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This is a VillagerMan where I have added alot of animations from other models. This model is really usefull if you want your unit to attack with bow, crossbow, onehand, twohand, duel, spell or defend attack animation. The model have 40 animations.

Animation Tags

None = VillagerMan Attack
Alternate = Onehand Attack
Channel = Twohand Attack
Defend = Defend Attack
Flesh = Spell Attack
Gold = Duel Attack
Lumber = Bow Attack
Work = Crossbow Attack

Just use this script to add an animation tag:
call AddUnitAnimationProperties(unit,"Alternate",true)

VillagerMan, Man, Animation, Animations, Attack, Walk, Spell, Death, Defend, Combat, System, Warrior, Fighter

Villager (Model)

Villager (Model)

14:35, 12th Apr 2008 General Frank: Approved. Very nice and useful model. Simple but extremely effective.




14:35, 12th Apr 2008
General Frank:

Approved. Very nice and useful model. Simple but extremely effective.
Level 32
Jul 23, 2005
Looks good. Looks real good. The only things tha could be fixed are the Channel animations(blade master) where he is standing in the ground. Open the model up in Magos and fiddle with the Translation animations for the Bone_Root. the other thing is the name. Change it from villager man to somthing else, like RPG Man or somthing.



Level 8
Dec 10, 2007
Thanks. I haven't noticed that the unit stand in the ground in the channel animations. I haven't used Magos so much, so can you tell me how I do raise the unit only in the channel animations?

Yes maybe I change the name when I update this unit
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Level 8
Dec 10, 2007
I will try add the marines animations. About the attachable weapons, I need to get permission from the author first before I edit the models. Well you cant call it edit the model, I just need to move the X/Y/Z axis.

But still it would look weird if I upload the same weapons as Talon the Mage has.
Level 8
Jan 11, 2008
You should remove all the stand alternate, stand flesh, stand gold, stand lumber, stand channel and stand work anims as they are all copies of the Stand anim. If WC3 does not find them when they're required, it will simply play the default stand anim. Also, the right arm twists impossibly in the Spell Flesh anim.
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Level 1
Sep 16, 2007
Am I the only one who doesnt get how im sopposto make the guys attack animation change?? Im making an rpg with this model and i dont know how to make it so when he picks up a weapon his attack animation changes... plz help me pm me or just post it here. But he is sopposto pick up a weapon and it makes that weapon appear in his hands (that part works) but it also needs to make is right hand attack so he can hold sheilds in his left (that part doesnt)
So i need to make his attack animation the right handed 1 D:
Level 2
Mar 14, 2008
Blooboom to actually tell him to do an animation i always use a gui trigger in the animation catagory, Play units stand animation, but of course you would use this after you add that animation tag to the unit.
Level 7
Mar 13, 2008
AirHead said:
i think it would be of great benifit to everyone if you
A: made much more models like this blizz made or user made
B: posted a tutorial on how to make a thousand animations (not literaly) on a unit.

Airhead, i think he made this model using Animation Transfer program.
A long time ago, in a request forum i asked him to do it, so i guess there it all began.
Nice job though, this model is very useful for RPG maps!
Level 1
Jul 23, 2007

how do i get the animation to work do i use the triggers can someone help pls!!
Omnimitsu I can help you with that. You have to make a trigger that plays the animation you want when it does something like the unit attacks with the work animation. To do this you make the event "Unit is attacked". Then on Condition use "Attacking unit equal to *unit*" And for actions use "Play Attacking units *attack work* animation" Same goes for every other animation. Just have the unit do a specific event and have it play its animation.