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Trolling - Your Thoughts

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Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
So, I was looking through local news and some kid who sarcastically trolled his friend on facebook was arrested. This kid lived 4 states away and hadnt seen the guy in 2 years. What are your thoughts on this? I really think people need to toughen up, cause the first time I read this I almost died of laughter, cause isn't this stuff shielded by free speech? Ridiculous somebody would get arrested for saying something such as "Your life sucks, go kill yourself" or something of the sort. Its just words. Was wonderni your opinion on internet trolling these days
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009

Some of the shit can be annoying as hell, but still its not needed.
Why the hell do people do it?
Like the *beep*? Just a waste of internet space and bandwidth for completely garbage nonsense. All it does is pisses off people and makes them so angry that they rage with anger.
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
Another fact I forgot to bring up was that the guy who was getting trolled didnt want the troll in jail, one of his "friends" was the one who claled the cops. These kids were best friends
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
How To Defeat Trolls.
These are 4 Options given to you by Skycraft.

Option 1 - Ignore Them!
By ignoring a troll you cut off their food source and prevent them from trolling you successfully.

Option 2 - Troll Back!
You can troll them back if they are dumb enough, and you may win and gain some pride. But there's a chance you could be dumb enough and lose to the troll, resulting in you getting trolled and pwned.

Option 3 - Report Them?
If you don't like how someone is acting, report them to the authorities.. they "may" care about you.

Option 4 - Suicide!
They can't troll you if you're dead.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
How To Defeat Trolls.
These are 3 Options given to you by Skycraft.

Option 1 - Ignore Them!
By ignoring a troll you cut off their food source and prevent them from trolling you successfully.

Option 2 - Troll Back!
You can troll them back if they are dumb enough, and you may win and gain some pride. But there's a chance you could be dumb enough and lose to the troll, resulting in you getting trolled and pwned.

Option 3 - Report Them?
If you don't like how someone is acting, report them to the authorities.. they "may" care about you.

Option 4 - Suicide!
They can't troll you if you're dead.
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
The point isn't exactly whether they are annoying, the point is that this should not b epunishable by law and is indeed protected by free speech.
By authorities I assume you mean site authorities, not the law?

Fuck that, bitches gonna get deported if they ruin my forum browsing.

On another note, whoever said that thing about free speech, the internet is not America. America does not own the internet. Any internet-related laws need only apply to people living within nations that enforce said laws. America. Does. Not. Own. The. Internet.
Level 11
May 10, 2008
The point isn't exactly whether they are annoying, the point is that this should not b epunishable by law and is indeed protected by free speech.

Lol just try your best to ignore them... sometimes it could be hard, your obligated to say whatever u want.. but do u really want to get in a huge argument with a troll? i think not :p so just think of the + consequences of ignoring him.. or join him (if u agree with him).. lol :p
Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
The point isn't exactly whether they are annoying, the point is that this should not b epunishable by law and is indeed protected by free speech.

More like Free Speech*

*(long list of conditions that nobody knows about)

If you could truly speak your mind, then there wouldn't be a verbal form of racism, since it would be free speach.

Although I do think that anything said over the internet shouldn't be taken 100% seriously and should require some thought before doing anything about it. The internet allows people to post anonymously behind a name that they chose, and allows them to say much more then they would IRL in most cases.
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
The kid was from America. America has free speech. Nobody ever said America owned the Internet. I also do believe nobody should be able to track you down over th einternet, not even the government.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
When you see a troll, you can either say "you suck" and ignore his replies or you can say he's trolling.
But ignoring and keeping quiet is the best thing you can do, really. When I see a retard spamming crap, I troll instantly. If that retard gets quiet, I eventually stop.
Except for Dentothor.
The kid was from America. America has free speech. Nobody ever said America owned the Internet. I also do believe nobody should be able to track you down over th einternet, not even the government.

That's a shame, really, I was hoping to start some sort of movement involving telling local trolls to GTFO with the aid of the government.
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
Fuck your free speech bullshit. NO ONE has the right to bully OR harass another person.

He didnt get "arrested for trolling", its called "cyber bullying".

Cyber bullying isn't against the law in the United States.

It's called harassment (and I think possible death threats) which should be punishable. Have you not watched the news and seen what happens when people get harassed over the internet? They commit suicide. lol
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Some people go over the line, like pick one person and once they find a grab, they kick him until he's dead with throwing the most brutal things imaginable at him. I don't really like that.

Subtle trolling on the other hand, can be very creative and actually helpful.

What I don't understand is why people make such a fuss out of it that you need to arrest people for internet trolling. The same shit you can see in real life just as much, bullying and insulting exists in every human community.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Today we recieved a message in the General Stormwind chat in WoW. "A GM asked me for my email and password today, I gave it to him cuz he was a nice guy" (obvious troll)
And then:
"OMG ur sooo stoopid"
"kill urself noob"
"ur haxed"
What can you say, a successful troll can be successful.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
So, I was looking through local news and some kid who sarcastically trolled his friend on facebook was arrested. This kid lived 4 states away and hadnt seen the guy in 2 years. What are your thoughts on this? I really think people need to toughen up, cause the first time I read this I almost died of laughter, cause isn't this stuff shielded by free speech? Ridiculous somebody would get arrested for saying something such as "Your life sucks, go kill yourself" or something of the sort. Its just words. Was wonderni your opinion on internet trolling these days
Sounds more like bullying, which is a serious crime punishable by law.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
Keel zem wiff tachyon bombz.

Foar tachyons we haz this:


And thez:

c = 300 000 km/s
v > c

Meening zheir energy can be anyfung froam near infinite to near zero.

Noaw, if we turn thez stuff aroundz we getz thez:

Noaw, we haz already found outz datz "e ϵ <0, ∞>" and zinz v > c, zhen teh square root of 1 - v^2 divitehd by c^2 muzt be anyzhing froam near 0 to ∞*i.

Soh, unter priem circumstancez we getz thez:

And infinity (az well az infinity zquared) divided by zumzhing iz ztill infinity.

When teh trolls are hit by theze tachyonz teh kinetical energy zhey are zubjected to iz az follows:


Wich iz zo immenze zhey weel be destroyed.

And teh best of all, thez only woarks on trollz!


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Level 12
Apr 4, 2010
Keel zem wiff tachyon bombz.

Foar tachyons we haz this:


And thez:

c = 300 000 km/s
v > c

Meening zheir energy can be anyfung froam near infinite to near zero.

Noaw, if we turn thez stuff aroundz we getz thez:

Noaw, we haz already found outz datz "e ϵ <0, ∞>" and zinz v > c, zhen teh square root of 1 - v^2 divitehd by c^2 muzt be anyzhing froam near 0 to ∞*i.

Soh, unter priem circumstancez we getz thez:

And infinity (az well az infinity zquared) divided by zumzhing iz ztill infinity.

When teh trolls are hit by theze tachyonz teh kinetical energy zhey are zubjected to iz az follows:


Wich iz zo immenze zhey weel be destroyed.

And teh best of all, thez only woarks on trollz!

2 munchz mathez

1) use magnets to suck out iron from the trolls.
2) watch them die.
3) ??????
4) PROFIT!!!!!1111
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
-No profit and no magnets use = FAIL FORMULAAAAAAA

Look at your post. Now back to mine. Now back at your post, now back to mine. Sadly, it isn't mine.
But if you stopped trolling and started thinking it could /look/ like it's mine.
Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through the thread, finding posts your post could look like.
What's in your hand, now back to me, this is a highly effective counter-troll. Look again, my post is now diamonds!

Anything is possible when you're using your brain and not your ass.
I'm on a horse.
Level 12
Apr 4, 2010
Look at your post. Now back to mine. Now back at your post, now back to mine. Sadly, it isn't mine.
But if you stopped trolling and started thinking it could /look/ like it's mine.
Look down, back up, where are you? You're scrolling through the thread, finding posts your post could look like.
What's in your hand, now back to me, this is a highly effective counter-troll. Look again, my post is now diamonds!

Anything is possible when you're using your brain and not your ass.
I'm on a horse.

Wut iz tiz i don efen.... :ogre_frown:
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