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Video game wars

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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009

Welcome to... the world of gaming, where the birds can swim, where the fishes can fly, where fire freezes when touching cold water, where water burns, where the never-ending fight of good and evil, well... never ends.

The story:
In the land of video games, everything was fine, no wars, nothing. Only peaceful button pressing. There were the Atari, Nintendo and Sega. No one expected it. No one thought about it... Until Sega Genesis came along. It was superior to the Classical Nintendo emulation system, and so broke the rules of no overpowering before the time comes. That triggered the most famous of all video game console wars, the Bit wars.

The Bit Wars:
(The 4th gen console wars)
That devastating war had taken a lot of lives of game consoles. Nintendo tried to compete, but only failed, because the Sega Genesis was too strong. Nintendo began weakening. Nintendo eventually invented the Super nintendo: The most successful console of all time. Eventually, Sega Genesis would weaken. Sega tried to keep it alive with various attachments, like the 32x and Sega CD. It was a major failure, and so Sega Genesis bit the dust. Nintendo would go out of this war as the more successful company.
(The 5th gen console wars)
As time was passing, Nintendo was planning on making a CD based add-on to the Super Nintendo, but that project was cancelled because of the arriving of the newer consoles. Sony didn't like the decision of Nintendo, and so made their own console for the 5th gen console wars. From it came out the famous Playstation, the first CD based system that actually was good. In the competition came in Nintendo's N64, and Sega's Saturn. Eventually, Sega would bite the dust first, and N64 because of the fact that it was only a cartridge based console, wasn't as successful as the Playstation. So, The 5th gen console wars won Sony.
(the 6th gen console wars)
When the 6th gen console wars came along, all hell broke lose for Sega. Sega didn't enter this one, and the Sega video game console production died off. Only Sony and Nintendo remained, everyone thought. From the ashes of Sega came Microsoft, and tried to enter the competition with Nintendo and Sony. And so, they made the first xbox, a giant videogame console, which was successful. For Sony and Nintendo came along the Playstation 2 and Gamecube, both very successful as well. But well again, the 6th gen console wars won Sony.
(the 7th gen console wars)
This war was the point when everything went down. The words pixel, polygon and similar disappeared. All the consoles in the 7th gen of consoles are called "next gen consoles", which basically means that Polygons are not visible anymore, and pixels probably too. Now this is where the real fight begins, not between the consoles, but between the video game characters. The Old video game characters uprise against the new ones. And basically, that's where the roleplaying begins... There begin the Video game WARS!

Video-game Wars:
The video game Wars start the same second the "new" games for the Next gen consoles come along. The better graphics, the cooler sound effects, the impossibly-easier control, the more-optional gameplay, everything. The games forgot about the thing that made them popular in the first place... The challenge. Now the older video game character (Basically everything before the 6th gen consoles) uprise against the newer characters. This war is still in progress.

The Map:
The map of the Video game world. Finally colored, credits go to -Peper- for coloring, and me for little modifications. Please give names of mountains if you go there, caves and etc. Imagine if you were an explorer and exploring the world.

1. No custom systems! This RP uses the systems that'll be explained in a second.
2. Video game characters can't be characters made by the player! No "I'll go with my WoW warrior draenei." That character won't be approved.
3. No immature stuff. This is supposed to be a realistic showing of video-game characters interrogating one-with-another. No "I alonez gan to da Nintenda kontinant and PWNd da houl Balmond klan!" whatsoever.
4. If someone plans to do something huge, ask me first, because we want to keep this RP not being overhauled by wars. Events like that shouldn't be that often.
5. No fighting if not challenged the other player and he says Yes. If there's a war going on, this rule mustn't be used.

Ok, this is the fact why this game should be interesting. It will use a couple of systems (used a couple of systems):

Off character / in character system:
This one's not that rare, actually all of the RPs should have it. This is basically when you're something saying, and when your character's something saying. When you're talking, type in OOC, when you're in character, type in IC. This way, we can know when you're suggesting something, like "this place could be an epic place for a war".

Sprite system:
well, since sprites are really popular among people, and are eyecandy, I've added the sprite systems (First used by -peper-). So basically it's what your character is doing right now, and how he looks like when doing it (If you didn't understand this, view the official rp-ing thread, and see how's it used.)

Joining the video-game wars:
Now, if you want to join this epic experience of controlling a video-game character you love, then just write down in the responses the info of it. Basically it should look like this:

Console (Where he/she first started):
Personality (Write down 4 traits):
Info (Description):
Is good (just underline the right answer)? Yes / No
Is hero (just underline the right answer)? Hero / Antihero
Is attribute (just underline the right answers (Can underline all 3 if true))?: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent

Add some colors to the text to make it more appealing. Here's an example how it should be done (This is mine entry too btw):

Name: Plok
Gender: Male
Video-game: Plok!
Console: SNES
Personality: Hot headed, Genius, Stubborn, Caring
Info: Plok grew up alongside his grandpa on Akrillic, a large island in the region of "Polyesta". Plok's special power lies in the fact that he can launch any of his limbs at will and allow them to damage enemies, once the damage has been done they return to Plok until he decides to attack again. Also within tradition, Plok has numerous power-ups that come in the form of "presents" scattered amongst the majority of places. If Plok locates one of these colorful gifts he is immediately transformed into a more powerful fighting machine for a brief length of time.
Is good: Yes / No
Is hero: Hero / Antihero
Is attribute: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent

People who joined this RP (At least 15 (I think) before we can start, since this is a VIDEO GAME RP, and we ofcourse need a lot of actors, don't we?)

Plok grew up alongside his grandpa on Akrillic, a large island in the region of "Polyesta". Plok's special power lies in the fact that he can launch any of his limbs at will and allow them to damage enemies, once the damage has been done they return to Plok until he decides to attack again. Also within tradition, Plok has numerous power-ups that come in the form of "presents" scattered amongst the majority of places. If Plok locates one of these colorful gifts he is immediately transformed into a more powerful fighting machine for a brief length of time.
PersonalityHot headed, Angry, Stubborn, Caring
Is goodYes / No
Is heroHero / Antihero
Is attributePowerful / Fast / Intelligent

level 1
Limb Throw (Level 3)
level 4
Anger (Level 1)
level 8
. . . .
Learn Razor Edge Learn Plockey style
level 16
. . . .
. . . .
Learn Cowboy Hunt Learn Lumberjack Learn Rocket Plok
level 32
Learn Super Plok
level 64
Learn The chosen one Modus

When Jin was a little boy, he was very dependant on his older brother, Ragna, for affection and constantly pestered him to play with him. He saw his sister Saya as an obstacle of getting his brother's attention and constantly bullied her in retaliation. Eventually, Ragna decided to look after the sickly Saya and distanced himself from Jin, thus increasing his jealousy.It was then Terumi Yuuki entered Jin's life and told him about The Black Beast, that it would be born from Ragna, and that he is destined to destroy it. Deciding that his brother must pay for his ignorance, and to get rid of the obstacle between them, Saya, Jin left Terumi to do as he pleased, including burning the church where they stayed and murdering their caretaker. When Ragna arrived, he only watched in shock as Terumi cut off his arm, and kidnapped Saya. Jin later vanished from Ragna's life, and apparently his memory of that incident was blocked off.
Jin was later adopted to the high-esteemed Kisaragi family. With his talents, he rose up in the ranks of the NOL and was given the Nox Nyctores, Yukianesa, but his other siblings never trusted him, thinking that he only got his ranks due to his adoption. Indeed, Jin himself felt completely empty even after being showered with awards and ranks (which included the stopping of the Ikaruga Civil War). When the rumors of the Grim Reaper arose, Jin felt a sudden urge to meet him, which caused him to abandon his post and head to Kagutsuchi to find out about the Reaper.
VideogameBlazblue series (Calamity trigger, Continuum shift)
ConsolePlaystation 3
Personalityvalues nothing, silent, agile, confident
Is goodYes / No
Is heroHero / Antihero
Is attributePowerful / Fast / Intelligent

level 1
Frost bite (level 1)
level 4
Learn Fubuki
level 8
Learn Sekka-jin
level 16
Learn Frost Field
level 32
Learn Hiyoku Getsumei
level 64
Learn Hatred

Vectorman is both fast and agile, he can use boosters built into his feet to jumpjet to out of reach areas and even damage foes, but his main weapon is a pair of blasters built into his hands, which he uses as his main form of attack. Vectorman can augment his abilities with various power-ups found lying around these come in two forms; Weapon Power-Ups and Transformation Power-Ups. However both types of Power-Ups only last a short time (or a certain number of shots in the case of weapons) before Vectorman reverts back to his normal form.
GenderOrbot / Male
VideogameVectorman series (1,2,3)
PersonalityLaid-Back, Non-Serious, Heroic, Gets-Bored-Easily.
Is goodYes / No
Is heroHero / Antihero
Is attributePowerful / Fast / Intelligent

Sub-Zero are son of a Chinese Cryomancer father and a Human mother. He becomes warrior of the Lin Kuei. There are in fact two incarnations of Sub-Zero, and they are siblings: older and younger. And this one is the younger one. In times he become the Grand master of Lin Kuei and serving the Elder Gods.
VideogameMortal Kombat Series (1, 2, 3, 4...)
ConsoleSNES / Genesis
PersonalityCool, Genius, Cold-Hearted, Iron-willed
Is goodYes / No
Is heroHero / Antihero
Is attributePowerful / Fast / Intelligent

level 1
Ice Ball (Level 3)
level 4
Ice armor (Level 1)
level 8
. . . .
Learn Ice clone Learn Ice shield
level 16
. . . .
. . . .
Learn ice tornado Learn Ice realm Learn Ice beam
level 32
Learn Freezing Hands
level 64
Learn Wrath

Sora is the main protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts Series... Sora is a cheerful teenager who originates from Destiny Islands and has been best friends with Riku and Kairi since early childhood. When they plan to go on a journey, they are separated by creatures known as Heartless and Sora is given a weapon called Keyblade. Its primary form is the Kingdom Key (Kingdom Chain), resembling a classic skeleton key approximately 3.5' long, with a long silver keychain extending from the hilt, and a Hidden Mickey token on the end of the keychain. But through using Keychains, the Kingdom Key can assume a variety of unique forms
VideogameKingdom Hearts series (1, 2, 3)
ConsoleSony Playstation 2
PersonalityCool, friendly, likes opening gates, strong
Is goodYes / No
Is heroHero / Antihero
Is attributePowerful / Fast / Intelligent

level 1
Thundaga (Level 3)
level 4
Firaga (Level 1)
level 8
. . . .
Learn Blizzaga Learn Flashstep
level 16
. . . .
. . . .
Learn Explosion Learn Aerial spiral Learn Ragnarok
level 32
Learn Zantetsuken
level 64
Learn Sonic blade

Peach is the princess of the mushroom kingdom. She's the girlfriend of Mario who has rescued her from Bowser's evil grasp countless of times.
VideogameMario series (1,2,3,4...), Mario sports games, Mario Party (1,2,3,4...), Other games
Personality Kind, selfless, peaceful, well mannered
Is goodYes / No
Is heroHero / Antihero
Is attributePowerful / Fast / Intelligent

level 1
Slap (Level 1)
level 4
. . . .
Learn Grace Learn Mushroom use
level 8
. . . .
Learn Umbrella strike Learn Innocence
level 16
. . . .
Learn Call for help Learn Fire flower use
level 32
Learn Soar
level 64
Learn Star power Modus

The predator is a mysterious creature believed to have come from space, their sole purpose in life to hunt and kill. They conquered the univerese thousands of years ago, and honor is the only thing left for these monsters, they make sport from the most powerful human soldiers. And by collecting their skulls they earn their spot umong the anciant legends of their kind. While hunting, they prefer to be unknown, using their advanced stealth and cloaking technoledgey, their devastating weaponry, and their extreme physical attributes.
GenderUnknown / Probably Male
VideogameAVP series (1,2), AVP extinction (1,2), Predator Concrete Jungle
ConsoleSony Playstation 2
Personality instinctive, mysterious, intelligent, battle hungry
Is goodYes / No
Is heroHero / Antihero
Is attributePowerful / Fast / Intelligent

level 1
Power Leap (level 3)
level 4
Learn Advanced armour
level 8
Learn Wrist blades
level 16
Learn Laser blast
level 32
Learn Medi comp
level 64
Learn Honor

As the incarnation of Dracula, Soma has a wide range of powers and abilities called 'souls' which are categorized as offensive, defensive, or tactical. He acquires these abilities through his "power of dominance" -- the power to control and summon the souls of defeated monsters. This is a derivation of Dracula's primary power, the ability to command monsters.
VideogameCastlevania Aria of Sorrow, Dawn of Sorrow, and Harmony of Despair
ConsoleGameBoy: Advance (Therefore, it's a 6th gen console, so his roots will be in the Gamecube)
PersonalityCaring, Cold-hearted, Serious, (WHAT ELSE?)
Is goodYes / No / BOTH
Is heroHero/ Antihero / BOTH
Is attributePowerful / Fast / Intelligent

level 1
Summon Bat (level 1)
level 4
Learn Sprint
level 8
. . . .
Learn Blood Drain Learn Soul Tormention
level 16
. . . .
. . . .
Learn Blood Thirst Learn Venom Sting Learn Nosferatu
level 32
Learn Power of Dominance
level 64
Learn Dracula's Awakening

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a daimyo in the Sengoku period who unified the political factions of Japan. He succeeded his former liege lord, Oda Nobunaga, and brought an end to the Sengoku period. The period of his rule is often called the Momoyama period, named after Hideyoshi's castle. He is noted for a number of cultural legacies, including the restriction that only members of the samurai class could bear arms. Hideyoshi is regarded as Japan's second "great unifier."
VideogameSamurai warriors series (1,2)
ConsolePlaystation 2
Personalitybrave, fearless, frivolous, kind
Is goodYes / No
Is heroHero/ Antihero
Is attributePowerful / Fast/ Intelligent

level 1
Battle Rage (level 3)
level 4
Learn Stomp
level 8
Learn Sunshine
level 16
Learn Dragon strike
level 32
Learn Light of healing
level 64
Learn Golden Power

Before his infection, Alex Mercer experienced a brutal childhood spent in poverty: his first nine years were spent in foster care. When he turned 10, he was finally returned to his mother, who spent the last nine years in prison. However, his intellect and aptitude in science provided him an opportunity to leave behind his troubled past. He trusted no one, had no friends, couldn't care less what others thought of him, and found solace only in his work. By the time he was hired by Gentek, Alex was borderline sociopathic.
VideogamePrototype series (1,2)
ConsoleXbox 360
PersonalityCold-Hearted, Brilliant, Veangeful, Paranoid
Is goodYes / No / BOTH
Is heroHero/ Antihero
Is attributePowerful / Fast / Intelligent

level 1
Consume (level 1)
level 4
Learn Muscular Power
level 8
. . . .
Learn Claw Power Learn Whipfist Power
level 16
. . . .
. . . .
Learn Shield Power Learn Armor Power Learn Hammerfist Power
level 32
Learn Sword Power
level 64
Learn Devastators

Grew up on Destiny Islands. At age of 15 Riku,Sora and Kairi planned to see other worlds. One night they were seperated,but had achieved their goal of seeing other worlds. Riku eventually found Sora,but was convinced Sora had abandoned him,so he allied himself with Malificent and succumbed to the power of darkness. When fighting Sora later on,Riku became possessed by the dark power inside of him. Sora defeated Riku and through Riku's defeat Ansem was reborn. After Sora defeated Ansem,Riku helped Sora seal Kingdom Hearts,but was forced to stay on the dark side of the door.Riku awoke inside of Castle Oblivion,where he journeyed through the castle,re living each of his memories and the challenging the dark power within himself,all while fighting various members of Organisation XIII and slaying them. After making it to the entrance to the castle,Riku had gained excellent control over his dark powers, and now has great control over both light and darkness.
VideogameKingdom hearts series (1,2)
PersonalityLoyal to friends, determined,strong,uses power of darkness and light
Is goodYes / No
Is heroHero/ Antihero
Is attributePowerful / Fast / Intelligent

level 1
Dark Break (level 3)
level 4
Learn Dark Firaga
level 8
. . . .
Learn Dark Aura Learn Cure Potion
level 16
. . . .
. . . .
Learn Dark Shield Learn Maelstrom Learn Holy Burst
level 32
Learn Dark mode
level 64
Learn Riku-Ansem

Ganondorf is depicted as the embodiment of evil. His roles range from savage beast to Machiavellian tyrant to godlike entity. As it is, Ganon is one of the toughest bosses around, because of his epic appearances and his tough-as-nails nature. No pushover in any sense, Ganon earns his place in the archives as one of the gaming world's greatest villains, if no, then the gaming world's greatest villain.
VideogameZelda series (Ocarina of time, Wind waker, ...)
PersonalityUltimate source of darkness, feared by many, hateful, both wise and powerful
Is goodYes / No
Is heroHero / Antihero
Is attributePowerful / Fast / Intelligent

level 1
Evil laugh (level 1)
level 4
Learn Darkness
level 8
. . . .
Learn Fear Learn Dark Metabraknosis ball
level 16
. . . .
. . . .
Learn Lightness resistance Learn Absolute command Learn Unholy Metabraknosis bolt
level 32
Learn Darkness speed
level 64
Learn Ganon-transform






Weakness: Face

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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
OK, the battle system is... confusing... to say the least.
Ah, hell, I'm having Dante.
Name: Dante
Gender: Male
Video-game: Devil May Cry
Console: PS2
Personality: Total as*hole to others, works for money, half-demon, sly
Info: Dante is the main protagonist in the Devil May Cry series. He is the second son of Sparda and Eva, and the younger twin brother of Vergil. As such, he is a half-demon, half-human hybrid. Dante is a mercenary dedicated to exterminating demons, a mission he follows in pursuit of those that killed his mother and corrupted his brother.
Is good? Yes / No
Is hero? Hero / Antihero
Is attribute: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
Wow, It's dante! Good pick dude. Well, for his abilities you shouldn't worry... Swordmaster, gunslighter, royal guard and Trickster are enough to pick from :p

Alright dudes, I'm adding the "Talent tree"! That's right, a RP has a Talent tree... Kind of. Well, It will be a talent tree I'll decide (It'll look like the tree for The Kingdom of Kaliron, a little redone btw too). It'll look awesome, and interesting. Please post the abilities of your hero here (actually, no one has to post right now, since there're only 2 right now, and I know both pretty well.)
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Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
This looks like alot of fun, mind if I join in? By the way I have also updated this post.


Name: Vectorman
Gender: Male (Orbot)
Video-game: Vectorman/Vectorman 2
Console: Sega Genesis
Personality: Laid-Back, Non-Serious, Heroic, Gets-Bored-Easily.
Info: In the year 2049 Vectorman is an orbot, one of many orbots built to clean up the mess left by humanity after they left to colonize other planets. Once a humble Sludge Barge Pilot, turned hero after a ruthless orbot named Warhead took control of earth. Vectorman, the only Orbot unaffected by Warhead's control, embarked on a long journey to end his reign of terror and after many days Vectorman confronted and defeated Warhead.

Returning to his job as a Sludge Barge Pilot, Vectorman is shot down once again, this time over a strange planet inhabited with hostile insectoids. Vectorman decided to track down what ever created these hostile creatures and put a stop to them, eventually coming face to face with the insectoid queen herself, and like Warhead defeated her. Vectorman repaired his ship and once again headed for earth, but once again his victory was short lived.

Vectorman's ship is shot down yet again, this time crash landing in the middle of the full blown Bit Wars. Vectorman: "Why does everybody keep fragging my ship!?!" Vectorman has no feeling one way or the other about war, and his true goal is to put a stop to the war. "I've seen two worlds fall into chaos and destruction, I won't let that happen again."

Vectorman is both fast and agile, he can use boosters built into his feet to jumpjet to out of reach areas and even damage foes, but his main weapon is a pair of blasters built into his hands, which he uses as his main form of attack. Vectorman can augment his abilities with various power-ups found lying around these come in two forms; Weapon Power-Ups and Transformation Power-Ups.

Weapon Power-Ups enhance Vectorman's standard blaster with various shot types, including; Rapid Fire, Wave, Bolo, Nucleus Shield and even the devastating Orb Shot.

Transformation Power-Ups allow Vectorman to rearranged the orbs that make up his body, allowing him to "morph" to better suit certain situations or enemies, these include: morphing into a buggy for high speed, a jetpack for flight, a parachute to slow his decent, and even a bomb to vaporize large enemies. (Vectorman can survive his own blast, but is dazed for a short time afterwards)

However both types of Power-Ups only last a short time (or a certain number of shots in the case of weapons) before Vectorman reverts back to his normal form.

I hope this is short enough now, I have a habit of over elaborating in my explanations, I want to do Vectorman proud, he's my favorite game character of al time after all. :grin: I've added Vectorman's powers and abilities as well, and yes Jaret you can feel free to use the colored picture you found, I tried to find one with out the logos on it but couldn't. ^_^;;

Is good? Yes / No
Is hero? Hero / Antihero
Is attribute?: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent
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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
hey, you should put it not longer than this (well, maybe a line or something longer, but meh..):

Plok grew up alongside his grandpa on Akrillic, a large island in the region of "Polyesta". Plok's special power lies in the fact that he can launch any of his limbs at will and allow them to damage enemies, once the damage has been done they return to Plok until he decides to attack again. Also within tradition, Plok has numerous power-ups that come in the form of "presents" scattered amongst the majority of places. If Plok locates one of these colorful gifts he is immediately transformed into a more powerful fighting machine for a brief length of time.

And you could well remove the part about the videogame wars, they just are to start, so... and abilities please with image links so i could see them (I haven't heard of this vectorman, so...)

and can i use this picture for the icon kind of?

And btw the OOC system you don't have to use yet since we didn't start :)
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Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
This looks interesting!
Name: Sub-Zero
Gender: Male
Video-game: Mortal Kombat Series
Personality: Cool, Genius, Cold-Hearted, Iron-willed
Info: Sub-Zero are son of a Chinese Cryomancer father and a Human mother. He becomes warrior of the Lin Kuei. There are in fact two incarnations of Sub-Zero, and they are siblings: older and younger. And this one is the younger one. In times he become the Grand master of Lin Kuei and serving the Elder Gods.
Is good: Yes / No
Is hero: Hero / Antihero
Is attribute: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent


Ice Ball - Yes, that is Iceball.
Ice Armor - Sub-Zero using his ice to cover his body.
Ice Clone - Make Dummy clone from ice.
Ice Shield - It so clear by its name.
Ice Tornado - Again, it so clear.
Ice Realm - Freeze whole room/area except anything live.
Ice Beam - Oh, lame. Like a pokemon skill.
Freezing Hands - Make enemies temporary freeze.
Ice Mode - Sub-Zero goes icy. His Defense are skyrocket. His attack slows the enemy.

EDIT: The pic finished. Here is it : Map

EDITED his abilities
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I think the map with the Xbox should be named Microsoft...

ayway, this sounds cool...

can I join?

Name: Sora
Gender: Male
Video-game: Kingdom Hearts
Console (Where he/she first started): PlayStation 2
Personality (Write down 4 traits): Cool, friendly, likes opening gates ^^, strong
Info (Description):

Sora is the main protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts Series... Sora is a cheerful teenager who originates from Destiny Islands and has been best friends with Riku and Kairi since early childhood. When they plan to go on a journey, they are separated by creatures known as Heartless and Sora is given a weapon called Keyblade. Its primary form is the Kingdom Key (Kingdom Chain), resembling a classic skeleton key approximately 3.5' long, with a long silver keychain extending from the hilt, and a Hidden Mickey token on the end of the keychain. But through using Keychains, the Kingdom Key can assume a variety of unique forms

Is good (just underline the right answer)? Yes / No
Is hero (just underline the right answer)? Hero / Antihero
Is attribute (just underline the right answers (Can underline all 3 if true))?: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
Well, Sub zero is good, but make him an antihero (antiheroes are basically heroes that mostly watch for themselves (Like Kratos is one, but Link from zelda isn't one.)
And if you can, make 6 more abilities for him (Need them because of the Talent tree (Could be anything, really))

Ok, I'll give you the big pic. Add some Forests (Actually a lot of them ^^), mountains and color the cities :)
@ Adiktuz:
Yea, I wanted to do that eventually.
Please add 9 abilities of Sora. I need them since I don't play kingdom hearths so I could make your character talent tree.

Guys, I added the talent tree to my character. Going to add that to others as well ;)


I'll try and shorten that to something even shorter (like 3 times shorter o_O) :) And for the picture, I think the link I provided is good enough.
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Abilities for Sora...

Thundaga - A lightning strike directly from above the target area
Firaga - A fire blast around Sora
Blizzaga - An ice missile
Flash Step - moves fast towards the target then slashes upwards
Explosion - a finishing combo that damages nearby units
Aerial Spiral - A spinning attack towards the enemy
Ragnarok - sends light laser bursts towards the target
Zantetsuken - A powerful forward thrust, the strongest single hitting finishing move in the game.
Sonic Blade - 7 quick dash attacks with the Keyblade.
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
hmm, interesting... Isn't as how i imagined it, but meh, Whatever. Ok, I see you didn't use multiply layers, which isn't good. Thanks anyway for trying. I'll try to well, decorate it a little. Rep for you.

ediT: DOnE! added the map with height levels
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Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Btw Zealon, why don't you join?
New avatar!

yeah, its pretty cool, do you like it? But I can't join any projects right now because:

1) I have my own project to work on.

2) I have no skills in modeling, skining, terraining, GUI, or JASS.

3) I don't have any time to spare.

Unfortunately for me, thats the way things are at the moment, but I will check up on the progress you guys are making, if I have time ;)
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
yeah I know, and you are Sub-Zero. If I could join (I wish I could), I would probebly go as a predator (both of my avatars)
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009

you can enter this, and you can have your own character, we won't start until we have a lot of people. And if we start, and you don't start with us, look at it as an MMORPG. we don't have to be active all at the same time.


I think your final ability, the fatality, won't be useful at all. It is basically when you already beat your opponent. maybe something Like i did? Some special mode, where he goes crazy, raises the attack, hp and recovery rate of it? Something like "Cold hearted" (XD name)

Well, right now I'm doing the abilities for Narrat0r. When I'm done with the first 15 users, I'm going to "hire" some other users and ask them to make more ability work. Thank you.

If someone's interested in helping out, this is the full icon ability size:

send me these when you're done. Please help if you can.

EDIT: Guys, this is important. I see this is just too much for me (I can't actually do all of these in time, please post below who wants to help. I see why now, since the ploks one's were copy'n'pastes, and edited a little. Now I want to do for dante the stinger, but it turns out like this:

Anyone who helps will get rep, and get's credited.

We can be divided into 4 groups: Someone to do the Sega/atari users, one the Nintendo, one sony, one microsoft. Post down below if you're good at coloring/drawing.
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Level 22
Jun 28, 2010
Okay, i'll make my icons (no need all of the abilities, just few of them, right?)
Sora icon
:Flash Step
:Aerial Strike
:Sonic blade
Okay, don't say anything. The blizzaga icon is so F**KING.
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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
I saw it earlier this day too... Fucking black hair and cigarettes! You know why capcom did that? They wanted to make Dante more "American". Well, they did a great fucking job, didn't they? >:C

1. Hoping it'll be active as it can be.
2. MS Paint? Well, no, better use photoshop or Gimp. IF you're talking about painting, like using the virtual brush, then yes. If you can't make your own icons, ask someone else to do so.
3. You do the picture in this format (pixels n shit):

When done, you sent them to me OR you scale them yourself to 75% in both height and Width.
Level 7
May 28, 2009
Well I don't see why not to do this then. :)

Name: Princess Peach
Gender: female
Video-game: Super Mario 64
Console: NES (Nintendo Entertainment System)
Personality (Write down 4 traits): Kind, selfless, peaceful, well mannered
Info: Peach is the princess of the mushroom kingdom. She's the boyfriend of Mario who have rescued her from Bowser's evil grasp countless of times.
Is good? Yes / No
Is hero? Hero / Antihero
Is attribute?: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent

Didn't expect that did ya?
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Well, I changed my mind, I might join after all. I'm taking a break from my map, so heres my character. if theres somthing to change, please tell me.

Name: Predator
Gender: Unknown/Probably male
Video-game: AvP 1,2, / AvP Extinction 1,2, / predator concrete jungle
Console: PC/PS2
Personality: instinctive, honorable, mysterious, intelligent, battle hungry
Info: The predator is a mysterious creature believed to have come from space, their sole purpose in life to hunt and kill. They conquered the univerese thousands of years ago, and honor is the only thing left for these monsters, they make sport from the most powerful human soldiers. And by collecting their skulls they earn their spot umong the anciant legends of their kind. While hunting, they prefer to be unknown, using their advanced stealth and cloaking technoledgey, their devastating weaponry, and their extreme physical attributes. Their primary weapon being two barbed wrist blades that extend from a mechanical devise in both arms.
Is good: Yes / No
Is hero: Hero / Antihero
Is attribute: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent

Power leap - he jumps high enough to sit in the tops of trees. Blink-like ability.
Advanced armour - the predator is armoured in the toughest metal.
Wrist blades - he drives his barbed wrist blades into the enemy in an ultamate strike, collecting the enemys head if killed on strike.
Laser blast - he shoots a powerful laser from a small turret attached to his shoulder.
Medi comp - takes a kit from his belt and injects himself with a painful syringe that heals.
Honor - the more heads the pedator has collected, the highr his damage and health gos.

this is one of the only good predator pictures: http://mycdn.telepisodes.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/predators.jpg
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Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Wow, on death, where are we? Other World?
EDIT: Maybe you should change that Wrist Blade ability, if opponent healthly, do xxx damage. If enemy close to death, simply cut off his head.

Yeah, I think thats what it says. Are you gonna have any other abilities for Sub?, coz they seem abit basic, like no passives?

EDIT: ok vv
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
...f the mushroom kingdom. She's the boyfriend of Mario...

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA! WOW! Peach's the boyfriend of mario... Well, nevermind that. Ok, but peach?!? What abilities would she posses? Cry for help and get like 20 toadstools to come and save her (That wasn't sarcasm.):)


What? Ally system? Ah. Yes, it's old games (1400 to 2000 or something like that) vs new games (2000-6743).

Change the last ability. I mean that way he's unbeatable. If he dies (This is the world of gaming, so no deaths here :D At least no official "you are dead. Your character is dead. Now go and fuck yourself" deaths.), he'll eventually come back. AT least that way the enemy won't get any experience (Yes, there will be experience in this game).
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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
What? A Warcraft map? No. I need a clusterfuck of textures, Models, this and that if i wanted something like that. Planing on a fighting game though...


Now, let's see who entered so far... I need to make the users' characters.

EDIT: DOnE. Waiting for your entry, Supertoinkz, and yours Titania, if you want to enter (Oh, I think I know what hero you'll use... If you enter).
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Level 7
May 28, 2009
@-Peper- and Jaret
Well mainly she'll just deliver graceful blows (such as slaps and kicks).

And well, don't know really how to explain Peach's relationship with Mario in any other way. :p

Level 1: Slap (yes feel the wrath of the princess)
Level 4: Grace, increases Peach's speed by 1 + 1 per level
Level 8: Umbrella strike, deals 5 damage to the target and reduces the stricken unit's speed bt 1 per level (scales when used repeatedly by -1 speed and +1 damage per stack). Will dissipate if not used over 2 turns (this would be a great balance thing as I wouldnt be able to use Soar without sacrificing stacks). Maximum of 5 stacks (or something)
Level 16: Call for help, calls on Toad to assist her. Toad is fairly weak and scales on Peach's level (Having First Jump (Level 16), then kick (Level 32), then Head Butt (Level 64) which scales on a reasonable ammount. Toad is killable.
Level 32: Soar, Peach jumps high up into the air, using her skirt to float in the air, causing her to be invulnerable for one turn. Upon landing Peach kicks the enemy, dealing minor damage. Soar takes two turns to perform and can therefore not be used every turn.
Level 64: Star Power, Damage increase and move speed increase for x number of rounds.

Give some feedback if some things are bad in this.
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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
Well.. There aren't many females as heroes in gaming (If you wanted to control a female...) :)

About grace and umbrella strike, I think that these should power up The Speed both. Like level 1 grace updates speed with 2, then level 2 with 3... And umbrella strike should be like level 1: -1 speed for enemy, and deal 5 damage, then -2 speed for enemy 2 turns, and deal 6 damage... Could be interesting to be Peach :D well, the call for help ability shouldn't use mario. Use Toad, Toads or someone, because I think someone might join as mario. :p
Level 7
May 28, 2009
Ah, good point. Toad it is and great suggestions!

Picked Peach just for the fun of not being the "OMGROFLIKEELWITHUBERWEPSANDSHIT" kind of character. Would be interesting though to see her battle some godlike creature (or player).

"Demon Lord Kazzgaroth (made him up) deals 213 damage with Bolt of misery"
"Peach slaps for 5 damage."

But this doesnt mean I picked Peach just to fuck this up. I intend to do this in a serious and mature manner (however ridickulous it may look).
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Level 7
May 28, 2009
Well, I think the main character should start out alone and will gain party members as he/she further progresses through the roleplay (it could happen very quickly though). The party members should have a mind of their own though so if I were to treat say, mario like crap (by sending him to his death to allow me to escape or something) he would eventually leave or worse, join another side (skip the joining of other sides should it be too confusing (or wierd)).

Also, will the places in the video game world be references to video game places?
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