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Video game wars

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Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
@jaret:eek:ops i'm forgot sorry x_X.
btw here's more ability for hide.(he only have 6 ability,right?)
level 8:
thick armor
every 5 enemy hit,make the attacking enemy stunned for 3 turn.
level 16:
mana strike
give 20 damage to 3 enemy unit
shining strike
hideyoshi attack his enemy with a glowing weapon,give 10 damage to 1 enemy unit and make it stun for 3 turn
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Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
Once Link drew ot the Master sword from it's pedestal, All evil was vanished inside Link, creating a copy of him. The never ending search for Link made him weary, and one very day, he met Plok, a red-yellow small human-like creature. He fought him, and lost to him eventually. So, out of wrath, he's off to find him at all costs, and kill him, for his doing.
GenderMale / shadow
VideogameZelda series (2, 3...)
PersonalityCold-Hearted, evil, Angry, Total opposite of light
Is goodYes / No
Is heroHero/ Antihero
Is attributePowerful / Fast / Intelligent
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
If anyone has joined this, but is not Role-Playing, you should do so in this thread.
We are waiting for you, and almost no one is RPing so please start.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Ok good news for anyone who might be interested, with the permission of Jaret; I will be starting a Video Game Wars map, I have gathered all known videogame models on the web and will be joining them in one big map, this map will be an RPG with a storyline similar to what is happining in this RPing thread. So to anyone who is interested in re-making their character in this game plz contact me, and I will do my best to create your desired abilities and such ^^
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
Hmm... for your model? I don't think you can use it, since you don't know who made it.

Ok, so... Here're the heroes we need made:
1. Plok
2. Jin Kisaragi
3. Sub Zero
4. Sora
5. Predator
6. Soma Cruz
7. Hideyoshi Toyotomi
8. Riku
9. Ganondorf.
The items etc. I'm going to make (Icons), alongisde peper making the models of them (If I'm not mistaken, you can make only models that are not animated?). The terrain I can make too.

Wow, when I imagined IT:
"Based on a real RP..."
"The hive workshop presents... The Videogame warz!"
*Camera scaterred all around showing the terrain...*
"Choose your destiny.. .NAO!"
Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
No, i can EDIT models....
That mean i can use their anims.... but...
WTF?! Plok models..... alright.... Predator.... use Ampharos_222's skin.....Sora.....on Wc3c.....Hideyoshi.....easy....GANONDORF SOMA RIKU JIN!!
EDIT: Hh..hh.. i found him... that make Sub-Zero..... Mk-Diablo....
I also find Princess peach too, but whatever
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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
(Edit it so the size of the skin get's 256x256).
(it's perfect as it is right now.)
I think I can modify an Eredar / Archimonde to get Ganondorf (texture).
Jin... umm.... You could make attachments for the Villager model so he could look a bit like Jin, and I could make the hair texture...
Soma needs a custom animated model...
Can we remake the texture for the Judgement dragon from the "Wolf texture"? I think so.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
no offence to Ampharos_222 but there is already a MUCH better model of a predator.

@peper its the predator in that AVP map I gave you ages ago, if you remember...

And before everyone overtakes this, lets just work out whats going on; so Jaret, I don't think you could make the terrain/icons/story and ideas. Icons yes, terrain probably, story yes, ideas probably not. You could run the group, if Ralle agrees.

@peper I don't think I have a good subzero model, so it would help a lot if we could use the one you mentioned. I guess you'll go as the modeler.

One thing that I need though, is someone who can animate that master chief model. Coz the model is great, just not the anims.

There is already all the predator icons, so nobody worry about that.

And when, Jaret or me starts a thread we could discuss who will be a part of this, and what their job is in detail.
Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
I have the Sub-Zero model, because mk-Diablo gave me permission to edit his model.
So i change the 500kb+400kb skin to 380kb model. Sweet!
Btw the Pred map Predator is suck, i'll fix it and maybe a system:
If Predator died, mask dropped and un-attached like RPG in the map, how's that?
And the Pred Icons is CnP. I don't like CnPs.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Btw the Pred map Predator is suck, i'll fix it and maybe a system:
If Predator died, mask dropped and un-attached like RPG in the map, how's that?

What? sorry I don't quite understand :(

Well, great to see you fixed that subzero skin, now a model ^^
Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
I mean, if you played that Predator, you must realized that his face exposed, and another predator not.
So i have ripped predator helmet, so we can attach to him anytime he picks up the item.
EDIT: Oh yea, i signed in Tower Contest so i can't actively posting, maybe my time decreased 1 hour in order make tower.
AND i mean the pred model is suck, i'll fix it.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Yeah, thats a really good idea, it would make things alot more interesting, and realistic.

So you've joined the mini-modeling contest? Wow, good luck ;)

I agree that CnP icons arn't very good, but I don't know anyone good enough to make a custom predator icon, and make it look good. so maybe they'll have to do for now?

EDIT: we really need to make a thread for this, so should I do it, or you Jaret?
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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
call The Judgement dragon texture equal to Jaret Work returns finished texture,
The Ganondorf texture equal to Jaret Work returns finished texture,
Icons equal to Jaret Work returns finished icons,
Ideas equal to All Work returns awesome ideas,
Model making equal to -Peper- Work returns good models,
Spell making equal to Zealon (Do you know how to make some? If yes, Can you make some?) returns OMG SPELLS,
The rest equal to not-signed returns nothing,
Terraining equal to not-signed returns nothing,
Peper makes Plok returns good detached arms model,
No Plok equal to kicked by Jaret,
Peper's time returns nothing.

OK? And I'm going to create a thread ASAP, and make the logo. The one we use now is somehow bugged. And I need to remove both mario and Sonic, cuz there're.... not in there.
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Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
sorry I wont be online until tomorrow, its 11.00 pm!!!!!

but but plz send me the link to the thread when its made ;)
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
Plok structure
Random Plok stance
That it is. if you know how to make floating limbs, make plok then to look a lot like these guys... Actually, I've got a better idea. Make a blood mage totally transparent (everywhere he should be alpha-transparent). Then We'll add the limbs, torso and head over attachment points. That should be alright, I suppose. But, when in need to add to the portrait, you should modify the head so it looks like plok's one. Dude, I hope you understand. You should make the limbs seperate, then we'll add them over the editor to their attachment points.
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
erm... I actually suggested you make one. You can use the paladin forearm (Both forearms) to make exacly looking arm limbs for Plok. And again, you can use the boots of the paladin to make exacly looking leg limbs for plok. Then you just attach them to the invisible Blood mage body. The head should be freehand, since there's nothing that looks like Plok's head in game, and the torso too.
BTW here's a Judgement dragon WIP. Unfortunately, my Warcraft's fucked. Can't reinstall it, it's shit.


  • WhiteWolfs.psd
    405.1 KB · Views: 71
Level 7
Dec 12, 2009
Name: Master Chief
Video-game: Halo III
Console: Xbox 360
Personality:He is loyal to the chain of command, and remains quiet.
Info:Despite Master Chief's excellent combat record, many in the United Nations Space Command (UNSC), the military unit to which he belongs, distrust him but throughout the overall storyline he becomes a legend and is looked up too and is finally regarded as a hero. Antonio Silva, a UNSC trooper, exemplifies this attitude, and considers the Master Chief the freak product of an experiment that should never be repeated. Although the Chief resents Silva's dishonor to his fallen comrades' memory
Is good? Yes / No
Is hero Hero / Antihero
Is attribute?: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
I expected something better :/. Ok, here're what I would like you to fix:
The face... Going to redo the texture so it would look a lil better
the body... Oh, that body... Make it look a little like a cylinder, and i made a great texture you should have used. Ok, going to map it so you could see what what is.
The animations are... well... many of... are missing... abilities... whatever, nothing.

Ok, for the animations... Do you know how to replace the animations? I mean it has something to do with geosets n shit... If yes, then add these anims of this model to Plok (Because of the abilities Plok has). And the size's a little... big... how?


  • Plok texture copy.png
    Plok texture copy.png
    47 KB · Views: 2,730
  • Plok texture.psd
    126.4 KB · Views: 2,649
Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
Hmm, we are making RPG right?
So all character must added that anims. And Could you make Textures for RootSword?
OKAY DONE! But i don't fix the body yet and the map. I'll do it after the EDIT (15 minutes)
EDIT: Uhh...fuck....
The PLOK's model somewhat mystic (I'm not kidding! It's reality i swear!) So i couldn't remap it.
SO.... I copy the part of your new texture to the old texture. (BRAVO PEPER!)
And make the rootsword texture easy... i mean The sword only facing left... no less...
And make the hole erased.
EDIT2: Make the Project Recruitment thread.
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Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
@peper congratz on your 3rd green orb ;D

@error_trigger if you are good with anything you can join too, but just wait until we have a thread. That way we can confirm who is in the team, and who wants to join ^^
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
Right now, I'm writing.
here's what i've wrote:

Welcome to... the world of gaming, which is a RPG, where the birds can swim, where the fishes can fly, where fire freezes when touching cold water, where water burns, where the never-ending fight of good and evil, well... never ends.

The story:
In the land of video games, everything was fine, no wars, nothing. Only peaceful button pressing. There were the Atari, Nintendo and Sega. No one expected it. No one thought about it... Until Sega Genesis came along. It was superior to the Classical Nintendo emulation system, and so broke the rules of no overpowering before the time comes. That triggered the most famous of all video game console wars, the Bit wars.

The Bit Wars:
(The 4th gen console wars)
That devastating war had taken a lot of lives of game consoles. Nintendo tried to compete, but only failed, because the Sega Genesis was too strong. Nintendo began weakening. Nintendo eventually invented the Super nintendo: The most successful console of all time. Eventually, Sega Genesis would weaken. Sega tried to keep it alive with various attachments, like the 32x and Sega CD. It was a major failure, and so Sega Genesis bit the dust. Nintendo would go out of this war as the more successful company.
(The 5th gen console wars)
As time was passing, Nintendo was planning on making a CD based add-on to the Super Nintendo, but that project was cancelled because of the arriving of the newer consoles. Sony didn't like the decision of Nintendo, and so made their own console for the 5th gen console wars. From it came out the famous Playstation, the first CD based system that actually was good. In the competition came in Nintendo's N64, and Sega's Saturn. Eventually, Sega would bite the dust first, and N64 because of the fact that it was only a cartridge based console, wasn't as successful as the Playstation. So, The 5th gen console wars won Sony.
(the 6th gen console wars)
When the 6th gen console wars came along, all hell broke lose for Sega. Sega didn't enter this one, and the Sega video game console production died off. Only Sony and Nintendo remained, everyone thought. From the ashes of Sega came Microsoft, and tried to enter the competition with Nintendo and Sony. And so, they made the first xbox, a giant videogame console, which was successful. For Sony and Nintendo came along the Playstation 2 and Gamecube, both very successful as well. But well again, the 6th gen console wars won Sony.
(the 7th gen console wars)
This war was the point when everything went down. The words pixel, polygon and similar disappeared. All the consoles in the 7th gen of consoles are called "next gen consoles", which basically means that Polygons are not visible anymore, and pixels probably too. Now this is where the real fight begins, not between the consoles, but between the video game characters. The Old video game characters uprise against the new ones. And basically, that's where the roleplaying begins... There begin the Video game WARS!

Video-game Wars:
The video game Wars start the same second the "new" games for the Next gen consoles come along. The better graphics, the cooler sound effects, the impossibly-easier control, the more-optional gameplay, everything. The games forgot about the thing that made them popular in the first place... The challenge. Now the older video game character (Basically everything before the 6th gen consoles) uprise against the newer characters. This war is still in progress.
Project team members:
Jaret: Icons, Terrain, Textures, Ideas
-Peper-: Models, Ideas
Zealon: ?, Ideas
Tell us in here if you want to help out!
Well, We don't have a terrain nor a map yet, because we came up with it just now. We have some custom models prepared, and hope you'll be the ones who help us out! Please post down here if you want to help out, and how you would help out. Maybe you could spare some time in ideas, textures, this and that.
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