
  1. Daimony

    [Trigger] Need Anime Spellpacks

    Hi im looking for cool anime spells and hero spellpacks for my map. I have some naruto spellpacks but i hope i can find more other anime spells maybe One Piece / Bleach / Fairy Tail / Black Clover / Jujutsu Kaisen / Demon Slayer / My Hero Academia. I hope you can help me thank you.
  2. Barbafire

    [General] About leaks: Slam and Thunder Clap are the same spell?

    Hi once more, hivers! I'd like a simple answer this time. I'm fixing leak problems in my project, and I'm removing all Shockwaves, Warstomps and Thunderclaps from my project. I wouldn't like to trigger all slows for all thunderclaps that I have, but if I must, I'll do it. Question: Slam (Creep...
  3. jj84

    Soul Drain

    Hi guys i need a gui spell that when the caster casts it on target unit the caster damages levels of ability ×100 and a soul leaves the targeted body when when it enters to caster body it restores health of caster unit (levels of ability ×100). Soul system should be like this spell Example...
  4. Dord96

    [SD/Modeling] human arcenist unit pleass

    hello can some one pleass use Johnwar Sorceress Re-Classic model as a base for a human mage that is like picter pleass ? with the models eyes with a purpel glow or with out a glow at all ? the resources for the idea /request ...
  5. jj84

    [Trigger] Drain soul

    Hi guys i need a gui spell that when the caster casts it on target unit the caster damages levels of ability ×100 and a soul leaves the targeted body when when it enters to caster body it restores health of caster unit (levels of ability ×100). Soul system should be like this spell Example...
  6. Blahblah_Blagar

    Picking Units raised by Animate Dead Spell?

    Hi. I've wanted to create a spell based on Animate Dead - it would raise a set amount of corpses in an area of effect range, with the twist that they would instead be raised into a specific unit type. You cast Animate Dead and raise zombies (or whatever) from surrounding corpses. The obvious...
  7. Jaccouille

    [Spell] Searing Arrow behavior without autocast

    Hello, I need an ability similar to searing arrow (Priestess of the moon flaming arrow) ability behavior, what I need : Bonus magic damage on attack Mana consumed on each attack I believe I cannot use auto-cast because I already have another automated spell on. Therefore, I was thinking about...
  8. LordHatchet95

    [Miscellanous / Other] Necromancer Hero Test

    Hello everyone! LordHatchet95 here :D And I bring something new (kind of) Short ago, I started a small project called "Necromancer", and it grabs a lot of inspiration from Diablo III's Necromancer. This map is more of a "Spell" map, where I've developed 4 spells. The spells are from the dark...
  9. Jaccouille

    [Spell] Multiple Blizzard ability damage stack

    Hello, I got multiple unit casting blizzards, I noticed the damage doesn't stack. I tried to tinker with the Buff but achieved no tangible result. According to this document, it should work...
  10. Jaccouille

    [Spell] Autocast spell that target injured ally (apart from priest healing)

    Hello, I'd like to make an autocast with the Rejuvenation spell. I need an autocast ability similar to priest healing so my caster only target allies who have lost HP. I am currently using inner fire but it cast the ability on full HP unit, which I don't want. Healing ability isn't viable...
  11. LordHatchet95

    Diablo 3 Barbarian in Warcraft 3

    Hello everyone, LordHatchet95 here! I'm back after a good while of hiatus (again)... Well, this time I've done a very """original""" idea: To recreate the Diablo III Barbarian! :D (Yeah, I know... This idea was made 9001 times) In the end, this project was abandoned. It was supposed to be a...
  12. Comical Hammer

    Comical Hammer

    A preview gif of my spell-model
  13. Mechezarin

    Baldur's Gate Icons Megapack

    Hello, as many peoples here talking and creating about baldur, i decide to give something from myself. As i searched a lot with not usable at all result for icons from bg, i found that i have to make them myself, so i did. Then after some hours of divination, evocation and illusions* created...
  14. darkravenbest

    Z axis for Relativistic missile

    Hello! I tried to make a simple spell using: Relativistic Missiles [vJASS][LUA][GUI] The idea is simple, missile fall directly from above the unit. So Starting point and Finish point are the same. The only difference is that starting Z is, for example, 1000 and finish Z is obviously 0. But the...
  15. HellCEzAR

    [Script] Shield ability

    Greetings everyone! I would be very glad if you did spell : Works like On/off, similar like immolate. When on, every ally unit and caster(300AOE) recieve shield which blocks % of recieved damage and when this unit(s) have attacked, it have 15% to knockback(50-100 range, prob. random range)...
  16. GamesofFreak

    [Spell] Change Spell Hit Points Gained Value through Trigger

    I want to replicate the Racial Trait "Gift of the Naaru" from World of Warcraft in Warcraft 3. To gain the 20% of the Total Health Healing I want to change the Value "Data - Hit Points Gained" through Trigger. I know that the Value is an integer and if I try to change the Field with the "Set...
  17. LebronJames69

    How to heal the unit triggering an ability in Jass

    The ability I am trying to make is when I use a particular ability, it would instantly heal. I was wondering how to heal the triggering unit just when it triggers an ability in Jass. I am a complete newbie at Jass so forgive me if this question is kind of obvious to do already.
  18. Dord96

    arcane explosion sound effect

    hello i want to creat the spell arcane explosion like in wow using this spell effect but it hase no sound effect and i dount know where to get it so it sounds like in wow or something simeler pleass help
  19. Dord96

    [Spell] how to make a spell

    hii i want to use this spell effect but i am not sure how to recreact it like in WoW pleass help
  20. HerlySQR

    How can I check where is a concentration of units?

    Hello, I now that units with abilities like frame strike or blizzard checks if there are a group of units which they can cast those spells, I wanna know how can I do that? Because the methods I'm thinking are not practical.
  21. HerlySQR

    [Lua] Invoking 2 units that check nearby units together makes the game freezes

    Hello, I made this ability to create a rock that slows nearby enemy units, but when 2 of this units are place together, the game lags and then freezes, I don't know what is wrong: OnInit(function () Require "BossFightUtils" local SPELL = FourCC('A02F') local AREA = 300. local...
  22. AtivEnergy

    [Spell] Sight Range Bonus - Spell

    Greetings!:peasant-waving: I need some help with one spell.. I wanted to made an [active] spell based on Item Sight Range Bonus, but I have at least two problems that I don't know how to solve.. 1.If i use this ability as an [Active] spell, Not passive, do not work.. Work only as...
  23. El Saif

    [Trigger] Help me fix my spell indexing

    So, i've been making a spell that to call a group of horsemen to move forward and damaging units. The problem with this is that when i cast another one while the previous is still ongoing, the units i created wont do anything, instead the one i cast before still ongoing and somehow going longer...
  24. HerlySQR

    [Spell] Shadow Fury ability of the dark templar in Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void

    Hello I wanna create the Shadow Fury ability of the dark templar in Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void, if you don't what it is, here is an example: My main problem is I'm not sure about how to determine where the caster should be positioned during the casting, because I never played it, but saw...
  25. Izzetin

    [Solved] Slash / Pushback Ability help

    Hello Community, Iam looking for a rather generic Spell but i cant figure out how to do this Specific variation of it. I need an Ability (close range, frontal cleave) where the Casting unit Slides slighty towards the Enemy while doing a ''Slash'' effect Attack Animation. If the Enemy infront of...
  26. HerlySQR

    Targetable ability that considers if the target has full mana

    Hello, I wanna know if there is an ability with target that don't cast if the target has full mana, I know that I can check and stop the caster with triggers, but I wanna do the check in the exact moment the order is issued, to the function IssueTargetOrderById returns me true or false.
  27. TheJassy

    Same ability, Different unit

    Hello, I've made a unit cast the "Doom" spell and it summons a Skeleton warriro. I'm looking for a way so if you cast the same spell on a Archer It'll turn into a skeleton with a bow. Hopefully that kind of explains it since It's kinda weird to explain. 😀
  28. Dord96

    [HD/Modeling] Arcanists Pyromancers Cryomancers for humans and elves

    hello i need units and spells effects missiles and buffs models that embody the specializeion of fire ,ice and arcane spells like in WOW for humans and elves pleass help🙏 and by awsome
  29. Lordul Dracula

    [Solved] Rain of Frost Arrows

    Hello everyone I made this skill Rain of Ice Arrows(I used Cluster Rockets to make this skill) and I want to add a cold effect for this skill. Is there a way to use Frost nova? Because i want to avoid to use a group event or an every 1 sec event. This skill is for a basic unit - the first range...
  30. HerlySQR

    How can I get if a unit successfully casted a spell?

    Hello, I wanna know if there is way that if a unit casted an spell without getting an error like casting Holy Bolt to a unit with full hp or enemy unit.
  31. HerlySQR

    Custom UI cast button

    Hello, I wanna add to my map a menu with buttons (apart of the normal UI) that I click and then I cast an spell, the thing is, how can I do it for spells with target? I was thinking something like: Press Button>Select a dummy caster>Force UI Key>Cast the spell>Deselect the dummy caster But I...
  32. Prostagma

    [Solved] Creating a loop spell

    Hello, I've been searching on how to create a loop spell in a specific way but I just can't find any tutorials on how to do it (or maybe I'm too dumb to understand). I'd like to create a volley spell (archer) that fires arrows from the heroes while he's channeling (because making arrow falls...
  33. Astronoot

    [JASS] [Solved] Help on detecting leaks

    Hi, I'm new and it's my first time posting a thread here :] (Not sure if this is right forum to ask.) So, um I started migrating from GUI to JASS recently. I tried browsing tutorials here and on Helper.net on making this spell. It's an MUI ability that uses hashtables as data bridge and timers...
  34. HerlySQR

    [Lua] Spells can't cast after a while

    I'm trying to create a boss fight and first I have to create its spells, but the problem is for some reason after various casts the spells are not casted, I don't even get an error message so I don't know what's going on, this are the spells: Scorching heat do local SPELL = FourCC('A001')...
  35. Izzetin

    [Solved] Meteor Fall Spell

    Hello nice People. could somebody help me with a pretty simple spell? Im looking for a Meteor/Fireball that slowly comes down to the ground with a heavy impact. I know there was a good Request for this in 2011 (Slow Meteor) but i need help to create such a spell. It could look like the Inferno...
  36. Blahblah_Blagar

    [Trigger] Autocastable dispellable Poison

    Should be a very simple thing to do For quite a while I've been trying to figure out how to create an autocastable dispellable poison (a very simple debuff that drains life as long as it's active). I've been screwing around with the premade spells such as parasite and inner fire (with negative...
  37. OKKarma

    [General] Custom Chain Lightning

    Hi, is it possible to add additional functionality to the default chain lightning spell without making it entirely custom? I want the spell to be normal chain lightning but it deals aoe damage around any units it hits a few seconds after it hits. My thought was maybe if I add a buff and a...
  38. A Rather Wily Beaver

    [Spell] Dummy ability for a projectile that doesn't require the character to turn?

    Hi all, Quick question(s), which are: when making a targeted projectile ability (a skillshot), which dummy ability would you recommend for: A) Having the character turn? B) Not having the character turn? For A, I've previously used Carrion Swarm, but I'm wondering if there's anything I've...
  39. Oppaikun

    [Solved] [1.31.1] Stacking Healing Spell

    Hey all, I've been trying to create a custom healing spell, but I'm not experienced enough to pull it off, so I'm hoping someone here can help me (I'm on 1.31). Here's a description of the spell: Amplifying Heal Heals target for 50 + ((HealAmpCharges) x 10/20/30/40/50) (increments are for each...
  40. Nevanii

    Mirror images aren't disappearing

    So I tried to upgrade the spell that it spawns more images, but for some reason... they DONT disappear, there is no bar that shows time in which they should be gone. I didn't change any timer settings in the spell section so I don't know what is wrong, all I have changed was the amount of...
  41. jonathan ross

    Ethereal units without tranparency

    Just like the title says, I'm looking for a way to make a unit behave ethereal without becoming transparent. Have tried using the ethereal form, and the ethereal ability, as well as triggering vertex coloring to 0 transparency to no avail
  42. jonathan ross

    Need help making life Drain affect Spell Immune, and some other spells

    I am aware that making an ability require level more than 1, 6 is what I'm using, makes the special effect, such as storm bolt stun or black arrow spawn work, but the spells themselves seem to not damage the target. is there a way to make these spells damage spell immune units, I have tried...
  43. R_Reaper

    Basic (existing) abilities and spell modding (data fields) in MPQ

    Hi all! I run some turns in the staff contact where to put this thread: hopefully this is the proper place. I wish to get help how to edit and modify basic (existing by base) abilities and spells in MPQ. Means: game MPQ -> NOT the map MPQ! In a more concrete way: which data fields used by...
  44. thong0103

    [Spell] Help with Rain of Chaos Spell

    I try to change the Rain of Chaos spell to just do damage and stun. I changed the inferno spell to only deal damage and stun but when my unit cast Rain of Chaos it deal no damage and doesn't stun.
  45. Ahimtar

    [Spell] In my lightning-based spell, source target can't be moved for some reason

    Hello, I'm making a spell for my hero arena (Icecrown Arena, work in progress), where a hero gets bound onto an enemy for a few seconds, keeping him in a 550 distance with the enemy. I've based the spell on a Channel and triggered it and it all seems to work, except for moving the lightning...
  46. MasterWarlord

    Need help doing math to find the correct "hitbox" for my triggered spell?

    Intended spell effect/tooltip: "Sloth slams his chains onto the target point dealing 650/750/850 damage in a 150 area of effect 500 distance away from himself, stunning enemies for 1 second, and knocking the target back towards Sloth. Enemies hit by the giant slam of the chains take full damage...
  47. Ruvven

    [Trigger] Melee/Ranged Isnt Working

    Hello Community that has helped me understand so many things in the WE! #MuchAppreciation! I am having trouble with yet another situation here as i have googled and searched through here for answers on switching from Melee -> Ranged and keeping spells and all of that is cool. The problem is...
  48. HolyWillRise

    Help! Chain Lightning Trigger Doesn't Work!

    Sometimes when "Chain Lightning" is used it does not hit the other two or one target(s) near the main target. And when there are only two targets, it hits the main target, and not the second target. So it works maybe 50% of the time. So.. How to fix it so that it hits the required targets all...
  49. Anton Wulff Jensen

    Help! Trying to make a trigger for a collapsing ceiling on each hero unit in a region

    So I am making this boss fight with a huge dragon. And basically it has a phase where it breathes fire 6 times in 6 angles around it. Once it is done with breathing fire, the ceiling will collapse at the point of where each hero stands after while. I tried to make a trigger for it here. It seems...
  50. HerlySQR

    Spells name

    Since I'm not good with naming things, the name of my spells end being shallow, can you help me pls? (my map is located in Draenor, so the names at least should not disaccording with it):