• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Phoenix Trial #2 - Power of Command

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Level 3
Apr 1, 2005
Now I have new icons again. I made a few sketches for my theme, but then I realized that I don't like it anymore. So I searched for another idea and couldn't find any. Then I remembered the idea of an elemental theme. I think it was pyritie who said it. Whatever, now I have 2 Icons.

Attack and Attack Ground


  • BTNElementsAttack.jpg
    19.7 KB · Views: 300
  • BTNElementsAttackGround.jpg
    20.8 KB · Views: 266
Nice icon. I was under the impression that the border needed to go unchanged, but I cant see anything against it.

Thanks! I didn't expect a reply so fast. :)

EDIT: Here's another, but it is kind of like a WIP because I may sharpen and fix it up a bit:

I used custom brushes to create the background.

EDIT2: My topic is: Ice!

EDIT3: [broke="Attack ground!"]You know what it is![/broke]


  • BTNIceShard.jpg
    27.1 KB · Views: 411
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Level 13
Aug 31, 2005

This is the final entry for my Goblin Commander icon set. I hope you all enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed making it.


  • Goblin Command Icon Set.jpg
    Goblin Command Icon Set.jpg
    63.2 KB · Views: 354
  • Goblin Commander.zip
    356.2 KB · Views: 89
  • Goblin Command Icon Set Preview.jpg
    Goblin Command Icon Set Preview.jpg
    171.2 KB · Views: 372
  • Goblin Commander Sample.w3x
    238.7 KB · Views: 98
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Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Great work Herio, they all are constant with the same style, and they clearly illustrate what they are supposed to represent.
Level 13
Aug 31, 2005
Cool icons hero, but where is the skilz Icon? On your picture, it just shows two holds without a skills button. :smile:

The first one (the wrench and the saw) is the hold icon. The second one (with the dynamite and the wrench) is the skillz icon (which I'm considering editing).

Btw, thanks for the compliments guys :smile: I've tried my best to get them all done.
I'm posting like this so that Wolverabid can easily find it. >^.=.^<

I think I'll just leave the stop as it is and change the move to this. Here's also the updated pack.


  • Move Leaf.jpg
    Move Leaf.jpg
    131.6 KB · Views: 249
  • Move Leaf mini.jpg
    Move Leaf mini.jpg
    24.9 KB · Views: 441
  • Nature Command Buttons.zip
    79.5 KB · Views: 77
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
All right gang.

It's getting near to crunch time.

For everyone's information, I'll post this reminder:

  1. All icons must adhere to the established icon rules.

  2. Active and disabled versions of all icons are required.

  3. No plain screenshots (or shallowly modified) icons are permitted.

  4. The icons must be made specifically for the contest. No previous works are allowed.

  5. Blizzard icon naming conventions must be followed: BTNAttack*.blp etc.
    • Example: DISBTNHoldPositionBlackDoom.blp

  6. Works in progress (WIPs) of the icons are encouraged as they keep the contest active.

  7. The icons must be physically attached to a post when complete. (.blp files only!)

  8. An in-game screenshot must be included with all submissions.

  9. Individual users may undergo the trial: teams may not.

  10. Judges may not participate in the contest.

  11. No irrelevant, non-constructive or off-topic posts will be tolerated in this thread.
It's important to remember that to be eligible to win the prize(s) submitted entries must adhere to each of those criteria. Please review your submission to ensure that it does.

And give the Wolverman a break will ya? It's going to be difficult for me to weed through 270+ posts to find a few valid entries. Any contestant that deletes all of their extraneous post(s) in this thread (and removes the excess attachments) will get an

"A" for extra effort:


Chao-san Website----------Vote----------Need a sig?


Don't get a shiv, vote for the Hive
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Free Advice

So should I put my new submissions on the post with the screenshots? Or does it not matter?
As a general rule, its always very considerate of contestants to make life easy on the judge / host by:

  1. Including all the contest's requirements in a single post.

  2. Making the submission itself as appealing, detailed and slick as possible.
  3. Self cleaning the thread so that the judge can easily find the actual submissions.

Good luck everyone, may the most powerful icons win!

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Don't you have to show the latest one in game like the others?
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
EDIT: Is this good?
Don't you have to show the latest one in game like the others?
Chriz. is exactly right: One in-game screen shot of your icons is required. (Since ALL the necessary icons cannot be displayed in one single command palette, not all of them need be shown: just ONE screen shot to prove that the icons do indeed work in Warcraft III).

If the screenie is included with the submission itself, it will save me a great deal of hunting and pecking. Incomplete submissions may not be valid: if I have to sort through hundreds of posts to assemble all the pieces, I might overlook something.

The icons themselves may be posted individually or as .rar / .zip files. All those formats are acceptable providing that 16 .blp files (active and disabled versions of eight icons) are included.
I have all 16 blp files in a .zip thingy. I have posted screenshots, and the post with the big yellow text on page 15 has a huge-ass link to the post with the screenshots on them. All of the icons are shown except the latest one. But I can tell you that it does work in-game, as I am using it myself in my campaign.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Okay I remade the patrol icon, and personaly thinks it looks much better now, though shrinking it down to 64x64 made it worse..
As I cant use attachment for some reson, I use a other hosting site to upload the icons in. (Zip file) I also includes a map (with icons) in the zip file.
That should be all, as this is my first ever attempt to an icon contest with a thema and made from shrach the icons proably isnt as good as others, still I hope they can be of use to someone...

First the screenshots:
Ingame normal:

Ingame disabled:

The icons in zip file (Also includes paths and map)...:

Well this is my entry, didnt had as much time to finish it as I thought so some icons isnt looking how I wanted them to.:sad:

Now it is up to the poll and judges :smile:

Edit: Now I do realy realy hope that DISBTN is correctly done, I have absolutly no time to change them more, had to stay up long just to make them going away again tomorrow... :sad:
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Level 3
Jul 11, 2007
Hey, I hope that it's not too late to participate in the contest. Let's see if i can produce something decent before it's over(!) :wink:
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Time Allowed And Deadline
  • Due to the exhaustive nature of this demanding trial, four weeks will be alloted for its completion.
  • Phoenix Trial #2 has officially begun and will conclude on
    19 July, 2007 (0:00 AM, GMT).
  • The deadline is very unlikely to be extended.

Get ready guys: that's exactly nine hours from now.
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