(26 ratings)
Animation Tags
None = VillagerMan Attack
Alternate = Onehand Attack
Channel = Twohand Attack
Defend = Defend Attack
Flesh = Spell Attack
Gold = Duel Attack
Lumber = Bow Attack
Work = Crossbow Attack
call AddUnitAnimationProperties(unit,"Alternate",true)
If anyone got ideas of a new animation I should add, please tell me. And if anyone know any othere animation tags I can use for the new animations please tell me that too
This is tricky hard to make, like for example I want to use this unit as a Footman, but when he uses Defend and he isn't moving it doesn't show the "Defend Stand" animation. Anyone got idea?
@UmbraUnda You can rename or delete animations you need/don't need. And you can do this for each class you have (So each class will have it's own model version of this).
Since the patch 1.27 is out, you're not bound by 8Mb of space. However I got only 7 class in my RPG so...
Isn't this the same with the Villager 255? Seems like he just copied the anims.14:35, 12th Apr 2008
General Frank:
Approved. Very nice and useful model. Simple but extremely effective.