Videogame wars RP thread

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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009

Welcome to... the world of gaming, where the birds can swim, where the fishes can fly, where fire freezes when touching cold water, where water burns, where the never-ending fight of good and evil, well... never ends.

The story:
In the land of video games, everything was fine, no wars, nothing. Only peaceful button pressing. There were the Atari, Nintendo and Sega. No one expected it. No one thought about it... Until Sega Genesis came along. It was superior to the Classical Nintendo emulation system, and so broke the rules of no overpowering before the time comes. That triggered the most famous of all video game console wars, the Bit wars.

The Bit Wars:
(The 4th gen console wars)
That devastating war had taken a lot of lives of game consoles. Nintendo tried to compete, but only failed, because the Sega Genesis was too strong. Nintendo began weakening. Nintendo eventually invented the Super nintendo: The most successful console of all time. Eventually, Sega Genesis would weaken. Sega tried to keep it alive with various attachments, like the 32x and Sega CD. It was a major failure, and so Sega Genesis bit the dust. Nintendo would go out of this war as the more successful company.
(The 5th gen console wars)
As time was passing, Nintendo was planning on making a CD based add-on to the Super Nintendo, but that project was cancelled because of the arriving of the newer consoles. Sony didn't like the decision of Nintendo, and so made their own console for the 5th gen console wars. From it came out the famous Playstation, the first CD based system that actually was good. In the competition came in Nintendo's N64, and Sega's Saturn. Eventually, Sega would bite the dust first, and N64 because of the fact that it was only a cartridge based console, wasn't as successful as the Playstation. So, The 5th gen console wars won Sony.
(the 6th gen console wars)
When the 6th gen console wars came along, all hell broke lose for Sega. Sega didn't enter this one, and the Sega video game console production died off. Only Sony and Nintendo remained, everyone thought. From the ashes of Sega came Microsoft, and tried to enter the competition with Nintendo and Sony. And so, they made the first xbox, a giant videogame console, which was successful. For Sony and Nintendo came along the Playstation 2 and Gamecube, both very successful as well. But well again, the 6th gen console wars won Sony.
(the 7th gen console wars)
This war was the point when everything went down. The words pixel, polygon and similar disappeared. All the consoles in the 7th gen of consoles are called "next gen consoles", which basically means that Polygons are not visible anymore, and pixels probably too. Now this is where the real fight begins, not between the consoles, but between the video game characters. The Old video game characters uprise against the new ones. And basically, that's where the roleplaying begins... There begin the Video game WARS!

Video-game Wars:
The video game Wars start the same second the "new" games for the Next gen consoles come along. The better graphics, the cooler sound effects, the impossibly-easier control, the more-optional gameplay, everything. The games forgot about the thing that made them popular in the first place... The challenge. Now the older video game character (Basically everything before the 6th gen consoles) uprise against the newer characters. This war is still in progress.


The map of the Video game world. Finally colored, credits go to -Peper- for coloring, and me for little modifications.

Here's the link to the original construction thread: Link
If you want to join this game, please go to that link, and do as the "Joining the video-game wars:" tab says. Please add abilities and if possible images of those we could use as icons.
And, 1 last thing: Have fun!
BTW. Here's the big map with all "known" locations right now.
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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
OOC: Ok, so... I'll make the first move.

IC: After a long burden sleep, after heavy rains, after the mightiest of earth's rages, and even after a whole war, Plok finally can go out of his simple and pixelated house. He can finally see how the videogame world changed since the early years of the SNES/16 bit era. "No more hiding!" He told to himself, looking up to the sky, dreaming about a glorious future with loads of his own games. "I gotta make a stand and start ending this never-ending war. This is way too much out of control-ness, someone has got to balance it out."

OOC: I'm waiting for you to post.
OOC: for those who view this for the first time, my character is Sora from Kingdon Hearts...

*just woke up from a dream... looks outside*

"hey, what happened? why are there lands in the horizon?, they are not there before I slept..."

*then looks around*

"where am I? this is not destiny islands anymore..."
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
*Sky breezes. Sub-Zero woke up from his deep slumber*

"What is this place?" Anywhere he is looking, there are only un-pixelated skies and land. He is not suprised. He often seen this. But this is different, this is much like another world he haven't seen.
"Hmm, the world has changed."

OOC: Hey Jaret, how the factions? Divide or maybe we will know friend or foe.
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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
OOC: In the beginning, you watch After yourself. As the game proceeds, you start making allies and foes, so is created the story..But the main enemies of your character should be either old or new characters (Depending what console you are, and what family of consoles you belong to. Nintendo is death enemies with Both Xbox and Playstation, and so is xbox with these both, playstation too... Now atari and Sega aren't foes with anyone, since their consoles are not anymore.)...Example: Right now, you're my ally, since we both are in nintendo's SNES city.

IC: "I know a lot has changed since the Golden 16-bit era, a lot of foes will rise, a lot of friends will bite the dust. I better get going to the Forest temple, I need to get back to my earlier form." And so Plok wants to start his long journey to the highest positioned temple in the Video-game world, the Forest temple. "The fastest way there is through the Forest itself, at the foot of the temple. It will be dangerous, so I better go and find some allies that'll aid me on my way. We have to get there." So Plok goes around town searching for a long lost friend of his...
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
OOC: Hideyoshi is in PS2 city, so it's not him.
IC: He met a friend of him.
Sub-Zero asked:"Hey, do you know how to change this fucking 16-bit appearances? I can't do almost everything in this form"
His friend replied:"Well, i don't know. But i heard a guy named Plok is 16-bit too, and he is going to the Forest Temple. You better find him."

"Thanks" Sub-Zero run directly to the Forest.

EDIT: Using sprites isn't illegal, right?
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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
OOC:mad:Peper: No. :p And btw. Plok didn't go to the Forest yet.

IC: AS Plok searches through the city, he notices some weird guy, totally sloppy animated, with a head of a worm. He thinks: "Wow. I thought my world was weird." He asks who he is, and get's an answer that he didn't expect. It was Jim Earthworm, the weirdest of all SNES characters. "Well, whatever now, I don't have time. I gotta get moving! Maybe next time, Jim." As he said that, Jim came onto him walking drunk.
-Heeey, duuuude! Whaaat's aap? Meh you knoow who I am! I... ZzzZzzzZ.
-Hey, Earthworm Jim, my name's Plok. What's up?
-Plok? Didn't some guy mention you...? Yes, I heard your name. Some cold-freak was watching for you, since at hearing your name, and your destination being the Forest temple, ran off like... I dunno.
-What? Icy guy... Well, thanks for... the information. Kinda. See y'a.
-Ah, ah, alright... ah... see ya.
Plok suddenly think who that guy could be... And then, Thunderstrike on his brain. He knows only 1 guy who is icy.
-It must have been... Arthas! Yea, that must be the Cold-freak Jim was talking about!
He runs after the guy who went to the Forest.
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
IC: "Wait..." says plok as he notices something or someone stopping. It was a man clothed in blue. He thought how Jim told him about the icy figure, and then he realized..."This is the guy he was talking about! It's Sub-zero!". He hurries toward Sub-zero. As he came in about 5 m distance to Sub-zero. "Hi. My name's Plok. I see you're going toward the Temple, and you seem a little bit lost. If you want, I can take you with me there. Deal?"

OOC: What'cha think about the sprites i ripped off from Zelda: Ocarina of time? Here's the running.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
IC: In the far south, Predator looks out over the landscape, from his perch high up in a tree. Without saying a word, he wonders "how did I come to this strange land?" His mind was searching, but he couldn't remember. He checks his belt, yes, he is fully equiped, ready for battle. "I must have been sent to purge this world" "I cannot fail" Looking around, he discovers a badly flickering and pixelated terrain. "I will first find out whats going on here, then I continue my mission" Then with a big (sound that a blade makes) he drew his wrist blades, and leaped off the tree.

OOC: can I still have some abilities but not use them in combat? And will there be any other beings apart from us players? like locals or somthing?
Level 6
Sep 18, 2010
OOC: Nice setup Jaret. Somewhat confused over what i should actually do but..well i'll try lol

IC: Riku wakes up and feels a throbbing feeling in his head. "Urgh how did i get knocked unconscious? Who could've done that? Why can't i remember what happened?! I remember helping Sora defeat Xemnas and after that..i can't remember...and where am i? This doesn't look like any world i've ever seen.."Riku decides that the only way he will learn what happened is to find somebody who knows him or what happened to him,and so he begins walking North in the hopes that he will find his friends and regain his memory.
Level 6
Sep 18, 2010
OOC: I guess you can kinda tell i'm new to this ay? Like the memory loss aspect i put in? I'm guessing Riku would be in the playstation 2 city right now? Also if it's alright i'd like to be able to use abilities outside of combat too. Thought of another ability that could be used in or out of combat,called dark shield(Riku uses the power of darkness to block attacks for a short duration).

IC:After mere hours of walking,Riku can suddenly see a huge building rising up in a city. There is a sign out the front of the city that says 'Playstation 2 City'.
Riku thinks to himself "Playstation 2? Maybe my friends are inside!" before hurrying into the city.
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
IC: "Okay, Deal. Show me the way, okay?"
And so, Sub-Zero team up with Plok going to the Forest Temple.
Teamed up with Plok
"Hey, let's get going now!"

OOC: Jaret, Zelda walking too fast.
@Zealon, maybe yes. Ex. i'm using iceball to make Bridge etc.
@Wigglz, Hey, do not double post and double move. Merge and delete.
EDIT: Wigglz, you will meet Sora after Adiktuz come here.
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Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
IC: Switching to heat-vison, Predator scanned the road up ahead, he caught a glimps of somthing as it ran farther down the road. He decided to follow it and see where it was going. But following this glimps of life undetected, might come with risks, like being seen. So he activated his cloak and silently started joging beside the road, melding with the shrubery, slowly closing the ground between his target and himself.

OOC: @peper fixed :D

EDIT: If you want to step in anybody? Maybe?
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OOC: Can I have a modified form of my abilities to use in non-combat situation
(example: Flash Step will just close in the distance between me and my target point but will not slash the target)
*after focusing on the Riku look-alike, becomes sure that it is Riku*
*uses Flash Step to surprise Riku*
"Hey Riku!*
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
IC: As Sub-Zero and Plok proceed through the forest, Plok notices that the forest is changing colors. Instead of being green and beautiful, it is now kinda dark and spooky. Plok then realizes that they picked the wrong route, and the way back is too long and too hard. "Hey dude, This is, um... The wrong way. We mixed the path to the great forest with the path to the Dark feather forest. We better change the route, the monsters and enemies are far too powerful for us to fight in this state we are now. But how...?" Plok thinks. He thinks and remembers the old "Tear lake" to the west of them: "We should swim over the Tear lake. IT's the easiest way by far for us now. Actually, You're fucking Sub-zero! Could you freeze the water so we could just walk over it? Or could you freeze a little circle of the water and then we'll somehow float on it to the other side's coast?"

OOC: @-peper-: That's a run animation, so it's kinda... well, too slow. BTW. Thanks for the 4th green gem :)
@Adiktuz: Yes you can.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
IC: "Freezing whole lake will cost energy, better make floating ice platform. Let's head to Tear Lake!" They make their way to the lake.
After a series of walking, they finally reached the Tear Lake.
"Let me do this."
Used IceBall. Sub-Zero make a round ice platform that balanced (maybe) and they ride the ice.
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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
OOC:mad:Error Trigger: Well, I said you can. So ok.
@-Peper-: I'm going to speed up the process of well... floating on water. And I'm going to steal your Sprite-using idea! >:) JK

IC: Plok and Sub-zero finally reach the coast to the Forest hill foothill. "Wow. Look at the biggest and tallest mountain in the whole Video-game world. Now just to Get up there... Ok. I'll use my limb throwing abilities as a hook-shooting weapon that'll help me climb this thing. You're Sub-zero. I think You can just make some ice-stairs or something. It's a cool ability to be able to freeze stuff."
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
"Wow. Well, um... I thought you icy guys can walk without slipping on ice. Ever played Zelda Majora's mask? You can turn into that giant Goron. He's the ice guy in the game, and can walk on ice without slipping off. Well, I was wrong."
After some time, Plok and Sub-zero finally reach the entrance to the forest temple.
"After this-long time climbing, I'm starting thinking whether this was worth it. But, well, here we are. The forest temple. Beware of the Guardians, there're maybe some nearby, but i highly doubt it. This temple hadn't have like life forms in it 500 years from now on in the past." So starts the investigation of the temple in the search of the Power regeneration room.

OOC: Well, spent some time in making my profile appearance. PLZ tell me if you like it more than the last one. I wanted to make some prof. pic that fits my theme on Google chrome (I made a Hive Workshop theme LOLZ) :)
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
IC: "Okay, let's search the Power Regeneration room."
They begin to searching in the temple.
"Damn, it's like maze in here."
*click* Sub-Zero's foot stepped on a switch in the floor. "Shit!" The wall in front of them begin to crack and reveal something.
OOC: Sorry, i haven't see that. Btw in three day i will take an exam so I WILL USING PHONE TO RPING!!
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
OOC: Yes you can, but if you using Opera Mini.
Remember to uncheck the Load images in the setting or all image will displayed and cost you many money.....

IC: The wall cracks and break, revealin a shining giant. The Giant walk towards them.
"What is it? Is this a Guardian??" Sub-Zero preparing his hand.
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Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
IC: "Wait, I forgot to tell you something! This temple's full of illusions and twisted rooms... This temple's too big for going in 1 group. Better split up and search the temple ourselves." Plok points to the left: "I'll go this way. You take the other route. In about half-a hour come back here and tell me what you saw, I'll tell what I've seen." So they split up, and each one goes his own path.

OOC: I sometimes use my N79 for sending comments and shit on THW. Luck i guess.
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010
Hideyoshi confused.He think he can't find any friend.And then someone asking:
"Hi,you look confuse,what's wrong?"
"well, what is this place?"
"Oh,it's called ps2 city."
"Ps2 city?That's weird i can't find all my friends from samurai warriors."
"hmmm,if you want to get a new friend,maybe you can befriend with a brown haired guy with his white haired friend."
"ok,thanks.(a brown haired guy and a white haired guy?it must be sir gregory edmunson and uther.)"
Hideyoshi confused.He think he can't find any friend.And then someone asking:
"Hi,you look confuse,what's wrong?"
"well, what is this place?"
"Oh,it's called ps2 city."
"Ps2 city?That's weird i can't find all my friends from samurai warriors."
"hmmm,if you want to get a new friend,maybe you can befriend with a brown haired guy with his white haired friend."
"ok,thanks.(a brown haired guy and a white haired guy?it must be sir gregory edmunson and uther.)"

*Riku suddenly disappears after Sora called him*
*walks around again and saw a guy wearing a nice looking armor*
"Thank you. hey,how about we team-up?"


"nice idea, but what will we do?"

OOC: since I havent placed any Drive ability for Sora (his transformation/form abilities) I think he would always be in the Final Form if that's okay... ^^

When he is on Final form: well basically he wields two keyblades like in valor and master form but he does not hold the keyblades, it floats around...
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Jin left his home and looked around. "Same as always... boring." Since he was a sprite character, he wasn't well accepted in the PS3 land. "I know what I'm doing today. I'm gonna try my luck somewhere else... 16 bit." Jin started the journey to the closest 16 bit console there is: SNES.
OOC: WHERE. IS. SEGA. GENESIS. I wanted to go to Castlevania Bloodlines!
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
OOC: Well... FUCK! I swapped Mega drive with Genesis! :mad: at me. Well, use saturn as the Genesis location. I dunno What i was thinking!

EDIT: I am going to animate the fights in here, so you could watch them. I was thinking a long time about it, and decided I'll REMOVE the FIGHT System (too complicated for some, apparently.). It'll be more interesting for us to make fights animated (I hope). I know to animate using after effects, and I did a couple of them. If someone can find me The HQ sprites of Jin Kisaragi (Because of Narrat0r), I would be grateful.
Level 6
Sep 18, 2010
Riku sees someone appear in front of him and before he can even realise who it is he opens a dark corridor and dives through it. "Can't take any chances in a world that i don't know" he thinks as he dives into the dark portal. Later he sees someone with a weapon that reminds him of a staff and armour standing with somebody that looks very familiar to him. "It can't be..Sora?". "Sora!" he yells out as he begins running towards Sora.

OOC:Soz bout the double post. Still tryin to figure everything out lol
Level 11
Aug 23, 2010

"nice idea, but what will we do?"

OOC: since I havent placed any Drive ability for Sora (his transformation/form abilities) I think he would always be in the Final Form if that's okay... ^^

When he is on Final form: well basically he wields two keyblades like in valor and master form but he does not hold the keyblades, it floats around...

Hmm how about we buy krabby patty from krusty krab ?hey is that your friend yelling?
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