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Videogame wars RP thread

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Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
Ic:the shadowy figure summon up 3 big bodies.and then he murmured a spell,and pointing to a villager."What the...?!"a green light came out from the villager mouth.he shriek in agony,blood came out from his mouth.his stomach fall down,one of his finger detach itself.his flesh turned slimy green,and his eye melt and smudged in his cheek.he turned bigger and bigger,and then he died.another two shadows and a big body charging to Riku and shadow Riku,While Hideyoshi strike a lava spawn with his staff."Grrroah!!!"The dead villager raised as undead and he vommit smelly odors and twenty maggots."What the hell?he turned into-"before the footman finishing his word,the zombie villager vommit a putrid green liquid at him.the footman scream in his pain,and he turned to undead."This must be stopped!" Say hideyoshi.
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
Ooc:eek:h -.-" Sorry.by the way, I want to tell you before you ask who is he.He's a Nobody sorcerer.
IC:"yeah,let's finish him before he turns the other into zombies!"Hideyoshi leap to him,but a big body punch hideyoshi throat.he fall down and damaged,but then the big body misteriously killed."Honey,are you all right?" Say Nene."I'm fine,Nene." He stand up,and see the figure laugh and sya"Puny mortal.."The Zombie villager charging to Nene.she jump to the zombie and hit the rotten zombie with her blade right on his head.the zombie roars and fall,but his flesh were turned black like a dark shadow.then,his flesh cracked,and thousand maggots came out from the cracked flesh,mouth,nose,and ears."Ew that was disgusting..." Say Nene with a a scared emotion .the maggots jump to Riku and Hideyoshi,and they bite their flesh"Ouch!"Hideyoshi throw those meddlesome bugs from his body.
Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
Crang! At last, Sub-zero managed to knock scorpion's sword away.
"Give it up now scorpion."
"You didn't understand, Sub-zero. You are nobody on this war"
"What do you mean?"
"This is the war about protagonists facing the antagonists, no matter that they are good or evil. Even if you are good, in the most Mortal Kombat games you are the antagonist."
"...You're right..."
"Now join me, into the PS2 city we will beat those protagonists and conquer the land."
"Yes, let's go."
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
OOC: Traitor!Like Arthas!Slew your own Innocent Citizen!But i want this >:D
IC:"You all shall be my minion..."The figure smile.Nene summon a copy of herself and punch many stinky maggots.The Zombie footman leap to Hideyoshi,but Hideyoshi evade it and Punch him with his staff,and the zombie head cutted out and some Purple blood spit out from it.A Big body charging to Nene,She Hitted,and she scream"Nene,are you allright?""Yes,Honey,it just hurt a little..."Before Nene finishing Her word,she heard a SLASH!And she saw Hideyoshi Hit the Big Body with his staff very hard,and instantly kill it"...bit"
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
IC:One more big body left,Nine Shadows left,one Nobody sorcerer left,and five lava spawn left.There's still may,well not very many though,Still Survive and Fighting Hideyoshi,Riku,And Nene.Hideyoshi was confused because where's the other guards?Should they help them fighting?Dammit.He got tired by this battle.That Bastard maybe going to summon up more creatures.Hideyoshi Using his Stomp ability and stunning all of his enemy near him.He Swing his Staff to The Big body and the Big body is damaged.Suddenly,the Sorcerer looks suprised"We'll meet again,Puny Mortals..."The Sorcerer suddenly gone.All of his minions are gone with him.
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
OOC: Sorry for controlling your character, -Peper-, I had to.

As Judgement dragon said the last details about the attack, the troupe of 4, Plok, Kratos, Arthas and Kain were teleported to the city of Sony PS2, where the war was really heavily fought.
Plok looked around, and saw Sub-zero dashing alongside Scorpion, Smoke and Noob Saibot to the front gates of the city. He wondered, because he saw Smoke, Scorpion and Noob fight alongside him. He figured "maybe he... convinced them?"
-What is it, Plok?
-I dunno.... I saw this good fella of mine, Sub-zero, dashing right there through... He's running towards us.
-Oh. He's an antagonist from what I can see.... he's no longer your "fella"
-But... I fought alongside him, the temple, the forest, all that... for nothing?
-That. Destiny. You may never know what'll happen. The nearest ones inflict the most damage on us.
-Enough Chit-chat, We have to save a city! Said Arthas.
-They're mine... Added Kratos.
-I guess war has no friends.

Sub-zero stopped running the same second he saw Plok. You could see from the eyes, his stare. Freezing cold. Inflicting the heart of the viewer with a cold dash of glazers.

-Sub-zero... After all those what we've been through? You should be ashamed of yourself. Allying with your enemies. Spineless beast.

It was destined to be like this. Sub-zero was to fight Plok at this very moment, Scorpion stood against Kratos, Arthas had to fight Smoke and Kain stood against Saibot. Plok said out loud in himself "This is going to be the hardest fight yet, since this is going to develop the things in the world, this time... It ends."
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
IC:The sorcerer is gone. His heart are now calm,because it was ended.and some soldiers are coming."We're too late!"Say the captain."Yeah you all are very...VERY late."Say hideyoshi and he's frowning"We're sorry,we'll try to came faster on the next battle."Clang!a sound of a sword came out from a sound caming from the front of the city gate.hideyoshi,Nene,the captain,and 20 soldiers rushing to the city gate."Impossible!"
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
IC: predator was still chained to the floor, but he began to remember things. "We were all fighting together"....."fighting for PS2, defending it from the countless invaders"....."then dark Riku came, he slaughtered friend and foe alike"....."I couldn't stop him" Predator strained to remember what happened next. "My mortal enemy the Alien Queen joined the battle, she killed most of our allies and managed to knock out dark Riku"....."I was beaten and taken captive"..... Predator wondered if PS2 could hold the attackers off after he was taken...... "I have to get out of here"
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
Plok run'd dashing onto Sub-zero, twice as fast as usually. He jumped into the air, and turned into a Buzz-saw, but instead of attacking Sub-zero, he cut the floor where he was standing on from the rest of the Platform. He kept spinning around Sub-zero, and finally they saw his intentions. He wanted the floor to start rotating, dizzing Sub-zero.
"I told y'a."
Plok then took out his special gift, and opened it... and in it, there was the Shotgun suit. "Lumberjack time!" He shouted out loud, beginning shooting in the direction of Sub-zero.
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
Plok jumped to the side. He landed almost falling down and crashing onto the floor. He looked around, and saw a stick. He picked it up, threw it onto Sub-zero. But as he threw it, he quickly hurried and ran behind Sub-zero. He turned into a buzz-saw once again, jumped into the air and blended Sub-zero's eyes by reflecting the sun's flares. The stick was traveling through the air really fast.
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
"You... Are right. Sub-zero, listen closely. YOU are not an Antagonist. You're a protagonist, just like me. You have your own game, Sub-zero. Mythologies. It was on N64 and PS1, and featured only you as a playable character. YOU MUSTN'T FIGHT FOR THEM!"
Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
Scorpion then tried to convince him while fighting. ''Don't listen to him! Sub-zero mythologies are only one game! No one will ever mention that game!''
Then, Sub-zero himself know he isn't doing the right thing, but Scorpion was not wrong either. He trapped on his own mind.
''Am i... A protagonist?'' he asked it to himself, until then he knows the answer.
''I am... A protagonist, and an antagonist. Then which side should i?''
Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
OOC: I have to insert HIDDEN TAG here...
"I am...."Sub-Zero walked towards Scorpion, but then he throwed the blade, piercing Scorpion. But unfortunately it doesn't kill him.
"You... traitor. After the all I gave to you, you gave me this?!" Scorpion rages, he throw off his mask, exposing burning skull.
"You just too afraid, Sub-Zero.."
Sub-Zero then readies to fight his own brother, former Sub-Zero, the Noob Saibot. "Then you will try, brother"
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
-We must help him! said Arthas as he lifted his heavy sword.
-Stop. It is not our battle.
-...Guess You're right.
-He will finish off Noob Saibot, I feel it. This battle... is ours. Good has won over Evil once again!

As they saluted and applauded, they saw there's no way to stop Sub-zero from fighting his own brother... Noob Saibot. "It is quite sad" Said Kain as he stay'd put his Soul Reaver. "Brothers shouldn't fight... I've learn'd it the hard way. Who murdered and took another man's soul for the first time? It was Adam's son, who killed his own brother, cold blooded, emotionless. That was the first, no, second time when Evil prevailed over Good... It's a shame.
-How do you know that story?
-It's often mentioned in some games, and it is mentioned once in mine as well.
-Aham.... Ok, then, Let's get going!

...And they teleported away.
Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
IC: As soon the battle start, Noob uses his special move, he disappeared. But Sub-zero already know his tactics, he concecrates. As soon he heard clinging sounds, he dodged to the right. Shurikens.
Sub-zero readied a Kori Blade, he opens his eyes and swinging in one direction. The blade hits something, and freezes, revealing Noob's weapon, Wrath hammer.
''You have learn much, brother. But experience can't even beat me!'' with one swing, Sub-zero's blade crashed into shred.
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
-So basically... I think we won this Fight.
-One fight doesn't win the war... We've got a long way till that happens.
-Guess you're right, Edward Cullen.
-Who's Edward?
-No one...
-Well, whatever.
-So... what's our next move? Should we advance to Xbox, I mean... I don't want PS to be the only Next-gen continent that is not affected by this... bullcrap.
-I suppose... But how will we reach there where the war already is in progress? We need to hurry if we want to save what can be saved.
-Well... Wait, I'll go to Judgement Dragon and ask him.

Plok enters the room where Judgement Dragon was. Judgement Dragon watched through his window, hoping that the evil forces won't find out a way to reach his domain.

-Hey Judge. So, what's our next step?
-Full name addressing next time, Plok... Our next move is nothing.
-You heard me. We don't stand a chance against the evil forces in Xbox. You know, Ganondorf, Deathwing, Sovereign, and a lot of other characters are there... We are doomed if we proceed.
-...I don't care. There's a lot of innocent citizens out there, you want to tell me... We're leaving them behind?!? You're no hero if you say something like that...
-I see what you want...
-Yes you see... You are blind, my friend.
-No. You are blind, Plok. Throw away your courage and braveness, and rest here. Time will tell what'll happen.
-No. Destiny isn't something that happens like that, we are writing our own destiny by making choices. I will go, if you like it or not.
-You won't return.

So Plok jumps down from the sky, teleporting to the center of the Xbox360 city. He looks around, and sees Royal guards fighting the mighty Stalfos, Dragons against Griffins, Undead against the living. "What a horrifying sight!" said Plok in himself, looking for some point where he could hide until he made up a strategy. Suddenly, he got attacked by a necromorph, a dangerous hazard from Dead space. HE jumped, and turned into a buzz-saw, cutting the head of the necromorph off. But nothing, he still lived.

"Dammit, this is something immortal... At least I can cut off his legs and run away." So, once again, he turns into a buzz-saw, and cuts off some of the necromorph's limbs. Limb loss killed him instantly. "I get it now. These look like they don't have a brain. Now, enough of this nonsense, I gotta keep moving." Plok then proceeds toward the main Castle, that was crumbling down towards it's feet. The stoney and Rocky continent seemed flat during the attack.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
IC: Predator had lost count of how many hours he had spent smahing an iron ball on his chains. Every now and then, he would stop and wait for a guard to pass, before resuming the smashing. He was almost through the chains that held his feet down.

After some time the chains snapped and he could stand up finally. The chains and balls on his arms were now easy to lift so he didn't bother with them. He silently crept around towards a big tunnel; somone was coming. He picked up an iron ball, and waited for the guard to pass. Predator bashed the ball against his skull, knocking him out; and ran through the tunnel, looking for an escape rout.
Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
IC: The battle proceed as Sub-zero fighting unarmed.
For one moment he lost the track of Noob, which in the next second crushing his head with the hammer.
''Told you, brother. You can't win.''
But then Sub-zero's corpse began to looks like ice.
''You even mistaken me with the ice clone, Noob. Game over.'' Sub-zero appears from behind, impaling his hand into Noob's heart, which made him froze.
''You... Win'' Noob shatters, revealing ice-cloud like figure, the former Sub-zero, his brother.
''Well done'' The figure said, dissipating. On the moment the figure gone, Sub-zero stared at the sky and replied. ''Thank you.''
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
"Well basically, destroy the core and you'll destroy the body, right? I'm pretty sure Ganon's right up there."
Plok then bashes towards the front door, and, interestingly, it was not guarded by either good nor evil forces. Instead of going in through the main door, he decides it's better to sneak in from behind. So, he goes around the castle, and enters through a small opening, in front of it was a pond. "I've got a fishy feeling... Fishy." Plok looked around, and then again, he saw nothing. "...This is strange." That sentence was echo-ing through his mind over and over again, at times even scaring him. "DAMN IT, I HATE SILENCE!" He screamed out in the hope of someone coming out. "...Looks like... They're even deeper in the castle... This is taking too long, time to turn into a buzz-saw and speed-up a little." So does Plok, he turns into a buzz-saw and blazes through the corridors. After a while, he reaches the throne room. He looked around, saw nothing. Then, he looked into the center of the throne room, and saw a small creature, almost human-like made of Leafs and wood. The small fella quickly raised his head, and looked up. After some seconds, he started tilting his head toward Plok, almost taking up 5 seconds to do so. Plok noticed the Heart-shaped mask he was carrying on his face, and those spikes all around the mask. When he looked at Plok, his eyes started turning from green into yellow, and became much brighter. Plok felt much heavier, almost unable to stand, and quickly dashed and fell towards the floor. His body got paralyzed. "What the..." The creature made of leafs got really shocked when he saw Plok after some seconds. Plok totally got de-paralyzed. The little fella started shaking and screaming. He... flew up to the sky, much looking like the mask was lifting him instead of him actually levitating...Something moved behind some of the throne pillars, but Plok didn't turn his sight from Majora. After a couple of seconds, Plok noticed the built of the little fella. He finally saw that that kid actually is a Deku, better yet said "skull kids" that normally get lost in the forests and never come back. Then, after some time thinking, he concludes that that is no ordinary foe. "Damn it Plok, that's not someone you'd screw around with. That's Majora." He said out in himself. Neither Plok nor Majora noticed the little kid hiding behind one of the pillars.
-Are you done?
-Well, you seem like someone who likes masks, mind if we... Play?
-...Ok. Would you like to play Monopoly or Cluedo?
-What's that?
Suddenly He screamed out, and a Moon crushed through the roof of the building. IT was Ganon as the moon.
-There you are, coward.
-We have... something in common, a common history.
-That's impossible. Master Ganondorf...
-Put that aside, now bring it on.
The Battle started. Plok jumped into the air, and did a earth bash. HE cracked the floor under him, revealing a lot of holes. The Majora's mask seemed confused, not seeing anything that will help Plok by doing that. "What was the point in that action?" He hurried and dashed towards Plok, removing the skull kid from the mask. The mask started rotating with tremendous speed. Plok thought "There's no way of jumping over this, it'll get me. Time for Fire fights Fire." and dashes as well towards Majora. Around 5 meters away from Majora, he turns himself into a Buzz-saw, and crashes against Majora. It seemed Plok only got hit badly, while Majora wasn't even scratched. "Urgh! Dammit. I mustn't fail." He said in himself, Looking around him for something to use as a tactic. He notices that some of the floors that haven't fallen down are positioned higher than others. "If I can make it so that he crashes into one of the lesser floors, maybe I can use my razor power and break his mask..." And so, Plok positions himself in front of a huge lifted floor, standing on one that is almost done. Majora again dashes towards Plok, Spinning like a tornado. Plok, again, waiting until he's 5 meters away from him, mocks him with rude words. When Majora got close, Plok, this time, jumped into the air as high as he could. Like he had planned, Majora began cutting through the Pillar that was created. He turned into a buzz-saw, and made himself much larger than an ordinary one. He forced all his weight towards the mask, beginning cutting it, But it was no use. He hurt himself once again, and was thrown back like 10 feet. He hit a wall behind him. "It... won't end like this. I... Won't disappoint my friends." He tried to get up, but Majora charged toward him with tremendous speed, he cut off his hand from his arm. Plok, even while feeling huge amounts of pain, jumps back in time so he could save himself. Suddenly, Some bees started going out of Plok.
-Oh, I forgot I got you little fellas around as well.
-Can you proceed with the battle?
-I... have to unfortunately.
-Are you hurt? We can...
-No. If my fate's to die today, may it be. It... Is just a shame I know I won't win. And there's no way someone can tell Judgement dragon and the others that Majora is along as well... *Looks at Majora* You little miserable little pile of secrets...
This time, Plok dashes towards Majora, jumping into the air, but instead of turning into a buzz-saw, he continues into his normal form. Majora dashes towards him as well, and there Plok saw the tactic why he had failed the last two parts. He takes out his harmonica, and plays a certain melody: "The Oath to Order" In it's full glance, Majora starts Screaming, and slowly falling down. After a few seconds, he looked around, and he didn't see any of the giants that were meant to stop Ganondorf from crashing into the castle and so wasting the whole Xbox360 city. "I... have failed." Said Plok, and fell down on his knees, not believing what happened. "The Giants... Abandoned me... Maybe it was not meant for me to... call them." He then falls onto his back, and looks towards Ganondorf the Moon, and smiles... "I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad... The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had..." He slowly closes his eyes. He hears a sound, pretty much like the sound he hears when he teleports, behind the pillars that were still standing. He opens his eyes for one more look at his world, and sees... Ganondorf crumbling down on him. IT was... the end of Plok.

OOC: SPOILERS! Plok will appear later on again, but for now... assume he's dead :D
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
OOC: Well I guess i'll just appear out of nowhere somehow... Can someone give a tip on how to appear?

OOC: Well, my Plok died in the fight with Majora's Mask. You should appear like the little kid that teleported from that fight scene to Judgement Dragon. Read my last post and you'll get into the story a little. It is kind of sad that you appeared this late in the RP, because there're 40 pages. If it wasn't for that much pages, I'd suggest you reading all that stuff.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2009
OOC: I'm going to assume judgement dragon is like the "king" of the good forces? Oh and BTW im the twilight princess link not the older ones =P

IC: As Link passed through the seemingly endless coridors of the building he finally found the room of the Dragon. Drawing his Wooden Sword as a precaution he entered the room. Upon seeing the Dragon Link gasped as it was like nothing he had ever seen before. Link fell onto one knee, honoring the dragon.

OOC: Link is unequiped and has nothing other than his wooden sword and shield, his regular clothes, bombs, and a slingshot. All his basics =P


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*Noctis is walking around and then suddenly Sora appeared in front of him*

Noctis: "hey, who are you?"
Sora: "I am Sora, you're Noctis right?"
Noctis: "yeah, how did you know my name?"
Sora: "well some dragon of fate told me that my mission for now is to train you"
Noctis: "train me for what? and can you really train me? you look at lot younger than me"
Sora: "I don't know what for, he only told me to train you and help you. Maybe you could try fighting me to see if I can really train you"
Noctis: "okay, get ready"

*Noctis prepared for the fight and Sora summoned his Oathkeeper and Oblivion keyblades*

Noctis: "wow, you could summons weapons too"
Sora: "let's get started"

*Sora attacked and Noctis blocked it by summoning his weapons*

Sora: "cool"

*Noctis then attacked Sora with his sword but Sora evaded and attacked, then Noctis teleported to the back of Sora but Sora's reaction was fast and he hit Noctis*

Sora: "wow, that's a nice skill but you really need to hone it"
Noctis: "you're strong, please train me"

*and so they started the training...*
Level 6
Jun 8, 2009
OOC :Check out the VGWRP Website! It's still a work-in-progress but give me your opinions on it and start posting some thoughts in the forums.
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
OOC: Wait, that means the rp would moved there?

Well... We're gonna play there once we're done with Videogame wars season 1 *This one* And that might happen in like 2 or 3 months.

Once done, we're moving on... the World of VideoGame Wars! With every thread being it's individual continent. For instance, if you RP in Nintendo, you want to move your char to Xbox, you just say you're moving to Xbox, and you can use the Xbox thread as your continent!
Level 6
Jun 8, 2009
I'm working on the website tons and think its going to look pretty sweet once I'm done. Any ideas on the background? I think its looks cool but it's not the theme of the site lol
Level 3
Feb 2, 2011
I'm working on the website tons and think its going to look pretty sweet once I'm done. Any ideas on the background? I think its looks cool but it's not the theme of the site lol

OOC: Try to get make a background containing all the characters in the RP, and edit it as more people join.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2009
Well the background has preset templates. And I think having the background as characters would look a little messy due to my inexperience of photoshop. Ganon by any chance do you have that map without any text? I can make it so it won't have the white box when you put on the text.
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