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WC3 games you would like remade for sc2

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Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
Hi all i was thinking the other day about how much better some of the games out for wc3 could be so much better in sc2. I was wondering which games you would like to see remade in sc2 with the better graphics and triggers.
I personally would like to see Battleships remade but with a space theme!
Level 6
Mar 19, 2010
well i liked Lords of Europe(some strategy games would be fine..:D) Vampirism... Castle Fight...and maybe more...but i cant remember now...:D
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
Vampirism and predator DEFINITLY!!!! theres already like 2 remakes of castle fight more or less. nexus wars and composition wars. theres also already a parasite out thats still in like early beta but its decent i tried it out right b4 the beta went down
Level 3
Jan 26, 2008

I'd like to see CF (Which I know is in the works) and I was thinking about trying to actually remake Earthbound into SCII since DSG dropped it.
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
I'd like to see an original idea and not a rehash of a wc3 game
And we'd like u to not post in a thread named "WC3 games you would like remade for sc2"

I'd really like to see SWAT:Aftermath or any other good zombie survival map that was done with wc3.
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
I'd like to see an original idea and not a rehash of a wc3 game
Good luck with that. Judging by the kind of maps that people are planning, a third of the games will be remakes of arcade games, another third will be RPGs featuring custom UIs and third person camera systems, and the rest will be first/third person shooters.

On a more serious note, a parasite style map done well would be nice to see (the one that was on bnet earlier kinda sucked). The Predator was also a fun map, would be nice to see a remake of that. SWAT should definitely be remade, and this time with a not shitty ending.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
i would like a footmen wars remade like with the different tiers, heroes, and everything.

and once skins and models get up and running a dbz tribute brought back. i feel that with all the extra stuff that can be done with the editor some REALLY cool stuff could be put into a dbz map. like when your playing you can fly and it puts you in a third person kinda view and you could have like flying battles!!

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The idea is to remake ideas that never fitted in WC3 and will fit well in SC2.

Swat AM is a perfect example, toggoling on plasma rounds or using the flame thrower would burn the zombies. Rocket launchers would make them explode appart (all the different death animations). Snipers would make them fall over after spraying a lot of blood on impact. All stuff WC3 could not support well or easilly and the physics would even allow for some debree and body parts to fly over the place. As day and night progresses the lighting would allow for realistic emulation of sunlight. The better pathing system would allow more zombies to move more fluidly than WC3 allowed. The bank support would allow an inbuilt save system (no need for external ones) where you simply build your character from a buitfully crafted interface instead of navigating abilities.

No need for vent or to kick people for not having teamspeak as the inbuilt voice chat would allow people to lead more easilly (no need for dicy third party tools). The inbuilt models are far more suited for SWAT play than WC3 was where various zerg units could be used for some of the zombies and for the heroes the ghost could be a sniper, the marines chain gunners and firebat the flame throwers etc (instead of all marine based models, the others could be equally unique).

The improved interface support would allow for easier axcess to buttons, like sprint could always be onscreen and able to be hotkeyed so no dual hotkey config to axcess crutial abilities. Radiation, civs and power could be displayed at the top of the screen allowing imediate judgement of progress. There could be the ability to display other values like EPS and DPS for players.

Swat aftermaths is an example of a map which could be remade in SC2 and take advantage of the new features very easilly, almost as if SC2 was made for it.

On the other hand a map like DBZ tribute has even fewer base models than in WC3 and as such would require huge ammounts of custom content to be doable unless you want zealots for syans and a ultralisk for etc.... Even in WC3 the custom models for goku and stuff sucked, having stilted, poor or mismatching animations and often with poor detail. How can you honestly expect SC2 models of them to be made when the WC3 ones were poor by WC3 standards. In short, such mapes would be further out of the reach than they were on WC3.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
@imtor well i tried the first one and it was HORRIBLE. the second one actually looks pretty well made.

@DR Super Good i agree that the models were not amazing but whos to say someone in SC2 couldnt do a better job. what if someone came along and did do some really awsome models and got everything working right. third person flying combat could be pretty sweet.
Level 1
Jul 13, 2010
I would like to see some ORPG in SC2 with some complex equipement system, weapon crafting system and maybe an tracking camera just like in Dark Invasion II (that game is AWESOME!). "What we wish isn't what it's done" someone said that... but I dream anyway :). Also I don't wanna see poor quality maps in the new version (man, How I dream...) and, of course, it can't miss that I don't wanna see bugs in the maps (that's it I'm gonna wake up before someone kills me when I'm still dreaming!!)

Another Rocking map of WC3 that would be fantastic in SC2 is NOTD: Aftermath, because I first saw the zerglings and the terrains in starcraft I. I wonder how it would be in the Starcraft realm...
Battle Tanks Is already on design for the SCII and it's one of my choices.
It would be funny, very funny if they would make TTW for SC2, XD

Now serious about orpg's, i'd like an ORPG just like we know, with a save/load coding, various heroes of choice, a story to follow, etc, etc, but if someone could join the multiboard system of Dark Invasion II with the New Backpack system that a guy here developed: Anachron's post, with the damage calculator system of Dark Invasion II, the damage showing in the screen just like Defiance's ORPG, the multi-boss and crafting system of The Black Road and (phew...) the saving code of Dark Invasion II (yeah I really loved this game, so what? :)), well, if there was an nobel of ORPG's, the map with all these features would earn it with a 100% of votes.

well, let's see the comments... (I have a bad feeling about this)
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
I would like to see some ORPG in SC2 with some complex equipement system, weapon crafting system and maybe an tracking camera just like in Dark Invasion II (that game is AWESOME!). "What we wish isn't what it's done" someone said that... but I dream anyway :). Also I don't wanna see poor quality maps in the new version (man, How I dream...) and, of course, it can't miss that I don't wanna see bugs in the maps (that's it I'm gonna wake up before someone kills me when I'm still dreaming!!)
Judging by the kind of maps people are making, there will probably be far more than enough ORPG games. Chances are most of them will suck, but I'm sure at least some of them will have innovative/awesome gameplay.

Also save codes are a thing of the past. People can just use banks now to prevent you from ever having to enter a single code.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
*hides behind something*what about pokemon world. was a pretty good map. i would like to see it in sc2 its one of my favorite maps!
Level 4
Jan 9, 2010
I'd like to see a new version of wilderness survival. Not sure how well that could be done. But damn that was a fine game :) Oh Oh Oh...and pretty much every damn game Callex ever made. lol. Things like Solar Conquest.
Level 1
Jul 25, 2010
I would really love to see metastasis and civ wars remade for sc2.
Metastasis especially since its a space theme x)

... And of coarse Uther Party. :]



Level 19
Nov 29, 2006
Level 10
May 3, 2009
The idea is to remake ideas that never fitted in WC3 and will fit well in SC2.

Swat AM is a perfect example, toggoling on plasma rounds or using the flame thrower would burn the zombies. Rocket launchers would make them explode appart (all the different death animations). Snipers would make them fall over after spraying a lot of blood on impact. All stuff WC3 could not support well or easilly and the physics would even allow for some debree and body parts to fly over the place. As day and night progresses the lighting would allow for realistic emulation of sunlight. The better pathing system would allow more zombies to move more fluidly than WC3 allowed. The bank support would allow an inbuilt save system (no need for external ones) where you simply build your character from a buitfully crafted interface instead of navigating abilities.

No need for vent or to kick people for not having teamspeak as the inbuilt voice chat would allow people to lead more easilly (no need for dicy third party tools). The inbuilt models are far more suited for SWAT play than WC3 was where various zerg units could be used for some of the zombies and for the heroes the ghost could be a sniper, the marines chain gunners and firebat the flame throwers etc (instead of all marine based models, the others could be equally unique).

The improved interface support would allow for easier axcess to buttons, like sprint could always be onscreen and able to be hotkeyed so no dual hotkey config to axcess crutial abilities. Radiation, civs and power could be displayed at the top of the screen allowing imediate judgement of progress. There could be the ability to display other values like EPS and DPS for players.

Swat aftermaths is an example of a map which could be remade in SC2 and take advantage of the new features very easilly, almost as if SC2 was made for it.

I am a big fan of SWAT. And i thought imedeately when they announced you can do a third person. SWAT Aftermath and the world of ORPG has changed forever!
I also thought of a good game that could be redone. SOTDRP
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