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Videogame wars RP thread

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Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
Well the background has preset templates. And I think having the background as characters would look a little messy due to my inexperience of photoshop. Ganon by any chance do you have that map without any text? I can make it so it won't have the white box when you put on the text.

Nope. It has been a long time since my account got banned *I can actually log into it right now, but can't post anything*
Level 6
Jun 8, 2009
So................. I'm still working on the website. Made the new forums.

You guys should really check out my random off-topic post on ponys

I make a new off-topic post every week.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2009
Okay, well the website was just updated with another attempt at a IM. Tell me how it works. The intrusctions are on the homepage. If you have any comments tell me on the "Contact Us" page or in the forums!
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
Nothing against you or the website, but I just hope and would like it if the RP stayed in here. The RP seems to be dying, and I want to keep it alive at least long enough for it's sequel to see the light of the day.
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
So..... No website? Or no website until the RP is done?


@Peper: Well, as your character fought his brother, and defeated him, he was thinking about him. How he spent his life with him, and how his brother got his brain modified. And then, he remembers Shang Tsung, that he made his brother a baddy (Bad guy), and now gives himself one priority goal: Hunt down and kill Shang Tsung (Who basically is now with the rest of the evil leaders). This way, when our characters confront the evil 5 (Ganon, Sovereign, Deathwing, etc.)...
Level 3
Feb 2, 2011
Riku looked at Sub Zero curiously. I wonder what this 'Shan Tsung' person did to cause a look of hatred that intense.. he thought. He picked up his blade,soul eater,and walked over to Sub Zero. "You seem to be a talented fighter. What do you think of the idea of darkness?" Riku asked, considering proposing that Sub Zero ally himself with him.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
OOC: Really sorry guys for not posting enough.

IC: Predator ran through the tunnel. It was very dark and he didn't have his mask, so the olny way he could tell where he was going was by feeling the slimey walls with his hands. The further predator went, the louder the echoes of soldiers became. He ran around bends and sneaked past several unsuspecting guards. Soon he came to another big room, this time it was filled with thousands of camping antagonist's. This mass antagonist army was preparing to move out; aliens, heartless, zerg, undead, they all grabbed their torches and weapons and swarmed through a large opened gate on the opposite side of the room. Through the gate he could spot a glimps of light "that must be my way out" thought predator. Predator looked around the room again, and saw more antagonist's pouring out from tunnels connected to the room. He made sure no one saw him, and then he sprinted out into the closest tent, to Predators surprise an ugly heartless was also inside the tent. Just as it was about to scream, predator punched in in the face knocking it out. Predators helmet and wrist blades were on a small stool, "this heartless must have been a captain, they wouldn't give my powerful equipment to any regular" Predator suited himself with the captains armour, and with his found gear. "And if I can disguise myself as him, I'll have a better chance of eascaping"
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
"How did I land on such small sharps of Glass, reflecting the opposite image of me? Was my way that bad? The cleaning of this world, making it a better place... Was I really an evil Antagonist? Wasn't I the iron voice of Justice and the steel sword of Rightness? Was my hunt for Bloodedge and his "companion" nothing but a endless bloodshed from my blade? Was there any other way of Cleaning this world without making it redder? Wasn't I Hakumen, one of the Blademasters, the real hero?"
"...Seems like not. I need to pay for my extreme methods, or at least make up for them. I need to go to the other side."
At that precise moment, Hakumen sets out in the search of his new General, the real voice of Justice. Yet, his soul, tormented, couldn't accept himself being lead to the right way by another. But he knew, there's no other way to get out of where he was right now.
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Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
OOC: Seems like I'm Jaret and can do whatever I want to >:D

Hakumen looked around himself. Left - Undead swarms, right - thousands of Zerglings, behind - Hearthless, in front - all other deadly creatures, all of them talking in silence. He heard nothing. After a mere couple of seconds, the "Black void" that was in front of him started lighting up. The floor under it began to rise, and when it reached one point of height it stopped. He heard some more sounds from all sides, but couldn't see what was moving. Some humanly creatures started appearing on the new risen part of the ground, making it a stage. He was not impressed by the creatures that he saw, none of them were interesting nor strong enough in fights. But that was until the front row of the whole creature army appeared. All of the evil leaders from videogames appeared there. As expected, Ganondorf was in the middle, looking down on the huge amount of antagonists and lesser evils. Hakumen got annoyed by his voice. He wanted to cry out that Ganondorf needs to stop, as he was thinking that he could easily defeat such evil. He took a deep breath, and, irony wanted it; Someone from the masses screamed. All of the evil horde's "units" looked towards that man, and noticed a man hidden in red cloaks. No one could tell who he was.

"Your power is minor, Ganondorf, because that's all you know, you only know Evil. You do not know what power the light has. But you do not know what power them both have combined. I know it."

Ganondorf got insulted by such comments, and ordered the masses of evil to attack him. Hakumen was right next to him, he decided to help him. "I am the White Void, I am the Cold Steel, I am the Just Sword, with blade in hand i will reap the sins of this world and cleanse it!" He yelled. He left out the last part of his battle-cry, showing off that he changed sides.

"Time for action..." And the cloak got burned down, and angel wings appeared on the back of the person. He got recognized; It was Spawn, the hellish leader of Hell armies and an angel in one. He fought alongside Hakumen back to back. Powerful slashes from Hakumen, and Mighty punches from Spawn just wasn't enough to fight off the whole horde. "Justice will prevail! Hakumen yelled, and activated his Kokuujin Ougi: Mugen. He started waving his sword to all directions, much faster and with much more pressure on the enemy. Spawn saw that his Heaven form did little damage, so he activated his metamorphosis to the hell Spawn. He instantly became darker, stronger and faster, more violent and ruthless, less brain and tactics. He and Hakumen fought their way out of the center of the whole horde, and successfully escaped them.

Spawn, later on, turned back to his Heaven form.
-Come. Hold on tight. I'm going to lead you to our leader...
-Very well.
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Level 3
Feb 2, 2011
OOC: CRAP sorry didn't realise XD
IC: Riku lowered his voice to a serious tone. "Darkness offers many things. I bet you'll be able to take your revenge in no time" he said.
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
-Where are we, Both-sided friend?
-This, my friend, is the stationary of the Good characters - Judgement Dragon's Realm.
Hakumen takes a look around, seeing all kinds of good characters. He, though, doesn't see any "high ranked" character, most of them were half his size. All seemed weak around him compared to him.

-Are there any "stronger" characters around here?
-What do you mean?
-Some Beef-powered musclemen, with the strength of ten ordinary man - kind of characters.
-There are, though I don't see them... let's go over to Judgement Dragon - Maybe there are some at his place... OH darn, I can't right now. I need to dispose of my hell form - I am a treat right now to the goodness around here.
-Do that. I'll go alone to him.

Hakumen felt like a odd one - not only was he the only antagonist in the whole room, but he was also stronger than the most, if not, the most. He was disappointed - He expected Knights in holy armor, not cute animal-like characters. Nevertheless, he kept his mouth shut, and walked towards Judgement Dragon. In his room, he noticed a couple of characters - Arthas, Kratos, and other Positive characters. He noticed the absence of all of his "friends" - He wondered where Ragna, Noel, Rachel and co is.
Level 9
Apr 23, 2011
OOC: Hi fellow videogamers this'll be my 1st roleplay post

IC:After a tremendous sleep because of playing,creating and sharing, Sackboy woke up. He realized he was not at LittleBigPlanet anymore. He decided to talk with his chat popit tool. "Where am I? this is not LittleBigPlanet, but this is something more!" Sackboy felt a little sad. He decided to walk around and adventure again, hoping to get back to LBP. After a while he saw a sign with the message: PS3 City. "?" He said. Sackboy decided to walk around.

OOC:EDIT: Next post will after next post.
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Level 3
Feb 2, 2011
"It's not as simple as that. Accepting the darkness and gaining its power is something that takes much time. It does not simply happen in moments. Rely on it, and it will serve you well" Riku stated.
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
OOC: darn, I only remember the character from yugi oh because I'm playing it too much -___- and can I add more place like a flying sanctuary(yeah it's a field spell card from yugi oh,I was reading yugi oh card storyline and it make me want to add some of the monsters to this RP{I didn't broking the rules right?} )?
IC:Hideyoshi and Nene is joining the PS2 soldiers to fight the evil force. Their captain,the Marauding captain is leading them to the Evil force.
Marauding Captain: Are you Ready to fight the forces of Evil and Save our world?!
Soldiers: We are ready,We will fight to deeath to defend the world from the force of Evil!
Marauding captain: Let's Move!for justice and peace!
Level 9
Apr 23, 2011
IC: Sackboy wandered around PS3 City, suddenly he saw someone looking at him.He felt like he is an oracle. Sackboy talked to him, "What is this place? Where are my fellow Sackboys?" "This is the Ps3 City. Welcome to the Videogame World." "Huh?" Sackboy said. "You can have many friends, just dont wander too far or you may be found by evil forces."

OOC: Who will be my first character to meet? Need someone!
Level 3
Feb 2, 2011
OOC: After this i'd like to play Sasuke Uchiha.
IC: Riku followed along behind Nene and Hideyoshi. He had always wanted to fight monsters, while he was on the island, and now it was his chance. "Soon, Kairi" he said quietly to himself.
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
OOC: Really? Sasuke? And other anime characters?
...Well, maybe they have their own Video games and stuff, but it still doesn't change the fact that this is a Video game RP, not an anime cartoon one.

"Justice. Courage. Destiny. Those things have led me to pledge my soul, sword and life to you, dragon of Judgement. I hope your light can embrace my heart and lead me to the path of the real hero." Hakumen looked up to Judgement dragon. He hadn't seen such a beautiful dragon in a long time - no anger, no hatred. All but evil things. The forgiving heart of the Dragon could be read through his red glowing eyes. The white coat of it enhances the dragon's beauty - free of blood and dirt.
"...May light prevail." Said the Judgement dragon.

OOC: this discussion again (which is on some thread)... it would depend on the majority of us... for me, if they showed in a video game, I consider them to be video game characters...

I need to do some catching up... haha...


Noctis: "Master Sora, how long will I need to train?"
Sora: "Just a little more time Noctis, I feel that the time for you is near"
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