Videogame wars RP thread

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Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
Jaret says: "I'd love to have that honor of creating the thread ^^, and great! I'll be able to RP since my friend like gave this account to me... this is the new Jaret ^^ or so. back at 1 reputation :D
Let's see... Since the vacation started for me already, I'll have much more time on your RP. The RP thread'll stay this, and I'll create a new Construction thread tomorrow. WITH NEW LAYOUT, OF COURSE!"
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
But now you pretty much deleted your Jaret account for nothing, ay? :p
Anyway, glad you're back ;)
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
But now you pretty much deleted your Jaret account for nothing, ay? :p
Anyway, glad you're back ;)

Yea... looks like it.

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Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
MY last RP post was 8 pages ago o_O That's about 120 posts.

NAO, the moment we all have been waiting for:

RP-ing time!

"Ah, this was really tough... but It reminded me of my last fight with them on Polyesia..."


"Nevermind now, We have to save a city from burning... Shame what happened to us, the Protagonists... Looks like we are lost here, the whole city is burning!"

Plok looks around himself, and sees nothing but fire. All is burned, the sky for the first time in the Gameworld is red.

"This is the day... it must be. It is the day many games talked about. Looks like this is the cataclysm, the Armageddon."

As Plok said that, he found himself in a place where he was before. He teleported back to the place where he met the Judgement dragon.

-Plok, you must hurry! You must flee into another continent! It looks like Nintendo is lost! The evils of the world are heading it's way. I will help you teleport all Videogame characters to Xbox360 and Playstation 3! Said Judgement dragon.
-But... Whatever, we are immortal! I mean, we can die, but we are ressurected here back, right? Why not stand and drive them back?
-Because the world isn't balanced anymore. You see Plok... That rule obides only when Good has triumphed over evil, or otherwise, but not when they're in war. The only way of survival now is to get all Good characters to join forces and drive back the evil forces into their keep, and eliminate them all together there.
-But... Aren't We stronger, the Protagonists? We never lost a fight against them!
-They... are united now. They... are unstoppable until we gather enough fighters to bring them to their knees!
-Open your eyes, Plok. See what the world really is, that the world is nothing but a ruthless place where you fight to stay alive. There is no "Joy" And "Happiness". Not when you grow up...
-...Your word is my command!
-That's the spirit. Now quickly, Tell everyone at xbox360 to arm themselves and NOT leave the fortress. Please invite the ones from the original xbox to head to Xbox360! They'll need all help they can get.
-What about Sony? Atari and Sega?
-Do not mind about Sony and those two. I'm here as well. I'll teleport half of the nintendo guys to Sony, half to Xbox. I'll teleport the Atari units to Sony, and the Sega to Xbox. Do not panic, We'll win this war.

Plok agreed, and Judgement dragon sent him to xbox to help the game characters get to a safe platform.
Level 3
Feb 2, 2011
OOC: Bout time! XD this thing is gonna be epic once more lol oh and since i re registered Riku as the one from KH1(when he was almost always using darkness) guess that means he's...evil now. Does that mean he gets the ability to summon Shadow Sora?
IC: Riku stood up. He didn't remember where he wa,or how he had gotten here. "Well,first thing's first. Time to find someone who can help me" he said as he began searching through PS2 city
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
As Plok was running through the Xbox city, he was shouting "Come on, you all must head to 360! An order from the Judgement dragon! There's gonna be a huge war all over both the Sony and Xbox continents!" It caught the attention of everyone, and everyone started to panic. "Follow me, lads!" When he shouted that, he noticed only a small group of weak side-characters responded. The rest thought he was either joking or insane. "You guys deaf? There's gonna be a war right here in a couple of hours and you don't want to gather together and be stronger?"
Just as he said that, 2 Royal guards grabbed him by both his arms, almost hurting him. One of them said to him: "Do not make the people panic. That's violating the rules. I'm afraid I'll have to arrest you..."
-DO NOT even think about that, that way, I wouldn't be able to save the people from the doom they'll face...
-M'afraid we'll need to use force to get you to follow us...
-...I don't want to fight, I just want to save your people, can't you understand?
-Knock him out, guys. *DM!!*
Plok was knocked out, and the chances for actually winning the war were equal to zero. The only hope of the people of the Gameworld would be another guy who could escort them to their true and righteous fate, to the 360 city.
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
Plok was sitting in his cell, thinking about how to break out of his damned cage.
"Why isn't Judgement Dragon teleporting me out of this?" He asked himself as he was slowly closing his eyes. "Maybe he wants me to find a way out of here alone... Or maybe not? Maybe something happened to him! Oh Granddad, if you were here... you'd know what to do."
Plok slowly opened his eyes and jumped out of his bed, landing on his feet. He looked around, and saw how small the space between the "iron sticks" was.
"If only I... Wait, That's it! My amulet! And it just so happens that I got some shell-money here." Slowly his eyebrows began to lower themselves, showing off his anger. He jumped and turned into a Razorsharp Saw, and just fit through the iron pieces.
"Once again my intellect won over the hazards I had to face! Now, Let's get going, I don't want to loose this land to the evil ones..."
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
IC: Predator woke suddenly, he tried to get up but soon realised that he was badly hurt, the agony of his wounds were almost unbearable. He tried to look around, but everything was a blur.
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
Plok saw no guards around the Prison. Nothing but other prisoners that have been held in captivity. He wondered where all those guards were. He suddenly heard large noise hitting the walls of the prison. "...It's time." He said slowly, and just as he said it, the wall crushed. The room began to fill with a threatening red fog, almost tinting every living thing inside the room itself red. But that was until a dark creature, so dark that the room itself turned black, entered the room. The creature appeared human-like, a little larger than a regular human. The darkness illuminated and Plok could see what that creature was.
-I see your eyebrows dancing in fear... Yet they show that you're self-assured and brave.
-And I see that my status isn't lost over these years in this cursed world.
-How dare you invade our land of freedom and...
-This Land, freedom? You don't understand I see...
-What do you mean?
-...Bring it on.
-...I wouldn't say it better.
The same second Ganondorf said that, he began rushing towards Plok. Plok was charging his amulet to his maximum, but suddenly... He vanished.
-Ah, teleportation, what a handy tool. But enough talk, mroe acting. Now where is that little brat...
All hope seemed out of place, lost forever. The city Xbox... was doomed to fall. The least the citizens of Xbox did is being teleported to the Judgement dragon and be saved.
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
IC:A soldier run to a high platform and he jump on it,and then he said"All citizens of playstation 2!The evil are united and they will destroy ouur beloved city.We Dont want our City vanquished by evils,right?So stand up,grab your sword and fight the evils!"
"YEES!"a man scream"For Justice!" other man scream too."What's happening around here...?"
Level 3
Feb 2, 2011
Riku saw a man jump onto a high platform. Riku jumped up onto the high platform. "If the evil comes,everyone here will be destroyed. Kairi may be here,so i won't let the evil destroy this city" he said. "I will help to destroy the evil" Riku stated.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
OOC: so where's the new guy, is he still interesting in RP-ing?

IC: After lying there for a few minutes, predator began to see things more clearly. He could see that he was actually inside a lime cavern, the stone roof had large stalictites forming. From somwhere inside the cave; lights from torches were flickering, and he could hear voices coming from all directions. Predator managed to sit up from the ground. Painful iron shackles were cuffed tightly to his arms and legs and the chains ended with steal balls on the ground next to him. Predator checked his gear, everything was gone. He had gashes and bruises all over him, and he could not remember anything.
Level 10
Sep 26, 2010
-Why did you do that, Judgement dragon? I could easily cut him with my razor powers!
-DO NOT even think you had any chances against him. He's far more powerful than any of us, even together we'd not have any chances.
-But how did Link all these years manage to beat him off this many times?
-He didn't...
-Wait, what?
-He never beat Ganondorf.
-What do you mean "He never beat Ganondorf"? He had like 13 games, and in 12 he beat him!
-It was not Link who defeated Ganondorf.
-Who did defeat him then anyway?
-It was... the master sword.
-But... that means that Link defeated him, right?
-...So... The master sword... has a mind and soul of it's own?
-Just like that. Do you wonder now why he defeated Ganondorf in every game with the Master sword?
-It explains a lot though...
-I guess you know what's our priority now. Ganon isn't alone. I saw his armies. He was riding Deathwing, and on Deathwing, he stood alongside Dracula from Castlevania. With them flying was Sovereign, a reaper from the game Mass Effect, and on Sovereign was riding Pyramidhead... I... feared this day'll come. Basically and looking at it that these individuals all almost took over the world, but now... they all joined forces. There are far more out there who are with them as well. We have little to no chance to actually fight back in our condition as it is now.

The World of Video games seemed lost. But that was when an individual with an unique troop stepped in the off-world of the Judgement Dragon.

-Basically that means you need backup... from some Evil ones as well.
-....Who are you?
-I am Kain. I come here as the main protagonist from the "Legacy of Kain" series. We'll help you drive back the evil ones where they belong.
-Why would you help us? You are evil, aren't you?
-No Plok. I, The Judgement dragon, accept your offer. Now Plok, I didn't divide the worlds into the world of Evil and the World of Good. I made it so that the Protagonists fight the Antagonists. Now, He may be evil, but he's still a protagonist. And that comes first, then the evil part. He wasn't banished from this world like the rest did.
-Now, you would like to know who's with me, right?
-May I introduce, this is Arthas, main protagonist of Warcraft 3, and this is Kratos, main protagonist of the God of War series.
-It will be an honor to fight alongside you.
-But enough Chit-chat, we need to save a world, and it won't be easy, believe me.

So basically, Plok finally understood that accepting help from an enemy can be good at times. But only sometimes.

OOC: Wow, this is gonna be epic, believe meh ^^
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
IC: The sky was pitch black, an red lightning are all over the place. "Looks like the war have already begin...."
Finally he reached the Microsoft continent, but as he climbs the wall, a spear flew with a "get over here!" sound, impaling the wall.
"Well, looks like finally we meet here, old friend." Sub-zero turns, facing Scorpion. Scorpion replies "Enough chat, let's start the Kombat!" He said as he enters battle stance.
OOC: just dropping by... have some time on the net right now... and oh my char will now be Noctis Lucis Caelum from FFversus13... haven't posted details for him right now though... maybe when I get active again... ^_^


*Noctis is just sitting on his throne room then suddenly he felt that something changed, when he went out, he saw that the outer world changed*
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
OOC: The one who catched my mind is 'Where is Sora now?' lol.
IC: Scorpion sends a chained spear through his right palm, it pierced Sub-Zero's chest. Sub-Zero grabbed the chain and froze it. "Won't fall into a same attack twice, Scorpion." He pulled the chain, Scorpion flew into Sub-Zero, and as just before he can froze Scorpion, Scorpion raised his hand and a flame circle appears on Sub-Zero's feet, forcing him to dodge and cancel the attack.
Level 3
Feb 2, 2011
Riku looked at Hideyoshi and Nene. He was slightly jealous, as he couldn't even remember the last time Kairi had ever embraced him. "How long until the darkness gets here,or are we supposed to go to it?" he asked impatiently.
Level 3
Feb 2, 2011
Riku looks at Nene. how could she tell? he wondered. "I'm tired of waiting around. If the darkness truly is coming,i vote we attack it before it gets to us" he said.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
IC: Predator saw a large shadowed figure coming in his direction, he heard it snarling and growling. Deep in his mind he knew what it was, but he didn't want to believe it. The creature stopped near his feet, and gave a blood-chilling hiss. "So this is your new hive? Queen?" said Predator.
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Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
Ooc: @peper:well,ihe's old,but he already has a wife (nene) see the game too! (Yeah I know it's a very old game)
Ic:"oh,I forgot to tell you,I've seen kairi,she said she's searching for riku...but then she's gone."Said Nene "kid,if we're attacking them without know what they looks like...""Actually,that's a good idea"said hideyoshi"are you mad?we're going to wasting our soldiers!" While Hideyoshi and the footman is debating,a dark shadowy figure is walking to them and laugh"who are you...?"Ask a man.shadowy figure:"Bah'a no falor talah!"Man:"What?"Shadowy figure:"Felo'melorn!"Man:"Arrrgh!help!help!I'm burning!"Woman: "Help,Help!I'm burned too!help!!"Footman:what the...?!intruder!"
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
By the way i'm making a group named jordon hunters, let's see if admins would make it for me.
IC: Sub-zero emits ice from his hand, forming the legendary kori blade. But now it's two kori blade.
"Two kori blade huh? You must be improved since our last battle" said Scorpion as he equips his Mugai Ryu.
"Then try not to lose again, scorpion."
Clang! Blade scratchs, impacts, and contacts can be heard repeatedly on very fast speed. Sub-zero and Scorpion moves their blades so fast even normal human can only see the flash of their blade contact.
Their blades stopped, with Sub-zero and Scorpion battling power with their blades, causing the blade to scratch even cracks.
Level 3
Feb 2, 2011
IC: Riku turns around to see the shadowy figure. I want to stop the darkness..but i can't let these people be hurt Riku thinks. He dashes up the the shadowy figure. "Hey,why don't you fight someone who fights back" he said,challenging the figure.
Level 3
Feb 2, 2011
IC:"So you can summon Heartless..big deal" Riku says. He considers summoning Shadow Sora,but thinks it is better to conserve his energy. "I'll take on those heartless. You,villager,and footmen, cover my back. Hideyoshi and Nene,i trust you to take out those lava spawns" Riku commands. He then realises the flaw in his plan: the numbers are against them. "Guess i'll have to make do" Riku says as he summons Shadow Sora and commands Shadow Sora to assists Hideyoshi and Nene. "Hideyoshi,Nene, that's Shadow Sora. He's going to help you take out the guy and lava spawns" Riku says as he runs at a heartless.
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