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Need help making life Drain affect Spell Immune, and some other spells

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Level 4
Jan 23, 2017
I am aware that making an ability require level more than 1, 6 is what I'm using, makes the special effect, such as storm bolt stun or black arrow spawn work, but the spells themselves seem to not damage the target. is there a way to make these spells damage spell immune units, I have tried making them require level 6 for:
Flame Strike
Siphon Mana/Life
Carrion Swarm
Level 4
Jan 23, 2017
The entire spell needs to be triggered as far as I know. You can't deal spell damage to spell immune units, I believe that's a rule you cannot change.
Starfall and other ultimates work, which is why i had always thought/read that making the spell require level 6 makes it work, but it appears that only works for the spell effect not the damage. For instantance i can make Acid spray Give armor debuff but not do damage
Level 21
Feb 27, 2019
Not as far as I know.

As long as you can target the desired units, detect when the caster stops channeling, you should be able to trigger the ability. Something like Visualize: Dynamic Indexing

Ill use this thread to ask some related questions if any1 knows.
Does Life Drain have a certain damage type?
Does damage event recognize Life Drain as damage dealt towards Magic Immune units even if it deals 0 damage, if it even deals 0 dmg...?
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