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[Campaign] Andromath's Journey

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Andromath's Journey

Andromath Journey is a custom campaign that takes place during the second war between humans and Orc, Andromath is a Farmer who will become the greatest Mage of Kirin Tor and he will fight the Orcs and Undeads that try to destroy Azeroth.

The story will begin during second war and the few later chapter takes place during the undead scourge invasion

This Campaign has 10 Levels (maybe more/less) that Features :
-Many Custom Heroes with Custom Abilities
-Many New Units
-Control Dalaran to its fullest, use their tower technology and New Units to your advantage
-Battle in many places around Azeroth and Outland, for Dalaran!!
-Enjoy the Alternate Storyline of Warcraft 3 Lore (it will be a bit alternated to match Andromath's Journey
-Choose your path : either Rescue Dalaran as Human or Serve the Undead and destroy Dalaran
-Build Armies, Solve Puzzles, Defeat bosses and many more!!

Chapter One (The Journey Begins) : 20%
Chapter Two (Fall of Stromwind) : 0%
Chapter Three : 0%
Chapter Four : 0%
Chapter Five : 0%
Chapter Six : 0%
Chapter Seven (Human): 0%
Chapter Eight (Human) : 0%
Chapter Seven (Undead): 0%
Chapter Eight (Undead) : 0%

Interlude will be made based on the progress, and they will be added in accordance to the story

Special Thanks to :
Turnro - He gives me idea from his Adventure of Rowan the Wise Campaign


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Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
I suggest you improve your description. You can use Kael's Description Generator on Hell Master's signature.

Hahaha, I think I need to hide, got a feeling that Daffa is plotting something to strike back on me. xD

No plot mate, you're just feeling that way xD

u know there was no undead faction in the 2nd war

The plot will begin during the second war, and the end is around the third war, during Invasion of Dalaran
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Level 9
Sep 8, 2011
If I may suggest a skill for Andromath. Hazardous Aura = Andromath casts an arcane shield that whoever that goes through it, shall get their armor negated. Level 1 = Negative 1 Armor. Level 2 = Negative 3 Armor. Level 3 = Negative 5 Armor. Maybe Andromath can have the ability when he turns into the evil walking dead. Anyways, I forgot what I was supposed to say about more, but you know, support dis. +Rep to you.
If I may suggest a skill for Andromath. Hazardous Aura = Andromath casts an arcane shield that whoever that goes through it, shall get their armor negated. Level 1 = Negative 1 Armor. Level 2 = Negative 3 Armor. Level 3 = Negative 5 Armor. Maybe Andromath can have the ability when he turns into the evil walking dead. Anyways, I forgot what I was supposed to say about more, but you know, support dis. +Rep to you.

Good suggestion, I might consider the spell if I ever get a problem for Andromath's spell list, thx a lot for the suggestion
Currenlty, the Project is on hold, I'm focusing on the farming contest, will be back as soon as the contest done.

Also, I'm having problem with Andromath skillset, for some reason his spells doesn't synergize well, any suggestion for the spell list is always welcome (attach a map with the spell list on your post if you make the spell list)
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Currenlty, the Project is on hold, I'm focusing on the farming contest, will be back as soon as the contest done.

Also, I'm having problem with Andromath skillset, for some reason his spells doesn't synergize well, any suggestion for the spell list is always welcome (attach a map with the spell list on your post if you make the spell list)

Well, I have a suggestion for skill, I cant give the map because the one I made has many leaaks and is not MUI but here is the suggestion of skill:

Elemental Bolt - Depends on what levels you want

-Summons forth a firebolt and icebolt that both deals damage and stuns in total will deal combined magic damage and combined stuns.

-Tips on how to do this in triggers: You can do it by giving your hero the original skill Elemental Bolt which is based on Firebolt. Then you make a dummy and give it the ablity Frostbolt and in triggers order it to cast Frostbolt as soon as the main hero casting casts it. It results into both ero adn dummy casting Firebolt and Frostbolt at same time, dealing cmbined damage adn stuns depending on you set the two abilities's damage and stuns.
Level 20
Jun 27, 2011
-Tips on how to do this in triggers: You can do it by giving your hero the original skill Elemental Bolt which is based on Firebolt. Then you make a dummy and give it the ablity Frostbolt and in triggers order it to cast Frostbolt as soon as the main hero casting casts it. It results into both ero adn dummy casting Firebolt and Frostbolt at same time, dealing cmbined damage adn stuns depending on you set the two abilities's damage and stuns.

That will look ugly, cause 2 models will merged, maybe add a small delay after casting.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Another spell suggestion, mate:

Weakening Mark - 4 Levels

-Marks the enemy and weakens the marked enemy's resistance to magic. Mark lasts for 15 seconds.

Level 1 - 10% magic resistance reduction
Level 2 - 15% magic resistance reduction
Level 3 - 20% magic resistance reduction
Level 4 - 30% magic resistance reduction

Here, changes can be done, just suggesting the levels and reductions!:thumbs_up:
Level 12
Dec 20, 2011
-Choose your path : either Rescue Dalaran as Human or Serve the Undead and destroy Dalaran

Since there are some choices that will be made, here are some things you could do to make it better and make choosing sides a lot harder:

  • Well, since you choose sides, then obviously there should be a different ending to each side.
  • Different spells for the side you choose. If you choose to side with the humans, then you should have bright and arcanic spells. But if you side with the undead, you should have dark magic and/or necromancy as your skills.

Good luck with this project, and I hope you can finish it.
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