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What is so bad with Warcraft lore since WoW?

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Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
i would like to know your opinoins on why the lore is so bad and what things have been messed up since WoW.

recently i have realised something, the lore isnt messed up at all. you have to imagine that you are the only player in WoW and that when you do a quest it has never been done before, you have to imagine that when you kill an enemy, you are the only person killing it. you have to imagine that you are a character that has grown stronger and become a hero in wow, just like illadin or arthas and that you are not one of a million other players, but that you are the new hero of the alliance/horde. the way i see it, WC4 will probably let you import your WoW characters looks and carry on the story, because there is a story to it all, even fighting illadin, look on the WoW web site, its quite good. eventually you realise that the lore is just fine, you just gotta have some imagination :p
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
GST is on the right track, but I disagree with the whole idea that you are the only one playing. You have to team up with other Heroes that have become strong (from playing WoW far too much) to take down people like Illidan. The only problem with the Lore to me, is all WoW does to advance the story is kill another famous person, and add a small story line.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
i would like to know your opinoins on why the lore is so bad and what things have been messed up since WoW.

recently i have realised something, the lore isnt messed up at all. you have to imagine that you are the only player in WoW and that when you do a quest it has never been done before, you have to imagine that when you kill an enemy, you are the only person killing it. you have to imagine that you are a character that has grown stronger and become a hero in wow, just like illadin or arthas and that you are not one of a million other players, but that you are the new hero of the alliance/horde. the way i see it, WC4 will probably let you import your WoW characters looks and carry on the story, because there is a story to it all, even fighting illadin, look on the WoW web site, its quite good. eventually you realise that the lore is just fine, you just gotta have some imagination :p
The title is a misnomer. This isn't about lore at all. You just reiterated how storylines in MMOs work.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
yeh, but its the same with storylines in all games, just because you are playing through wc3 as arthas doesnt mean that someone else with the game cant play through as arthas. the thing im trying to say is that the story does make sense, you have to imagine that you are a normal person that has grown strong into a hero etc etc.... its just like in single player games where you can custoise your character, its just like oblivion, but with lots of other people at the same time.
Level 4
Apr 14, 2007
lore is broken after wc3 because they changed it to make it conform to WoW, which isn't even that good anywayt.

prime example:blood elves. wc3 blood elf campaign clearly states that all the blood elves left or were killed. WoW "blood elves" are normal high elves. how many times does this need to be said.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
yeh, but its the same with storylines in all games, just because you are playing through wc3 as arthas doesnt mean that someone else with the game cant play through as arthas. the thing im trying to say is that the story does make sense, you have to imagine that you are a normal person that has grown strong into a hero etc etc.... its just like in single player games where you can custoise your character, its just like oblivion, but with lots of other people at the same time.
Again, you are reiterating the purpose of a roleplaying game, which is, in fact, roleplaying, which, in fact, has nothing to do with why most people hate WoW.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
Again, you are reiterating the purpose of a roleplaying game, which is, in fact, roleplaying, which, in fact, has nothing to do with why most people hate WoW.

i dont think most people hate wow...most people wouldnt know what it was.

anyways i can reiterate what i want, because i can be happy playing wow and not be angry at everything like you.

have some imagination, you are a hero now, win the games against illadin and co...i dont understand why people find it so offensive to fight illadin...

anyways, none of you apart from Kjiverx has explained why the lore is bad, or why fighting illadin as your custom player instead of as arthas is such a problem.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
i dont think most people hate wow...most people wouldnt know what it was.
Over 8 million (that's over nine thousand) people play it. I know plenty of people who know what it is. I think it can be safe to assume that many, if not most, people know what it is. Either way, if you want to nitpick words, I'll be happy to add "here".
anyways i can reiterate what i want, because i can be happy playing wow and not be angry at everything like you.
A little ignorant, are we? I've never said I had anything against WoW's lore. You just assumed that because I was pointing out your logical fallacy. Learn to see colors and not just black and white. Also, the "Say what you want, I'll do what I want" statement is getting a little old in about, say, all the posts you've made in reply to me pointing something out. A little color in your creativity won't hurt. I enjoy many things. I have a healthy habit of criticizing many things. If you try not to act like an angsty teen every time what I criticize connects to you, everything works out better.
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Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
I have a healthy habit of criticizing many things. If you try not to act like an angsty teen every time what I criticize connects to you, everything works out better.

you have a habit of being an asshole. do me a favour, pretend i dont post, pretend i never say anything on these forums and ignor everything i say. i dont care for your opinoin so i dont want to see it.
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
Frankly. Because WoW is basically destroying all chances for a Warcraft IV.

And in the new expansion, you're going to kill The Lich King.

Now, it may just be me, but I find the fact that the most powerful being in Azeroth is going to be killed by a group of random players that nobody will remember 5 minutes after the deed got out, a little odd.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Yeah it's a game. But people is people, Whines about everything!
Stop using middle school excuses. Just because something is small, we can't criticize it? Bullshit.
Yeah, and the whole idea of "Death Knight" and "Hero Class". I mean... A DPS tank? Who ain't even using a frigging shield? Animates UNDEAD ARMIES???
well we're anyhow gonna end up with Murloc Demonhunters :hohum:
Stop complaining. Isn't this just a game?
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
They have said he won't be any better than the other races. Although blizzard has yet to balance the classes well. IMO of course.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Perhaps just repeating what others have said but:

Some ppl get annoyed because, the lore keeps getting altered and twisted to serve WoW's new additionans and expansions.
Every cool character is becoming killable with a quest to go hunt him down.

War 1/2 - its Human vs Orcs
War 3 - its Human + Orcs allied
WoW - its back to Humans vs Orcs

Stuff like this keeps getting changed, making the storyline seem less stable and consistent.


I actually quite like the whole warcraft lore, and always wondering what the'll do with it if a warcraft 4 ever comes out.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
The fact that you can kill both Arthas (near immortal) and a certain Fire Lord (Completely Immortal Elemental, you can't kill God so you shouldn't be able to kill this guy).

They have warped and twisted the Lore for the purpose of adding features and content to their MMO.

As i've said a billion times, Blizzard cares more about the money than the lore. If it draws in more players, to hell with the Lore, they say.
Level 2
Sep 23, 2007
What on earth gave you the impression that the Old Gods do not possess immortality? They are one of the eldest race to ever reside on Azeroth, and had already battled the Titans for eons before the invasion of the Burning Legion. This implies immortality to me, and not just an extended life-span.

I think many are confusing "Immortality" with "Invincibility".

Regarding the Death Knight Hero Class, I'm a bit puzzled about the origin of their powers. The original Death Knights were slaughtered Orc Warlock and Necrolyte spirits possessing the corpses of fallen Knights of Azeroth. Their powers were of demonic and necromantic nature, thus their powers were similar in life and undeath.

The second Death Knights were fallen Paladins in the service of Ner'zhul, the Lich King. Their powers originated from twisting the healing and defensive power granted them by the Light into dark and unholy offensive spells.

My point is, from where do these new Death Knight Hero Classes obtain their powers. It would make "sense" if f.ex a Paladin or a Warlock was to turn in to a Death Knight, but what of a Rogue or a Warrior? Do these new Hero Classes start their training completely from scratch (Lore-wise, not in-game), or are Blizzard moving away from the old pattern?

I know it's probably pointless quarreling, but still...
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