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Ultimate Battle v2.50

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.

Warcraft: Ultimate Battle v2.50++
UB Development Team
@Unregret, @ZiBitheWand3r3r and @Wa666r

***Note: Map-pack required this package to work properly***
- Download package: [UB] Resource Package
- Read Me

- For WC3 TFT 1.26+: Put the map to your WC3 root directory (Ex. C:/Program Files/Warcraft 3/Maps)
- For WC3 TFT 1.28+: Put the map to "Your PC name"/Documents/Warcraft 3/Maps
- For WC3 TFT 1.30+: Under Development....

- Change the way resoures work.
- Tiny size map-pack, all required only one package.
- Fix Tavern Hero Spells.

Map Info

This is a total race compilation. You can play with original AI and custom AI at the same time. This map is exclusive for Hiveworkshop only. No permission to re-post it in other website.

*Note*: Avoid playing Night Elf AI, it may cause lag due to map terrain (Building order of Wisp is stuck by trees and Moon Well). Currently happened with Legacy maps.

*For suggestion about this project or show your interest to add your own race into UB, please create a thread in:
- Project Page & Main Forum/Threads: Warcraft: Ultimate Battle
- Download older version which work for multiplayer hosting: [UB] Legacy Versions
- Download unprotected version, for similar modders: [UB] Unprotected Versions

If I miss anyone, please tell me.

- Tech-tree Suggestion: @MogulKahn.
- Model Suggestion: @stein123, @Mister_Haudrauf.

- Spell: @Kam, @KILLCIDE...
- Tech-tree: @Sunreaver, @Skyfira...

- Buildings: @Ujimasa Hojo, @Mr.Henci...
- Units: @General Frank, @Apheraz Lucent, @Cavman, @Sellenisko, @PROXY, @stonneash, @NFWar, @JollyD, @Hayate, @Uncle Fester, @Kuhneghetz, @Kitabatake, @JesusHipster, @stan0033, @CloudWolf, @paulH, @FrIkY, @SinisterX, @Hawkwing, @Fokyip, @Legal_Ease, @MasterHaosis, @Wandering Soul, @skrab, @AndrewOverload519, @Tranquil, @Mechanical Man, @takakenji, @Ket, @paladinjst, @Callahan, @Fuzzyfury, @Darkfang, @Mr.Goblin, @morbent, @Sin'dorei300, @Tarrasque, @Grendel, @Kimbo, @Mecheon, @migB, @armel, @assasin_lord, @Haistrah, @CreatorD3292, @CeDil, @exfyre, @Storm_PCF, @Greeksaga, @4eNNightmare, , @dickxunder, @GooS, @Toroto, @Salmon, @AnemicRoyalty, @ReplikanT, @Frankster, @Shiv, @Ergius, @SamuraiPanda, @NatDis, @Elenai, @Norinrad, @kaycei, @Mc !, @Sephiroth_VII, @Illidan_09, @67_chrome, @Golden-Drake, @HandCLAW, @CRAZYRUSSIAN, @Marcos DAB, @Palaslayer, @Praytic, @Hadeis, @Killd0zer, @Mythic, @Pyritie, @s4nji, @Direfury, @CreatorD3292, @UgoUgo, @Ampharos_222, @infrenus, @Edge45, @Thrikodius, @Xelthyr, @The Grim Reaper, @Alastor, @WILL THE ALMIGHTY, @Afronight_76, @wingednosering, @donut3.5, @sigelang, @Dan van Ohllus, @bigapple90, @NFWar, @D.ee, @kitties :3, @CombatTheWombat, @Infinitynexus, @Serbianbeast, @KelThuzad, @Berz-, @JetFangInferno, @tjordell, @chr2, @Rmx, @cyberkid, @Dekku, @Dentothor, @L_Lawliet.


Andorhal (Map)

Booty Bay (Map)

Devil's Cauldron (Map)

Divide and Conquer (Map)

Dustwallow Keys (Map)

Echo Isles (Map)

Emerald Gardens (Map)

Gnoll Wood (Map)

Ice Crown (Map)

Lost Temple (Map)

Raging Stream (Map)

Twisted Meadows (Map)

Level 28
Aug 7, 2015
Good Idea. Considered it done.
Also, if possible, would you also change the model of Dark Iron's building Obelisk to Ujimasa Hojo's Northend pack's Aviary too? Because the Obelisk also don't have a build animation. The only problem with this Aviary model is it doesn't have an icon. I think you can just simply screenshot its model portrait and make it into an icon.
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Also, if possible, would you also change the model of Dark Iron's building Obelisk to Ujimasa Hojo's Northend pack's Aviary too? Because the Obelisk also don't have a build animation. The only problem with this Aviary model is it doesn't have an icon. I think you can just simply screenshot its model portrait and make it into an icon.

Could you mind to see any other buildings aside from Ujimasa Hojo cause i'm going to use them as the building set for other races too? Try to find something similar.
Level 2
May 14, 2014
The first hero is not free now?
1.14d,Pandaren,425 gold\100 lumber\5 food.
1.14e,Naga,425 gold\100 lumber\5 food.
Level 1
Jun 20, 2016
I encountered some bugs with the forsaken hero-Deathstalker his punish skill doesn't do any damage at all.Anyways your maps amazing .Keep it up man.:D
Level 24
Feb 19, 2011
Wow. Proud of you Unregret for managing to uptake this massive project. I'm afraid that I am far too busy with the Air Force to work on any Wc3 projects, nor do I currently have all my data for my wips. I love to see the progress you've made, and hope you'll manage to make this even more amazing.
I had many WIPs going on. Such as The Faceless Ones, Wretched, Gnomes, Kul Tiras, and Goblins. Unfortunately, my career keeps me too busy to finish them.
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Wow. Proud of you Unregret for managing to uptake this massive project. I'm afraid that I am far too busy with the Air Force to work on any Wc3 projects, nor do I currently have all my data for my wips. I love to see the progress you've made, and hope you'll manage to make this even more amazing.
I had many WIPs going on. Such as The Faceless Ones, Wretched, Gnomes, Kul Tiras, and Goblins. Unfortunately, my career keeps me too busy to finish them.

No problem, you can come back and finish anytime you want. I'm now specialized in merging contents from other races from other authors as well. Its good to see them in one place, balance and clean. I want to mod until its crash :D.
Level 2
Sep 9, 2015
Wow size of map is now 58mb.
But i think that now it isn't a problem now.
I also see that number of races is bigger and of course AI.
So now it is cooler:vw_love:.
But still some of the races are lacking of their own AI.
And one more thing from me can you add normal dwarves cuz is see that there is dark iron tribe but where are normal dwarves?
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Wow size of map is now 58mb.
But i think that now it isn't a problem now.
I also see that number of races is bigger and of course AI.
So now it is cooler:vw_love:.
But still some of the races are lacking of their own AI.
And one more thing from me can you add normal dwarves cuz is see that there is dark iron tribe but where are normal dwarves?

From what i see, what you need is a separated "Dwarf Race", that would be good. Of course, i will not forget that. :D
Level 24
Feb 19, 2011

- Illidari's Archon ability "Power Word: Strength" is bugged. It grants the one with the buff its own "Power Word: Strength" ability along with the buff. Then removes the ability after the buff ends, including the Archon's.

- Why not make Conflagration ability just cost 50 mana? Instead of trigger-based.

- Quake ability works without the upgrade.

- Why does the Succubus not have Blink?

- No Demon Portal for the "Demon Portal" ability on the Nightlord.

- Dread Aura from Orb of Dread effects friendly units also. [Nightlord]

- Swarm harms allies also [Nightlord]

- Blood Velocity has the "Ravage" buff icon and effect.

- Spears of Fury ability reads "Research Spears of Fury."
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016

- Illidari's Archon ability "Power Word: Strength" is bugged. It grants the one with the buff its own "Power Word: Strength" ability along with the buff. Then removes the ability after the buff ends, including the Archon's.

- Why not make Conflagration ability just cost 50 mana? Instead of trigger-based.

- Quake ability works without the upgrade.

- Why does the Succubus not have Blink?

- No Demon Portal for the "Demon Portal" ability on the Nightlord.

- Dread Aura from Orb of Dread effects friendly units also. [Nightlord]

- Swarm harms allies also [Nightlord]

- Blood Velocity has the "Ravage" buff icon and effect.

- Spears of Fury ability reads "Research Spears of Fury."

All fixed, except Conflagration ability, because for some reason, it will drain all mana from caster every cast.

Please use this thread: [Altered Melee] - Warcraft UB Series - Bug Reports and Project Transferring Thread.
Level 5
Sep 7, 2013
Cool idea, but I have to ask. I know you take a lot of custom races from custom race maps but is there any chance we could get a version of the Blood Elves and Forsaken from the tomoraider campaigns, "Curse of the Forsaken" and "Rise of the Blood Elves" campaign instead. I always though those races were a lot more interesting both theme wise and gameplay wise in those campaigns as compared to Wa666 maps. No offense to the guy.
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
Cool idea, but I have to ask. I know you take a lot of custom races from custom race maps but is there any chance we could get a version of the Blood Elves and Forsaken from the tomoraider campaigns, "Curse of the Forsaken" and "Rise of the Blood Elves" campaign instead. I always though those races were a lot more interesting both theme wise and gameplay wise in those campaigns as compared to Wa666 maps. No offense to the guy.

It depends on tomoraider decision. Without his permission, i am not allowed to import anything from his maps.

Edit: I checked his maps out. I have to admit, these races are technically nothing new and unique, using default skills of Human and Undead with several model and skin changes. They served very well in Campaign but its not good enough to be "really treated as a different races" to be into this compilation. I will use these models inside his map as an example for future races but that is, don't tell me again that his races is "lot more interesting" as you said.
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Level 1
Sep 24, 2016
I have noticed that there seems to be bugs with the AI system, for instance, no way to set the AI to Scarlet Crusade. Also, the Crusaders race you were using seems a bit weak, so I went trough my maps to find the map with it being more support (healing) orientated. Do what you want with it.
Rage,Vengeance and Hatred
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
I have noticed that there seems to be bugs with the AI system, for instance, no way to set the AI to Scarlet Crusade. Also, the Crusaders race you were using seems a bit weak, so I went trough my maps to find the map with it being more support (healing) orientated. Do what you want with it.
Rage,Vengeance and Hatred

1. Use Human and 60% handicap. Check "AI system" under Gameplay tab in the map description.
2. You are not the author of any Sunreaver's map so stop saying something like "my maps" or "Do what you want with it". Is that clear, newcomer?
3. Weak? Don't blame the gameplay, blame your own lack of skills controlling this race. Healing-Orientation? I'm damn sure that you are not even play through the race.

Here, look carefully into this: Scarlet Crusaders V.2.5.1.
See how long this race have updated to get balanced gameplay, combo tactics. Look at the review of Moderator (Hell_Master) and what he said.

Again, thank you for your comment. Play more maps and rejudge what you want to say next time.
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Level 18
Aug 22, 2013
I would like to see my Hour of the Twilight in your map and it has a very unique gameplay.
Actually the trolls are made to be cheap, weak and that's their unique stuff. Their first 2 units are unlocked since u build their billet. Lastly I don't have a comp to finish it up. The dire trolls, raptors aren't finished.

Edit- pls download latest version from my profile page。
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
I would like to see my Hour of the Twilight in your map and it has a very unique gameplay.
Actually the trolls are made to be cheap, weak and that's their unique stuff. Their first 2 units are unlocked since u build their billet. Lastly I don't have a comp to finish it up. The dire trolls, raptors aren't finished.

Edit- pls download latest version from my profile page。

Ok. I'm going to import this one first and also update something. Could take one week or more. I still have big trouble with my Pandaren race due to no building set i can find. I will call this race as "Old Gods" and will add AI right away.
Level 14
Jun 15, 2016
i have question, when i want to play this map with friends we can't because evryone must download it but everyone have 31 % and we can't download, what's up with it?

You must have patch 1.27b and use Blizzard.net (no private game) to make it through. Using other hosting methods such as Game Ranger, Garena, Tungle, Hamachi... will not work properly. This bug is due to the patch itself and other heavy modified maps are facing similar problem.
Level 2
Apr 12, 2011
Hey, pretty good map there. Some questions I have:
1. With this framework you use, is it possible for you to port the custom races to other maps? Say something for 6 or 8 players instead of 12?
2. Are you considering to buff the 4 original races? Human, for example, is pretty lackluster compared to to the new races. Night Elf, too, feels a bit weak.