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What you did today v1.0

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So I continued working on my secretru projectru, lookin really good, it's getting really messier, because of the complex triggers and the bugs keep slowing me down but I'm making progress.
Also still looking for more advertisement ways for the project :p
(Oh and played Aion a bit more, level 16 already wooo!! although I must say leveling is rather too slow)
I finished the boss fighteru stageru for my projecteru

Also wrote a French test, I'll probably get around 50 points out of 60.


  • bossfighteru.JPG
    229.4 KB · Views: 131
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
You use the advanced search to find all posts made by you.

Actually is way easier just to see the forum overall overview, click the views and one can see all who posted in the thread and how much.

Spent the day at the study. then setting up location at company. Went home to create a logo, ended up reading some manga.. :hohum:

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129


Speaks for itself.. addiction overwhelming.




Woke up, walked my dog, had several coups of coffee and breakfast. Now I'm watching TV, nothing special:)
Deolrin 2/11/22 xD!

Anyway, here's the chat:

[14-55-55] Mr. Bob: Learn fucking English you degenerate piece of bloody menstrual granny boobs.
[14-56-01] Wazzz: starts getting aroused*
[14-56-08] Mr. Bob: Y is not a word.
[14-56-21] Mr. Bob: It is a god damn fucking letter you fucking retarded monkey fucker.
[14-56-30] Wazzz: Mr. Bob, i wasn't sure if he meant 'why' or (y) for thumbs up
[14-56-30] Kas: Mr. Bob, let me explain it. its a shortened version of everyday words.
[14-56-33] Kas: y= why
[14-56-43] Kas: idk = i dont know
[14-56-49] Kas: dnt= don't
[14-56-49] Mr. Bob: No, it's stupid.
[14-56-56] Wazzz: idk = i dicked kas*
[14-57-09] Kas: Wazzz, ass
[14-57-18] Mr. Bob: Because only stupid people type something retarded due to them being so lazy that they can't type an extra 2 letters.
[14-57-18] Wazzz: kas*
[14-57-31] azlier: you know angels must be rather unsettling if the very first thing they do when they see you is to tell you to stop screaming
[14-57-44] Wazzz: it pleases me to no end to see 'okay' typed completely mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[14-57-47] supertoinkz has joined the channel
[14-57-56] Kas: Mr. Bob, lazy, i can agree with. but DONT EVER CALL ME STUPID!
[14-57-59] Zpider: Kas, soon 5 in the morning
[14-58-15] Wazzz: don't*
[14-58-25] Kas: Zpider, for me its 7:58 PM
[14-58-28] Mr. Bob: I*
[14-58-38] Mr. Bob: But*
[14-58-38] Wazzz: But*
[14-58-44] Mr. Bob: ,*
[14-58-50] Kas: Wazzz, idc about puncuation (idc = i dont care)
[14-59-00] Wazzz: my word his english is appalling
[14-59-10] Zpider: Kas, yeah, whatever that is. We don't use PM AM here and never bothered to learn it.
[14-59-29] Wazzz: Zpider, you use 24 hour time?
[14-59-39] Kas: Zpider, military time? ok then its 1959
[14-59-39] azlier: what a silly notion
[15-00-08] Magtheridon96: I think I got it!
[15-00-17] Zpider: Wazzz, yes ofc, anything else would just be stupid.
[15-00-17] Kas: Wazzz, i saw your message to me on my profile
[15-00-23] Mr. Bob: Kas, I ate, grandpa.
[15-00-27] Mr. Bob: Now remove the punctuation.
[15-00-46] Wazzz: Zpider, i agree, why am i forced to wonder what AM and PM is all the time
[15-00-49] Kas: Mr. Bob, u ate grandpa?
[15-00-58] Wazzz: Kas, we had ben 10 aleins
[15-01-02] Mr. Bob: I ate him.
[15-01-24] Magtheridon96: The United Kingdom -> Great Britian[Scotland, England, Wales] + Northern Ireland + Replic of Ireland
[15-01-24] Kas: Wazzz, u mean aliens.
[15-01-33] Magtheridon96: I finally understand that concept :D
[15-01-40] Wazzz: no i mean aleins
[15-01-53] Kas: wats an alein
[15-02-02] Wazzz: Magtheridon96, i thought ireland was a part of great britian
[15-02-12] Magtheridon96: Wazzz, It is
[15-02-18] Mr. Bob: Aliens have nothing to do with watts.
[15-02-18] Magtheridon96: Wazzz, But Ireland is made up of 2 countries:
[15-02-24] azlier: Magtheridon96, i dont' think the republic of ireland is in the united kingdom
[15-02-37] Magtheridon96: Wazzz, Northern Ireland + Republic of Ireland
[15-02-40] azlier: hence being split into northern and the democratic people's fluffy happy republic of ireland
[15-02-56] Wazzz: Kas, this is my first alein, he is humanoid but is super powerful http://i42.tinypic.com/dh7qet.jpg
[15-02-56] Magtheridon96: azlier, yes it is >:O
[15-03-03] Magtheridon96: azlier, one sec
[15-03-09] Magtheridon96: azlier, I'll verify it.
[15-03-22] Kas: Wazzz, so alein = stick figure
[15-03-38] Wazzz: Kas, no, alein = alien
[15-03-44] Wazzz: it's just a short version
[15-03-57] Wazzz: Kas, this is 4legs, he is super fast and stuff http://i44.tinypic.com/2i9sg2w.jpg
[15-04-09] Kas: Wazzz, -.- u just reangraed letters
[15-04-13] Magtheridon96: azlier, The end of this video sums it up http://www.youtube.com/w...6gUbsz-E&feature=related
[15-04-35] Magtheridon96: azlier, 4:10
[15-04-38] azlier: Magtheridon96, nothx.
[15-04-48] Wazzz: Kas, this is tripod, he has a cannon that shoots out stuff that kills things and stuff http://i43.tinypic.com/jqn97d.jpg
[15-04-51] Wazzz: and those are my ben10 aleins
[15-05-03] Kas: Wazzz, theeses are some aliens i made; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqQYba72c9E
[15-05-07] Wazzz: also, suddenly magtheridon http://oi39.tinypic.com/befy9w.jpg
[15-05-07] Magtheridon96: azlier, Hey, go pray for me or something.
[15-05-19] Wazzz: Kas, mine are better
[15-05-19] Magtheridon96: azlier, I need someone to remind me that I'm a superior being.
[15-05-32] Magtheridon96: Wazzz, fffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[15-05-38] azlier: Magtheridon96, fool do you have any idea how powerful i am
[15-05-45] azlier: i can MAKE TOAST and survive
[15-05-51] Kas: Wazzz, mine are more colorful
[15-05-51] Wazzz: http://oi40.tinypic.com/xerlo3.jpg
[15-06-04] Magtheridon96: azlier, AH, YOU ARE SUCH A BRAVE MAN. TOASTERS KILL 700 PEOPLE A YEAR.
[15-06-10] Kas: uh..
[15-06-32] Kas: eat uncooked tomato soup and frozen eggo waffles
[15-06-55] Magtheridon96: Kas, shit*
[15-07-04] Magtheridon96: Wazzz, nigga u high
[15-07-14] Kas: Magtheridon96, i got it from Calvin and Hobbes
[15-07-14] Wazzz: thomas the spank engine
[15-07-30] Wazzz: kas likes memes and virgins too much
[15-07-36] Magtheridon96: Wazzz, I've been spanked D:<
[15-07-49] Magtheridon96: Wazzz, By a black man
[15-07-49] Kas: Wazzz, im still a virgin
[15-07-55] Kas: and single
[15-07-55] Wazzz: Magtheridon96, oh no! that's terrible!
[15-08-04] Wazzz: Kas, i'm not changing either of those things
[15-08-14] azlier: what is black
[15-08-24] Magtheridon96: Wazzz, dat nigga be tripin'; my ass is NOT attractive D:<
[15-08-27] Kas: Wazzz, im not gay
[15-08-43] Magtheridon96: azlier, Black is the opposite of white.
[15-08-49] azlier: define white
[15-08-52] Wazzz: you're not?
[15-08-52] Wazzz: well damn
[15-08-55] Wazzz: had me fooled
[15-08-58] Magtheridon96: azlier, And white is the opposite of black.
[15-08-58] Kas: azlier, pale
[15-09-05] Wazzz: incidentally i was confused as to why kas got banned in the first place
[15-09-14] kent has joined the channel
[15-09-14] azlier: sorry i have no idea what this words is
[15-09-18] Wazzz: was it because he kept making threads or was it something more.... SINISTER
[15-09-18] Magtheridon96: azlier, White is #ffffff
[15-09-27] Kas: Wazzz, people didnt like my sarcasim
[15-09-33] Magtheridon96: azlier, Damn
[15-09-40] Magtheridon96: azlier, I can't define white >:O
[15-09-46] Wazzz: so when you said 'DONT YOU CALL ME STUPID' to mr. bob you were being sarcaistic?
[15-09-56] Wazzz: time to drive weeeeeee
[15-09-59] Kas: Wazzz, no
[15-09-59] Wazzz: DRUG DRIVING
[15-10-08] Magtheridon96: Wazzz, yes he was.
[15-10-12] Kas: Wazzz, i hate it when people call me retard
[15-10-15] Magtheridon96: Wazzz, Wasn't it obvious!?
[15-10-24] Wazzz: Magtheridon96, oh
[15-10-28] Magtheridon96: Kas, SO DO I! WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON.
[15-10-28] Kas: Magtheridon96, lying is a sin
[15-10-40] Wazzz: Kas, actually that was why i wondered how you got banned and xian did not
[15-10-40] Last-Chance has joined the channel
[15-10-43] Kas: Magtheridon96, do u what?
[15-10-47] Wazzz: so i pointed it out and he got banned
[highlight][15-10-47] Magtheridon96: Kas, Sinning is a sin[/code]
[15-10-50] Kas: Last-Chance, s'up
[15-10-53] Wazzz: coincidental of course
[15-10-59] Magtheridon96: Kas, [06-10-25] Kas: Wazzz, i hate it when people call me retard
[15-10-59] Wazzz: anyway i got what i wanted
[15-11-02] Wazzz: less xian yayyy
[15-11-09] Mr. Bob: Magtheridon96, genius as always.
[15-11-12] Last-Chance: ...
[15-11-15] Mr. Bob: "sinning is sin"
[15-11-25] Last-Chance: Not much - kent, you there?
[15-11-25] Magtheridon96: Xian will be back tomorrow
[15-11-28] Kas: Magtheridon96, oh, sure
[15-11-37] Kas: WHAT!
[15-11-37] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, ;D
[15-11-53] Mr. Bob: You're so clever and funny.
[15-11-56] Wazzz: kas only likes black willies, that is hardly gay
[15-12-00] Mr. Bob: Not at all a wanna-be-troll.
[15-12-03] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, If sinning is a sin, then is doing one sin the same as doing infinite sins!?
[15-12-12] Kas destroies the building
[15-12-19] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, :D
[15-12-22] Kas: Wazzz, im not gay
[15-12-35] Wazzz: Kas, that's what i said
[15-12-38] Kas: Wazzz, but single girls at my school are rare
[15-12-44] Wazzz: it's not gay to appreciate black penis
[15-13-00] Kas: Wazzz, -.-
[15-13-22] Wazzz: only real men have sex with other men
[15-13-25] Wazzz: that is hardly gay
[15-13-29] Wazzz: i support what you do kas
[15-13-32] Wazzz: it is manly
[highlight][15-13-38] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, If I were to sin, then that's sinning, which is a sin, and thus, another sin, which leads to another and another, etc..[/code]
[15-13-48] Kas: Wazzz, im going to Sea World in April
[15-13-48] Wazzz: also yay tank http://www.hiveworkshop....h/tank attachments.jpg
[15-13-48] Mr.Goblin has left the channel
[15-13-51] azlier: sinception
[15-14-04] Mr. Bob: He's some sort of genius isn't he.
[15-14-04] Wazzz: Kas, do you hope to see lots of seamen there?
[15-14-10] Wazzz: will your mouth be full of seamen?
[15-14-13] Wazzz: by which i mean
[15-14-13] Wazzz: navy penis
[15-14-23] Mr. Bob: IF I WERE TO BAKE COOKIES...
[15-14-23] fladdermasken has left the channel
[15-14-26] Mr. Bob: I'D BE BAKING
[15-14-29] azlier: pleasedo
[15-14-29] Mr. Bob: WHICH WOULD BE BAKING
[15-14-32] Kas: Wazzz, does eveything you type have to be inapprate
[15-14-45] Wazzz: i never typed inapprate
[15-14-45] Mr. Bob: GENIUS.
[15-14-48] Wazzz: until now
[15-14-48] Kas: I CANT SPELL
[15-14-58] Wazzz: time to drive yayyy
[15-14-58] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, Don't ridicule the idea.
[15-15-04] azlier: well you can't move without achieving infinite goals
[15-15-07] Kas bombs car
[15-15-14] azlier: so no matter what you're a rousing success
[15-15-20] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, It's a pretty good point.
[15-15-20] Mr. Bob: Ridiculing is simply infinite ridicule.
[15-15-39] Mr. Bob: Points are simply infinite points, you know.
[15-15-42] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, Yes
[15-15-49] Mr. Bob: Because, a point is simply a point. Which is, another point.
[15-15-52] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, So 0 = infinity
[15-15-55] Kas: Wazzz is dead
[15-15-58] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, 1 = infinity(
[15-15-58] Mr. Bob: Which basically means you are infinitely pointing.
[15-16-15] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, yes
[15-16-15] Mr. Bob: That's how life works folks.
[15-16-19] Mr. Bob: This man has solved EVERYTHING.
[15-16-28] Mr. Bob: My god he's a child prodigy.
[15-16-31] Kas: Mr. Bob, thx for the tip
[15-16-31] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, It's logical. Thus it must be true. Unless logic is actually flawed :mad:
[15-16-47] Mr. Bob: Yes, yes it's entirely logical.
[15-16-54] Kas: Magtheridon96, at times it is
[15-17-03] Mr. Bob: "Sinning is sinning which is sinning" is entirely logical.
[15-17-06] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, Well, not in all senses >_>
[15-17-13] Mr. Bob: Einstein would be proud.
[15-17-28] Kas: E - mc}2
[15-17-32] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, If Lying is sinning, and sinning is sinning, then lying is infinite sinning.
[15-17-51] Mr. Bob: ZOMG SO INSIGHTFUL.
[15-17-51] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, so simply, lying is infinite sinning
[15-17-54] Kas: 2 topics in 1
[15-17-57] Mr. Bob: I don't even know what to do with this.
[15-18-03] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, It works logically.
[15-18-07] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, Dude >_>
[15-18-10] Mr. Bob: This changes everything. My life is like...infinite lives.
[15-18-10] Kas: Mr. Bob, toss it
[15-18-16] Mr. Bob: Because living is simply living.
[15-18-32] Mr. Bob: And if you live and that is living than living is simply more living!
[15-18-32] Kas: then dying is dying
[15-18-32] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, It doesn't work like that ...
[15-18-48] Mr. Bob: Wazzz, CELEBRATE WITH ME.
[15-19-01] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, Dude, seriously, fuck you.
[15-19-04] Kas: wazzz is dead
[15-19-07] Kas: i bombed him
[15-19-17] Magtheridon96: Kas, WAZZZ DOES NOT DIE.
[15-19-20] Mr. Bob: MY GOD. THIS IS AMAZING.
[15-19-32] Kas: Magtheridon96, r u sure?
[15-19-39] Mr. Bob: And being as God is simply God...
[15-19-42] Mr. Bob: INFINITE GODS.
[15-19-42] Magtheridon96: Kas, NO.
[15-19-49] Kas: so Zues is...
[15-20-01] Ken-E has left the channel
[15-20-04] Kas: Magtheridon96, so ur not sure he cant die
[15-20-14] Ken-E has joined the channel
[15-20-27] Kas: i killed Chuck Norris
[15-20-49] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, If f(x) is g(x) and g(x) is g(x), then calling the function g(x) would call g(x) and thus, recursive safety is gone.
[15-21-05] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, Thus, g(x) is called infintely
[15-21-08] Mr. Bob: Magtheridon96, where do I send my money to you?
[15-21-14] Mr. Bob: Which, btw, is infinite money.
[15-21-18] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, Fuck you.
[15-21-27] Mr. Bob: Because money is just money which is more money.
[15-21-30] Mr. Bob: Which is...you guessed it
[15-21-33] Mr. Bob: More money.
[15-21-37] Zpider has left the channel
[15-21-40] Kas: Mr. Bob, if God is God then Zues is ____
[15-21-56] Magtheridon96: Kas, No.
[15-22-02] Mr. Bob: Kas, INFINITE ZUES'
[15-22-12] Kas: Magtheridon96, i killed Wazzz and Chcuk Norris
[15-22-21] Magtheridon96: Kas, LIES.
[15-22-21] Kas: Mr. Bob, whoa
[15-22-43] Mr. Bob: Magtheridon96, fucking me would be amazing. Because, fucking is simply fucking...
[15-22-47] Kas: Magtheridon96, /me pulls out Churck Norris's carcus
[15-22-47] Mr. Bob: WHICH IS IN TURN...MORE FUCKING.
[15-22-50] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, Dude, why do you have to be such a dick?
[15-22-50] Mr. Bob: INFINITE SEX.
[15-23-09] ike_ike: hahaha
[15-23-13] ike_ike: revolutions are circles
[15-23-18] Kas: Mr. Bob, go be a 1st grade english teacher
[15-23-18] Mr. Bob: Infinite dick*
[15-23-21] ike_ike: circles are round and circular
[15-23-25] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, I'm starting to think you're a woman.
[15-23-34] Mr. Bob: INFINITE WOMAN.
[15-23-44] Kas: Magtheridon96, lol Ms. Bob
[15-23-53] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, That you can't have.
[15-24-12] Mr. Bob: I'm me, which is simply me.
[15-24-19] Mr. Bob: Which, is more me.
[15-24-19] Mr. Bob: INFINITE ME.
[15-24-32] Magtheridon96: Dude.
[15-24-35] Kas: so INFINITE ME!
[15-24-48] Mr. Bob: My god this can be applied anywhere. It's like quantum physics has been rewritten.
[15-24-48] Magtheridon96: Kas, no not you
[15-24-51] azlier: bob i think you are taking this way too far i think you should sit here while i get you some punch and a rubber chicken
[15-25-13] Kas: Magtheridon96, dnt worry, im hoping if i join, hell stop
[15-25-17] Mr. Bob: As long as it's infinite punch and rubber chicken. ....Which it is.
[15-25-23] Magtheridon96: If Lying is sinning and sinning is a sin. Then sinning would be a sin in itself.
[15-25-29] Magtheridon96: Have I clarified my point?
[15-25-36] Kas: Mr. Bob, if I, kas, am....alot of people
[15-25-36] Mr. Bob: NOWAI.
[15-25-45] Mr. Bob: You have infinitely clarified your point.
[15-25-52] Kas: Mr. Bob, then INFINITE ARMIES!
[15-26-01] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, Dude, fuck you.
[15-26-01] Mr. Bob: Because, clarifying is simply clarification.
[15-26-07] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, Seriously fuck you.
[15-26-11] Mr. Bob: Which is in turn...MORE CLARIFICATION.
[15-26-23] Mr. Bob: INFINITE CLARITY.
[15-26-36] Magtheridon96: Sometimes, I fear that Bob is actually serious.
[15-26-50] ike_ike: hahaha u fear which means u fear which fear means fear fear
[15-26-52] Mr. Bob: Infinitely serious*
[15-26-52] Magtheridon96: Because I've never seen a grown-up like that.
[15-26-55] Kas: so, if a toothpick is simple a toothpick, then
[15-27-02] Mr. Bob: Also, infinite fear*
[15-27-05] Ken-E has joined the channel
[15-27-08] Mr. Bob: which means you are infinitely fearful.
[15-27-11] Mr. Bob: WHICH MEANS
[15-27-17] Mr. Bob: YOU ARE AN INFINITE PUSSY.
[15-27-21] Mr. Bob: ZOMG LOGIC.
[15-27-34] Magtheridon96: You people are associating the action with itself, while I'm associating the action with an abstract idea which points to that action again.
[15-27-49] Kas: ill get a Beaver and a Bieber
[15-27-53] Mr. Bob: MY GOD.
[15-27-59] Mr. Bob: HE IS A PROPHET.
[15-28-12] Kas: who? me?
[15-28-15] Mr. Bob: infinite prophet*
[15-28-28] Mr. Bob: no you infinite fool...
[15-28-44] Kas: im not an infintie fool...
[15-28-53] Kas: IM INFINITE KAS, FOOL!
[15-29-09] Mr. Bob: I mean our infinite master, Magtheridon∞.
[15-29-44] azlier: infinite infinity
[15-30-00] Mr. Bob: infinityception.
[15-30-03] Kas: azlier, thats a whole new topic
[15-30-03] Mr. Bob: It's just too much man.
[15-30-07] Magtheridon96: Infinite Bob would mean infinite assholes.
[15-30-13] Mr. Bob: My brain can't handle the infinityness.
[15-30-19] Kas bombs everyone to extinction
[15-30-27] ike_ike: infinite profi
[15-30-32] Mr. Bob: oooooh good one.
[15-30-45] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, Shut up you stupid little faggot!
[15-30-58] Mr. Bob: infinite faggot*
[15-30-58] Kas: must...rewrite...subject
[15-31-14] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, Yes, you're infinitely gay.
[15-31-18] Kas: Mr. Bob, ur Ms. Bob
[15-31-21] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, You're infinitely stupid.
[15-31-24] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, And you're infinitely little
[15-31-27] Mr. Bob: Fuck I just refreshed the page again.
[15-31-37] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, And you should infinitely shut up
[15-31-40] Mr. Bob: Can someone paste the entire log from my entry into chat into pastbin?
[15-31-46] Mr. Bob: I'd like to keep this.
[15-31-50] Mr. Bob: It's quite fantastic.
[15-31-59] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, While I infinitely ignore your infinitely vexatious ass
[15-32-06] Mr. Bob: infinitely fantastic*
[15-32-09] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, infinitely.
[15-32-25] Mr. Bob: ...and beyond!
[15-32-34] Kas: question, if something infinate is destroyed, what happens
[15-32-38] Magtheridon96: Mr. Bob, You're worse than Wazzz.
[15-32-47] ike_ike: start copying from [14-55-55] Mr. Bob: Learn fucking English you degenerate piece of bloody menstrual granny boobs.
[15-32-57] Mr. Bob: infinitely worse*
[15-33-03] Mr. Bob: yes

Mr. Bob is one of the most annoying people you'll meet... ever.
But, you just gotta love him.

See the highlighted ones? It was all downhill from there ...
Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
1. Got unbanned
2. Installed Minecraft (Damn never knew minecraft was awesome)
3. played minecraft
4. Made an experiment at my classmate's house
5. Posted this.
Level 6
Dec 8, 2009
I've had hard times with my internet. The youtube works and displays videos as normal, but logging in minecraft, using messenger and some websites are not working properly/at all.

Edit: Can't log in to minecraft or messenger, but some websites are working correctly.
Level 9
Feb 3, 2010
I'm back online on this site after many months of random things in my real life.
Top noticed things what I have done while I was away from this community so long:
1. Got a new computer.
2. Played TF2 all of the days.
3. Christmas and New Year was very good days.
4. Joined a UGC League team (A TF2 gaming league)
5. I missed some old times in this site, and things have changed here now. =D
6. Now I use Steam instead of playing from CD:s
7. Played BF3 in a only month. (Well it was a long story...)
8. Played some LoL and got bored of it, for 45th time....
9. I'm youtuber now.

Are my grammar still bad as these old times?
I just asked.

Ps: I going to celebrate my 2th year to be a (simple) member here.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
I got into the Tribes Ascend beta. So far the game is absolutely stellar, the multiplayer is very balanced and competitive, the graphics are tight as hell, and all the weapons feel amazing.
One thing though... The game is so horrendously unoptimized and demanding, that if I want to actually move my cursor at 30 f*cking FPS and actually kill someone, I am OBLIGATED to set the resolution to the lowest, no matter the detail level. Yes, on 1920 x 1080 + lowest settings, the game is still far unplayable. So basically, unless you can handle the blurriness of 1280 x 720 on a medium-config PC (though I did get used to it after like 30 minutes), I wouldn't recommend it. I always though that online games, especially FPSs are supposed to run well on weaker machines, they could've at least done some optimization :/
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