(26 ratings)
Animation Tags
None = VillagerMan Attack
Alternate = Onehand Attack
Channel = Twohand Attack
Defend = Defend Attack
Flesh = Spell Attack
Gold = Duel Attack
Lumber = Bow Attack
Work = Crossbow Attack
call AddUnitAnimationProperties(unit,"Alternate",true)
You do realize you have just posted on a eight-month thread/model. Don't do that
You do realize you have just posted on a eight-month thread/model. Don't do that
If anyone got ideas of a new animation I should add, please tell me. And if anyone know any othere animation tags I can use for the new animations please tell me that too
call AddUnitAnimationProperties(unit,"Alternate",true)
Just use Unit Required animations in object editor.Okok. I dont understand a shit ! :S
Where do i put this?:
JASS:call AddUnitAnimationProperties(unit,"Alternate",true)
I tried coustom script but i got "error" when i try the map
You may have already downloaded it.I can't use the model... It says "Could not load file"...
Anyone help?
Animation Tags
None = VillagerMan Attack
Alternate = Onehand Attack
Channel = Twohand Attack
Defend = Defend Attack
Flesh = Spell Attack
Gold = Duel Attack
Lumber = Bow Attack
Work = Crossbow Attack