[Campaign] Aftermath

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Level 23
Apr 5, 2012


Aftermath will be a single-player campaigns, containing separate stories from the world of Azeroth after or during the Third War.
Each story will contain just few playable chapters and zero or more cinematic maps.

How many stories there will be depends on how much I decide to do.
However,the campaign will be released immediately once the first story is finished and will hopefully continue to update
with future stories.


Shadows of Dalaran will be the first campaign of the serie.
It will start some hours before Archimonde start to destroy Dalaran.
With the upcoming destruction, the mages of Dalaran have no time to fight,
just regroup most of they can and get away of the city,
fleeing for Silverpine Forest, the first two chapter will be focused in the mages of Dalaran,
but in the end, the player will have a choice to do:
follow the mage path, and return to retake Dalaran,
or follow Arugal, and form the Worgen Cult.



A powerful human mage, Rhonin was instrumental in breaking the power of the orcs at the end of the Second War by freeing the Dragonqueen Alexstrasza from her imprisonment by Nekros Skullcrusher, a former orc warlock of the Dragonmaw Clan who used the Demon Soul to keep her prisoner. He has been in Dalaran since then...
Archmage Modera is a member of The Six, the elite body that governs all operations within Dalaran. She appears to be one of the most long-standing members of the Six, having apparently been active as a member during the Second War up until now.
Originally a respected patriot of Gilneas and a royal archmage,Arugal eventually became a member of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran.
Ansirem Runeweaver
When Ansirem was a student, he was not the top of his class. He created an enchanted gem to aid him in casting spells, but it only worked half the time. He intended to use it to help him cheat during his exams, but he failed them anyway. By the time of the beginning Third War, Ansirem enters as a member of The Six.


Liandra Dawnweaver
She's an apprentice of the Kirin Tor and daughter of Dalar Dawnweaver. Liandra is a strong mage, her specialty is the lunar and arcane powers. Her life is just about to chance during Dalaran's Fall, facing her fears and new challenges.


Chapter One - 50%
Chapter Two - 0%

"Dalaran Path"
Chapter Three - 0%
Chapter Four - 0%
Chapter Five - 0%

"Worgen Path"
Chapter Three - 0%
Chapter Four - 0%
Chapter Five - 0%



Future Projects in mind

Got any questions or suggestions? Feel free to post!

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Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
Well, everything looks neat, but the name is somewhat taken, (a lot).

This. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps.php?search=aftermath&d=list&r=20

Thanks, I know, but it's the best name I found, and the onle I most liked.

Welcome back Forsaken and good luck with your project.I'm always open to palying campaigns its the last thing i enjoy in wrc3 these days.Again good luck and i wish to play this soon especially the SC campaign(if its about it :p )

Thanks! :)
Yes, it will be about the scarlet crusade hehe
Level 16
Sep 24, 2009
So new tomorider's style for campaign making? I can't say I am thrilled, but still gonna follow this. But, I must say something. Forsaken is this your 4th or 5th project you started and probably won't finish? I mean what is the point of making all these threads, when you are not going to make more than 2 maps?
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
So new tomorider's style for campaign making? I can't say I am thrilled, but still gonna follow this. But, I must say something. Forsaken is this your 4th or 5th project you started and probably won't finish? I mean what is the point of making all these threads, when you are not going to make more than 2 maps?

I was making that campaign with him too... I just changed the theme.
I do this because I like, it's my hobby in the free time, if I don't finish it because I've lost inspiration or something happened in real life, I don't take this projects so seriously, like I said, it's just a hobby.

And I've decided to do this because it will be short campaings.

Sorry if I sounds rude. But also, my Fallen Hope campaign will be inside this one. And I still wanna finish War of the Ancients, I just had some problems in the development of the story.
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
Thanks! And yes, it's her in the pic. :)
Just some info about her.

Liandra Dawnweaver
She's an apprentice of the Kirin Tor and daughter of Dalar Dawnweaver. Liandra is a strong mage, her specialty is the lunar and arcane powers. Her life is just about to chance during Dalaran's Fall, facing her fears and new challenges.

The first terrain is done too. I will start now the tech-tree and such.



Level 1
Nov 7, 2014
This looks great, I especially love your Dalaran, which is one of my favorite Warcraft cities (Lordaeron being my favorite).:D
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