[Campaign] New Dawn: The Kingdom Below

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Level 4
Oct 26, 2013

What is space?
What is time?
What is self?
We were destined never to know the answers for our questions.
Problems that troubled us in the days of glory, now long lost, appeared to be just petty squabbles in the day when sky was torned up.
When He fell from the tear.
We had our time. Walking under an ancient sun, bathing in power of unspokable powers, weaving strings of destiny.
Then we cognized Death.
What was ineviteble.
No thing is everlasting.
Even The Kingdom Below.
Un'Tammuz, nerubian visier

  • Overview:
    • The Kingdom Below is a single-player, long, strategy campaign, modeled after official Blizzard campaigns, first chapter of planned New Dawn trilogy. Story is placed just after events of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and during Mists of Pandaria, far away from the main events presented in this games, in Northrend, and revolves around remnants of the ancient Nerubian Empire of Azjol-Nerub, soon after defeat of the Lich King...
  • Plot:
    • War of the Spider, great conflict that devastated Roof of the World, was lost by allied forces of Nerubian Empire - descendant of mighty Azj'Aqir Dominion - and Drakkari Trolls. While Zul'Drak was able to stand before power of the newborn Undead Scourge, Azjol-Nerub was almost completely obliterated, it's king, leaders and people raised from the dead, cities plundered. Lich King was victorious. That was many years ago. Now world has changed, Scourge has been defeated. Nerubian survivors, hiding in the dark, are starting to realize that their time is finally coming back. But, with Lich King gone, many new forces are starting to rise up in Northrend... Children of Nerub will need to once again carve their way to glory.
      • Where it will take place? Ancient, underground kingdom of Azjol-Nerub, cold land of Northrend.
        Who will we play with? Each of four major factions will get an overhaul to better fit into world years after WarCraft III. There will be two new races, one of them Nerubians.
        Who are the major characters? That is Iggiv, low-born Forerunner from the Worker caste, main hero of this campaign. Many new characters will be introduced into WarCraft universe, some of canonical will also make an appearance, for example Bolvar Fordragon, new Lich King, Kilix the Unraveler or Kel'Thuzad.
  • Gameplay:
    • The Kingdom Below is heavily based on original Blizzard campaigns, and will follow them in terms of gameplay. Standard resource system will be used, there will be less aerial fighting, which is obvious because majority of the maps will be placed in underground scenery.
  • Progress:
    • I have whole plot already thought out, just as almost all thing like custom units, building, spells, even new interface, it is all implemented. I'm startung to terrain maps. This campaign will be a long one, with three pretty expanded cinematics (prologue, interlude and epilogue). As you may see, TKB is nowhere near completion and will remain in this state for some time (I don't want to rush anywhere). For now it looks like this:

      • Prologue – Questions Unanswered - 50%
        Chapter One – Shapes in the Dark - 75%
        Chapter Two – Broken World - 0%
        Chapter Three – Jailors of the Damned - 0%
        Chapter Four – Abyss - 0%
        Chapter Five – Dreams of Glory - 0%
        Chapter Six – Place of Origin - 0%
        Interlude – The Kingdom Below - 0%
        Chapter Seven – Remnants of an Empire - 0%
        Chapter Eight – Chains of Fate - 0%
        Chapter Nine – In the Shade of Corruption - 0%
        Chapter Ten – Iron does not Bend - 0%
        Chapter Eleven – Into the Dark - 0%
        Chapter Twelve – Tears Uncounted - 0%
        Chapter Thirteen – Reason for Us All - 0%
        Epilogue – Under an Ancient Sun - 0%
  • Screenshots & Videos:
    • Soon.
Level 27
Nov 5, 2010
Sounds very interesting, Azjol'nerub has always been interesting to me. You already seem to have the entire idea well thought out and planned out, which is what I like to do as well.

Good luck with your campaign, can't wait to see some screenshots.
Level 4
Oct 26, 2013

Good luck with your campaign
Many thanks, that's my first campaign ever, before that I made only altered melee maps without any real complexity, so I hope you can understand how big this project is for me ;) .


I'd like to hear more about the race overhaul and the two new races
I plan to make whole entry about that aspect of campaign soon, for now I can say that first race in (obviously) Nerubian Empire, second one - Jailors of the Damned, faction made from undead and the living, focused on eradicating remnants of Undead Scourge. Four original factions will get expansions like new hero, new units, some techtree rework, complete overhaul will happend to Night Elves and Undead. I can already say that campaign will contain some, lets say, semi-factions, that is Dark Iron dwarves, Drakkari trolls, Faceless Ones, Tuskarrs, Vrykul, and perhaps Forsaken.

By the way, English is not my first language, I think that's reasonable to say this right now, sometimes my posts can be little bit... not understandable, but I'm trying to do my best.
Level 27
Nov 5, 2010
Many thanks, that's my first campaign ever, before that I made only altered melee maps without any real complexity, so I hope you can understand how big this project is for me ;) .

By the way, English is not my first language, I think that's reasonable to say this right now, sometimes my posts can be little bit... not understandable, but I'm trying to do my best.

I used to do same before I started working on my campaigns, though I actually learned the most when I made one fail campaign project before I started my real campaigns.

And your english is good, I can understand everything you're saying :)
Level 5
Dec 20, 2012
This project looks promising although scarce. The presentation is very nice!

Making a big campaign takes time and requires proper organization, without it you're doomed to fail (mostly). But it seems you've got that right. I made lots of campaigns but never ever finished one :p. Still, it was thrilling every time!

I hope you success in your project! I'll be waiting for some screens and more info on the altered and new races!
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