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• Dungeon-Crawler Boss Contest •

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Level 9
May 28, 2007
• Boss Contest •

So I'm creatively stooped on the next boss I should have for my dungeon-crawler.

If you're good at creating interesting, fun, and challenging boss fights then I'd love to implement your boss into my map. You WILL be credited for your work, and you will even have an item named after you, with the effect of your choice.

The dungeon-crawler I am working on is here:

Be sure to check it out before suggesting an idea. It'll help you understand the overall feel for the game.

So, post your boss ideas in here and I'll pick the best one (or only one, if it might be) and you will get
- Your name in my map
- An in-game talisman crafted by you (including it's effect)

How to format your post:
If you already formatted your post, you can edit it if you want, or not. It's up to you, but your post was read anyway and your boss is still eligible.

Information required:
• Boss name
• Boss model (preferably in-game, not custom)
• Theme (helps me with terraining the boss area)
• Number of phases, if any
• All spells the boss uses

The HP/DMG/ARMOR and hard values like that will be adjusted for me based on balance. So you won't have to worry about putting those values in.

Additional Notes

I'm currently thinking of having multiple bosses in the final boss fight. This means I might select more than 1 entry from this thread. Some ideas may be tweaked around to better suit the game. However, if your idea is used in the most remote way, I will definitely give you credit.

REMEMBER IN YOUR POST PLEASE POST A TALISMAN EFFECT SO I CAN CREATE AN IN-GAME ITEM AND NAME IT AFTER YOU. THE EFFECT CAN BE ANYTHING, BUT PLEASE BE CREATIVE. (I don't want "a talisman that deals 65 damage"). Like the boss ideas, I'll tune the hard values of the effect for balance.

Here is an example:

Name: Sewer Beast
Model: Sludge Flinger
Theme/Terrain: The fight takes place in a sewer environment. The boss has sludge, acid, types of spells.

Abilities Used In All Phases
Infection: Inflicts a powerful damage over time spell on a random target, dealing X damage per second and X damage to allies nearby the target. Lasts for X seconds.

Phase 1

Acid Bombs: Spews out 3 lines of "acid bombs", at the current target. The first line is a straight line to the target, the second line is to the right of the target, the third line is to the left of the target. Within X seconds, the bombs explode and kill anyone that are nearby.

Phase 2 - Starts at 50%

Acid Spore: Summons an immobile acid spore that spits out at nearby enemies, dealing X damage. Can be killed.

Phase 3 - Starts at 20%
Split: The boss duplicates itself, and gains a damage increase.
Push: Knocks back all nearby enemies, and deals X damage.
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Level 6
Jan 7, 2007
Two bosses at same time. Brother and sister\two brothers\two sisters, *opposite force* themed.
Lets think bosses are Water and Fire spirits.
They dont move and keep nuking players with magic, water boss debuffs players with slow and silence, while fire boss debuffs with high damage dots and armor reduction. (well i think armor reduction is bad idea, because whole idea of bosses is magic-only damage :p)
Also, both bosses randomly throw AOE nukes around.
All players in this fight get debuff, which decreases their mana regen by like 150% (so they don't regenerate any mana and keep loosing it), BUT you get some amount of mana (or mana over time) when you deal damage to bosses. Bosses dont have health regen.
When health of one boss is lower than 75%, and second boss health is more than 75%, boss with higher health gets buffed up (like + spell damage and crit chance for fire boss and HIGH bonus to debuffs for water boss. For example, if water boss debuff usually lowers your attacking speed by 30%, buffed one will reduce your speed by 50%. Well numbers are question of balance so just change em to fit the map ^^) and reverse. These buffs become stronger as fight progresses, like at 50%/25% health bosses get even more buffs. If you keep both bosses at same health, like one you down one to 50% and fullhealth boss gets buffed, but then you lower second boss to 50% and his buffs dissapear.
If both bosses are below 50% health, they start to throw debuffs at players with a note in chat, like *Water Spirit /bossname/ sends seed of frost into /playername/'s heart* (lol). Debuff actually does nothing, but after 5-10 seconds it stays on player it explodes into cloud of energy (water\freezing cloud from water boss and burning groud from fire boss) at character location. It deals huge damage to anyone who stays close to this cloud, but you can move out and avoid this damage. Cloud will stay on ground for like 2 minutes.
So the idea is - you can focus on one boss and have another boss highly buffed or damage both and deal with clouds (as fight goes on you will get more and more clouds and less free space in boss room).
Your choice - deal with stronger boss or just watch your feet.
When one boss dies, second one rages for like 20 seconds, dealing insane damage to players. But when his rage expires (20-30 seconds), he becomes weaker and debuffed, making him easy target for evil players (he-he).

P.S. Um.. I think that's a bit too complicated, lol.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Hmm. Since you don't reply on what theme, I think I will just make it up.

Verrokh, Deep-Dweller of Chaos

Trapped deep inside the Cavern of Chaos for Eternity because of his unforgivable crimes. Verrokh sworn revenge on each and every mortal race because of this. However, the magnitude that recently happened in the Cavern of Chaos has freed him from his prison. Now, crawlers must defeat him to return him to his prison.

Base Idea
Verrokh is a DPH Skill-Intensive Boss. He hits hard, but is really slow.However, a single hit can cause the hero's health to 50% or even lower. Thus, players must quickly stun, slow, or do anything that can disable him. Failing to disable him at the right time can cause a wipe.

Health: ~50000 or so
Mana: ~4200 or so
Type: Chaos
Damage: Real Big
Speed: Very Slow
Type: Hero
Amount: Medium
Move Speed: Very Slow

Massive Crush
Strikes the target with a massive force, dealing X Damage. Also puts the debuff "Crush" on the target, decreasing its movement and attack speed. Casted once every 30 seconds.

Howl of Death
Verrokh unleashes a terrifying roar, knockbacking and damaging all units around him. Also puts the debuff "Deathly Howl", decreasing the Damage and Attack Speed of affected units. Cancels channeling spells. Random casting frequency.

When reaching 20% Health, Verrokh will be consumed by his Wrath.Things that this Buff does:

Pluses to Verrokh:
-Damage Increase (100% From Base Damage)
-Movement Speed and Attack Speed Increase (200% Both)
-Immunity From Disabling Effects, Slow Excluded
-Massive Crush's frequency is halved to One Cast per 15 Seconds
-Cannot be killed by DoT from Buffs (He will still take DoT from Buffs until he reaches 1 Health)

Minuses to Verrokh:
-Reduces health by 0.5% of Maximum Health Each Second
-Disables any form of Regeneration on Verrokh

Extra Notes:
-His attacks can be avoided by moving out of the way, similiar on how the Mountain Giant Boss in Tribe Wars Works.
-Fitting model would be This or This.
-Who killed this boss on the party, it doesn't matter. All players will get the same bounty for the trouble.
-It's better to have at least one ranged DPS or DPH while fighting this big guy to deal the Finishing Blow.
-Remember, Stuns and Slows are your best friend when reducing this Boss's Health to 20%, where he will begin losing health by itself.
-When in Wrath, Verrokh can kill most hero in one hit.

That's my idea. Although it's a little basic (Only Three Skills and Two Phases), it should give most player a clusterfuck of problems.
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Level 7
Dec 8, 2005
Glook, Dweller of Corruption

Form in the Great Swamps of Cren. This creature is the essence of darkness. Formed from the hated and regret from lingering souls of the men who have died in the swamp. This monster has killed many mages who have tried to harness the powers of the collection of soul.

Base Idea
Slime based hero that requires so micro managing and control of adds.


Toxic Bile
Targets a random unit and hits them with a bile of acid. Lowering armor and speed while dealing damage per second

Every 30% life lost. He places 2 adds on the field that have a chance to cover a unit in sticky slime, rooting them. While these 2 adds are on the field, Glook hides and regenerates .02% of his life every second. When both adds are dead before he reaches full health, he will lose 10% of life and the fight will continue. At 30% life left, he will stop Splitting

At 30% life this phase will begin.
Causes the swamp to boil with the amount of acid in the water. Roots will appear from the water and the team will have to stand on them to avoid the tosic water. All units in the water will have a stacking debuf that will eventually kill them. Players will have to keep moving and manage attacking while staying out of the water.

Extra Notes:
-He does not move, he is stationary at the top of the field.
-Fitting model would be slime monsters that are already in the game.
-Who killed this boss on the party, it doesn't matter. All players will get the same bounty for the trouble.

Well this is my idea and thanks Dead for the platform of a basic form to write out the bosses. If you like this guy, I can think of a few more if you like. This is all simple triggers but effective for a fun game play I think. tell me what you think
Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
Brothers :p

I'ma puttin' two heroes, since you said brother/sister - brother/brother.

1 - Derechus, Arcane Dweller
Theme: Arcane
Model: Medivh
Phases : Normal, Frenzied

Derechus, creature of the Arcane, is a powerful spellcaster that, with a single spell, devastates an entire army. His magic is so powerful that he could damage himself with it.

Base Idea

Derechus is a spellcaster. He mainly attacks with spells, and has low damage and speed. If he attacks you with a spell, he may deal HIGH damage. But if you stun him, he recieves 1/3 of the spell original damage.Requires high teamwork and managing.

Skills -

1 - Essence Of Magic
The arcane dweller launches the essence of magic he has in an area. The area is blocked, any unit inside it recieves damage per second, and cannot leave it. (Cannot enter it too) after some seconds (few seconds) the "cage" explodes and lets you pass.

2 - Arcane Explosion
Derechus explodes all areas in 500 range. It will deal damage to any unit in the range, and "Arcane stab" him (makes him not cast spells for some seconds)

3 - Blast
The boss channels a huge-damaging spell. After a second of channeling, he will blast a line and deal GREAT damage to the caught unit. Should be avoided at any cost.After one second, more blasts spawn from the point of the caught unit, dealing less damage, but are in 8 directions. It continues until reaching 10 caught units. If a unit is not caught, nothing happens.

Here's the first.
Extra note(s):
He deals almost no damage, but attacks fast.
He is totally spellcaster. unlike his "brother".
Excuse me if I missed a B, my keyboard is crazy today.

2 - Doom Seer, Evli
Theme: Dark/Arcane
Model: Far seer (black)
Phases: Normal, Enraged

Evli, like his brother, is a creature of great power. It slays an enemy with one hit. But, his powers diminished.. Rendering him less powerful.. And the more attacks he deals, the less powerful he is.

asic Idea
The Doom Seer deals very high damage at a very slow rate of fire. With every hit, its power diminishes. Like, it starts with 300 damage, when it reaches 100 damage, its attackspeed becomes higher. He most of the time does not cast spells, though.Unlike his rother..


1- Fiery Doom
When the doom seer last hits a unit, it deals damage to all nearby units, and Evli regenerates his power (damage). When it first hits it, its next attack becomes much more powerful.

2- Dark Volcano
Evli spawns a volcano near him. The volcano launches powerful rays of darkness to random areas. The units caught in the areas will get stunned briefly, which allows the Doom Seer to attack them.

3- (Rage Ultimate) Power For Speed
When Evli's damage becomes lower than 100, he gains higher attack speed. When it gets higher than 200, his attackspeed goes back to normal.Also, when hitting a unit (his accuracy is low) he spawns a minor demon. If the minor demon attacks someone, he spawns a demon. If the demon attacks someone, he spawns a Great Demon. The summoned units have a fast attack speed, but very slow movement.

Extra notes:
I think I missed some B's. :p

Talisman you said:
Talisman of Doom Lord - This talisman emits a strange aura. The user gains damage, and movement speed. The power of the Doom Lord inside it makes the enemies tremble.. Reducing their accuracy when attacking the wearer. But, this talisman drains the soul of the wearer, making him lose some health.. And when attacking a boss doom-themed, heals him of 10% the attack.
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Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
What's the matter in that? I did not know how to put them, so I put them like that >.>
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
You got the point.

Oh yeah, I've already thought up of the Idea: Ananta-Sesha, Wicked Serpent of Destruction. Fuckload of complication, Skill-Intensive, And more shits from WoW Raid. xD
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Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
did you like our ideas? If yes, we can try make more.. If not, we can try improving..
EDIT: Like or not...

3 - RuneLar, Last Naaru
Model : some rune.. Shall be big. No, not grey. :p
Theme : Runic/Arcane
Phases : Normal, Enraged, Dark Soul, Last wish
After the Outland Doom, the Naaru's have totally disappeared..Because of their big size, they could not hide from the great Doom Lords. RuneLar was the only one who survived. His Arcane powers saved him.. And restored Outland. But, growing strong day by day, became too strong for his soul. He could not continue, and the only way to survive it, was to become dark. Now he infects the soul of every single being in Azeroth, creating havoc and destruction in the world.Now he is locked in the Caverns of Chaos, for eternity..

Base Idea
This Naaru infects. When he infects with his spells, you lose your mind for 3 seconds, and start attacking your own allies. Can be funny to play against..


1 - Infection
RuneLar launches a mind-diseasing wave of power. The power is so great, that it bounces to another area when reaching an enemy. But, the effect will be dissipated when it bounces.
What does it do? : The spell controls the unlucky caught unit, making him attack his own allies for some seconds.

2 - Rune...Runes...Runic Power
RuneLar splits into many runes. The runes are very slow, but DEVASTATING.After 20 seconds, he goes back to his normal form. The runes should be avoided at any cost.

3 -(Enraged phase) Embrace The End
RuneLar Strikes an area so fast. He deals very high damage.Then he starts turning around and around for 5 seconds. When he turns around, it is your chance to kill him: He is very vulnerable.

4 -(Dark phase) The TRUE End
RuneLar explodes.He splits into 10 Runes. Every rune attacks a small area. the runes then transform RuneLar into his normal form.For 10 seconds he will get an accuracy boost.

5 -(Last Will phase) Last Will
When RuneLar approaches dieing, he deals insane damage to all units in 600 range. The best to avoid this, is to have a divine shield..
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Level 7
Dec 8, 2005
ya, i am also curious as to what about different peoples ideas or maybe you are looking for things that are more difficult or complicated, just give some feedback!
Level 9
May 28, 2007
Here are some things that I look for:

Boss spells that require a specific reaction (from a range of reactions ie moving away from a point or healing a specific target quickly - spells that create an effect that only have 1 solution are better suited for harder spells)

I don't need a synopsis

The ideal spell is easy to understand, but creative enough that you haven't seen it before in Warcraft III.

Also a lot of these spells are kind of similar. For example:

2- Dark Volcano

This spell is already in teh game, for another boss.
Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
How could we know that was in game? ^^ You need to have given us an example, and give us an example please.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Mah other idea:

Ananta-Sesha, Wicked Serpent of Destruction

Sealed deep inside Caverns of Chaos, this beast has once slain Fifty Thousand Elites from the Army of Blood. Not much is known about this monstrous thing except that it has the shape of Five-Headed Serpent.

Base Idea
First of all, he has Nine Phases divided in Two Stages. On the first stage (3 Phases) You fight Ananta-Sesha’s Avatar. On the Second Stage, you face Ananta-Sesha himself. First Five Phases of the Second Stage are similar, each based on Elements. On the Final Phase, You encounter each and every head. AT ONCE. Bring clusters of Regen and Healing Items. Otherwise, The Serpent will easily Wipe you and your team.

Phythus Ankondar, Avatar of Ananta:

Health: ~15000
Mana: ~15000
Type: Hero
Damage: Medium
Speed: Fast
Range: Ranged
Type: Hero
Amount: Small
Move Speed: Normal

Brood of Ananta (Appears only at Phase 3):
Health: ~20000
Mana: None
Type: Chaos
Damage: High
Speed: Slow
Type: Heavy
Amount: Medium
Move Speed: Very Slow

Ananta-Sesha, Wicked Serpent of Desctruction:
Health: ~13000 (Each Head), ~70000 (Final Phase)
Mana: ~5000 (Each Head), ~50000 (Final Phase)
Type: Chaos
Damage: Medium (Each Head), Very High (Final Phase)
Speed: Slow
Type: Hero (Heads), Divine (Final Phase)?
Amount: Big
Move Speed: Very Slow

Phythus Ankondar, Avatar of Ananta:
Venom Strike

Pythus flings a Venomous Fang at target unit. Deals damage and puts the debuff "Venom of Ananta's Brood" which inflict great amount of DoT on the target for 30 seconds. Random casting frequency.

Snake Assault
Summons a storm of poisonous snakes at target AoE. Deals damage and summons 3 Venom Snakes at target AoE. Venom Snakes are summoned after casting. Venom snakes has Envenomed Fangs, which poisons any units that they attack. Random Casting Frequency.

Venom Overload (PHASE 3 ONLY)
Used only on a hero affected with "Venom of Ananta's Brood" debuff. Exploits the hidden power of the Venom, inflicting heavy damage, removing the debuff and puts the target to be Aggro-ed by Broods of Ananta.

Brood of Ananta:
Venomous Fang (Passive)

Poisons any unit that becomes the victim of Brood of Ananta's attack.

Poison Instinct (Passive)
Always change the target of attack to the last hero hit by "Venom Overload".

Ananta-Sesha, Wicked Serpent of Destruction:
First Head (Fire):

Burns the target unit. Increases its attack speed but also inflict heavy DoT.

Firestorm (Carried to Final Phase)
Summons a raging storm of Meteors at target AoE. Inflicts heavy damage and Heavy DoT Debuff "Ananta's Flame".

Second Head (Water):
Sea of the Cavern (Passive)

Ananta's second head will be surrounded by a shallow lake, which will heal his Health by 300 Health per Second.

Tsunami (Carried to Final Phase)
Ananta's second head will come into a five second trance and increase the depths of the lake so that no Melee Units can reach him (all Melee Units will be Knocked Back by 200 Units Away). After he breaks his trance, Ananta unleashes his wrath in the form of a Tsunami. Dealing heavy damage to all units in the area.

Third Head (Wind):
Raging Winds

During this phase, Ananta will periodically summon deadly roving winds which inflicts heavy damage to any unit that it hits.

Massively increases Ananta's Attack Speed. Also gives him a chance to inflict the debuff "Ripping Winds", which slows the attacked unit and inflicts contionus DoT. Aerocrush Buff lasts for 90 Seconds. Ripping Winds Debuff lasts for 30 Seconds.

Fourth Head (Earth):
Mass Shockwave
Your usual shockwave. The difference is that Ananta can cast it multiple time at the same time to all sides on his front

Cave-In (Carried to Final Phase)
Ananta slams the rooftop of the Cavern. Bring down rocks to break the grounds. Any unit that got hit by the rocks become stunned and take some damage. Also increases Ananta's armor by 50 for 30 Seconds.

Fifth Head (Darkness and Poison):
Toxic Terror (Carried to Final Phase)

Ananta viciously attacks the target unit. Inflicts heavy damage and gives the DoT Debuff "Venom of The Wicked Serpent".

Torrent of Darkness (Carried to Final Phase)
Summons a swirling energy of pure darkness which will pull any units inside it and heavily damages them

Final Phase has some skills listed above, plus:
Balancing of Desctruction
Heals Ananta by 3000 Health per seconds. Additionally, increases Ananta's Attack Speed by 30% and gives him an Immolation Effect

Avatars of Destruction
Summons Five Elemental Avatars of Destruction, which will lend a hand for Ananta to wreck havoc in the battle. Flame Avatar has skills of Ananta's first head. Water Avatar has skill of Ananta's second head. and so on.

Extra Notes:
-Fire Head specializes in DPH. Water Head specializes in Surviving by Self-Healing. Wind Head specializes in DPS. Earth Head specializes in Surviving with Massive Armor Count. Fifth Head specializes in Quick Killing.
-Pythus should use Medivh's Model, only tinted green-ish.
-Hopefully no Indians will be offended by this idea.
-Pythus's Second Phase:
Starts at 60% Health
Pythus is Invulnerable
He shoots Snake Assault everywhere each 5 seconds
Stops after 60 seconds
-Pythus's Third Phase is an usual fight, only that he got an extra spell and four adds.

Dead Man's Reach
Armor Corruption Orb Effect (-15 Armor)
Stat Increase (+21 Strength, +10 Agility, + 30 Intelligence)
Wither (Active)

Heavily reduces the armor of the target and inflicts 800 Chaos Damage to the Target

The hand of the legendary benevolent Lich Dead-Man-Walking. Despite being buried for thousands of years, this hand still retain most of it's former powers
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