Sylvanas and her units will be shared control among the players, in chapter 3 I would say a banshee hero named Cyndia, she is a Dark Ranger in WoW but you can make her as banshee because she didn't have her body yet and because the voice in the cinematics is a banshee not a dark ranger.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll go with Cyndia, she seems like the best choice.
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Level 3
Dec 5, 2010
Any news on this?

Yes, there is.
High school started for me, been a lil' busy and all, but I'll continue working on the campaign.
I am having a problemwith the intro cinematic currently in the 2nd mission. For some reason P2's Hero doesn't move when I order him to move. Hopefully I'll fix it, soon.

Plus I am still awaiting for feedback on the 1st mission, if anyone played it.
Just wondering for any bugs, so I could fix 'em.
Level 12
May 11, 2014
In the chapter 2 you can use as the second hero : a skeleton king , something like UlzʹHard or a abomination ( because it is prety unique ) some thing like Zagarus the Decayer.
Level 1
Oct 12, 2014
Personally, I'd love to see Falric again, be it in chapter two, or multiple, particularly for continuity's sake. It'd also be cool if he was still present in other levels, as for example a unique unit, instead of a hero (with weaker versions of some of his abilities), much like the 'Captain' which sometimes appears in the (human) campaigns, or Shandris, or Naisha, etc.

Thanks for taking up this project, I really appreciate it and I know many others do. I really love to play it with my mates and it's always nice to see the editors touch making things feel a little new again in addition to the notions of nostalgia.

I think Kel'Thuzad would mess with the story a little and be more difficult to implement, but it is, of course, up to you.
Level 3
Dec 5, 2010
I hope this didn't die out. I enjoy playing 2P campaigns.

Ain't dead, lad.
Just slowly progressing. Having trouble with the second chapter, plus there's no feedback on the first chapter yet. Still awaiting that.
And of course high school is quite exhausting.
But I'll start working on it more often.

Personally, I'd love to see Falric again, be it in chapter two, or multiple, particularly for continuity's sake. It'd also be cool if he was still present in other levels, as for example a unique unit, instead of a hero (with weaker versions of some of his abilities), much like the 'Captain' which sometimes appears in the (human) campaigns, or Shandris, or Naisha, etc.

Thanks for taking up this project, I really appreciate it and I know many others do. I really love to play it with my mates and it's always nice to see the editors touch making things feel a little new again in addition to the notions of nostalgia.

I think Kel'Thuzad would mess with the story a little and be more difficult to implement, but it is, of course, up to you.

Thanks for the idea. I could go with Falric. It's a pretty good choice since he was always with Arthas.

And yes, Kel'Thuzad is a no-no... It wouldn't make any sense, I'd have to change the cinematic later on and all that crap. So I guess the best choice is Captain Falric.


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
I would play it but none of my friends frequent Warcraft that often anymore, and just getting them on the game to test a map well that wouldn't go over well with them I'd imagine.

Although the game wouldn't start officially, I was able to get the objectives to appear by attacking a paladin and destroying a refugee camp so that works fine, but who would get control of Kel'thuzad?
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Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Player One controls Arthas.
Player Two controls Kel'Thuzad.
Both players control Sylvanas.

Alright, thanks.

Edit: Nevermind that message I sent, got to play it with a friend. And well it was rather fun and not having to worry about three bases at once sure does make that mission more enjoyable. Of course it was also easier but that's to be expected, oh and my friend enjoyed it too. If you need someone to play another chapter I'll see what I can do.
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Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Will check out the first map later today.
Level 1
Oct 12, 2014
I'm really sorry for taking literally a quarter of a year to get back to you...
I hope this isn't now dead, I was /really/ looking forward to this. Personally, especially the Sylvanas levels, but the whole thing would be amazing.

I finally managed to test out the first level with a mate. We had wanted to play through all the previous two player campaigns first, so... that took a while. Again, I'm sorry.

The first level seemed pretty much perfect - my friend had not a single complaint, and I only noticed that I don't think you had to cut the trees to reach little timmy unlike in single player. However, if you did change that it's obviously intentional, and it's also consistent with how TheSpoon made his campaigns (in the second human level he removed trees and replaced them with dead ones so you can just walk to the secrets).

It was, in summary, REALLY good. Like really, really well done. You've really set the bar high for yourself with the other levels. I really appreciate you making this.... I'm vouching for you!

I'd love to see some sort of update or even a comment saying you've been busy - and even if you've abandoned the project... I'd like to know, or I'll be hoping for far too long aha.

Thank you again, and good luck!
I can try out the second chapter or any other any time from now if you need me to. :)
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