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Video game wars

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Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Oh men, I am late for this one.

Mr. Manhattan

Name: Alex Mercer
Gender: Male
Video-game: Prototype
Console: Microsoft?
Personality: Cold-Hearted (duh!), Brilliant (He usually got an A+++ to his quizes), Veangeful, Paranoid, distant, predatory, terrifying, vengeful, blank, and searching.
Info: Want Info??? Click me!
Is good: Yes / No / Dunno Both I guess
Is hero: Hero / Antihero
Is attribute: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent (You Ask?)

Abilities: (I think you will know the hard way. Hahaha)
Consume (Eating time?)
Muscular Power (Oh yeah! Love this power especially at throwing things up)
Claw Power
Whipfist Power
Hammerfist Power
Sword Power
Shield Power
Armor Power
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
... -_-"
Well, forget about that. I've done Alex. Added the Devestator ability at the end (You know, the Tendril Barrage Devastator, Graveyard Spike Devastator and the Critical Pain Devastator?)

Oh damm!!! I love Tendril Barrage Devastator! My favorite Devastator on the game. But I usually hate it since the damage it done is very little. What model did you use for Alex Mercer? Well, I am watching Clannad After Story 3. I am crying like hell here. It is a very sad anime.
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
I hope you don't mind if I add my two cents Jaret, but I think this RP is getting WAY too complicated. I understand all the rules trust me, to keep everything fair and balance the various abilities of all the character but its become extremely complex.

I think this RP would have been filled by now, but lots of complexly in RPs tends to turn people away. I really think this would work better as a more open ended RP like the Terraneos Legacy: REBIRTH created by Narrat0r, with the story and battles written out by the players themselves with Game Masters to keep everything fair and fun.

As it stands its more akin to a table top RPG with tables, dice rolls and counter rolls, ability checks and HP and AP to count. Now if we all could meet in real life and play this RP like a tabletop RPG it would work out great but such RPGs are hard to play on forums without the aid of game programs to visualize the world and make all the complex math equations to figure out the results of anyone action.

I still want to be a part of this RP Jaret, to play as my old friend Vectorman would be a blast, but you need to seriously consider simplify this RP.

Also could you update Vectorman’s bio to this;

"Vectorman is veteran orbot of the wasted earth of 2049, having beaten both the evil orbot Warhead and the monstrous Insectoid Queen and their many minions. Finding himself in the mist of the Bit Wars, Vectorman seeks only to end the conflict. Vectorman himself is both fast and agile as well as clever, often spotting weak spots on his foes others may miss.

Using hand mounted blasters, boosters built into his feet and an array of morphs and weapon power-ups, Vectorman is a jack off all trades hero and its to hard to catch him unprepared."

Thanks a lot Jaret. :grin:


Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
Ok, Jake... I know how complexity can turn out on people, but i think the first look isn't that bad. I don't know about the others, But i really wanted to create a fight system, because of the leveling system, and since this is a videogame world, levels = main priority of characters. The characters can do whatever they want, whenever they want, but they can't go and kill off other characters without the other character approving the fight, or they can't go and have a genocide onto PS3, XBox, wii or whatsoever. The players can go to which ever location they want, find treasures, even make them up. They have like almost no boundaries in here, except the fight rules. I know that this really should get a little simplier, and that's why I'll NOT add the armor system, because then I have to update the fight, party and free-for-all systems.
And I think that everyone will love the respawn idea, you basically can't die (well, not now at least...). When you die, you respawn to your main base/city. I don't demand people to write down some novel or something, but please keep this RP as clean, realistic and good-story-based as possible. I just love if someone can write down something that touches the hearth, and when someone can describe the atmosphere in game. I loved that fact about Terraneos Legacy : REBIRTH.
And the only things I added were some copies of the fight system, added 1 column to both, and that's it. Nothing else. I would love you to write down your 9 or 8 or 6 or 7 or whatever the amount of abilities down here.
The Biggest reason why I wanted to make some RP about video games is the fact that nowadays the good ol' times slowly vanish. Newer and "better" games come along, removing the pixels and low polys, adding like 5000 animations, and becoming just WAAY too easy. I wanted to keep the old games as alive as possible. You know this character, Plok? No. Of course not, he bid the dust too fast. But he played a huge part in my childhood, and that's what everyone here should submit. Their personal character. The character that they looked at like family members. I actually can imagine that you love that Vectorman just as much as I do Plok. They just have that something on them... They almost seem real and you could imagine walking next to the guy. I could imagine me dying old, and thinking of this character.../tear drops fall.
IF you ask me, Plok plays a bigger role in my life for me than all my friends, and he comes right next to the family. I couldn't imagine my childhood without the frustration this game gave me, it is the hardest game on the SNES library (good luck beating this game on a real SNES... it's almost impossible), because of the lack of Saving functions. But meh, whatever.
I went waaay too much off-topic. So, well... I don't think this is anything too complicated. But still thanks for posting that out, that is good to know, how other people think about this.


Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
coz jaret said, that he will NOT add an armour system, which means I have to remove that ability.

EDIT: vv dont have a clue......
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Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
How did he do that!!??

@peper DUBBLE POSTING AGAIN I SEE???? :mad: -47 REP FOR NOT OBEYING!!! (kidding)
(ha!!, everyones hasiling you for your intensional dubble post!!)
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