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Videogame Wars Construction Thread

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Level 10
Sep 26, 2010



"It's difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It's a wonder I haven't
abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people
are truly good at heart."

Life - the way it really is - is a battle not between bad and good but between bad and worse. There is no "good" in the world, we just imagine it.
The only thing that can be "good" is the thing that never did evil; which doesn't exist far to our knowledge. "No evil can happen to a good man,
either in life or after death." That explains it all. Evil happens to all of us. We can't evade it. We can't stop it. We just can distract it for a while.
That is when we all pretend that we are fighting for the, so called, Greater good. The thing I saw will explain all why I look at the world like this.

Are you ready to see the world through my eyes, the eyes of a "Survivor"?

I still pray this all is just a dream, and I can continue "dreaming" another dream.





The story:
In the land of video games, everything was fine, no wars, nothing. Only peaceful button pressing. There were the Atari, Nintendo and Sega.
No one expected it. No one thought about it... Until Sega Genesis came along. It was superior to the Classical Nintendo emulation system,
and so broke the rules of no overpowering before the time comes. That triggered the most famous of all video game console wars, the Bit wars.

The Bit Wars:
(The 4th gen console wars)
That devastating war had taken a lot of lives of game consoles. Nintendo tried to compete, but only failed, because the Sega Genesis was too
strong. Nintendo began weakening. Nintendo eventually invented the Super nintendo: The most successful console of all time. Eventually, Sega
Genesis would weaken. Sega tried to keep it alive with various attachments, like the 32x and Sega CD. It was a major failure, and so Sega Genesis
bit the dust. Nintendo would go out of this war as the more successful company.
(The 5th gen console wars)
As time was passing, Nintendo was planning on making a CD based add-on to the Super Nintendo, but that project was cancelled because of the
arriving of the newer consoles. Sony didn't like the decision of Nintendo, and so made their own console for the 5th gen console wars. From it
came out the famous Playstation, the first CD based system that actually was good. In the competition came in Nintendo's N64, and Sega's Saturn.
Eventually, Sega would bite the dust first, and N64 because of the fact that it was only a cartridge based console, wasn't as successful as the
Playstation. So, The 5th gen console wars won Sony.
(the 6th gen console wars)
When the 6th gen console wars came along, all hell broke lose for Sega. Sega didn't enter this one, and the Sega video game console production died
off. Only Sony and Nintendo remained, everyone thought. From the ashes of Sega came Microsoft, and tried to enter the competition with Nintendo
and Sony. And so, they made the first xbox, a giant videogame console, which was successful. For Sony and Nintendo came along the Playstation
2 and Gamecube, both very successful as well. But well again, the 6th gen console wars won Sony.
(the 7th gen console wars)
This war was the point when everything went down. The words pixel, polygon and similar disappeared. All the consoles in the 7th gen of consoles are
called "next gen consoles", which basically means that Polygons are not visible anymore, and pixels probably too. Now this is where the real
fight begins, not between the consoles, but between the video game characters. The Old video game characters uprise against the new ones.
And basically, that's where the roleplaying begins... There begin the Video game WARS!

Video-game Wars:
The video game Wars start the same second the "new" games for the Next gen consoles come along. The better graphics, the cooler sound effects,
the impossibly-easier control, the more-optional gameplay, everything. The games forgot about the thing that made them popular in the first place...
The challenge. Now the older video game character (Basically everything before the 6th gen consoles) uprise against the newer characters.
This war is still in progress.


1. No custom systems! This RP uses the systems that'll be explained in a second.
2. Video game characters can't be characters made by the player! No "I'll go with my WoW warrior draenei." That character won't be approved.
3. No immature stuff. This is supposed to be a realistic showing of video-game characters interrogating one-with-another. No "I alonez gan to da
Nintenda kontinant and PWNd da houl Balmond klan!" whatsoever.
4. If someone plans to do something huge, ask me first, because we want to keep this RP not being overhauled by wars. Events like that shouldn't be
that often.
5. No fighting if not challenged the other player and he says Yes. If there's a war going on, this rule mustn't be used.

Ok, this is the fact why this game should be interesting. It will use a couple of systems (used a couple of systems):

Off character / in character system:
This one's not that rare, actually all of the RPs should have it. This is basically when you're something saying, and when your character's something
saying. When you're talking, type in OOC, when you're in character, type in IC. This way, we can know when you're suggesting something, like
"this place could be an epic place for a war".

Sprite system:
well, since sprites are really popular among people, and are eyecandy, I've added the sprite systems (First used by -peper-). So basically
it's what your character is doing right now, and how he looks like when doing it (If you didn't understand this, view the
official rp-ing thread, and see how's it used.)
Joining the video-game wars:
Now, if you want to join this epic experience of controlling a video-game character you love, then just write down in the responses the
info of it. Basically it should look like this:

Console (Where he/she first started):
Personality (Write down 4 traits):
Info (Description):
Is good (just underline the right answer)? Yes / No
Is hero (just underline the right answer)? Hero / Antihero
Is attribute (just underline the right answers (Can underline all 3 if true))?: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent

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Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Name: Predator
Gender: Unknown/Probably male
Video-game: AvP 1,2, / AvP Extinction 1,2, / predator concrete jungle
Console: PC/PS2
Personality: instinctive, honorable, mysterious, intelligent, battle hungry
Info: The predator is a mysterious creature believed to have come from space, their sole purpose in life to hunt and kill. They conquered the univerese thousands of years ago, and honor is the only thing left for these monsters, they make sport from the most powerful human soldiers. And by collecting their skulls they earn their spot umong the anciant legends of their kind. While hunting, they prefer to be unknown, using their advanced stealth and cloaking technoledgey, their devastating weaponry, and their extreme physical attributes. Their primary weapon being two barbed wrist blades that extend from a mechanical devise in both arms.
Is good: Yes / No
Is hero: Hero / Antihero
Is attribute: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent

Power leap - he jumps high enough to sit in the tops of trees. Blink-like ability.
Advanced armour - the predator is armoured in the toughest metal.
Wrist blades - he drives his barbed wrist blades into the enemy in an ultamate strike, collecting the enemys head if killed on strike.
Laser blast - he shoots a powerful laser from a small turret attached to his shoulder.
Medi comp - takes a kit from his belt and injects himself with a painful syringe that heals.
Honor - the more heads the pedator has collected, the higher his damage and health becomes.

And the famous predator image: http://mycdn.telepisodes.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/predators.jpg
Joining (though inactive for 3months)

Name: Sora
Gender: Male
Video-game: Kingdom Hearts
Console (Where he/she first started): PlayStation 2
Personality (Write down 4 traits): Cool, friendly, likes opening gates ^^, strong
Info (Description):

Sora is the main protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts Series... Sora is a cheerful teenager who originates from Destiny Islands and has been best friends with Riku and Kairi since early childhood. When they plan to go on a journey, they are separated by creatures known as Heartless and Sora is given a weapon called Keyblade. Its primary form is the Kingdom Key (Kingdom Chain), resembling a classic skeleton key approximately 3.5' long, with a long silver keychain extending from the hilt, and a Hidden Mickey token on the end of the keychain. But through using Keychains, the Kingdom Key can assume a variety of unique forms

Is good (just underline the right answer)? Yes / No
Is hero (just underline the right answer)? Hero / Antihero
Is attribute (just underline the right answers (Can underline all 3 if true))?: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent

Thundaga - A lightning strike directly from above the target area
Firaga - A fire blast around Sora
Blizzaga - An ice missile
Flash Step - moves fast towards the target then slashes upwards
Explosion - a finishing combo that damages nearby units
Aerial Spiral - A spinning attack towards the enemy
Ragnarok - sends light laser bursts towards the target
Zantetsuken - A powerful forward thrust, the strongest single hitting finishing move in the game.
Sonic Blade - 7 quick dash attacks with the Keyblade.
Level 6
Sep 18, 2010

Name: Riku
Gender: Male
Video-game: Kingdom Hearts
Console: Playstation 2
Personality: Strong,Determined,Confident, Curious
Info (Description): Born and Raised on Destiny Islands, Riku,Sora,and Kairi all dreamt of seeing other worlds. One night the islands were attacked. Riku,seeing his opportunity,gave into the darkness and left the islands. Later,he was reunited with Sora. However, Riku felt abandoned from his friend after seeing Sora's new companions,and so he sought company and power from Malificent. Riku has a growing rivalry with Sora,and will do everything he can to find Kairi.
Is good? Yes
Is hero? Hero / Antihero
]Is attribute?: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent

I was going to use the Riku from KH2(when he's a hero),but i decided this way would probably be more fun,and entertaining.

Some abilities Riku possesses: Dark Firaga(launches a fireball of pure darkness at his enemy)
Dark Break (stabs his opponent multiple times with his weapon, Soul Eater)
Dark Aura(Riku dashes around the battlefield,striking his opponent multiple times with Soul Eater,before finishing with a slam on the ground, releasing multiple columns of dark energy around him)
Dark Shield (Uses the power of darkness to block some attacks)
Dark Mode (fully accepts the power of darkness, becoming faster,stronger,and more durable)
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Level 6
Sep 18, 2010
Name: Sub-Zero
Gender: Male
Video-game: Mortal Kombat Series
Personality: Cool, Genius, Cold-Hearted, Iron-willed
Info: Sub-Zero are son of a Chinese Cryomancer father and a Human mother. He becomes warrior of the Lin Kuei. There are in fact two incarnations of Sub-Zero, and they are siblings: older and younger. And this one is the younger one. In times he become the Grand master of Lin Kuei and serving the Elder Gods.
Is good: Yes
Is hero: Antihero
Is attribute: Powerful
Ice Ball - Yes, that is Iceball.
Ice Armor - Sub-Zero using his ice to cover his body.
Ice Clone - Make Dummy clone from ice.
Ice Shield - It so clear by its name.
Ice Tornado - Again, it so clear.
Ice Realm - Freeze whole room/area except anything live.
Ice Beam - Oh, lame. Like a pokemon skill.
Freezing Hands - Make enemies temporary freeze.
Ice Mode - Sub-Zero goes icy. His Defense are skyrocket. His attack slows the enemy

That's -Peper-'s entry. Sorry but idk how to do the strikeout thing,and i'm unsure of where you got the image from either. But i did the best i could
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
Hideyoshi Toyotomi:
Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a daimyo in the Sengoku period who unified the political factions of Japan. He succeeded his former liege lord, Oda Nobunaga, and brought an end to the Sengoku period. The period of his rule is often called the Momoyama period, named after Hideyoshi's castle. He is noted for a number of cultural legacies, including the restriction that only members of the samurai class could bear arms. Hideyoshi is regarded as Japan's second "great unifier."
Gender Male
Videogame Samurai warriors series (1,2)
Console Playstation 2
Personality brave, fearless, frivolous, kind
Is good Yes / No
Is hero Hero/ Antihero
Is attribute Powerful / Fast/ Intelligent

Hideyoshi Toyotomi's Ability tree (Level 3):
level 1

Battle Rage (level 3)
level 4

Learn Stomp
level 8

Learn Sunshine
level 16

Learn Dragon strike
level 32

Learn Light of healing
level 64

Learn Golden Power
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Level 6
Sep 18, 2010
@Error Trigger: You didn't underline whether Hideyoshi is good or not,whether he is a hero or antihero, and what attribute he is
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
Oops I'm forgot -.-"
Because I only in my handphone, I think I'm just write the new one for tell does hideyoshi is good,is hero,is attribute.
Is good »YES«/no
Is hero »HERO«/antihero
Is attribute »POWERFULL«/fast/intelligent
Oh,and I want to add more ability:
Every third attack,hideyoshi will get 3 gold.
Decrease the attack Of nearby enemy
Level 7
Jan 17, 2010
Personality :Steve is a man who never speaks, because none is with him until someone, a mysterius man who appears rarely comes.
Info : Steve is a man who wears a teal top and purple trousers.He is a silent man who lives in a world where zombies, skeletons, creepers (and more) try to kill him.He builds a shelter, mines materials, and with one word, he Survives.He also visits the Nether, where someone waits him to turn his back and the someone goes in the normal world to cause chaos.
Is good ? Yes / No
Is hero ? Hero / Antihero
Is attribute ?: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent
Level 6
Sep 18, 2010
Personality :Steve is a man who never speaks, because none is with him until someone, a mysterius man who appears rarely comes.
Info : Steve is a man who wears a teal top and purple trousers.He is a silent man who lives in a world where zombies, skeletons, creepers (and more) try to kill him.He builds a shelter, mines materials, and with one word, he Survives.He also visits the Nether, where someone waits him to turn his back and the someone goes in the normal world to cause chaos.
Is good ? Yes / No
Is hero ? Hero / Antihero
Is attribute ?: Powerful / Fast / Intelligent

Minecraft? What's he gonna do,poke the people with a feather until they die? lol
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
Ok,so when's this thing going to start? o.o btw it's Wigglz. I lost the password for my other account :(

A lot of people lately lose their passwords and accounts.

Well, It's hard to say, but... We're gonna wait a little longer. It's almost like no one (exept that minecraft dude (Pandaren_God)) joined. I don't know why though... And I'm making a new Fantasy RolePlay with more worlds and so more RP threads. IT's gonna be kicking ass!
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
We really need more people, Ganondorf could you give us a signature or somthing to advertise this?

Also @ Pandaren_God are you still interested in RP-ing? Because you can start now.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2009
Name: Link
Gender: Male
Video-game: The Legend o Zelda: Twilight Princess
Console (Where he/she first started): WII
Personality (Write down 4 traits):
Info (Description):
Is good (just underline the right answer)? Yes / No
Is hero (just underline the right answer)? Hero / Antihero
Is attribute (just underline the right answers (Can underline all 3 if true))?: Powerful/ Fast / Intelligent


Roll Attack - Link rolls to an enemy over a distance, at the end of the spin Link sticks out his sword and strike the enemy for a great amount of damage (Requires Any Sword)

Ending Blow - Link jumps on his enemy and thrusts it in the chest in an attempt to kill the target. The target must be knocked down before this ability can be used. (Requires Any Sword + Level 8 + Training)

Shield Attack - Link pushes his sheild at an enemy knocking him down and stuning him (Requires Any Shield + Level 9 + Training)

Spin Attack - Link does mutiple 360 degree spins in a single spot in which all enemies nearby take large amounts of damage Link must have full HP to use this ability (Requires Any Sword + Level 20 + Training)

Twilight Zone - Link creates a twilight zone. All enemies in the area take a small amount of damage. If Link enters

Jump Strike - Link jumps high up in the air and strikes the target with the holy force of his sword (Requires Master Sword + Level 47)
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Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
Name: Link
Gender: Male
Video-game: The Legend o Zelda: Twilight Princess
Console (Where he/she first started): WII
Personality (Write down 4 traits):
Info (Description):
Is good (just underline the right answer)? Yes / No
Is hero (just underline the right answer)? Hero / Antihero
Is attribute (just underline the right answers (Can underline all 3 if true))?: Powerful/ Fast / Intelligent


Fire Slingshot - Link fires a pellet at a target which does a small amount of damage (Requires Slingshot + 1 Pellet + Level 3)

Use Bomb - Link throws or rolls a bomb towards a target damaging him with a moderate force (Requires 1 Bomb + Level 4)

Unleash Bombling - Link lights a bombling which hones in on the nearest enemy and blows up with a small amount of damage
(Requires 1 Bombling + Level 7)

Ending Blow - Link jumps on his enemy and thrusts it in the chest in an attempt to kill the target. The target must be knocked down before this ability can be used. (Requires Any Sword + Level 8 + Training)

Shield Attack - Link pushes his sheild at an enemy knocking him down and stuning him (Requires Any Shield + Level 9 + Training)

Clawshot - Link uses his clawshot to transport him to a nearby grabable location. Can also be used to transport things to him (Requires Clawshot + Level 11)

Double Clawshot - Link uses his clawshots to rapidly grapple him to nearby locations. Can also be used to transport things him him while using the other clawshot
(Requires 2 Clawshots + Level 16)

Great Spin - Link does mutiple 360 degree spins in a single spot in which all enemies nearby take large amounts of damage Link must have full HP to use this ability
(Requires Any Sword + Level 20 + Training)

Use Dominion Rod - Link creates and animates a Dominion Statue. The statue is armed with a mace and sheild. When he controls this statue he goes into a state of concentration in which he takes 200% more damage but cannot die until his statue dies or he stops the spell.
(Requires Dominion Rod + Level 23)

Enable Hawkeye - Link puts his scope on his bow which adds extra range and accuracy at the cost of time to aim and power (Requires Hawkeye + Hero's Bow + Level 30

Jump Strike - Link jumps high up in the air and strikes the target with the holy force of his sword (Requires Master Sword + Level 47)

Use Shadow Crystal - Link uses his shadow crystal which lets him transform from wolf to human on demand while in wolf form he is harder to hit and his attacks are faster and harder to dodge (Requires Shadow Crystal + Level 50)

start rping right now, and find a way to fit in the story right now.
Well, lets see wether this is a good RP. Please do not expect sprites.

Name: Sand Wraith (real name unknown)
Gender: male
Video-game: Prince of Persia - Warrior Within
Console : PS2
Personality : Determined, self-confident, solitary, man (wraith) of action
Info (Description): On his travels to escape from the Dahaka, the Prince once found himself in need of a time-travel backwards that went further than his amulet could support. In a tomb, he found a mural that led him to the Mask of the Wraith, an artifact that would give the bearer a second chance. The Prince found the Mask and put it on. He was transformed into the Sand Wraith, a creature that was independent from the time flow, allowing him to exist paralell to his past version for some hours and to revise the errors he made.
Is good ? Yes
Is hero ? Hero
Is attribute?: Fast


Sword Master:
The Wraith wields the Water Sword, a legendary sword of great power. He is able to steal weapon from his enemies, wielding them in his left hand to deal even more damage. He can also throw his secondary weapons. (The Free-Form-Fighting System of PoP - Warrior Within offers a stunning amount of combat actions. So do not be surprised if I announce complex maneuvers, they really exist in the game.)
The Wraith is able to do wall-runs and to jump or attack from the wall.
Time Amulet:
Previously owned by Princess Farah, the Prince aquired this artifact during his adventures in the Palace of the Sultan where he released the Sands of Time (but managed to redo his mistake with them later). It offers the bearer a portion of the might of the Dagger of Time:
Power of Revival - the Wraith is able to rewind up to eight seconds of time. Consumes 1 Sand Slot
Power of Delay - the Wraith can slow down time, giving him a speed adavantage over his enemies. Lasts 8 seconds of his own time. Consumes 1 Sand Slot
Ravages of Time - The Wraith goes into super-speed and can kill almost every opponent within a fraction of a second. Lasts 4 real-time seconds and cosumes 3 Sand Slots. Does not work on boss monsters.
The Time Amulet has 6 Sand Slots that will be gradually unlocked.
Mask of the Wraith:
The mask transformed the Prince into the the Sand Wraith. This unnatural state slowly saps his life, damaging him until he is a one quarter of health ot below. The Prince can restore his health at fountains or other fresh water sources.
As a side-effect of both wearing mask and Amulet, the Sand Slots of the Amulet will refill themselves at a rate of one Slot in eight seconds.
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