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Video Game Boss Suggestions.

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Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Not too sure if this thread is in the right forum for people to suggest bosses for my map, but here goes:

Any approved suggestions for bosses will be directed to my map Video Game Brawl Adventure RPG. You can check out the map here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...adventure-orpg-update-1-a-146376/#post1338077 (Even though its pretty inactive on this site anyway.)

Now, you can suggest any boss from ANY Video Game that are within the range of Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft (Includes Rare(ware) and Bungie), Sega, and Square Enix. I'm mostly looking for Nintendo, Sega and Final Fantasy bosses since the map is mostly comprised of series made from them (It).

Now then, suggest, suggest. :grin:
Level 11
May 10, 2008
hmm a dragon boss would be cool... a boss that can split up would be cool ( ex... a Cenepede!!! :p)... some giant demon.. or monster.... a boss that can teleport and shoot stuff.... hmm..... maybe a donkey kong kinda boss fight where u gotta get to the top of the place and instead of saving princess... u kill donkey kong... :p just throwing out ideas here :D hehe
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
yDonkey Kong would be sweet like what Geazergimli2 said. Maybe make him hanging on a tree and he throws boulders to attack you. If his angered, he jumps out and tries to land on you. But due to his heay weight he get stuck on the ground. And if hes dead, he gives you a golden banana or something.
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Ah, but the thing here is that DK is a selectable character, so he cannot be a boss.

Geazergimli2, the first four things you've mentioned, have already been planned for quite awhile. Those kind of ideas, I mean. Though if you have something interesting, like a certain to way to kill bosses or something that may occur in a boss battle that may be cool to see, I would definitely like to know so I can probably make use of it in some form.
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
1. Ares (Greek God of War) - Ares can be fought in Mt. Olympus. Armies would assist you, but can be easily killed by Aries. Maybe you need a special item to decrease the damage of Ares and allow him to be damaged, since he is a god. And his reward item could be his Armor.

Hyperlink: Click Me

2. Bowser - Bowser can be fought on his castle. He can spit out fireballs, and to kill him you need to use the lever, which destroys the bridge he is in, but he is blocking the bridge. The item he will give you will be nothing but Princess Peach, who will become a character.

Hyperlink: Click ME

3. Sephiroth - He is weilding his extraordinarily long sword, Masamune. Sephiroth should have a variety of spells, like Heartless Angel — which drains your character's life-force to a single digit. I dont know where he coulde fought but you decide. His droppable item could be his Masamune.

Hyperlink: Click Me

4. Wakka-wakka - Wakka-wakka are the villanous ghosts which try to enliminate you in the Pac-man world. They are Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde. They are faster than pac-man. They can be fought in maybe the Pac-man World and what you need to do it run away from them while picking up all the items which give you ponts. They have no droppable items since you will just run from them.

Hyperlink: Click Me
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Maybe a boss should be Princess Peach herself?
That would add a surprise power to the map ^^

For an example, you go to the ,,boss chamber" and see small peach with low hp and no attack at all. She runs away around, and when you try to attack her, she starts to cry. Suddenly, *something* appears and handles peach behind it. Peach becomes invulnerable or high hp-ed, with still no attack at all. You will have to fight the monster to make her vulnerable again, and dead. From time to time, Peach will cast a variety of spells, including heals, charms and other girly spells ^^

In the end, when you try to kill her, she starts to cry (again). Begging for mercy, she becomes your little invulnerable companion with healing powers.

What you think of idea? :D
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
1. Ares (Greek God of War) - Ares can be fought in Mt. Olympus. Armies would assist you, but can be easily killed by Aries. Maybe you need a special item to decrease the damage of Ares and allow him to be damaged, since he is a god. And his reward item could be his Armor.

Hyperlink: Click Me

2. Bowser - Bowser can be fought on his castle. He can spit out fireballs, and to kill him you need to use the lever, which destroys the bridge he is in, but he is blocking the bridge. The item he will give you will be nothing but Princess Peach, who will become a character.

Hyperlink: Click ME

3. Sephiroth - He is weilding his extraordinarily long sword, Masamune. Sephiroth should have a variety of spells, like Heartless Angel — which drains your character's life-force to a single digit. I dont know where he coulde fought but you decide. His droppable item could be his Masamune.

Hyperlink: Click Me

4. Wakka-wakka - Wakka-wakka are the villanous ghosts which try to enliminate you in the Pac-man world. They are Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde. They are faster than pac-man. They can be fought in maybe the Pac-man World and what you need to do it run away from them while picking up all the items which give you ponts. They have no droppable items since you will just run from them.

Hyperlink: Click Me

Well for Bowser, I have a good idea of what I want to do. Sephy seems typical, I can do that. Ares is a no, since Kratos is not in the map. Wakka-wakka lol, interesting idea though.

Maybe a boss should be Princess Peach herself?
That would add a surprise power to the map ^^

For an example, you go to the ,,boss chamber" and see small peach with low hp and no attack at all. She runs away around, and when you try to attack her, she starts to cry. Suddenly, *something* appears and handles peach behind it. Peach becomes invulnerable or high hp-ed, with still no attack at all. You will have to fight the monster to make her vulnerable again, and dead. From time to time, Peach will cast a variety of spells, including heals, charms and other girly spells ^^

In the end, when you try to kill her, she starts to cry (again). Begging for mercy, she becomes your little invulnerable companion with healing powers.

What you think of idea? :D

Hmm, you know, you gave me an idea. I'll think about this idea for a second and change it a bit. Although, it won't involve Peach in any way the way I will use this. However, this is a very unique idea, I like it, thanks :3. Do you have any more ideas? I would appreciate it.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Of course I have. But, you will just to give me names of characters. Here is my Bowser idea:

You enter Bowser's room. Suddenly, the door behind you shut down and Bowser jumps in front of you. He tosses some magical dust at you, an POOF! You are all simple critters now! He laughs hysterical and starts to hunt you. Suddenly, a toad appears, carrying a bomb with him. He drops the bomb, and bowser steps on and it's blown back to end of room. His health is a bit lower now.

That is cinematic. To explain what you have to do.

In game, you will have to grab the bombs Toads are dropping all around the room and to toss them at Bowser. Bowser will phase shift or something, to avoid them, maybe crush them with his arm, and he will chase you around the room. From time to time, he will cast slow shock waves or something that take away part of you hp. And from time to time, he will get tired, completely immobilizing himself and giving you a chance to toss bombs.

Bomb - deals normal damage
Red Mushroom - increases size of your hero, and move speed (bloodlust)
Purple Mushroom - stuns you for a while, or bowser if he takes it.
Fire flower - makes you deal more damage

Apparently, I missed Peach in this part. At the very tight situation, where he is low hp-ed and faster and more powerful, Peach will appear and toss several additional bonuses around map before bowser catches her and puts her back in her cage.

So, what you think? ^^
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
If you have Fire Emblem characters... the Black Knight would be good. A medieval/fantasy boss always has lots of possibilities, and he is among the top 5 strongest characters in all of the Fire Emblem series.

And I'll put in Ridley (or Meta-Ridley) from the Metroid series. Flying bosses also have excellent room for expansion.

Writing the book on WC boss design, I could suggest abilities if either boss goes through.

Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Of course I have. But, you will just to give me names of characters. Here is my Bowser idea:

You enter Bowser's room. Suddenly, the door behind you shut down and Bowser jumps in front of you. He tosses some magical dust at you, an POOF! You are all simple critters now! He laughs hysterical and starts to hunt you. Suddenly, a toad appears, carrying a bomb with him. He drops the bomb, and bowser steps on and it's blown back to end of room. His health is a bit lower now.

That is cinematic. To explain what you have to do.

In game, you will have to grab the bombs Toads are dropping all around the room and to toss them at Bowser. Bowser will phase shift or something, to avoid them, maybe crush them with his arm, and he will chase you around the room. From time to time, he will cast slow shock waves or something that take away part of you hp. And from time to time, he will get tired, completely immobilizing himself and giving you a chance to toss bombs.

Bomb - deals normal damage
Red Mushroom - increases size of your hero, and move speed (bloodlust)
Purple Mushroom - stuns you for a while, or bowser if he takes it.
Fire flower - makes you deal more damage

Apparently, I missed Peach in this part. At the very tight situation, where he is low hp-ed and faster and more powerful, Peach will appear and toss several additional bonuses around map before bowser catches her and puts her back in her cage.

So, what you think? ^^

By name of characters do you mean every present character/boss I have?

Well the tossing bombs idea seems okay, the other latter doesn't seem right, besides don't worry about Bowser, I all ready have an idea of what I want to do for him.

Lol cleaving. I have another map for bosses like Armogohma, although thanks for posting though.

Asomath, yes I have FE characters. I'm not too sure if the Black Knight may make an appearance however. Ridley is a yes of course.
Level 8
Sep 17, 2009
how about a witch ghost thing that posses one of the mane characters and now you have to go around travelling the world etc looking for who can help you get the ghost witch out of their body and help you fight it?
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
how about a witch ghost thing that posses one of the mane characters and now you have to go around travelling the world etc looking for who can help you get the ghost witch out of their body and help you fight it?

Well sounds like something I would use for a different kind of RPG, not exactly something I find very Video Game-related but more fantasy-like.
Level 28
Apr 6, 2010
Another Zelda one: the Twilight Princess Darknut miniboss.

Basically, your boss starts out with massive armor and equipment; huge shoulder pads, giant cape, horned helmet, a sword longer than he is tall, shield five feet across, etc.
So he does enormous amounts of damage, but moves and attacks very slowly. Now the catch is that as you attack him, he loses pieces of his equipment (and therefore his armor rating falls as well), but he attacks slightly faster every time. He may also gain new abilities (for example, losing his shield leaves him a free hand, to grab a unit or pull out a smaller sword to increase damage) to replace old ones (Defend comes to mind).

Once you have removed all his extra armor, he becomes a lot harder to hit and attacks much faster (for less damage), has entirely different abilities (going with the smaller sword thing, replace Cleaving Attack with Critical Strike or similar), but takes much more damage.

If you make him a hero unit, you can have the armor items be in his inventory, that drop off and can be picked up by other characters, who undergo the same movement penalties and armor bonuses.

Inspired by this guy, who reminds me a lot of the aforementioned unarmored Darknuts.
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
Another Zelda one: the Twilight Princess Darknut miniboss.

Basically, your boss starts out with massive armor and equipment; huge shoulder pads, giant cape, horned helmet, a sword longer than he is tall, shield five feet across, etc.
So he does enormous amounts of damage, but moves and attacks very slowly. Now the catch is that as you attack him, he loses pieces of his equipment (and therefore his armor rating falls as well), but he attacks slightly faster every time. He may also gain new abilities (for example, losing his shield leaves him a free hand, to grab a unit or pull out a smaller sword to increase damage) to replace old ones (Defend comes to mind).

Once you have removed all his extra armor, he becomes a lot harder to hit and attacks much faster (for less damage), has entirely different abilities (going with the smaller sword thing, replace Cleaving Attack with Critical Strike or similar), but takes much more damage.

If you make him a hero unit, you can have the armor items be in his inventory, that drop off and can be picked up by other characters, who undergo the same movement penalties and armor bonuses.

Inspired by this guy, who reminds me a lot of the aforementioned unarmored Darknuts.

Lol, I know what a Darknut is. But at any rate, to accurately create an armor breaking system on Warcraft 3 is like making 3 houses then breaking them down then making them again, its just too hard, takes too long, too much of a hassle, and doesn't work. Perhaps on Starcraft 2 but I doubt any chance of a Darknut armor breaking system in Warcraft 3.

However, the item thing sounds interesting. It gives me an idea, not so much for the Darknut but something else. Also, I never thought about using that model for a Darknut, I could use it for my Zelda map. Thanks. :thumbs_up:

Apheraz Lucent - That gave me idea. What about a some kind of evil mirror, that reflects illusions of your characters which you will have to fight.

There is a similar idea I'm thinking about that's kinda like that.
Level 28
Apr 6, 2010
^ Yes, but sadly not everyone knows of the awesome that is Zelda...

What I meant by the armor lowering was you basically create special effects on the unit (attaching shields and what not on hands, head, etc.) and remove them, via triggers every time his health goes down a certain point.

EDIT: And now that I have actually looked through the triggers and not found anything relating to armor, I understand your point. But it could still work with the items though...
Level 7
Jul 5, 2007
^ Yes, but sadly not everyone knows of the awesome that is Zelda...

What I meant by the armor lowering was you basically create special effects on the unit (attaching shields and what not on hands, head, etc.) and remove them, via triggers every time his health goes down a certain point.

EDIT: And now that I have actually looked through the triggers and not found anything relating to armor, I understand your point. But it could still work with the items though...

Perhaps. It is a good idea though. I have a few things I might use it for. I guess I'll keep it in the shadows for now.
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